This speech titled 2008.06.21 originally had 3334 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thi is someth of a homecom for me __PUNCT__
becaus while i stand here todai as a candid for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ i will never forget that the most import experi in my life came when i wa do what you do each dai __PUNCT__ work at the local_level to bring about chang in our commun __PUNCT__
as some of you mai know __PUNCT__ after colleg __PUNCT__ i went to work with a group of church as a commun_organ in chicago __PUNCT__ so i could help lift up neighborhood that were struggl after the local steel plant_close __PUNCT__
and it taught me a fundament truth that i carri with me to thi dai __PUNCT__ that in thi countri __PUNCT__ chang come not from the top __PUNCT__ down __PUNCT__ but from the bottom __PUNCT__ up __PUNCT__
you see __PUNCT__ back in those dai __PUNCT__ we weren't just focus on chang feder_polici in washington __PUNCT__
and we weren't just focus on chang state_polici in springfield __PUNCT__
no __PUNCT__ we were focus on the place we knew could actual do the most __PUNCT__ the fastest __PUNCT__ to make a differ in our commun __PUNCT__ and that wa the mayor offic __PUNCT__
it wa the mayor offic we turn to when we want to open a job_train center to put_peopl back to work __PUNCT__
it wa the mayor offic we turn to when we want to make sure citi hous wa safe to live in __PUNCT__
and it the mayor offic that american across thi countri reli on everi dai __PUNCT__
you mai get more than your fair_share of the blame sometim __PUNCT__
you mai not alwai be appreci __PUNCT__
but when a disast strike __PUNCT__ a katrina __PUNCT__ a shoot __PUNCT__ or a six __PUNCT__ alarm blaze __PUNCT__ it citi_hall we lean on __PUNCT__ it citi hall we call first __PUNCT__ and citi hall we depend on to get us through tough_time __PUNCT__
becaus whether it a small_town or a big_citi __PUNCT__ the govern that peopl count on most is the on that closest to the peopl __PUNCT__
and it precis becaus you on the front_line in our commun that you know what happen when washington fail to do it job __PUNCT__
it mai be easi for some in washington to remain out of touch with the consequ of the decis that ar made there __PUNCT__ but not you __PUNCT__
you know what happen when washington put out econom_polici that work for wall_street but not main_street __PUNCT__ becaus it your town and citi that get hit when factori close their door __PUNCT__ and worker lose their job __PUNCT__ and famili lose their home becaus of an unscrupul lender __PUNCT__
that why you need a partner in the white_hous __PUNCT__
you know what happen when washington make promis it doesn't keep and fail to fulli fund no child_left behind __PUNCT__ becaus it your teacher who ar overburden __PUNCT__ your teacher who aren't get the support thei need __PUNCT__ and your teacher who ar forc to teach to the test __PUNCT__ instead of give student the skill to compet in our global_economi __PUNCT__
that why you need a partner in the white_hous __PUNCT__
you know what happen when washington succumb to petti partisanship and fail to pass comprehens_immigr immigr_reform __PUNCT__ becaus it your commun that ar forc to take immigr_enforc into their own hand __PUNCT__ your citi __PUNCT__ servic that ar stretch __PUNCT__ and your neighborhood that ar see rise cultur and econom tension __PUNCT__
that why you need a partner in the white_hous __PUNCT__
you know what happen when washington listen to big_oil and ga compani and block real energi reform __PUNCT__ becaus it your budget that ar be pinch by high energi_cost __PUNCT__ and your school that ar cut_back on textbook to keep their buse run __PUNCT__ it the lot in your town and citi that ar brownfield __PUNCT__
that why you need a partner in the white_hous __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ despit the absenc of leadership in washington __PUNCT__ we actual see a rebirth in mani place __PUNCT__
i think of my friend rich dalei __PUNCT__ who made a deep and last differ in the qualiti of life for million of chicagoan __PUNCT__
i think of mayor cowni __PUNCT__ who work to make hi citi green __PUNCT__ mayor bloomberg __PUNCT__ who fight to turn around the nation_largest school_system __PUNCT__ mayor rybak __PUNCT__ who done an extraordinari job help the twin citi recov from the bridg collaps last year __PUNCT__ and so mani other mayor across thi countri __PUNCT__ who ar find new wai to lift up their commun __PUNCT__
but you shouldn't be succeed despit washington __PUNCT__ you should be succeed with a hand from washington __PUNCT__
neglect is not a polici for america metropolitan_area __PUNCT__
it time citi_hall had someon in the white_hous you could count on the wai so mani american count on you __PUNCT__
