This speech titled 2008.07.08 originally had 2671 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__ mayor __PUNCT__
and thank you for what you do everi dai as on of america finest mayor __PUNCT__
at heart __PUNCT__ what mayor villaraigosa is do todai is the same_thing he wa do as a fifteen_year old when he volunt to take part in a grape boycott led by cesar chavez __PUNCT__ he fight to make thi countri more equal and just __PUNCT__
and he is a shine exampl of what we can achiev when we build a govern that reflect the divers of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
that someth i want to talk about becaus i told that todai theme is __PUNCT__ divers in govern __PUNCT__
so i been think about why that import and about what it mean to have a govern that repres all american __PUNCT__
it not just about make sure that men and women of everi race __PUNCT__ religion __PUNCT__ and background ar repres at everi level of govern __PUNCT__ though that a critic part of it __PUNCT__
it not just about send a messag to our children that everyon can lead and everyon can serv __PUNCT__ although that too is import __PUNCT__
it about make sure that we have a govern that know that a problem_face ani american is a problem face all american __PUNCT__
it about make sure our govern know that when there a hispan girl stuck in a crumbl school who graduat without learn to read or doesn't graduat at all __PUNCT__ that isn't just a hispan __PUNCT__ american problem __PUNCT__ that an american problem __PUNCT__
when hispan lose their job faster than almost anybodi els __PUNCT__ or work job that pai less __PUNCT__ and come with fewer benefit than almost anybodi els __PUNCT__ that isn't a hispan __PUNCT__ american problem __PUNCT__ that an american problem __PUNCT__
when __NUM___million_peopl peopl_live in hide in thi countri and hundr of thousand of peopl cross our border_illeg each year __PUNCT__ when compani hire undocu_worker instead of legal citizen to avoid pai overtim or to avoid a union __PUNCT__ and a nurs mother is torn awai from her babi by an immigr raid __PUNCT__ that is a problem that all of us __PUNCT__ black __PUNCT__ white __PUNCT__ and brown __PUNCT__ must solv as on nation __PUNCT__
a govern that work for all american __PUNCT__ that the kind of govern i talk about __PUNCT__
and that the kind of govern i been fight to build throughout my over __NUM___year in public_servic __PUNCT__
it why i reach across the aisl in the senat to fight for comprehens_immigr immigr_reform __PUNCT__
it why i brought democrat and republican togeth in illinoi to put __MONEY___million in tax_cut into the pocket of hardwork famili __PUNCT__ to expand health_care to __NUM___children and parent __PUNCT__ and to help end the outrag of latina make __NUM___cent for everi dollar that mani of their male cowork make __PUNCT__
it why i work with lulac and maldef as a civil right lawyer to regist latino voter and ensur that hispan had an equal voic in citi_hall __PUNCT__
and it why i first move to chicago after colleg __PUNCT__
as some of you know __PUNCT__ i turn down more lucr job and went to work for a group of church so i could help turn around neighborhood that were devast when the local steel plant_close __PUNCT__
i knew that chang in those commun would not come easi __PUNCT__
but i also knew that it wouldn't come at all if we didn't bring_peopl togeth __PUNCT__
so i reach out to commun_leader __PUNCT__ black __PUNCT__ brown __PUNCT__ and white __PUNCT__ and built a coalit on issu from fail school to illeg dump to unimmun children __PUNCT__
togeth __PUNCT__ we gave job_train to the jobless __PUNCT__ help prevent student from drop out of school __PUNCT__ and taught peopl to stand up to their govern when it wasn't stand up for them __PUNCT__
it wa on of the most meaning experi of my life __PUNCT__ becaus it show me that what hold thi countri togeth is that fundament belief that we all have a stake in each other __PUNCT__ that i am my brother keeper __PUNCT__ i am my sister keeper __PUNCT__ and in thi countri __PUNCT__ we rise and fall togeth __PUNCT__
it an idea that probabl familiar to all of you becaus it sum up by lulac found creed __PUNCT__ all for on and on for all __PUNCT__
it what led a group of immigr who were tire of be sent to separ school __PUNCT__ and arrest for crime thei didn't commit and thrown in jail by juri thei couldn't serv on __PUNCT__ to come togeth and form thi leagu nearli eighti_year year_ago __PUNCT__
it what led you to take up the caus of a fallen soldier from south texa who return from fight fascism in a casket __PUNCT__ but wa deni burial besid the men he fought with and bled with becaus of the color of hi skin __PUNCT__
you help ensur that no on who worn the proud uniform of the unit_state of america is deni the right and respect thei deserv __PUNCT__
