Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.07.14 originally had 2759 tokens. You can view the original text here.

it is alwai humbl to speak befor the naacp __PUNCT__

it is a power remind of the debt we all ow to those who march for us and fought for us and stood up on our behalf __PUNCT__ of the sacrific that were made for us by those we never knew __PUNCT__ and of the giant whose shoulder i stand on here todai __PUNCT__

thei ar the men and women we read about in histori_book and hear about in church __PUNCT__ whose live we honor with school __PUNCT__ and boulevard __PUNCT__ and feder holidai that bear their name __PUNCT__

but what i want to remind you tonight __PUNCT__ on youth night __PUNCT__ is that these giant __PUNCT__ these icon of america past __PUNCT__ were not much older than mani of you when thei took up freedom caus and made their mark on histori __PUNCT__

dr __PUNCT__ martin_luther_king luther_king_jr __PUNCT__ wa but a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year old pastor when he led a bu boycott in montgomeri that mobil a movement __PUNCT__

john lewi wa but a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year old activist when he face down billi club on the bridg in selma and help arous the conscienc of our nation __PUNCT__

dian nash wa even younger when she help found sncc and led freedom ride down south __PUNCT__

and your chairman julian bond wa but a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year old state_legisl when he put hi own shoulder to the wheel of histori __PUNCT__

it is becaus of them __PUNCT__ and all those whose name never made it into the histori_book __PUNCT__ those men and women __PUNCT__ young and old __PUNCT__ black __PUNCT__ brown and white __PUNCT__ clear __PUNCT__ ei and straight __PUNCT__ back __PUNCT__ who refus to settl for the world as it is __PUNCT__ who had the courag to remak the world as it should be __PUNCT__ that i stand befor you tonight as the democrat_nomine for presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

and if i have the privileg of serv as your next presid __PUNCT__ i will stand up for you the same wai that earlier_gener of american stood up for me __PUNCT__ by fight to ensur that everi singl on of us ha the chanc to make it if we try __PUNCT__

that mean remov the barrier of prejudic and misunderstand that still exist in america __PUNCT__

it mean fight to elimin discrimin from everi corner of our countri __PUNCT__

it mean chang heart __PUNCT__ and chang mind __PUNCT__ and make sure that everi american is treat equal under the law __PUNCT__

but social_justic is not enough __PUNCT__

as dr __PUNCT__ king onc said __PUNCT__ the insepar twin of racial_justic is econom_justic __PUNCT__

that why dr __PUNCT__ king went to memphi in hi final_dai to stand with strike sanit worker __PUNCT__

that why the march that roi wilkin help lead forti five year_ago thi summer wasn't just name the march on washington __PUNCT__ and it wasn't just name the march on washington for freedom __PUNCT__ it wa name the march on washington for job and freedom __PUNCT__

what dr __PUNCT__ king and roi wilkin understood is that it matter littl if you have the right to sit at the front of the bu if you can't afford the bu fare __PUNCT__ it matter littl if you have the right to sit at the lunch_counter if you can't afford the lunch __PUNCT__

what thei understood is that so long as american ar deni the decent_wage __PUNCT__ and good benefit __PUNCT__ and fair treatment thei deserv __PUNCT__ the dream for which so mani gave so much will remain out of reach __PUNCT__ that to live up to our found promis of equal for all __PUNCT__ we have to make sure that opportun is open to all american __PUNCT__

that is what i been fight to do throughout my over __NUM___year in public_servic __PUNCT__

that why i fought in the senat to end tax_break for compani that ship job_oversea and give those tax_break to compani that creat good_job here in america __PUNCT__

that why i brought democrat and republican togeth in illinoi to put __MONEY___million in tax_cut into the pocket of hardwork famili __PUNCT__ to expand health_care to __NUM___children and parent __PUNCT__ and to end the outrag of black_women make just __NUM___cent for everi dollar that mani of their male cowork make __PUNCT__

and that why i move to chicago after colleg __PUNCT__

as some of you know __PUNCT__ i turn down more lucr job becaus i wa inspir by the civil right movement and i want to do my part in the ongo battl for opportun in thi countri __PUNCT__

so i went to work for a group of church to help turn around neighborhood that were devast when the local steel plant_close __PUNCT__

and i reach out to commun_leader __PUNCT__ black __PUNCT__ brown __PUNCT__ and white __PUNCT__ and togeth __PUNCT__ we gave job_train to the jobless __PUNCT__ set up afterschool program to help keep kid off the street __PUNCT__ and block by block __PUNCT__ we help turn those neighborhood around __PUNCT__

