This speech titled 2008.06.16 originally had 5432 tokens. You can view the original text here.
it great to be at ketter __PUNCT__ a univers that is teach the next gener of leader __PUNCT__ and train worker to have the skill thei need to advanc their own career and commun __PUNCT__
for month __PUNCT__ the state of our economi ha domin the headlin __PUNCT__ and the new hasn't been good __PUNCT__
the sub __PUNCT__ prime lend debacl ha sent the hous_market into a tailspin __PUNCT__ and caus a broader contract in the credit_market __PUNCT__
over __NUM___job have been lost thi year __PUNCT__ with the unemploy_rate regist the biggest on month jump sinc __DATE__ __PUNCT__
incom have fail to keep pace with the rise_cost of health_insur and colleg __PUNCT__ and record oil and food_price have left famili struggl just to keep up __PUNCT__
of cours __PUNCT__ grim econom new is noth new to flint __PUNCT__
manufactur_job have been leav here for decad now __PUNCT__
the job that have replac them pai less __PUNCT__ and offer fewer __PUNCT__ if ani benefit __PUNCT__
hard __PUNCT__ work_american who could onc count on a singl __PUNCT__ paycheck to support their famili have not onli lost job __PUNCT__ but their health_care and their pension as well __PUNCT__
worst of all __PUNCT__ mani have lost confid in that fundament american promis that our children will have a better life than we do __PUNCT__
so these ar challeng time __PUNCT__
that why i spent last week talk about immedi step we need to take to provid work_american with relief __PUNCT__
a broad __PUNCT__ base __PUNCT__ middl_class tax_cut __PUNCT__ to help offset the rise_cost of ga and food __PUNCT__
a foreclosur prevent fund __PUNCT__ to help stabil the hous_market __PUNCT__
a health_care_plan that lower_cost and give those without health_insur the same_kind of coverag member of congress have __PUNCT__
a commit to retir secur that stabil social_secur __PUNCT__ and provid worker a mean to increas save __PUNCT__
and a plan to crack down on unfair and sometim decept lend in the credit_card and hous_market __PUNCT__ to help famili climb out of crippl debt __PUNCT__ and stai out of debt in the first place __PUNCT__
these step ar all paid for __PUNCT__ and design to restor balanc and fair to the american_economi after year of bush_administr administr_polici that tilt the plai_field in favor of the wealthi and the well __PUNCT__ connect __PUNCT__
but the truth is __PUNCT__ none of these short __PUNCT__ term step alon will ensur america_futur __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ we have to make sure that the econom pie is slice more fairli __PUNCT__ but we also have to make sure that the econom pie is grow __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ we need to provid immedi help to famili who ar struggl in place like flint __PUNCT__ but we also need a seriou plan to creat new job and industri __PUNCT__
we can't simpli return to the strategi of the past __PUNCT__
for we ar live through an ag of fundament econom transform __PUNCT__
technolog ha chang the wai we live and the wai the world doe busi __PUNCT__
the collaps of the soviet_union and the advanc of capit have vanquish old challeng to america_global leadership __PUNCT__ but new challeng have emerg __PUNCT__ from china and india __PUNCT__ eastern_europ and brazil __PUNCT__
job and industri can move to ani countri with an internet connect and will worker __PUNCT__
michigan children will grow up face competit not just from california or south_carolina __PUNCT__ but also from beij and bangalor __PUNCT__
a few year_ago __PUNCT__ i saw a pictur of thi new realiti dure a visit to googl headquart in california __PUNCT__
toward the end of my tour __PUNCT__ i wa brought into a room where a three __PUNCT__ dimension imag of the earth rotat on a larg flat __PUNCT__ panel monitor __PUNCT__
across thi imag __PUNCT__ there were countless light in differ color __PUNCT__
a young engin explain that the light repres all of the internet search take place across the world __PUNCT__ and each color repres a differ languag __PUNCT__
the imag wa mesmer __PUNCT__ a pictur of a world where old boundari ar disappear __PUNCT__ a world where commun __PUNCT__ connect __PUNCT__ and competit can come from anywher __PUNCT__
there ar some who believ that we must try to turn_back the clock on thi new world __PUNCT__ that the onli chanc to maintain our live_standard is to build a fortress around america __PUNCT__ to stop trade with other countri __PUNCT__ shut down immigr __PUNCT__ and reli on old industri __PUNCT__