that what thi elect is all about __PUNCT__ becaus while senat_mccain is a true_patriot __PUNCT__ he won't be that partner __PUNCT__
hi prioriti ar veri differ from your and mine __PUNCT__
at a time when you face budget_deficit and look to washington for the support you need __PUNCT__ he isn't propos a strategi for america citi __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ he call for nearli __MONEY___trillion in tax_break for big_corpor and the wealthiest american __PUNCT__ and yet he actual oppos more fund for the cop program and the commun_develop block_grant program __PUNCT__
that just more of the same in washington __PUNCT__
and few know better than you why washington need to chang __PUNCT__
but the truth is __PUNCT__ what our citi need isn't just a partner __PUNCT__
what you need is a partner who know that the old wai of look at our citi just won't do __PUNCT__ who know that our nation and our citi ar undergo a histor transform __PUNCT__
the chang that take place todai is as great as ani we seen in more than a centuri __PUNCT__ sinc the time when citi grew upward and outward with immigr escap poverti __PUNCT__ and tyranni __PUNCT__ and miseri abroad __PUNCT__
our popul ha grown by ten of million in the past few decad __PUNCT__ and it project to grow nearli __NUM__ __PUNCT__ more in the decad to come __PUNCT__
and thi growth isn't just confin to our citi __PUNCT__ it happen in our suburb __PUNCT__ exurb __PUNCT__ and throughout our metropolitan_area __PUNCT__
thi is creat new pressur __PUNCT__ but it also open up new opportun __PUNCT__ becaus it not just our citi that ar hotb of innov anymor __PUNCT__ it those grow metro_area __PUNCT__
it not just durham or raleigh __PUNCT__ it the entir research triangl __PUNCT__
it not just palo alto __PUNCT__ it citi up and down silicon_vallei __PUNCT__
the top___NUM__ metro_area gener two __PUNCT__ third of our job __PUNCT__ nearli __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of patent __PUNCT__ and handl __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of all seaport tonnag through port like the on here in miami __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ __NUM__ of our metro area now rank among the world __NUM__ largest_economi __PUNCT__
to seiz the possibl of thi moment __PUNCT__ we need to promot strong citi as the backbon of region growth __PUNCT__
and yet __PUNCT__ washington remain trap in an earlier_era __PUNCT__ wed to an outdat __PUNCT__ urban __PUNCT__ agenda that focus exclus on the problem in our citi __PUNCT__ and ignor our grow metro_area __PUNCT__ an agenda that confus anti __PUNCT__ poverti polici with a metropolitan strategi __PUNCT__ and end up hurt both __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ let me be clear __PUNCT__ we must help tackl area of concentr poverti __PUNCT__
i sai thi not just as a former commun_organ __PUNCT__ but as someon who wa shape in part by the econom_inequ i saw as a colleg_student in citi like lo_angel and new york __PUNCT__
that is why i laid out an ambiti urban poverti plan that will help make sure no child begin the race of life behind the start line __PUNCT__ and creat public __PUNCT__ privat_busi incub to open up econom_opportun __PUNCT__
that why i fulli fund the cop program __PUNCT__ restor fund for the commun_develop block_grant program __PUNCT__ and recruit more teacher to our citi __PUNCT__ and pai them more __PUNCT__ and give them more support __PUNCT__
and that why i propos real relief for struggl homeown and a trust_fund to provid afford_hous __PUNCT__
and let me sai thi __PUNCT__ if georg_bush carri out hi threat to veto the hous_bill __PUNCT__ a bill that would provid critic resourc to help you solv the foreclosur crisi in your town and citi __PUNCT__ i will fight to overturn hi veto and make sure you have the support you need __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ ye we need to fight poverti __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ we need to fight crime __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ we need to strengthen our citi __PUNCT__
but we also need to stop see our citi as the problem and start see them as the solut __PUNCT__
becaus strong citi ar the build block of strong region __PUNCT__ and strong region ar essenti for a strong america __PUNCT__
that is the new metropolitan realiti and we need a new strategi that reflect it __PUNCT__ a strategi that about south florida as much as miami __PUNCT__ that about mesa and scottsdal as much as phoenix __PUNCT__ that about stamford and northern new jersei as much as new york_citi __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i work with you to develop thi kind of strategi and i appoint the first white_hous director of urban polici to help make it a realiti __PUNCT__
the stake could not be higher __PUNCT__
