Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.07.07 originally had 2866 tokens. You can view the original text here.

i often said that thi elect_repres a defin moment in our histori __PUNCT__

on major_issu like the war in iraq or the warm of our planet __PUNCT__ the decis we make in __DATE__ and over the next few year will shape a gener __PUNCT__ if not a centuri __PUNCT__

that is especi true when it come to our economi __PUNCT__

most of you alreadi know thi __PUNCT__ not just becaus you see headlin about job_loss and foreclosur and recess __PUNCT__ but becaus you feel the effect of all thi in your own live __PUNCT__

you work_harder than ever to pai bill that ar get bigger than ever and there not much left over at the end of the month __PUNCT__

you try to juggl the demand of work and famili __PUNCT__

you drive less and save less __PUNCT__

you worri about the valu of your home and whether you be abl to afford colleg for your kid and still retir at a decent ag __PUNCT__

for million of famili __PUNCT__ these everydai worri and long __PUNCT__ term anxieti have grown consider wors over the last year __PUNCT__

but thei ar root in fundament chang in our economi that began year_earlier __PUNCT__

over the last few decad __PUNCT__ revolut in technolog and commun have made it so that corpor can send good_job anywher in the world there an internet connect __PUNCT__

children in charlott aren't just compet for the same good job with children from boston __PUNCT__ but with children in bangalor and beij as well __PUNCT__

two __PUNCT__ incom_famili haven't just becom more common __PUNCT__ thei becom a necess to keep up with rise_cost and wage that haven't grown __PUNCT__

but as our world and our economi have chang __PUNCT__ onli washington ha stood still __PUNCT__

the progress we made dure the 1990 wa quickli revers by an administr with a singl philosophi that is as old as it is misguid __PUNCT__ reward not work __PUNCT__ not success __PUNCT__ but pure wealth __PUNCT__

give massiv tax_break to big_corpor and multimillionair and hope that prosper trickl down to everyon els __PUNCT__

sacrific invest in health_care and educ and energi and technolog to pai for these tax_break __PUNCT__ and borrow the rest from countri like china __PUNCT__ leav our children to foot the bill __PUNCT__

well it painfulli clear by now how badli thi strategi ha fail __PUNCT__

and thi is a fundament issu in thi campaign __PUNCT__ becaus senat_mccain and i have veri differ view of where our economi is todai __PUNCT__ and where we need to go __PUNCT__

senat mccain said earlier thi year that america ha made __PUNCT__ great progress econom __PUNCT__ over the past eight year __PUNCT__

he believ we on the right track __PUNCT__ and he launch a new econom tour todai with polici that ar veri much the same as those we have seen from the bush_administr __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ the central compon of senat_mccain econom_plan is __MONEY___billion more in tax_cut for big_corpor and multimillionair __PUNCT__ less than a quarter of which will benefit the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of american_famili that make up the bulk of our middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__

less than a quarter __PUNCT__

under senat_mccain econom_plan __PUNCT__ exxon mobil __PUNCT__ a compani that recent_report the biggest profit in histori __PUNCT__ would get __MONEY___billion in tax_break __PUNCT__ while less than a quarter of the benefit would go to the middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__

what wors __PUNCT__ he ha no concret plan to pai for these tax break __PUNCT__ so hi polici would actual add more than __MONEY__ or __MONEY___trillion to the nation_debt over the next decad and weaken our economi even further __PUNCT__

if thi sound_familiar __PUNCT__ it becaus it exactli what georg_bush ha done for the last eight year __PUNCT__

it hasn't work __PUNCT__ it won't work __PUNCT__ and it is time to try someth new __PUNCT__

i won't stand here and pretend that we can or should undo the econom transform that have taken place over the last few decad __PUNCT__

there ar job that aren't come back and thi world will alwai be more competit __PUNCT__

but i do believ that if all of us ar will to share the burden and benefit of thi new economi __PUNCT__ then all of us will prosper __PUNCT__ not just becaus govern_make it so __PUNCT__ but becaus we will to take respons as individu to work_harder and think more and innov further __PUNCT__

i believ thi becaus i know that in america __PUNCT__ our prosper ha alwai risen from the bottom __PUNCT__ up __PUNCT__

from the earliest_dai of our found __PUNCT__ it ha been the hard_work and ingenu of our peopl that serv as the wellspr of our econom strength __PUNCT__

that why we built a system of free public high_school when we transit from a nation of farm to a nation of factori __PUNCT__

that why we sent my grandfath gener to colleg on the gi_bill __PUNCT__ which help creat the largest middl __PUNCT__ class in histori __PUNCT__

that why we invest in the scienc and research that have led to new discoveri and entir new industri __PUNCT__

and that what thi countri will do again when i am presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

the other week i laid out what america need to do to remain competit in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

it an agenda that will requir us first and foremost to train and educ our workforc with the skill necessari to compet in a knowledg __PUNCT__ base_economi __PUNCT__