i disagre __PUNCT__
not onli is it imposs to turn_back the tide of global __PUNCT__ but effort to do so can make us wors off __PUNCT__
rather than fear the futur __PUNCT__ we must embrac it __PUNCT__
i have no doubt that america can compet __PUNCT__ and succe __PUNCT__ in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
and i know as well that more than anyth els __PUNCT__ success will depend not on our govern __PUNCT__ but on the dynam __PUNCT__ determin __PUNCT__ and innov of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
here in flint __PUNCT__ it wa the privat_sector that help turn lumber into the wagon that sent thi countri west __PUNCT__ that built the tank that face down fascism __PUNCT__ and that turn out the automobil that were the cornerston of america manufactur boom __PUNCT__
but at critic moment of transit like thi on __PUNCT__ success ha also depend on nation leadership that move the countri forward with confid and a common_purpos __PUNCT__
that what our found_father did after win independ __PUNCT__ when thei ti togeth the economi of the thirteen state and creat the american_market __PUNCT__
that what lincoln did in the midst of civil_war __PUNCT__ when he push for a transcontinent railroad __PUNCT__ incorpor our nation_academi of scienc __PUNCT__ pass the homestead act __PUNCT__ and creat our system of land grant colleg __PUNCT__
that what fdr did in confront capit gravest crisi __PUNCT__ when he forg the social safeti_net __PUNCT__ built the hoover dam __PUNCT__ creat the tennesse vallei author __PUNCT__ and invest in an arsen of democraci __PUNCT__
and that what kennedi did in the dark_dai of the cold_war __PUNCT__ when he call us to a new frontier __PUNCT__ creat the apollo program __PUNCT__ and put us on a pathwai to the moon __PUNCT__
thi wa leadership that had the strength to turn moment of advers into opportun __PUNCT__ the wisdom to see a littl further down the road __PUNCT__ and the courag to challeng convent think and worn idea so that we could reinvent our economi to seiz the futur __PUNCT__
that not the kind of leadership that we have seen out of washington recent __PUNCT__
but that the kind of leadership i intend to provid as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
these past eight year will be rememb for misguid polici __PUNCT__ miss opportun __PUNCT__ and a rigid and ideolog adher to discredit idea __PUNCT__
almost a decad into thi centuri __PUNCT__ we still have no real strategi to compet in a global_economi __PUNCT__
just think of what we could have done __PUNCT__
we could have made a real commit to a world __PUNCT__ class educ for our kid __PUNCT__ but instead we pass __PUNCT__ no child_left behind __PUNCT__ a law that __PUNCT__ howev well __PUNCT__ intend __PUNCT__ left the monei behind and alien teacher and princip instead of inspir them __PUNCT__
we could have done someth to end our addict to oil __PUNCT__ but instead we continu down a path that that fund both side of the war on terror __PUNCT__ endang our planet __PUNCT__ and ha left american struggl with four dollar a gallon gasolin __PUNCT__
we could have invest in innov and rebuilt our crumbl road and bridg __PUNCT__ but instead we spent hundr of billion of dollar fight a war in iraq that should never been author and never been wage __PUNCT__
wors yet __PUNCT__ the price __PUNCT__ tag for these failur is be pass to our children __PUNCT__
the clinton_administr left behind a surplu __PUNCT__ but thi administr squander it __PUNCT__
we face budget_deficit in the hundr of billion and our nearli ten trillion_dollar in debt __PUNCT__
we borrow billion from countri like china to financ needless tax_cut for the wealthiest american and an unnecessari_war __PUNCT__ and yet senat_mccain is explicitli run to continu and expand these polici __PUNCT__ without a realist plan to pai for it __PUNCT__
the pundit talk about two debat __PUNCT__ on on nation_secur and on on the economi __PUNCT__ but thei miss the point __PUNCT__
we didn't win the cold_war just becaus of the strength of our militari __PUNCT__
we also prevail becaus of the vigor of our economi and the endur of our ideal __PUNCT__
in thi centuri __PUNCT__ we won't be secur if we bankrol terrorist and dictat through our depend on oil __PUNCT__
we won't be safe if we can't count on our infrastructur __PUNCT__
we won't extend the promis of american great unless we invest in our young_peopl and ask them to invest in america __PUNCT__
