Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.07.11 originally had 2747 tokens. You can view the original text here.

i often said that the decis we make in thi elect and in the next few year will set the cours for the next gener __PUNCT__

that is true of the war in iraq and afghanistan __PUNCT__

it true of our economi __PUNCT__

and it is especi true of our energi_polici __PUNCT__

the urgenc of thi challeng is clear to anyon who tri to fill up their tank with ga that now over __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__

it clear to the legion of scientist who believ that we ar near a point of no return when it come to our global_climat climat_crisi __PUNCT__

and with each pass dai __PUNCT__ it is clear that our addict to fossil_fuel is on of the most seriou threat to our nation_secur in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

for the last eight year __PUNCT__ thi administr ha narrowli defin secur as fight an open __PUNCT__ end war in iraq __PUNCT__

but in the interconnect world of thi new centuri __PUNCT__ new threat come from stateless terrorist __PUNCT__ loos nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ the spread of pandem diseas __PUNCT__ an inabl to compet with rise_power in the global_economi __PUNCT__ the threat of global_climat chang and our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__

i be talk about these threat next week and in the week to come __PUNCT__ and todai i like to begin with those relat to energi __PUNCT__

we now know that the carbon_emiss releas by countri across the globe ar warm our planet __PUNCT__ which lead to devast weather pattern __PUNCT__ terribl storm __PUNCT__ drought __PUNCT__ and famin __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ studi_show that by __NUM__ famin could displac more than __NUM___million_peopl worldwid __PUNCT__

that mean peopl compet for food and water in the next fifti_year in the veri place that have known horrif violenc in the last fifti __PUNCT__ africa __PUNCT__ the middl_east __PUNCT__ and south_asia __PUNCT__

that is a threat to our secur __PUNCT__

an even more immedi and direct secur threat come from our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__

the price of a barrel of oil is now on of the most danger weapon in the world __PUNCT__

tyrant from caraca to tehran us it to prop up their regim __PUNCT__ intimid the intern_commun __PUNCT__ and hold us hostag to a market that is subject to their whim __PUNCT__

if iran decid to shut down the petroleum __PUNCT__ rich strait of hormuz tomorrow __PUNCT__ thei believ oil would skyrocket to __MONEY__ in minut __PUNCT__ a price that on specul predict would result in __MONEY__ ga __PUNCT__

__MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__

the nearli __MONEY___million a dai we send to unstabl or hostil nation also fund both side of the war on terror __PUNCT__ pai for everyth from the madrassa that plant the seed of terror in young mind to the bomb that go off in baghdad and kabul __PUNCT__

our oil addict even present a target for osama_bin_laden __PUNCT__ who ha told al_qaeda __PUNCT__ focu your oper on oil __PUNCT__ sinc thi will caus __PUNCT__ the american __PUNCT__ to die off on their own __PUNCT__

if we stai on our current cours __PUNCT__ the rapid_growth of nation like china and india will rise about on __PUNCT__ third by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

in that same_year __PUNCT__ middl_eastern regim will be sit on __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of our global oil_reserv __PUNCT__

imagin that __PUNCT__ the veri sourc of energi that fuel nearli all of our transport __PUNCT__ control almost entir by some of the world most unstabl and undemocrat govern __PUNCT__

thi is not the futur i want for america __PUNCT__

we ar not a countri that place our fate in the hand of dictat and tyrant __PUNCT__ we ar a nation that control our own destini __PUNCT__

that who we ar __PUNCT__

that who we alwai been __PUNCT__

it what led us to wage a revolut that brought down an empir __PUNCT__

it why we built an arsen of democraci to defeat fascism __PUNCT__ and stop the spread of commun with the power of our ideal __PUNCT__

and it why we must end the tyranni of oil in our time __PUNCT__

thi is a debat we been have in thi campaign __PUNCT__ but it also an issu we been talk about for decad __PUNCT__

we have heard promis about energi_independ from everi singl u. __PUNCT__ presid sinc richard_nixon __PUNCT__

we heard talk about curb our us of fossil_fuel in nearli everi state of the union_address sinc the oil embargo __NUM__ __PUNCT__

back then we import about a third of our oil __PUNCT__

todai we import over half __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ a few dai_ago __PUNCT__ senat_mccain said __PUNCT__ our danger depend on foreign_oil ha been thirti_year in the make __PUNCT__ and wa caus by the failur of politician in washington to think long __PUNCT__ term about the futur of the countri __PUNCT__

i couldn't agre more __PUNCT__

the onli problem is that out of those thirti year __PUNCT__ senat_mccain wa in washington for twenti __PUNCT__ six of them __PUNCT__

and in that time he ha achiev littl to help reduc our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__

he vote against rais our fuel mileag standard and join georg_bush in oppos legisl twice in the last year that includ tax_credit for more effici car __PUNCT__