we also need to place a greater emphasi on area like scienc and technolog that will defin the workforc of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ and invest in the research and innov necessari to creat the job and industri of the futur right here in america __PUNCT__

on place where that invest would make an enorm differ is in a renew_energi energi_polici that end our addict on foreign_oil __PUNCT__ provid real long __PUNCT__ term relief from high fuel cost __PUNCT__ and build a green_economi that could creat up to five million well __PUNCT__ pai_job that can't be outsourc __PUNCT__

we can also creat million of new job by rebuild our school __PUNCT__ road __PUNCT__ bridg __PUNCT__ and other critic_infrastructur that need repair __PUNCT__

and becaus we know that we can't or shouldn't put up wall around our economi __PUNCT__ a long __PUNCT__ term agenda will also find a wai to make trade work for american_worker __PUNCT__

we do the caus of free __PUNCT__ trade __PUNCT__ a caus i believ in __PUNCT__ no good when we pass trade_agreement that hand out favor to special_interest and do littl to help worker who have to watch their factori close down __PUNCT__

there is noth protectionist about demand that trade spread the benefit of global as broadli as possibl __PUNCT__

those ar the step we can take to grow our economi and stai competit as a nation __PUNCT__

but todai __PUNCT__ i want to talk about my plan to not onli ensur the econom_secur of middl __PUNCT__ class_famili in the short __PUNCT__ term __PUNCT__ but to give them the chanc to achiev econom_success in the long __PUNCT__ term __PUNCT__ to make sure that american aren't just get by __PUNCT__ but get ahead __PUNCT__ that thei abl to get a world __PUNCT__ class educ __PUNCT__ build a nest_egg and provid a better life for their children __PUNCT__

we can make thi new economi work for us if we final chang cours in __DATE__ __PUNCT__

the first step is to offer immedi relief to famili who ar struggl right now while help to jumpstart econom_growth and creat_job __PUNCT__

between a sluggish economi and ga_price price_rise abov __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__ the american_peopl cannot wait anoth six month for help __PUNCT__

instead of washington gimmick like a three __PUNCT__ month ga tax holidai that will onli pad oil_compani compani_profit __PUNCT__ we need to do what i call for month_ago and pass a second stimulu_packag that provid energi rebat check for work_famili __PUNCT__ a fund to help famili avoid foreclosur __PUNCT__ and increas assist for state that have been hard __PUNCT__ hit by the econom_downturn __PUNCT__

a few dai_ago i call on senat_mccain and all member of congress to come togeth __PUNCT__ republican and democrat __PUNCT__ in support of thi __MONEY___billion stimulu_packag __PUNCT__

there ar mani polici we disagre on __PUNCT__ but immedi relief for famili who ar struggl shouldn't be on of them __PUNCT__

and so while i haven't receiv a respons from senat_mccain yet __PUNCT__ i look forward to hear on soon __PUNCT__

the second step in my agenda is to help provid econom_secur for famili who been deal with skyrocket cost and stagnant wage for year __PUNCT__

i believ it time to reform our tax_code so that it reward work and not just wealth __PUNCT__

so when i presid __PUNCT__ i shut down the corpor loophol and tax_haven __PUNCT__ and i us the monei to help pai for a middl __PUNCT__ class tax_cut that will provid __MONEY__ of relief to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of worker and their famili __PUNCT__

we also elimin incom_tax for everi retire make less than __MONEY__ per year __PUNCT__ becaus everi senior deserv to live out their life in digniti and respect __PUNCT__

and if senat_mccain want a debat about tax in thi campaign __PUNCT__ that a debat i happi to have __PUNCT__

becaus if you a famili make less than __MONEY__ my plan will not rais your tax __PUNCT__ not your incom_tax __PUNCT__ not your payrol_tax __PUNCT__ not your capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__ not ani of your tax __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ what senat_mccain should explain is why hi tax_cut for the middl_class would leav out __NUM___million household __PUNCT__ and why __PUNCT__ for famili that ar lucki enough to get the tax_cut __PUNCT__ it would be worth onli about __MONEY__ in the first year __PUNCT__

the differ is __PUNCT__ he trust that prosper will trickl down from corpor and the wealthiest few to everyon els __PUNCT__

i believ that it the hard_work of middl __PUNCT__ class_american that fuel thi nation prosper __PUNCT__

i also help famili who ar struggl under the crush burden of health_care_cost by pass a plan that bring the typic famili premium down by __MONEY__ and guarante coverag to everyon who want it __PUNCT__

senat_mccain health_care_plan not onli fail to cover everi american and hold out less hope of cut health_care_cost __PUNCT__ it would actual tax your health care benefit for the first time ever __PUNCT__

over time thi tax would grow and after just a few year it would be so larg that middl __PUNCT__ class_famili would face an overal tax_increas from hi plan __PUNCT__

so that is a real choic in thi elect __PUNCT__

as we help famili deal with rise_cost __PUNCT__ we also have to help those famili who find themselv mire in debt __PUNCT__