so there is a clear choic in thi elect __PUNCT__
instead of reach for new horizon __PUNCT__ georg_bush ha put us in a hole __PUNCT__ and john_mccain polici will keep us there __PUNCT__
i want to take us in a new and better direct __PUNCT__
i reject the belief that we should either shrink from the challeng of global __PUNCT__ or fall_back on the same tire and fail approach of the last eight year __PUNCT__
it time for new polici that creat the job and opportun of the futur __PUNCT__ a competit agenda built upon educ and energi __PUNCT__ innov and infrastructur __PUNCT__ fair_trade and reform __PUNCT__
thi agenda start with educ __PUNCT__
whether you conserv or liber __PUNCT__ republican or democrat __PUNCT__ practic everi economist agre that in thi digit ag __PUNCT__ a highli __PUNCT__ educ and skill workforc will be the kei not onli to individu opportun __PUNCT__ but to the overal success of our economi as well __PUNCT__
we cannot be satisfi until everi child in america __PUNCT__ and i mean everi child __PUNCT__ ha the same chanc for a good educ that we want for our own children __PUNCT__
and yet __PUNCT__ despit thi consensu __PUNCT__ we continu fail to deliv __PUNCT__
a few year_ago __PUNCT__ i visit a high_school outsid chicago __PUNCT__
the number on concern i heard from those student wa that the school_district couldn't afford to keep teacher for a full dai __PUNCT__ so school let out at __NUM__ everi afternoon __PUNCT__
that cut out critic class like scienc and lab __PUNCT__
imagin that __PUNCT__ these kid want more school __PUNCT__
thei knew thei were be short __PUNCT__ chang __PUNCT__
unfortun __PUNCT__ stori like thi can be found across america __PUNCT__
onli __NUM__ percent of student ar prepar to take colleg class in english __PUNCT__ math and scienc __PUNCT__
we have on of the highest dropout_rate of ani industri_nation __PUNCT__ and bare on tenth of our low __PUNCT__ incom_student will graduat from colleg __PUNCT__
that will crippl their abil to keep pace in thi global_economi __PUNCT__ and compromis our abil to compet as a nation __PUNCT__
senat_mccain doesn't talk about educ much __PUNCT__
but i don't accept the statu_quo __PUNCT__
it is moral unaccept and econom unten __PUNCT__
it time to make an histor commit to educ __PUNCT__ a real commit that will requir new resourc and new reform __PUNCT__
we can start by invest __MONEY___billion to guarante access to qualiti __PUNCT__ afford __PUNCT__ earli_childhood childhood_educ for everi child in america __PUNCT__
everi dollar that we spend on these program put our children on a path to success __PUNCT__ while save us as much as __MONEY__ in reduc health_care_cost __PUNCT__ crime __PUNCT__ and welfar later on __PUNCT__
we can fix the failur of no child_left behind __PUNCT__ while focus on account __PUNCT__
that mean provid the fund that wa promis __PUNCT__
more importantli __PUNCT__ it mean reach high_standard __PUNCT__ but not by reli on a singl __PUNCT__ high stake standard_test that distort how teacher teach __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ we need to work with governor __PUNCT__ educ and especi teacher to develop better assess tool that effect measur student_achiev __PUNCT__ and encourag the kind of research __PUNCT__ scientif investig __PUNCT__ and problem __PUNCT__ solv that our children will need to compet __PUNCT__
and we need to recruit an armi of new teacher __PUNCT__
i make thi pledg as presid __PUNCT__ if you commit your life to teach __PUNCT__ america will pai for your colleg_educ __PUNCT__
we recruit teacher in math and scienc __PUNCT__ and deploi them to under __PUNCT__ staf school_district in our inner citi and rural_america __PUNCT__
we expand mentor program that pair experienc teacher with new recruit __PUNCT__
and when our teacher succe __PUNCT__ i won't just talk about how great thei ar __PUNCT__ i reward their great with better pai and more support __PUNCT__
but research_show that resourc alon won't creat the school that we need to help our children succe __PUNCT__
we also need to encourag innov __PUNCT__ by adopt curricula and the school calendar to the need of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ by updat the school of educ that produc most of our teacher __PUNCT__ by welcom charter_school within the public_school_system __PUNCT__ and streamlin the certif process for engin or businesspeopl who want to shift career and teach __PUNCT__
we must also challeng the system that prevent us from promot and reward excel in teach __PUNCT__