it what led a local lulac council to forg a better futur for children in houston by launch a program that not onli taught them english __PUNCT__ and help ensur thei went on to graduat __PUNCT__ but serv as the basi for the head_start program that help lift so mani children out of poverti __PUNCT__
it what led you to make women equal partner in the battl for civil right long befor so mani other organ did the same __PUNCT__
and it what drive you todai in your commun to put opportun __PUNCT__ equal __PUNCT__ and justic within reach for latino famili __PUNCT__
all for on and on for all __PUNCT__
it the idea that at the heart of lulac __PUNCT__
it the idea that at the heart of america __PUNCT__
and it what thi elect is all about __PUNCT__
it about the futur we can build togeth __PUNCT__
it about all the peopl who ar pai a price becaus of our broken immigr system __PUNCT__ all the commun that ar take immigr_enforc into their own hand __PUNCT__ and all the neighborhood that ar see rise tension as citizen ar pit against new immigr __PUNCT__
thei need us to put an end to the petti partisanship that pass for polit in washington and enact comprehens_immigr immigr_reform onc and for all __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i know senat_mccain us to buck hi parti on immigr by fight for comprehens reform __PUNCT__ and i admir him for it __PUNCT__
but when he wa run for hi parti nomin __PUNCT__ he abandon hi courag stanc __PUNCT__ and said that he wouldn't even support hi own legisl if it came up for a vote __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ for eight long year __PUNCT__ we had a presid who made all kind of promis to latino on the campaign_trail __PUNCT__ but fail to live up to them in the white_hous __PUNCT__ and we can't afford that anymor __PUNCT__
we need a presid who isn't go to walk awai from someth as import as comprehens reform when it becom polit unpopular __PUNCT__
that the commit i make to you __PUNCT__
i march with you in the street of chicago to meet our immigr challeng __PUNCT__
i fought with you in the senat for comprehens_immigr immigr_reform __PUNCT__
and i will make it a top_prioriti in my first year as presid __PUNCT__ not onli becaus we have an oblig to secur our border and get control of who come in and out of our countri __PUNCT__
and not onli becaus we have to crack down on employ who ar abus undocu_immigr instead of hire citizen __PUNCT__
but becaus we have to final bring undocu immigr out of the shadow __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ thei broke the law __PUNCT__
and thei should have to pai a fine __PUNCT__ and learn_english __PUNCT__ and go to the back of the line __PUNCT__
that how we put them on a pathwai to citizenship __PUNCT__
that how we final fix our broken immigr system and avoid creat a servant class in our midst __PUNCT__
it time to reconcil our valu and principl as a nation of immigr and a nation of law __PUNCT__
that what thi elect is all about __PUNCT__
it about the coupl i met in north la_vega who save up for decad __PUNCT__ onli to be trick into bui a home thei couldn't afford __PUNCT__ and ar now struggl to rais their four daughter __PUNCT__ it about all the latino famili who ar the first on hurt by an econom_downturn and the last on help by an econom upturn __PUNCT__
thei can't afford anoth four year of the bush econom_polici that senat_mccain is offer __PUNCT__ polici that give tax_break to big_corpor and the wealthiest american __PUNCT__ while do littl for the struggl famili who need help most __PUNCT__
thei need us to restor fair to our economi by put a tax_cut into the pocket of worker and small_busi busi_owner __PUNCT__ by end tax_break for compani that ship job_oversea and give them to compani that creat good_job here at home __PUNCT__ by solv the hous_crisi __PUNCT__ and give relief to struggl homeown __PUNCT__ and invest in infrastructur to creat new job in the construct industri that been so hard hit __PUNCT__
that what thi elect is about __PUNCT__
it about the on in three latina who don't have health_care __PUNCT__ and the small_busi busi_owner who ar do everyth thei can to succe but ar struggl to stai afloat becaus of the rise_cost of health_care __PUNCT__
thei cannot afford anoth four year of the bush health_care_polici that senat_mccain is offer __PUNCT__ polici that won't solv our health_care crisi __PUNCT__ but will make you pai_tax on your health_care for the first time ever __PUNCT__
thei need us to stand up to the big drug and insur_compani __PUNCT__ guarante health_insur for anyon who need it __PUNCT__ make it afford for anyon who want it __PUNCT__ and cut_cost for busi and their worker by pick up the tab for some of the most expens ill and condit __PUNCT__
that what thi elect is about __PUNCT__
it about the latino student who ar drop out of school faster than nearli anybodi els __PUNCT__ the mother in l.a __PUNCT__ who said she felt like the educ_system wasn't design for peopl like her __PUNCT__ and the children from west chicago to the south bronx who go to overflow class in underfund school taught by teacher who aren't get the support thei need __PUNCT__