our children will grow up compet with children in beij and bangalor and berlin __PUNCT__
and make no mistak __PUNCT__ their govern ar do everyth thei can to give their countri an edg by invest in region growth __PUNCT__
as bruce katz of brook ha point out __PUNCT__ china is develop an advanc network of port and freight hub __PUNCT__ and an advanc network of univers model after our own __PUNCT__
and germani ha launch rail and telecom project to bind it major metro_area more close togeth __PUNCT__
other govern ar aggress pursu strategi to unlock the potenti of their metro area __PUNCT__
to compet and win in our global_economi __PUNCT__ we have to show the same_kind of leadership __PUNCT__
there no better place to start than by invest in the cluster of growth and innov that ar spring up across thi countri __PUNCT__
becaus what we found time and time again is that when we take the differ asset that ar scatter throughout our commun __PUNCT__ whether it a skill workforc or lead firm or institut of higher_educ __PUNCT__ and bring them all togeth so thei can learn from on anoth and share idea __PUNCT__ you get the kind of creativ think that doesn't come in isol __PUNCT__
and that can lead to more innov __PUNCT__ and entrepreneurship __PUNCT__ and real econom_benefit like new job and higher_wage __PUNCT__
that what happen pennsylvania __PUNCT__ where someth call keyston innov zone have led to the format of nearli __NUM__ new compani __PUNCT__
and that why __PUNCT__ in my administr __PUNCT__ we offer __MONEY___million a year in competit match grant for state and local_govern to plan and grow region economi __PUNCT__ becaus when it work togeth __PUNCT__ the sum of a metro_area can be greater than it part __PUNCT__
and we won't just unlock the potenti of our individu region __PUNCT__ we unlock the potenti of all our region by connect them with a __NUM___centuri infrastructur __PUNCT__
you know why thi is so import __PUNCT__
you see the traffic along i __PUNCT__ __NUM__ in miami __PUNCT__
you see the crumbl road and bridg __PUNCT__ the ag water and sewer pipe __PUNCT__ the falter electr grid that cost us billion in blackout __PUNCT__ repair __PUNCT__ and travel delai __PUNCT__
it gotten so bad that the american_societi of civil engin gave our nation infrastructur a __PUNCT__ d __PUNCT__ and it no wonder __PUNCT__ becaus we spend less on our infrastructur than at ani time in the modern_era __PUNCT__
thi is put enorm pressur on the highwai trust_fund __PUNCT__ which can no longer keep up with all the repair that have to be made __PUNCT__
yet senat_mccain is actual propos a ga tax gimmick that would take __MONEY___billion a month out of the highwai trust_fund and hand it over to the oil_compani __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ at a time when the highwai trust_fund is begin to run a deficit for the first time in histori __PUNCT__ i think that the last thing we can afford to do __PUNCT__
and just the other dai __PUNCT__ senat_mccain travel to iowa to express hi sympathi for the victim of the recent flood __PUNCT__
i sure thei appreci the sentiment __PUNCT__ but thei probabl would have appreci it more if he hadn't vote against fund for leve and flood control program __PUNCT__ which he seem to consid pork __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ we do have to reform budget earmark __PUNCT__ cut genuin pork __PUNCT__ and dispens with unnecessari spend __PUNCT__ as we confront a budget crisi left by the most fiscal irrespons administr in modern_time __PUNCT__
but when it come to rebuild america essenti but crumbl infrastructur __PUNCT__ we need to do more __PUNCT__ not less __PUNCT__
citi across the midwest ar under water right now or court disast not just becaus of the weather __PUNCT__ but becaus we fail to protect them __PUNCT__
maintain our leve and dam isn't pork barrel spend __PUNCT__ it an urgent prioriti __PUNCT__ and that what we do when i presid __PUNCT__
i also launch a nation infrastructur reinvest bank that will invest __MONEY___billion over ten_year __PUNCT__ and creat nearli two million new job __PUNCT__
the work will be determin by what will maxim our safeti __PUNCT__ secur __PUNCT__ and share_prosper __PUNCT__
instead of build bridg to nowher __PUNCT__ let build commun that meet the need and reflect the dream of our famili __PUNCT__
that what thi bank will help us do __PUNCT__
and we will fund thi bank as we bring the war in iraq to a respons close __PUNCT__
it time to stop fight a war that stretch our guard __PUNCT__ strain our reserv __PUNCT__ and leav your polic and fire station understaf __PUNCT__ a war that hasn't made us safer __PUNCT__ and should have never been author and never been wage __PUNCT__
it time to stop spend___MONEY___billion a month in iraq and start invest that monei in phoenix __PUNCT__ nashvil __PUNCT__ seattl __PUNCT__ and metro_area across thi countri __PUNCT__