we cannot ask our teacher to perform the imposs __PUNCT__ to teach poorli prepar children with inadequ resourc __PUNCT__ and then punish them when children perform poorli on a standard_test __PUNCT__
but if we give teacher the resourc thei need __PUNCT__ if we pai them more __PUNCT__ and give them time for profession develop __PUNCT__ if thei ar given ownership over the design of better assess tool and a creativ curricula __PUNCT__ if we shape reform with teacher rather than impos chang on teacher __PUNCT__ then it is fair to expect better result __PUNCT__
where there ar teacher who ar still struggl and underperform __PUNCT__ we should provid them with individu help and support __PUNCT__
and if thei still underperform after that __PUNCT__ we should find a quick and fair wai to put anoth teacher in that classroom __PUNCT__
our children deserv no less __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ our commit cannot end with a high_school degre __PUNCT__
the chanc to get a colleg_educ must not be a privileg of the few __PUNCT__ it should be a birthright of everi singl american __PUNCT__
senat_mccain is campaign on a plan to give more tax_break to corpor __PUNCT__
i want to give tax break to young_peopl __PUNCT__ in the form of an annual __MONEY__ tax_credit that will cover two __PUNCT__ third of the tuition at an averag public colleg __PUNCT__ and make commun_colleg complet free __PUNCT__
in return __PUNCT__ i will ask student to serv __PUNCT__ whether it by teach __PUNCT__ join the peac corp __PUNCT__ or work in your commun __PUNCT__
and for those who serv in our militari __PUNCT__ we cover all of your tuition with an even more gener __NUM___centuri gi_bill __PUNCT__
the idea is simpl __PUNCT__ america invest in you __PUNCT__ and you invest in america __PUNCT__
that how we go to ensur that america succe in thi centuri __PUNCT__
reform our educ_system will requir sustain effort from all of us __PUNCT__ parent and teacher __PUNCT__ feder __PUNCT__ state and local_govern __PUNCT__
the same is true for the second leg of our competit agenda __PUNCT__ a bold and sustain energi_polici __PUNCT__
in the past __PUNCT__ america ha been stir to action when a new challeng threaten our nation_secur __PUNCT__
that wa true when german and japanes armi advanc across europ and asia __PUNCT__ or when the soviet launch sputnik __PUNCT__
the energi threat we face_todai mai be less direct __PUNCT__ but it is real __PUNCT__
our depend on foreign_oil strain famili budget and sap our economi __PUNCT__
oil monei pai for the bomb go off from baghdad to beirut __PUNCT__ and the bombast of dictat from caraca to tehran __PUNCT__
our nation will not be secur unless we take that leverag awai __PUNCT__ and our planet will not be safe unless we move decis toward a clean_energi futur __PUNCT__
the danger ar eclips onli by the opportun that would come with chang __PUNCT__
we know the job of the __NUM___centuri will be creat in develop altern_energi __PUNCT__
the question is whether these job will be creat in america __PUNCT__ or abroad __PUNCT__
alreadi __PUNCT__ we seen countri like germani __PUNCT__ spain and brazil reap the benefit of econom_growth from clean_energi __PUNCT__
but we ar decad behind in confront thi challeng __PUNCT__
georg_bush ha spent most of hi administr deni that we have a problem __PUNCT__ and make deal with big_oil behind close_door __PUNCT__
and while john_mccain deserv credit for speak out against the threat of climat chang __PUNCT__ hi rhetor is undercut by a record of vote time and again against import invest in renew_energi
it time to make energi_secur a lead prioriti __PUNCT__
my energi plan will invest __MONEY___billion over the next ten_year to establish a green_energi sector that will creat up to __NUM___million_job over the next two decad __PUNCT__
good_job __PUNCT__ like the on i saw in pennsylvania where worker make wind_turbin __PUNCT__ or the job that will be creat when plug __PUNCT__ in hybrid or electr_car start roll off the assembl_line here in michigan __PUNCT__
we help manufactur __PUNCT__ particularli in the auto_industri __PUNCT__ convert to green_technolog __PUNCT__ and help worker learn the skill thei need __PUNCT__
and unlik georg_bush __PUNCT__ i won't wait until the sixth year of my presid to sit down with the automak __PUNCT__
i meet with them dure my campaign __PUNCT__ and i meet with them as presid to talk about how we go to build the car of the futur right here in michigan __PUNCT__
