This speech titled 2008.06.24 originally had 2295 tokens. You can view the original text here.
i want to start by thank the folk here at spring preserv for the wonder tour we just had __PUNCT__
what we ar see here __PUNCT__ from the solar_panel that power thi facil to the bombard worker who built it __PUNCT__ is that a green __PUNCT__ renew_energi energi_economi isn't some pie __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ sky __PUNCT__ far __PUNCT__ off futur __PUNCT__ it is now __PUNCT__
it is creat_job __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__
it is provid cheap altern to __MONEY__ oil __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__
and it can creat million of addit job and entir new industri if we act now __PUNCT__
all across the countri __PUNCT__ local leader and entrepreneur and small_busi busi_owner ar provid the innov and initi need to make thi transform possibl __PUNCT__
in pennsylvania __PUNCT__ an old steel_mill ha becom the home of a new wind_turbin factori becaus of the state push for renew portfolio standard that requir the product of more altern_energi __PUNCT__
wisconsin is pois to gain more than __NUM___job at exist manufactur facil becaus of it invest in wind_power __PUNCT__
where we stand in southern nevada happen to be on of the best sourc for the gener of solar_power in the world __PUNCT__
next week __PUNCT__ our friend and senat_major major_leader harri_reid will come here to cut the ribbon on a new thermal solar technolog plant __PUNCT__
and between solar __PUNCT__ wind __PUNCT__ and geotherm energi __PUNCT__ thi state could creat upward of __NUM__ new job by __NUM__ __PUNCT__
the possibl of renew_energi ar limitless __PUNCT__
but to truli har it potenti __PUNCT__ we urgent need real leadership from washington __PUNCT__ leadership that ha been miss for decad __PUNCT__
we have been talk about energi_independ sinc american were wait in ga line dure the 1970 __PUNCT__
we heard promis about it in everi state of the union for the last three decad __PUNCT__
but each and everi year __PUNCT__ we becom more __PUNCT__ not less __PUNCT__ addict to oil __PUNCT__ a __NUM___centuri fossil_fuel that is dirti __PUNCT__ dwindl __PUNCT__ and danger expens __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__
it isn't becaus the resourc and technolog aren't there __PUNCT__
we know thi becaus countri like spain __PUNCT__ germani __PUNCT__ and japan have alreadi leapt ahead of us when it come to renew_energi energi_technolog __PUNCT__
germani __PUNCT__ a countri as cloudi as the pacif northwest __PUNCT__ is now a world_leader in the solar_power industri and the quarter million new job it ha creat __PUNCT__
in less than eight year __PUNCT__ befor we ever see a drop of oil from offshor_drill __PUNCT__ thei have doubl their renew_energi output __PUNCT__
and thei did it by us technolog that __PUNCT__ in some case __PUNCT__ wa paid for by the american_peopl through our own research and develop tax_credit __PUNCT__
the differ is __PUNCT__ their govern har that technolog by provid the necessari invest and incent to jumpstart a renew_energi energi_industri __PUNCT__
washington hasn't done that __PUNCT__
what washington ha done is what washington alwai doe __PUNCT__ it peddl fals promis __PUNCT__ irrespons polici __PUNCT__ and cheap gimmick that might get politician through the next elect __PUNCT__ but won't lead america toward the next gener of renew_energi __PUNCT__
and now we pai the price __PUNCT__
now we fallen behind the rest of the world __PUNCT__
now we forc to beg saudi_arabia for more oil __PUNCT__
now we face ga_price over __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__ ga price that ar decim the save of famili who ar alreadi struggl in thi economi __PUNCT__
like the man i met in pennsylvania who lost hi job and couldn't even afford the ga to drive around and look for a new on __PUNCT__
that how badli folk ar hurt __PUNCT__
that how badli washington ha fail __PUNCT__
for decad __PUNCT__ john_mccain ha been a part of thi failur in washington __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ he ha gone further than some in hi parti in speak out on climat chang __PUNCT__
and that is commend __PUNCT__
but time and time again __PUNCT__ he ha oppos invest in the altern sourc of energi that have help fuel some of the veri same project and busi he highlight in thi campaign __PUNCT__
he vote against biofuel __PUNCT__
