Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.06.05 originally had 1416 tokens. You can view the original text here.

as an entrepreneur __PUNCT__ a governor __PUNCT__ and a leader in the democrat_parti __PUNCT__ mark ha provid extraordinari leadership that ha achiev extraordinari result __PUNCT__

he know that the challeng we face ar not about left versu right or democrat versu republican __PUNCT__ thei ar about the past versu the futur __PUNCT__

and mark warner ha follow a simpl formula to deliv real chang __PUNCT__ he bring_peopl togeth around a common_purpos __PUNCT__ and common_sens solut __PUNCT__

as governor __PUNCT__ he put partisanship asid __PUNCT__ turn a budget_deficit into a surplu __PUNCT__ expand health_care for children __PUNCT__ and made the largest invest in k __PUNCT__ __NUM___educ in virginia histori __PUNCT__

he know that folk here in southwest virginia should be abl to live their dream without leav their hometown __PUNCT__ and that america need an energi_polici that grow our economi __PUNCT__ secur our countri __PUNCT__ and save our planet __PUNCT__

i look forward to campaign with him thi fall __PUNCT__

and as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ i look forward to work with mark warner to bring fundament chang to washington when he join jim_webb as the next great senat from the commonwealth of virginia __PUNCT__

i like to sai a few word todai about on of the most import challeng we face in thi countri and on of the biggest issu in thi elect __PUNCT__ our health_care crisi __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ i been travel across america on thi campaign for __NUM___month now __PUNCT__ and everywher i gone __PUNCT__ i heard heartbreak stori about our health_care_system __PUNCT__

there the young_woman i met who work the night shift after a full dai of colleg and still can't afford medicin for a sister who ill __PUNCT__ or the man i met who almost lost hi home becaus he ha three children with cystic fibrosi and couldn't pai their health_care_bill __PUNCT__ who still doesn't have health_insur for himself or hi wife and live in fear that a singl ill could cost them everyth __PUNCT__

thi elect is about them __PUNCT__

it about you __PUNCT__

it about everi on of the __NUM___million_american in virginia __PUNCT__ in tennesse and across thi countri __PUNCT__ who ar go without the health_care thei need and the million more who ar struggl to pai rise_cost __PUNCT__

but let be honest __PUNCT__ we been talk about thi for a long_time __PUNCT__

year after year __PUNCT__ elect after elect __PUNCT__ candid make promis about fix health_care and cut_cost __PUNCT__

and then thei go back to washington __PUNCT__ and noth chang __PUNCT__ becaus the big drug and insur_compani write anoth check or becaus lobbyist us their clout to block reform __PUNCT__

and when the next elect roll around __PUNCT__ even more american ar uninsur __PUNCT__ and even more famili ar struggl to pai their medic_bill __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ we here todai becaus we know that if we go to make_real progress __PUNCT__ thi time must be differ __PUNCT__

throughout my career __PUNCT__ in illinoi and the unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__ i work to reduc the power of the special_interest by lead the fight for ethic reform __PUNCT__

i sent a strong signal in thi campaign by refus the contribut of regist feder lobbyist and pac __PUNCT__

and todai __PUNCT__ i announc that go forward __PUNCT__ the democrat_nation_committe will uphold the same standard and won't take anoth dime from washington_lobbyist or special_interest pac __PUNCT__

thei do not fund my campaign __PUNCT__

thei will not fund our parti __PUNCT__

and thei will not drown out the voic of the american_peopl when i presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

it time to final challeng the special_interest and provid univers_health_care for all __PUNCT__

that why i run for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ becaus i believ that health_care should be guarante for everi american who want it and afford for everi american who need it __PUNCT__

and thi is an area where john_mccain and i have a fundament disagr __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i respect john mccain __PUNCT__ and i honor hi servic to thi countri __PUNCT__

my differ with him ar not person __PUNCT__ thei about the polici he propos on thi campaign __PUNCT__ polici that ar no differ than the on that have fail us for the last eight year __PUNCT__

and that start with health_care __PUNCT__

we know that sinc georg_bush took offic __PUNCT__ premium have gone up four time faster than wage __PUNCT__ and virginia famili ar now pai over __NUM__ __PUNCT__ more for health_care __PUNCT__

seven million more american ar uninsur __PUNCT__ includ nearli __NUM__ here in virginia __PUNCT__

yet john_mccain actual want to doubl down on the fail polici that have done so littl to help ordinari_american __PUNCT__

like georg_bush __PUNCT__ senat_mccain ha a plan that onli take care of the healthi and the wealthi __PUNCT__

instead of offer a comprehens plan to cover all american and control rise_cost __PUNCT__ he offer a tax_cut that doesn't even amount to half of the cost of an averag_famili health_care_plan __PUNCT__ and won't make health care afford for the hardwork american who need help most __PUNCT__

but it not just that hi plan won't help reduc cost __PUNCT__ it could actual drive cost up __PUNCT__

senat_mccain plan would weaken the employ __PUNCT__ base system that most american count on for health_care __PUNCT__

it a plan that could subject your coverag to the whim of the market __PUNCT__ gener up to __MONEY___billion in new administr_cost __PUNCT__ and actual put health_care_cost out of reach for even more older worker __PUNCT__ even more sick american __PUNCT__ and even more famili __PUNCT__

senat_mccain mccain_campaign ha even acknowledg that hi plan could have the effect of rais_tax on some worker __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i don't think the american_peopl can afford anoth four year of a health_care_plan that doe more to help the big drug and insur_compani than it doe to lower_cost for ordinari_american __PUNCT__

we need to make health_care afford for everi singl american __PUNCT__ and that what i do as presid __PUNCT__

in an obama_administr __PUNCT__ we lower premium by up to __MONEY__ for a typic famili per year __PUNCT__

and we do it by invest in diseas prevent __PUNCT__ not just diseas manag __PUNCT__ by invest in a paperless health_care_system to reduc administr_cost __PUNCT__ and by cover everi singl american and make sure that thei can take their health_care with them if thei lose their job __PUNCT__

we also reduc cost for busi and their worker by pick up the tab for some of the most expens ill __PUNCT__

and we won't do all thi twenti_year from now __PUNCT__ or ten_year from now __PUNCT__

we do it by the end of my first term as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

so the american_peopl will have a clear choic on health_care in the fall __PUNCT__

we can either extend the bush_polici that we know don't work __PUNCT__ or at thi moment __PUNCT__ in thi elect __PUNCT__ we can come togeth and sai enough is enough __PUNCT__ we go to final solv thi problem onc and for all __PUNCT__

i don't want to wake up mani year from now and see that even more american ar uninsur and even more senior can't afford prescript_drug and even more famili ar be driven to financi ruin try to pai their bill becaus we fail to take on the drug and insur_compani and provid univers_health_care __PUNCT__

that not the futur i want for my children __PUNCT__

that not the futur i want for your children __PUNCT__

that not the futur i want for thi countri __PUNCT__

i want to wake up and know that everi singl american ha health care when thei need it __PUNCT__ that everi senior ha prescript_drug thei can afford __PUNCT__ and that no parent ar go to bed at night worri about how thei afford medicin for a sick child __PUNCT__

that the futur we can build togeth __PUNCT__

that the choic you have thi fall __PUNCT__

and that why i run for presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__