sinc so mani who ar struggl to keep up with their mortgag ar now shift their debt to credit_card __PUNCT__ we have to make sure that credit card don't becom the next stage in the hous_crisi becaus __PUNCT__ onc again __PUNCT__ we fail to establish basic rule and oversight to protect_consum from predatori_lend __PUNCT__

to make sure that american know what thei sign up for __PUNCT__ i institut a five __PUNCT__ star rate_system to inform consum about the level of risk involv in everi credit_card __PUNCT__

and we establish a credit card bill of right that will ban unilater chang to credit card agreement __PUNCT__ ban rate hike on debt you alreadi had __PUNCT__ and ban interest charg on late fee __PUNCT__

american need to pai what thei ow __PUNCT__ but you should pai what fair __PUNCT__ not just what fatten profit for some credit_card_compani and thei can get awai with __PUNCT__

the same_principl should appli to our bankruptci_law __PUNCT__

when i presid __PUNCT__ we reform our bankruptci law so that we give american who find themselv in debt a second chanc __PUNCT__

and we make sure that if you can demonstr that you went bankrupt becaus of medic expens __PUNCT__ you can reliev that debt and get back on your feet __PUNCT__

but even as we take these step __PUNCT__ we also know that it not enough to just get famili_back on their feet __PUNCT__

we need to help hardwork famili get ahead __PUNCT__

we need to help the middl __PUNCT__ class succe becaus that when our economi succe __PUNCT__

that why the third step in my agenda is to give famili the help thei need to build that nest_egg and provid a better life for their children __PUNCT__

to make save easier __PUNCT__ we automat_enrol everi worker in a workplac pension_plan that stai with you from job to job __PUNCT__

and for work_famili who earn under __MONEY__ we will start that nest_egg for you by match __NUM__ percent of the first __MONEY__ you save and deposit it directli into your account __PUNCT__

to make a colleg_educ afford for everi american_famili __PUNCT__ i make thi promis to everi student __PUNCT__ your countri will offer you __MONEY__ a year of tuition if you offer your countri commun or nation_servic when you graduat __PUNCT__

if you invest in america __PUNCT__ america will invest in you __PUNCT__

to make it easier for famili to own their own home and stai in that home __PUNCT__ we crack down on predatori lender __PUNCT__ and help more american refin their mortgag __PUNCT__ and provid ten million homeown a mortgag tax_credit that will take ten percent off their interest_rate __PUNCT__

to help those mother and father who ar juggl work and famili __PUNCT__ i expand the child_care tax_credit __PUNCT__ extend the famili medic leav act to give more parent more time with their children __PUNCT__ and make sure that everi worker in america ha access to seven dai of paid sick leav __PUNCT__

i make sure that women get equal pai for an equal dai work __PUNCT__ becaus that what right and that what famili need to get ahead __PUNCT__

and to help those famili who own small_busi that ar the engin of prosper in america __PUNCT__ i will elimin all capit_gain gain_tax on start __PUNCT__ up and small_busi to encourag more innov and job_creation __PUNCT__

there is no doubt that thi agenda is ambiti __PUNCT__

it will take resourc in the wake of polici our debt like a war in iraq that cost us __MONEY___billion a month __PUNCT__

but the answer to our fiscal_problem is not to short __PUNCT__ chang invest that will help our famili get ahead __PUNCT__ invest that ar vital to our long __PUNCT__ term growth as a nation __PUNCT__

the answer is to make sure that we ar find a wai to pai for these invest but cut where we can __PUNCT__

my plan is detail and specif when it come to cut_spend __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ all my new spend propos would be more than paid for by spend reduct __PUNCT__

i have a plan to respons end the war in iraq and reduc overpay for privat_plan in medicar __PUNCT__ someth john_mccain ha no specif plan to do __PUNCT__

i would also curb subsidi to bank make student_loan __PUNCT__ return earmark to their __NUM___level and reform no __PUNCT__ bid contract __PUNCT__

i do thi becaus i believ we can have a smarter govern that pai it wai while invest in our countri futur __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ the american i met over the last sixteen month in town_hall and live_room __PUNCT__ on farm and front_porch __PUNCT__ thei mai come from differ place and have differ background __PUNCT__ but thei hold common hope and dream the same simpl dream __PUNCT__

thei know govern can't solv all their problem __PUNCT__ and thei don't expect it to __PUNCT__

thei believ in person_respons __PUNCT__ and hard_work __PUNCT__ and self __PUNCT__ relianc __PUNCT__

thei don't like see their tax_dollar wast __PUNCT__

but we also believ in fair and opportun __PUNCT__ in an america where job ar there for the will __PUNCT__ where hard_work is reward with a decent live __PUNCT__ where no matter how much you start with or where you come from or who your parent ar __PUNCT__ you can not just get by __PUNCT__ but actual get ahead __PUNCT__

that the promis of thi countri __PUNCT__ and i believ we can keep that promis togeth if we chang cours and get to work in the month and year_ahead __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__