Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.06.23 originally had 1543 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 62 cue terms and an average lag of 22.0. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 unit_state 41
0.975 0 0.0253
0 0 0
2 singl_mom 16
0.0826 0 0
0.917 0 0
3 world_war_ii 54
0.179 0 0
0.821 0 0
4 assembl_line 5
0.0175 0 0.000796
0.982 0 0
5 high_school 17
0.0613 0 0
0.939 0 0
6 south_side 61
0.247 0.00119 0.00119
0.751 0 0
7 american_famili 85
0.315 0.458 0.00776
0.218 0.000796 0
8 work_parent 27
0.0287 0.0444 0.000597
0.48 0.445 0.00139
9 senat_mccain 29
0.077 0.0101 0.141
0.416 0.353 0.00199
10 famili_incom 57
0.253 0.00179 0.206
0.419 0.0257 0.0937
11 __NUM___cent 6
0.0289 0.000597 0.00398
0.668 0.0223 0.276
12 suprem_court_decis 47
0.283 0.0135 0.0241
0.542 0.0147 0.123
13 senat_mccain 18
0.0752 0.00119 0.00597
0.797 0.0177 0.102
14 suprem_court 3
0.0402 0 0.000597
0.869 0.00836 0.0814
15 john_mccain 88
0.0896 0.00299 0.334
0.531 0.00119 0.041
16 state_senat 64
0.754 0 0.000398
0.245 0 0.000398
17 pass_legisl 22
0.0613 0 0.000597
0.938 0 0
18 senat_mccain 32
0.0227 0.036 0.0109
0.93 0 0.000199
19 singl_mother 16
0.0275 0.00378 0
0.932 0.034 0.00299
20 work_parent 53
0.0291 0.126 0
0.809 0.0366 0
21 american_famili 26
0.0199 0.0179 0
0.807 0.155 0
22 work_parent 4
0.00239 0.00119 0
0.825 0.172 0
23 tax_credit 15
0.179 0.000796 0.0121
0.758 0.0505 0
24 work_famili 4
0.0589 0.00358 0.00617
0.871 0.0501 0.0103
25 child_care 11
0.121 0 0
0.868 0.0105 0
26 children_learn 10
0.0135 0.000199 0
0.985 0.00119 0
27 __MONEY___billion 8
0.00159 0 0.000199
0.997 0.00119 0
28 earli_childhood 9
0.00418 0 0
0.996 0 0
29 childhood_educ 0
0.000199 0 0
1 0 0
30 work_parent 15
0.00458 0.0716 0.000597
0.923 0 0
31 small_busi 26
0.00637 0.0695 0.863
0.00139 0.0591 0.000199
32 __NUM___employe 12
0.00299 0.000597 0.138
0.00239 0.042 0.814
33 american_worker 7
0.0279 0.000796 0.0394
0.00478 0.0328 0.894
34 __NUM___hour 22
0.6 0.000398 0.0404
0.0324 0.000398 0.327
35 domest_violenc 19
0.0766 0.00179 0.0412
0.572 0.000199 0.308
36 sexual_assault 2
0.00637 0.00139 0.0394
0.603 0.00179 0.348
37 __MONEY___billion 77
0.00617 0.00657 0.65
0.0249 0.000199 0.312
38 senat_mccain 17
0.000398 0.000597 0.0515
0.0151 0.00338 0.929
39 rise_price 21
0.000199 0 0.0553
0.00338 0.000796 0.94
40 senat_mccain 16
0.00239 0.00418 0.274
0.00279 0.000796 0.715
41 bush_tax_cut 5
0.000199 0 0.457
0.00179 0.00179 0.54
42 middl_class 19
0.000796 0.0267 0.176
0 0.00159 0.795
43 tax_cut 1
0 0.000995 0.00677
0 0.0277 0.965
44 work_famili 5
0 0.00318 0.0129
0 0.0281 0.956
45 tax_relief 4
0 0.000995 0.0115
0 0.0306 0.957
46 __NUM___million 3
0.00358 0.000199 0.0271
0 0.0231 0.946
47 minimum_wage 25
0.000199 0 0.0503
0 0.000199 0.949
48 work_peopl 7
0.000199 0 0.00776
0 0 0.992
49 senat_mccain 6
0 0 0.00398
0 0 0.996
50 minimum_wage 5
0.00517 0.000597 0.00338
0 0 0.991
51 rise_cost 14
0.277 0.0195 0.0105
0.00478 0.000398 0.688
52 work_harder 9
0.464 0.00597 0.0107
0.272 0.0123 0.236
53 work_parent 36
0.0898 0.447 0.000597
0.443 0.0181 0.00139
54 american_famili 21
0.0961 0.0173 0.00876
0.459 0.418 0.00139
55 year_ahead 112
0.925 0.000199 0.00199
0.071 0.00159 0
56 make_progress 10
0.0424 0.000995 0.00279
0.953 0.000597 0.000398
57 american_women 7
0.0233 0.0752 0.00398
0.895 0.00219 0.000796
58 american_famili 4
0.0153 0.0416 0.000597
0.864 0.0776 0.000398
59 health_care 2
0.0107 0.0105 0.000597
0.859 0.118 0.000796
60 work_parent 6
0.0259 0.0685 0.000398
0.777 0.129 0
61 american_dream 28
0.901 0 0.0484
0.05 0.000597 0.000199
62 unit_state 18
0.076 0 0.0324
0.859 0 0.0328