so i been work my entir adult_life to help build an america where social_justic is be serv and econom_justic is be serv __PUNCT__ an america where we all have an equal chanc to make it if we try __PUNCT__

that the america i believ in __PUNCT__

that the america you been fight for over the past___NUM___year __PUNCT__

and that the america we have to keep march toward todai __PUNCT__

our work is not over __PUNCT__

when so mani of our nation school ar fail __PUNCT__ especi those in our poorest rural and urban commun __PUNCT__ deni million of young_american the chanc to fulfil their potenti and live out their dream __PUNCT__ we have more work to do __PUNCT__

when ceo ar make more in ten_minut than the averag_worker earn in a year __PUNCT__ and million of famili lose their home due to unscrupul lend __PUNCT__ check neither by a sens of corpor ethic or a vigil govern __PUNCT__ when the dream of enter the middl_class and stai there is fade for young_peopl in our commun __PUNCT__ we have more work to do __PUNCT__

when ani human be is deni a life of digniti and respect __PUNCT__ no matter whether thei live in anacostia or appalachia or a villag in africa __PUNCT__ when peopl ar trap in extrem_poverti we know how to curb or suffer from diseas we know how to prevent __PUNCT__ when thei go without the medicin that thei so desper need __PUNCT__ we have more work to do __PUNCT__

that what thi elect is all about __PUNCT__

it about the respons we all share for the futur we hold in common __PUNCT__

it about each and everi on of us do our part to build that more perfect_union __PUNCT__

it about the respons that corpor_america ha __PUNCT__ respons that start with end a cultur on wall_street that sai what good for me is good enough __PUNCT__ that put their bottom_line ahead of what right for america __PUNCT__

becaus what we learn in such a dramat wai in recent_month is that pain in our economi trickl up __PUNCT__ that wall_street can't thrive so long as main_street is struggl __PUNCT__ and that america is better off when the well __PUNCT__ be of american_busi and the american_peopl ar align __PUNCT__

our ceo have to recogn that thei have a respons not just to grow their profit_margin __PUNCT__ but to be fair to their worker __PUNCT__ and honest to their sharehold and to help strengthen our economi as a whole __PUNCT__

that how we ensur that econom_justic is be serv __PUNCT__

and that what thi elect is about __PUNCT__

it about the respons that washington ha __PUNCT__ respons that start with restor fair to our economi by make sure that the plai_field isn't tilt to benefit the special_interest at the expens of ordinari_american __PUNCT__ and that we reward not just wealth __PUNCT__ but the work and worker who creat it __PUNCT__

that why i offer a middl_class tax_cut so we can lift up hardwork famili __PUNCT__ and give relief to struggl homeown so we can end our hous_crisi __PUNCT__ and provid train to young_peopl to work the green_job of the futur __PUNCT__ and invest in our infrastructur so we can creat million of new job __PUNCT__

and that why i end the outrag of on in five african_american go without the health_care thei deserv __PUNCT__

we guarante health care for anyon who need it __PUNCT__ make it afford for anyon who want it __PUNCT__ and ensur that the qualiti of your health care doe not depend on the color of your skin __PUNCT__

and we not go to do it __NUM___year from now or __NUM__ year from now __PUNCT__ we go to do it by the end of my first term as presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

and here what els we do __PUNCT__ we make sure that everi child in thi countri get a world __PUNCT__ class educ from the dai thei born until the dai thei graduat from colleg __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i understand that senat_mccain is go to be come here in a coupl of dai and talk about educ __PUNCT__ and i glad to hear it __PUNCT__

but the fact is __PUNCT__ what he offer amount to littl more than the same tire rhetor about voucher __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i believ we need to move beyond the same debat we been have for the past___NUM___year when we haven't gotten anyth done __PUNCT__

we need to fix and improv our public_school __PUNCT__ not throw our hand up and walk awai from them __PUNCT__

we need to uphold the ideal of public_educ __PUNCT__ but we also need reform __PUNCT__

that why i introduc a comprehens strategi to recruit an armi of new qualiti teacher to our commun __PUNCT__ and to pai them more and give them more support __PUNCT__

and we invest in earli_childhood childhood_educ educ_program so that our kid don't begin the race of life behind the start line and offer a __MONEY__ tax_credit to make colleg afford for anyon who want to go __PUNCT__