against solar_power __PUNCT__
against wind_power __PUNCT__
against a __NUM__ energi_bill that repres the largest ever invest in renew_sourc of energi __PUNCT__ a bill that senat_mccain own campaign co __PUNCT__ chair __PUNCT__ call __PUNCT__ the biggest legisl breakthrough we had __PUNCT__ sinc he been in the senat __PUNCT__
that bill certainli wasn't perfect __PUNCT__ it contain irrespons tax_break for oil_compani that i consist oppos __PUNCT__ and that i will repeal as presid __PUNCT__
but the tax_credit in that bill contribut to wind_power grow __NUM__ __PUNCT__ last year __PUNCT__ the sharpest rise in decad __PUNCT__
if john_mccain had hi wai __PUNCT__ those tax_credit wouldn't exist __PUNCT__
and if we don't renew kei tax_incent for altern_energi energi_product __PUNCT__ tax_incent that john_mccain oppos continu __PUNCT__ we could lose up to __NUM___green green_job and __MONEY___billion in invest just next year __PUNCT__
and now he talk about a tax_credit for more effici car even though he help georg_bush block these credit twice in the last year __PUNCT__
after all those year in washington __PUNCT__ john_mccain still doesn't get it __PUNCT__
i commend him for hi desir to acceler the search for a batteri that can power the car of the futur __PUNCT__
i been talk about thi myself for the last few year __PUNCT__
but i don't think a __MONEY___million prize is enough __PUNCT__
when john f __PUNCT__ kennedi decid that we were go to put a man on the moon __PUNCT__ he didn't put a bounti out for some rocket scientist to win __PUNCT__ he put the full resourc of the unit_state state_govern behind the project and call on the ingenu and innov of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
that the kind of effort we need to achiev energi_independ in thi countri __PUNCT__ and noth less will do __PUNCT__
but in thi campaign __PUNCT__ john_mccain offer the same old gimmick that will provid almost no short __PUNCT__ term relief to folk who ar struggl with high ga_price __PUNCT__ gimmick that will onli increas our oil addict for anoth four year __PUNCT__
senat_mccain want a ga tax holidai that will save you __PUNCT__ at most __PUNCT__ thirti cent a dai for three month __PUNCT__
and that onli if the oil_compani don't just jack up the price and pocket the save themselv __PUNCT__ which is exactli what thei did when we tri to do the same_thing in illinoi __PUNCT__
he will to spend nearli __MONEY___billion on more tax_break for big_oil oil_compani __PUNCT__ includ __MONEY___billion for exxon alon __PUNCT__
he want to open our coastlin to drill __PUNCT__ a propos that hi own top econom advisor admit won't provid ani short __PUNCT__ term relief at the pump __PUNCT__
it a propos that georg_bush bush_administr sai will not provid a drop of oil __PUNCT__ not a singl drop __PUNCT__ for at least ten_year __PUNCT__
and by the time the drill is fulli underwai in twenti_year __PUNCT__ our own depart of energi sai that the effect on ga_price will be __PUNCT__ insignific __PUNCT__
insignific __PUNCT__
just yesterdai __PUNCT__ senat_mccain actual admit thi __PUNCT__
in a town_hall he said __PUNCT__ and i quot __PUNCT__ i don't see an immedi relief __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ the fact that we ar exploit those reserv would have psycholog impact that i think is benefici __PUNCT__
psycholog impact __PUNCT__
in case you were wonder __PUNCT__ that washington __PUNCT__ speak for __PUNCT__ it poll well __PUNCT__
it an exampl of how washington_politician try to convinc you that thei did someth to make your life better when thei realli didn't __PUNCT__
well the american_peopl don't need psycholog relief or meaningless gimmick to get politician through the next elect __PUNCT__ thei need real relief that will help them fill up their tank and put food on their tabl __PUNCT__
thei need a long __PUNCT__ term energi strategi that will reduc our depend on foreign_oil by invest in the renew_sourc of energi that repres the futur __PUNCT__
that what thei need __PUNCT__
meanwhil __PUNCT__ the oil_compani alreadi own drill right to __NUM___million million_acr of feder land __PUNCT__ onshor and offshor __PUNCT__ that thei haven't touch __PUNCT__
__NUM___million million_acr that have the potenti to nearli doubl america total oil_product __PUNCT__ and john_mccain want to give them more __PUNCT__
well that might make_sens in washington __PUNCT__ but it doesn't make sens for america __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ it make about as much sens as hi propos to build __NUM__ new nuclear_reactor without a plan to store the wast some place other than right here at yucca mountain __PUNCT__