and when i presid __PUNCT__ we will invest in research and develop of everi form of altern_energi __PUNCT__ solar __PUNCT__ wind __PUNCT__ and biofuel __PUNCT__ as well as technolog that can make coal clean and nuclear_power safe __PUNCT__
we will provid incent to busi and consum to save energi and make build more effici __PUNCT__
that how we go to creat_job that pai well and can't be outsourc __PUNCT__
that how we go to win_back control of our own destini from oil __PUNCT__ rich dictat __PUNCT__
and that how we solv the problem of __MONEY__ a gallon ga __PUNCT__ not with anoth washington gimmick like john_mccain ga tax holidai that would pad oil_compani compani_profit while drain the highwai fund that michigan depend on __PUNCT__
moreov __PUNCT__ our commit to manufactur cannot end with green_job __PUNCT__
that why i end tax_break that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__ and invest in american_job __PUNCT__
senat_mccain ha a differ view __PUNCT__
he vote to keep tax_incent that encourag compani to move abroad __PUNCT__
he should listen to leader in michigan like carl levin __PUNCT__ who have put_forward seriou propos to address the crisi in manufactur __PUNCT__
we need to support program like michigan __NUM___centuri job fund __PUNCT__ and build on best practic across the countri __PUNCT__
that why i creat an advanc manufactur fund to invest in place hit hard by job_loss __PUNCT__
i partner with commun_colleg __PUNCT__ so that we train worker to meet the demand of local industri __PUNCT__
and we can't just focu on preserv exist industri __PUNCT__
we have to be in the busi of encourag new on __PUNCT__ and that mean scienc __PUNCT__ research and technolog __PUNCT__
for two centuri __PUNCT__ america led the world in innov __PUNCT__
but thi administr hostil to scienc ha taken a toll __PUNCT__
at a time when technolog is shape our futur __PUNCT__ we devot a smaller and smaller share of our nation resourc to research and develop __PUNCT__
it time for america to lead __PUNCT__
i doubl feder_fund for basic research __PUNCT__ and make the r&d tax_credit perman __PUNCT__
we can ensur that the discoveri of the __NUM___centuri happen in america __PUNCT__ in our lab and univers __PUNCT__ at place like ketter and the univers of michigan __PUNCT__ wayn state and michigan state __PUNCT__
encourag new industri also mean give more support to american entrepreneur __PUNCT__
the other dai __PUNCT__ senat_mccain gave a speech to the small_busi summit where he attack my plan to provid tax_relief for the middl_class __PUNCT__
what he didn't sai is that i also propos exempt all start __PUNCT__ up compani from capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__
in other word __PUNCT__ john_mccain would tax them __PUNCT__
i won't __PUNCT__
we work __PUNCT__ at everi junctur __PUNCT__ to remov bureaucrat barrier for small and startup busi __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ by make the patent process more effici and reliabl __PUNCT__
and we help with technic support to do everyth we can to make sure the next googl or microsoft is start here in america __PUNCT__
and we know that america won't be abl to compet if skyrocket cost caus compani like the big three to spend___MONEY__ on health_care for everi car __PUNCT__ and condemn million of american to the risk of no coverag __PUNCT__
that why we need to commit ourselv to electron medic_record that enhanc care while lower_cost __PUNCT__
we need to invest in biomed research and stem_cell cell_research __PUNCT__ so that we at the lead edg of prevent and treatment __PUNCT__
and we need to final pass univers_health_care so that everi american ha access to health_insur that thei can afford __PUNCT__ and our get the prevent servic that ar the kei to cut health_care_cost __PUNCT__
that what i pledg to do in my first term as presid __PUNCT__
a third part of our agenda must be a commit to __NUM___centuri infrastructur __PUNCT__
if we want to keep up with china or europ __PUNCT__ we can't settl for crumbl road and bridg __PUNCT__ ag water and sewer pipe __PUNCT__ and falter electr grid that cost us billion to blackout __PUNCT__ repair and travel delai __PUNCT__
it gotten so bad that the american_societi of civil engin gave our nation infrastructur a __PUNCT__ d __PUNCT__
a centuri_ago __PUNCT__ teddi_roosevelt call togeth leader from busi and govern to develop a plan for __NUM___centuri infrastructur __PUNCT__