thei cannot afford anoth four year of fals promis and neglect __PUNCT__
thei need us to invest in earli_childhood childhood_educ __PUNCT__ stop leav the monei behind for no child_left behind __PUNCT__ recruit an armi of new teacher to your commun and make colleg afford for anyon who want to go __PUNCT__ becaus that how we give everi american the skill to compet in our global_economi __PUNCT__
and that what thi elect is all about __PUNCT__
it about give all american a fair shot at the american_dream __PUNCT__
that what most american ar look for __PUNCT__
it not a lot __PUNCT__
american don't need govern to solv all their problem __PUNCT__ and thei don't want it to __PUNCT__
thei just want to know that if thei put in the work that requir __PUNCT__ thei be abl to build a better life not just for themselv __PUNCT__ but for their children and grandchildren __PUNCT__
it the idea that in thi countri __PUNCT__ the onli limit to success is how big you will to dream and how hard you will to work __PUNCT__
and as my friend henri cisnero said to me the other dai __PUNCT__ nobodi embodi thi spirit more than the latino commun __PUNCT__
i wa remind of thi a few year_ago when i attend a natur workshop at st __PUNCT__ piu church in pilsen __PUNCT__
as i wa walk down the aisl __PUNCT__ i saw peopl clutch small american_flag __PUNCT__ wait for their turn to be call up so thei could begin the long process to becom u. __PUNCT__ citizen __PUNCT__
and at on point __PUNCT__ a young_girl __PUNCT__ seven or eight __PUNCT__ came up to me with her parent __PUNCT__ and ask for my autograph __PUNCT__
she said her name wa cristina __PUNCT__ and that she wa studi govern in school __PUNCT__
i told her parent that thei should be veri proud of her __PUNCT__
and as i listen to cristina translat my word into spanish for them __PUNCT__ it struck me that for all the nois and anger that so often cloud the discuss about immigr in thi countri __PUNCT__ america ha noth to fear from our newcom __PUNCT__
thei have come here for the same reason that famili have alwai come here __PUNCT__ for the same reason that my own father came here from kenya so mani year_ago __PUNCT__ in the hope that here __PUNCT__ in america __PUNCT__ you can make it if you try __PUNCT__
ultim __PUNCT__ then __PUNCT__ the danger to the american wai of life is not that we will be overrun by those who do not look like us or do not yet speak our languag __PUNCT__
it will come if we fail to recogn the human of cristina and her famili __PUNCT__ if we withhold from them the same opportun we take for grant __PUNCT__ or more broadli __PUNCT__ if we stand idli by as our problem grow __PUNCT__ as more and more american go without qualiti job __PUNCT__ afford health_care __PUNCT__ or the skill thei need to get ahead in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
becaus america can onli prosper if all american prosper __PUNCT__
it goe back to the idea that at the heart of lulac __PUNCT__ that it all for on and on for all __PUNCT__
that the idea we need to reclaim in thi countri __PUNCT__
and that the idea that we can reclaim in thi elect __PUNCT__
but i can't do thi on my own __PUNCT__
i need your help __PUNCT__
thi elect could well be decid by latino voter __PUNCT__
everi four year some of the closest contest take place in florida __PUNCT__ colorado __PUNCT__ nevada __PUNCT__ and new mexico __PUNCT__ state with larg latino commun __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ latino who were regist to vote in new mexico didn't turn out on elect_dai __PUNCT__ and senat_kerri lost that state by less than __NUM___vote __PUNCT__
__NUM__ vote __PUNCT__
that a small_fraction of the number of latino who aren't even regist to vote in new mexico todai __PUNCT__
so while i know how power a commun you ar __PUNCT__ i also know how power you could be on __DATE__ if you translat your number into vote __PUNCT__
dure the immigr march back in __NUM__ we had a sai __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ we march __PUNCT__
tomorrow __PUNCT__ we vote __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ that wa the time to march __PUNCT__
and now come the time to vote __PUNCT__
and i truli believ that if we can regist more latino __PUNCT__ young and old __PUNCT__ rich and poor __PUNCT__ and turn them out to vote in the fall __PUNCT__ then not onli will we chang the polit_map __PUNCT__ and not onli will i win the presid __PUNCT__ but you will final have a govern that repres all american __PUNCT__
and then you and i __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__ will bring about the kind of chang we been march for and fight for __PUNCT__ and lift up all your commun and everi corner of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__