folk __PUNCT__ these ar not seriou energi_polici __PUNCT__
thei ar not new energi polici __PUNCT__
and thei ar certainli not the kind of energi polici that will give famili the relief thei need or our countri the oil independ we must have __PUNCT__
i realiz that gimmick like the ga tax holidai and offshor_drill might poll well these dai __PUNCT__
but i not run for presid to do what poll well __PUNCT__ i run to do what right for america __PUNCT__
i wish i could wave a magic_wand and make ga_price go down __PUNCT__ but i can't __PUNCT__
what i can do __PUNCT__ and what i will do __PUNCT__ is push for a second stimulu_packag that will send out anoth round of rebat check to the american_peopl __PUNCT__
what i will do as presid is tax the record profit of oil_compani and us the monei to help struggl famili pai their energi_bill __PUNCT__
i will provid a __MONEY__ tax_cut that will go to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of all worker and their famili in thi countri __PUNCT__
and i will close the loophol that allow corpor like enron to engag in unregul specul that end up artifici drive up the price of oil __PUNCT__
that how we provid real relief to the american_peopl __PUNCT__
that the chang we need __PUNCT__
i have a veri differ vision of what thi countri can and should achiev on energi in the next four year __PUNCT__ in the next ten_year __PUNCT__
i have a plan to rais the fuel standard in our car and truck with technolog we have on the shelf todai __PUNCT__ technolog that will make sure we get more mile to the gallon __PUNCT__
and we will provid financi help to our automak and autowork to help them make thi transit __PUNCT__
i will invest __MONEY___billion over the next ten_year in altern sourc of energi like wind_power __PUNCT__ and solar_power __PUNCT__ and advanc biofuel __PUNCT__ invest that will creat up to five million new job that pai well and can't be outsourc __PUNCT__ that will creat billion of dollar in new busi like you alreadi do here in nevada __PUNCT__
and befor we hand over more of our land and our coastlin to oil_compani __PUNCT__ i will charg those compani a fee for everi acr that thei current leas but don't drill on __PUNCT__
if that compel them to drill __PUNCT__ we get more oil __PUNCT__
if it doesn't __PUNCT__ the fee will go toward more invest in renew_sourc of energi __PUNCT__
when all is said and done __PUNCT__ my plan to increas our fuel standard will save american_consum from purchas half a trillion gallon of ga over the next eighteen year __PUNCT__
my entir energi plan will produc three time the oil save that john_mccain ever could __PUNCT__ and what more __PUNCT__ it will actual decreas our depend on oil while hi will onli grow our addict further __PUNCT__
and that the choic that you face in thi elect __PUNCT__
when you face __MONEY__ a gallon ga __PUNCT__ do you want a ga tax gimmick that will save you at most thirti cent a dai for three month and a drill propos that won't provid a drop of oil for ten_year __PUNCT__ or a second rebat check and __MONEY__ tax_cut to help your famili pai the bill __PUNCT__ when you look down the road five year from now or ten_year from now __PUNCT__ do you want to see an america that beg dictat for more oil that we can't afford __PUNCT__ an america that fallen further behind the rest of the world when it come to the job and industri of the futur __PUNCT__ or do you want to see more place like spring preserv and bombard electr __PUNCT__ more green_job and green busi __PUNCT__ more innov and ingenu that help thi nation lead the wai on afford __PUNCT__ renew_energi __PUNCT__
that the futur i know we can have __PUNCT__
that the america i believ in __PUNCT__
and that where i will lead us if i have the chanc to serv as your presid __PUNCT__
it will not be easi __PUNCT__
it will not happen overnight __PUNCT__
it will not come without cost or sacrific __PUNCT__
but it is possibl __PUNCT__
it is necessari __PUNCT__
and place like thi __PUNCT__ and peopl like you __PUNCT__ prove that we have the resourc __PUNCT__ and the skill __PUNCT__ and the will to begin todai __PUNCT__
i look forward to join you in that effort __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__