it fall to us to do the same __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will launch a nation infrastructur reinvest bank that will invest __MONEY___billion over ten_year __PUNCT__ a bank that can leverag privat_invest in infrastructur improv __PUNCT__ and creat nearli two million new job __PUNCT__
the work will be determin by what will maxim our safeti and secur and abil to compet __PUNCT__
we will fund thi bank as we bring the war in iraq to a respons close __PUNCT__
it time to stop spend billion of dollar a week on a blank check for an iraqi_govern that won't spend it own oil revenu __PUNCT__
it time to strengthen transport and to protect vulner target from terror at home __PUNCT__
we can modern our power grid __PUNCT__ which will help conserv and spur on the develop and distribut of clean_energi __PUNCT__
we can invest in rail __PUNCT__ so that citi like detroit __PUNCT__ chicago __PUNCT__ milwauke and st __PUNCT__ loui ar connect by high __PUNCT__ speed train __PUNCT__ and folk have altern to air_travel __PUNCT__
that what we can do if we commit to rebuild a stronger america __PUNCT__
as part of thi commit to infrastructur __PUNCT__ we need to upgrad our digit superhighwai as well __PUNCT__
when i look at that map of the world mount on the screen at googl __PUNCT__ i wa struck at first by the light gener by internet search come from everi corner of the earth __PUNCT__
but then i wa struck by the dark __PUNCT__
huge chunk of africa and part of asia where the light of the inform revolut ha yet to shine __PUNCT__
and then i notic portion of the unit_state where the thick cord of light dissolv into a few discret strand __PUNCT__
it is unaccept that here __PUNCT__ in the countri that invent the internet __PUNCT__ we fell to __NUM__ in the world in broadband deploy __PUNCT__
when kid in downtown flint or rural iowa can't afford or access high __PUNCT__ speed internet __PUNCT__ that set back_america abil to compet __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will set a simpl goal __PUNCT__ everi american should have the highest speed broadband access __PUNCT__ no matter where you live __PUNCT__ or how much monei you have __PUNCT__
we connect school __PUNCT__ librari and hospit __PUNCT__
and we take on special_interest to unleash the power of wireless spectrum for our safeti and connect __PUNCT__
a revamp educ_system __PUNCT__
a bold new energi strategi __PUNCT__
a more effici health_care_system __PUNCT__
renew invest in basic research and our infrastructur __PUNCT__
these ar the pillar of a more competit economi that will take advantag of the global marketplac opportun __PUNCT__
but even as we welcom competit __PUNCT__ we need to rememb that our econom_polici must be support by strong and smart trade_polici __PUNCT__
i have said befor __PUNCT__ and will sai again __PUNCT__ i believ in free_trade __PUNCT__
it can save_monei for our consum __PUNCT__ gener busi for u. __PUNCT__ export __PUNCT__ and expand global wealth __PUNCT__
but unlik georg_bush and john_mccain __PUNCT__ i do not think that ani trade_agreement is a good trade agreement __PUNCT__
i don't think an agreement that allow south_korea to import hundr of thousand of car into the u. __PUNCT__ but continu to restrict u. __PUNCT__ car export into south korea to a few thousand __PUNCT__ is a smart deal __PUNCT__
i don't think that trade_agreement without labor or environment agreement ar in our long_term term_interest
if we continu to let our trade_polici be dictat by special_interest __PUNCT__ then american_worker will continu to be undermin __PUNCT__ and public_support for robust trade will continu to erod __PUNCT__
that might make_sens to the washington_lobbyist who run senat_mccain mccain_campaign __PUNCT__ but it won't help our nation compet __PUNCT__
allow subsid and unfairli trade product to flood our market is not free_trade and it not fair to the peopl of michigan __PUNCT__
we cannot stand by while countri manipul currenc to promot export __PUNCT__ creat huge imbal in the global_economi __PUNCT__
we cannot let foreign regulatori polici exclud american product __PUNCT__
we cannot let enforc of exist trade_agreement take a backseat to the negoti of new on __PUNCT__
put_simpli __PUNCT__ we need tougher negoti on our side of the tabl __PUNCT__ to strike bargain that ar good not just for wall_street __PUNCT__ but also for main_street __PUNCT__
and when i am presid __PUNCT__ that what we will do __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ let me sai a word about fiscal_respons __PUNCT__