he vote against altern sourc of energi __PUNCT__

against clean biofuel __PUNCT__

against solar_power __PUNCT__

against wind_power __PUNCT__

against an energi_bill that repres the largest invest in renew_sourc of energi in the histori of thi countri __PUNCT__

so when he talk about the failur of politician in washington to do anyth about our energi_crisi __PUNCT__ understand that senat_mccain ha been a part of that failur __PUNCT__

when he propos polici that give __MONEY___billion in tax_break to oil_compani but onli penni a dai to american struggl with high ga_price __PUNCT__ understand that that not part of the solut in washington __PUNCT__ that part of the problem in washington __PUNCT__

when he offer a plan that doesn't make ani real invest in altern sourc of energi __PUNCT__ that repres a failur to think long __PUNCT__ term about our nation_futur __PUNCT__

that what we had in thi countri for too mani year __PUNCT__ and that why we need chang in __DATE__ __PUNCT__

i won't pretend thi chang will be easi or that it will come without signific cost or some measur of sacrific from the american_peopl __PUNCT__

achiev energi_independ is on of the greatest_challeng we ever face __PUNCT__ and it will be the great project of our gener __PUNCT__

but i seen that progress is possibl __PUNCT__

when i arriv in the u. __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ i work with democrat and republican to pass a law that will give more american the chanc to fill up their car with clean biofuel __PUNCT__

i also pass a law that will fuel the research need to develop a car that could get up to __NUM___mile to the gallon __PUNCT__

and i reach across the aisl to come up with a plan to rais the mileag standard in our car for the first time in thirti_year __PUNCT__ a plan that won support from democrat and republican who had never support rais fuel standard befor __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ with oil and ga_price thi high __PUNCT__ we hear a lot of plan and propos come out of washington sinc politician ar final pai_attent __PUNCT__

the problem is __PUNCT__ thei react instead of act __PUNCT__

thei search for easi answer to get them through the next elect instead of seriou __PUNCT__ long __PUNCT__ term solut that will offer real relief and real secur for america __PUNCT__

i understand the polit __PUNCT__

in a countri desper for action __PUNCT__ idea like a ga tax holidai or expand oil drill in the water off our coast ar popular __PUNCT__

and i sai thi __PUNCT__ if there were real evid that these step would actual provid real __PUNCT__ immedi relief at the pump and advanc the long __PUNCT__ term_goal of energi_independ __PUNCT__ of cours i be open to them __PUNCT__

but so far there isn't __PUNCT__

as good as thei sound __PUNCT__ the histori of ga tax holidai is that the price go up to fill in the gap __PUNCT__ and the big winner end up be the retail and oil_compani __PUNCT__ not the american_peopl __PUNCT__

that what happen when we had a ga tax holidai in illinoi that i support __PUNCT__ and that why we end up repeal it __PUNCT__

it didn't work __PUNCT__

and it would also drain the feder highwai fund of billion of dollar and cost hundr of thousand of american_job __PUNCT__

when it come to offshor_drill __PUNCT__ even senat_mccain ha acknowledg that it won't provid short __PUNCT__ term relief __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ if we start drill todai __PUNCT__ we wouldn't see a drop of oil for seven year __PUNCT__ and even then it would have littl if ani impact on price __PUNCT__

meanwhil __PUNCT__ the oil_compani current have the right to drill on __NUM___million million_acr of land and offshor area that thei haven't touch __PUNCT__

i believ that befor we give the oil_compani ani more land __PUNCT__ it time we tell them to start drill on the land thei alreadi have or turn it over to someon who will __PUNCT__ becaus we need that oil __PUNCT__

we should also invest in the technolog that can help us recov more oil from exist field __PUNCT__

and we should also look to our substanti natur_ga reserv to tap a sourc of energi that alreadi power buse and car here and around the world __PUNCT__

in the long __PUNCT__ term __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ we have to rememb that these domest resourc ar finit __PUNCT__

even if you open up everi squar inch of our land and our coast to drill __PUNCT__ america still ha onli __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the world_oil oil_reserv __PUNCT__

senat_mccain mai believ otherwis __PUNCT__ but that is not a real_solut to our energi_crisi __PUNCT__

what we need ar real idea to give hardwork american relief from high ga_price __PUNCT__ and seriou __PUNCT__ long __PUNCT__ term_invest to perman reduc our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__

that exactli what my plan doe __PUNCT__

to provid immedi relief __PUNCT__ i propos a second __PUNCT__ __MONEY___billion stimulu_packag that would send energi rebat check to everi american __PUNCT__

i ask senat_mccain to join me in pass such a plan __PUNCT__ and i extend that invit again todai __PUNCT__

i also propos a __MONEY__ middl __PUNCT__ class tax_cut that will go to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of all worker and their famili __PUNCT__

and i crack down on oil specul who mai be artifici drive up the price of oil __PUNCT__