let invest that monei in a world __PUNCT__ class transit_system __PUNCT__
let re __PUNCT__ commit feder_dollar to strengthen mass_transit and reform our tax_code to give folk a reason to take the bu instead of drive to work __PUNCT__ becaus invest in mass_transit help make metro_area more livabl and can help our region economi_grow __PUNCT__
and while we at it __PUNCT__ we partner with our mayor to invest in green_energi energi_technolog and ensur that your buse and build ar energi_effici __PUNCT__
and we also invest in our port __PUNCT__ road __PUNCT__ and high __PUNCT__ speed rail __PUNCT__ becaus i don't want to see the fastest train in the world built halfwai around the world in shanghai __PUNCT__ i want to see it built right here in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
and let also upgrad our digit superhighwai __PUNCT__
it is unaccept that here __PUNCT__ in the countri that invent the internet __PUNCT__ we fell to __NUM__ in the world in broadband deploy __PUNCT__
when kid can't afford or access high __PUNCT__ speed internet __PUNCT__ it set back_america abil to compet __PUNCT__
that why as presid __PUNCT__ i will set a simpl goal __PUNCT__ everi american should have broadband access __PUNCT__ no matter where you live __PUNCT__ or how much monei you have __PUNCT__
we connect our school and librari and hospit __PUNCT__
and we take on the special_interest to realiz the potenti of wireless spectrum for our safeti and connect __PUNCT__
now is not the time for small plan __PUNCT__
now is the time for bold_action to rebuild and renew america __PUNCT__
we done thi befor __PUNCT__
two hundr_year year_ago __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ thoma_jefferson oversaw an infrastructur plan that envis the homestead act __PUNCT__ the transcontinent railroad __PUNCT__ and the eri canal __PUNCT__
on hundr_year later __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ teddi_roosevelt call togeth leader from busi and govern to develop a plan for a __NUM___centuri infrastructur __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ it fall on us to take up thi call again __PUNCT__ to re __PUNCT__ imagin america landscap and remak america_futur __PUNCT__
that is the caus of thi campaign __PUNCT__ and that will be the caus of my presid __PUNCT__
but understand __PUNCT__ while the chang we seek will requir major invest by a more account govern __PUNCT__ it will not come from govern alon __PUNCT__
washington can't solv all our problem __PUNCT__
the statehous can't solv all our problem __PUNCT__
citi_hall can't solv all our problem __PUNCT__
it goe back to what i learn as a commun_organ all those year_ago __PUNCT__ that chang in thi countri come not from the top __PUNCT__ down __PUNCT__ but from the bottom up __PUNCT__
chang start at a level that even closer to the peopl than our mayor __PUNCT__ it start in our home __PUNCT__
it start in our famili __PUNCT__
it start by rais our children right __PUNCT__ by turn off the tv __PUNCT__ and put awai the video_game __PUNCT__ by go to those parent __PUNCT__ teacher confer and help our children with their homework __PUNCT__ and set a good exampl __PUNCT__
it start by be good_neighbor and good citizen who ar will to volunt in our commun __PUNCT__ to keep them clean __PUNCT__ to keep them safe __PUNCT__ and to serv as mentor and teacher to all of our children __PUNCT__
that where chang begin __PUNCT__
that how we bring about chang in our neighborhood __PUNCT__
and if chang come to our neighborhood __PUNCT__ then chang will come to our citi __PUNCT__
and if chang come to our citi __PUNCT__ then chang will come to our region __PUNCT__
and if chang come to our region __PUNCT__ then i truli believ chang will come to everi corner of thi countri we love __PUNCT__
throughout our histori __PUNCT__ it been our citi that have help tell the american stori __PUNCT__
it wa boston that rose up against an empir __PUNCT__ and philadelphia where liberti first rung out __PUNCT__ it wa st __PUNCT__ loui that open a gatewai west __PUNCT__ and houston that launch us to the star __PUNCT__ it wa the motor_citi that built the middl_class __PUNCT__ miami that built a bridg to the america __PUNCT__ and new york that show the world on clear __DATE___morn that america stand togeth in time of trial __PUNCT__
that the proud tradit our citi uphold __PUNCT__
that the stori our citi have help write __PUNCT__
and if you will to work with me and fight with me and stand with me thi fall __PUNCT__ then i promis you thi __PUNCT__ we will not onli rebuild and renew our american_citi __PUNCT__ north and south __PUNCT__ east and west __PUNCT__ but you and i __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__ will rebuild and renew the promis of america __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__