i recogn that my agenda is ambiti __PUNCT__ particularli in light of bush_administr fiscal_polici that have run up the nation_debt by over __MONEY___trillion __PUNCT__
entitl_spend is bound to increas as the babi boom gener retir __PUNCT__
but the answer to our fiscal_problem is not to continu to short __PUNCT__ chang invest in educ __PUNCT__ energi __PUNCT__ innov and infrastructur __PUNCT__ invest that ar vital to long __PUNCT__ term growth __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ we need to end the iraq_war __PUNCT__ elimin wast in exist govern_program __PUNCT__ gener revenu by charg pollut for the greenhous_gase thei ar send into our atmospher __PUNCT__ and put an end to the reckless __PUNCT__ special_interest driven corpor loophol and tax_cut for the wealthi that have been the centerpiec of the bush_administr econom_polici __PUNCT__
john_mccain want to doubl down on georg_bush disastr polici __PUNCT__ not onli by make perman the bush_tax_cut for the wealthi __PUNCT__ but by __MONEY___billion in new tax_cut that give a quarter of their revenu to household make over __MONEY___million __PUNCT__
wors yet __PUNCT__ he hasn't detail how he would pai for thi new give __PUNCT__ awai __PUNCT__
there is noth fiscal_conserv about thi approach __PUNCT__
it will continu to drive up deficit __PUNCT__ forc us to borrow massiv from foreign_countri __PUNCT__ and shift the burden on to work_peopl peopl_todai and our children tomorrow __PUNCT__
meanwhil __PUNCT__ john_mccain will shortchang invest in educ __PUNCT__ energi and innov __PUNCT__ make the next gener of american less abl to compet __PUNCT__
that unaccept __PUNCT__
it time to make tough choic so that we have a smarter govern that pai it wai and make the right invest for america_futur __PUNCT__
it fall to us to shape a new centuri __PUNCT__
everi aspect of our govern should be under review __PUNCT__
we can ill __PUNCT__ afford needless layer of bureaucraci and outmod program __PUNCT__
my administr will open up the door of democraci __PUNCT__
we put govern data onlin __PUNCT__ and us technolog to shine a light on spend __PUNCT__
we invit the servic and particip of american_citizen __PUNCT__ and cut through the red_tape to make sure that everi agenc is meet cut edg standard __PUNCT__
we make it clear to the special_interest that their dai of set the agenda in washington ar over __PUNCT__ becaus the american_peopl ar not the problem in thi __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ thei ar the answer __PUNCT__
we have a choic __PUNCT__
we can continu the bush statu_quo __PUNCT__ as senat_mccain want to do __PUNCT__ and we will becom a countri in which few reap the benefit of the global_economi __PUNCT__ while a grow_number work_harder for less and depend upon an overburden public_sector __PUNCT__
an america in which we run up deficit and expos ourselv to the whim of oil __PUNCT__ rich dictat while the opportun for our children and grandchildren shrink __PUNCT__
that is on cours we could take __PUNCT__
or __PUNCT__ we can rise togeth __PUNCT__
if we choos to chang __PUNCT__ just imagin what we can do __PUNCT__
the great manufactur of the __NUM___centuri can turn out car that run on renew_energi in the __NUM__ __PUNCT__
biotechnolog lab can find new cure __PUNCT__ new rail line and roadwai can connect our commun __PUNCT__ good made here in michigan can be export around the world __PUNCT__
our children can get a world __PUNCT__ class educ __PUNCT__ and their dream of tomorrow can eclips even our greatest hope of todai __PUNCT__
we can choos to rise togeth __PUNCT__
but it won't be easi __PUNCT__
everi on of us will have to work at it by studi harder __PUNCT__ train more rigor __PUNCT__ work smarter __PUNCT__ and think anew __PUNCT__
we have to slough off bad_habit __PUNCT__ reform our institut __PUNCT__ and re __PUNCT__ engag the world __PUNCT__
we can do that __PUNCT__ becaus thi is america __PUNCT__ a countri that ha been defin by a determin to believ in __PUNCT__ and work for __PUNCT__ thing unseen __PUNCT__
everi so often __PUNCT__ there ar time when america must rise to meet a moment __PUNCT__
so it ha been for the gener that built the railroad and beat_back the depress __PUNCT__ that work on the first assembl_line and that went to the moon __PUNCT__
so it must be for us todai __PUNCT__
thi is our moment __PUNCT__
thi is our time to unit in common_purpos __PUNCT__ to make thi centuri the next american_centuri __PUNCT__
becaus when american come togeth __PUNCT__ there is no destini too difficult or too distant for us to reach __PUNCT__