but to truli reduc our long __PUNCT__ term depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__ my plan will fast __PUNCT__ track __MONEY___billion of invest in a clean_energi fund to help creat the fuel __PUNCT__ effici car and altern sourc of energi that will secur thi nation and jumpstart a green_economi __PUNCT__

it a plan that will reduc our oil consumpt __NUM___million million_barrel per dai by __NUM__ which is more than all the oil we expect to import from opec nation in that same_year __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ we doubl our fuel mileag standard over the next two decad util much of the technolog we have on the shelf todai __PUNCT__ a step that will save thi countri half a trillion gallon of gasolin __PUNCT__ the equival of cut the price of a gallon of ga in half __PUNCT__

and i will provid tax_credit and loan_guarante for our automak to help them make thi transit __PUNCT__

second __PUNCT__ we launch a ventur_capit fund that will provid __MONEY___billion over five year to get the most promis clean_energi energi_technolog out of the lab and into the marketplac __PUNCT__

a princip focu of thi fund will be continu the work i began in the senat and invest in plug __PUNCT__ in hybrid batteri that will allow car to get up to __NUM___mile per gallon __PUNCT__

i glad that senat_mccain now understand the import of thi batteri technolog __PUNCT__ but it will take a lot more than a cash prize to achiev thi goal __PUNCT__

it will take a seriou invest __PUNCT__

third __PUNCT__ to creat a market for altern sourc of energi like solar __PUNCT__ wind __PUNCT__ i requir that __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of our electr come renew_sourc by __NUM__ and that we produc two billion gallon of advanc cellulos biofuel by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

we also invest in find cleaner wai to us coal __PUNCT__ our nation most abund energi_sourc __PUNCT__ and safer wai to us nuclear_power and store nuclear_wast __PUNCT__

fourth __PUNCT__ we us our clean_energi fund to invest over __MONEY___billion a year to re __PUNCT__ tool and modern our factori and build the advanc technolog car __PUNCT__ truck and suv of the futur __PUNCT__ so that the job and industri of the futur ar creat right here in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ on of the fastest __PUNCT__ easiest __PUNCT__ and cheapest wai to conserv energi and us less oil is to make_america more energi_effici and more competit with the world __PUNCT__

that why __PUNCT__ when i presid __PUNCT__ i will call on busi __PUNCT__ govern __PUNCT__ and the american_peopl to make_america america___NUM__ __PUNCT__ more energi_effici by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

when all is said and done __PUNCT__ my plan to invest __MONEY___billion in altern_energi will creat entir new industri __PUNCT__ thousand of new busi __PUNCT__ and up to five million new __PUNCT__ green_job that pai well and can't be outsourc __PUNCT__

and we pai for all of it by take awai tax_break for oil_compani and put a price on carbon pollut __PUNCT__ a step that will also reduc our carbon_emiss __NUM__ __PUNCT__ by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

most importantli __PUNCT__ thi plan will ensur that we control the energi we us with resourc and technolog that ar avail todai __PUNCT__

the step i just spoke about ar not far __PUNCT__ off __PUNCT__ pie __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ sky solut __PUNCT__ thei ar now __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ there ar wait_list for fuel __PUNCT__ effici car __PUNCT__

there an old steel_mill in pennsylvania that ha becom the home of a new wind_turbin factori __PUNCT__

i seen a small_busi in nevada power entir by solar_power __PUNCT__

across the planet __PUNCT__ countri like germani and the unit_kingdom have alreadi implement clean_energi polic that ar reduc their carbon_emiss right now __PUNCT__ and leader like toni_blair and angela merkel have done a great job of rais the visibl of climat chang within the g8 __PUNCT__

now it our turn to lead __PUNCT__ to show that thi futur is possibl for america __PUNCT__

in the last centuri __PUNCT__ dure the dai that follow the attack on pearl_harbor __PUNCT__ the american_peopl were ask __PUNCT__ almost overnight __PUNCT__ to transform a peacetim economi that wa still climb out from the depth of depress into an arsen of democraci that could wage_war across three contin __PUNCT__

mani doubt whether thi could be achiev in time __PUNCT__ or even at all __PUNCT__

presid franklin_roosevelt own advisor told him that hi goal for wartim product were unrealist and imposs to meet __PUNCT__

but the presid simpli wave them off __PUNCT__ sai __PUNCT__ believ me __PUNCT__ the product peopl can do it if thei realli try __PUNCT__

the challeng we face from our energi depend is great __PUNCT__

meet it will take time __PUNCT__ and it will not be easi __PUNCT__

but if we will to work at it __PUNCT__ and invest in it __PUNCT__ and sacrific for it __PUNCT__ if we will to summon the same_spirit of optim and possibl that ha defin thi countri greatest progress __PUNCT__ then i believ that we too will be abl to do it if we realli try __PUNCT__

and i look forward to try with you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__