becaus as the naacp know better than anyon __PUNCT__ the fight for social_justic and econom_justic begin in the classroom __PUNCT__

but it doesn't end there __PUNCT__

we have to fight for all those young_men stand on street_corner with littl hope for the futur besid end up in jail __PUNCT__

we have to break the cycl of poverti and violenc that grip too mani neighborhood in thi countri __PUNCT__

that why i expand the earn_incom incom_tax_credit __PUNCT__ becaus it on of the most success anti __PUNCT__ poverti measur we have __PUNCT__

that why i end the bush_polici of take cop off the street at the moment thei need most __PUNCT__ becaus we need to give local_law law_enforc the support thei need __PUNCT__

that why we provid job_train for ex __PUNCT__ offend __PUNCT__ becaus we need to make sure thei don't return to a life of crime __PUNCT__

and that why i build on the success of the harlem children zone in new york and launch an all __PUNCT__ hand __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ deck effort to end_poverti in thi countri __PUNCT__ becaus that how we put the dream that dr __PUNCT__ king and roi wilkin fought for within reach for the next gener of children __PUNCT__

and if peopl tell you that we cannot afford to invest in educ or health_care or fight poverti __PUNCT__ you just remind them that we ar spend___MONEY___billion a month in iraq __PUNCT__

and if we can spend that much monei in iraq __PUNCT__ we can spend some of that monei right here in cincinnati __PUNCT__ ohio and in big_citi and small_town in everi corner of thi countri __PUNCT__

so ye __PUNCT__ we have to demand more respons from washington __PUNCT__

and ye we have to demand more respons from wall_street __PUNCT__

but we also have to demand more from ourselv __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i know some sai i been too tough on folk about thi respons stuff __PUNCT__

but i not go to stop_talk about it __PUNCT__

becaus i believ that in the end __PUNCT__ it doesn't matter how much monei we invest in our commun __PUNCT__ or how mani __NUM__ __PUNCT__ point_plan we propos __PUNCT__ or how mani govern_program we launch __PUNCT__ none of it will make ani differ if we don't seiz more respons in our own live __PUNCT__

that how we truli honor those who came befor us __PUNCT__

becaus i know that thurgood marshal did not argu brown versu board of educ so that some of us could stop do our job as parent __PUNCT__

and i know that nine littl children did not walk through a schoolhous door in littl rock so that we could stand by and let our children drop out of school and turn to gang for the support thei ar not get elsewher __PUNCT__

that not the freedom thei fought so hard to achiev __PUNCT__

that not the america thei gave so much to build __PUNCT__

that not the dream thei had for our children __PUNCT__

that why if we seriou about reclaim that dream __PUNCT__ we have to do more in our own live __PUNCT__ our own famili __PUNCT__ and our own commun __PUNCT__

that start with provid the guidanc our children need __PUNCT__ turn off the tv __PUNCT__ and put awai the video_game __PUNCT__ attend those parent __PUNCT__ teacher confer __PUNCT__ help our children with their homework __PUNCT__ and set a good exampl __PUNCT__

it start with teach our daughter to never allow imag on televis to tell them what thei ar worth __PUNCT__ and teach our son to treat women with respect __PUNCT__ and to realiz that respons doe not end at concept __PUNCT__ that what make them men is not the abil to have a child but the courag to rais on __PUNCT__

it start by be good_neighbor and good citizen who ar will to volunt in our commun __PUNCT__ and to help our synagogu and church and commun_center feed the hungri and care for the elderli __PUNCT__

we all have to do our part to lift up thi countri __PUNCT__

that where chang begin __PUNCT__

and that __PUNCT__ after all __PUNCT__ is the true geniu of america __PUNCT__ not that america is __PUNCT__ but that america will be __PUNCT__ not that we ar perfect __PUNCT__ but that we can make ourselv more perfect __PUNCT__ that brick by brick __PUNCT__ callous hand by callous hand __PUNCT__ peopl who love thi countri can chang it __PUNCT__

and that our most endur respons __PUNCT__ the respons to futur_gener __PUNCT__

we have to chang thi countri for them __PUNCT__

we have to leav them a planet that cleaner __PUNCT__ a nation that safer __PUNCT__ and a world that more equal and more just __PUNCT__

so i grate to you for all you done for thi campaign __PUNCT__ but we got work to do and we cannot rest __PUNCT__

and i know that if you put your shoulder to the wheel of histori and take up the caus of perfect our union just as earlier_gener of american did befor you __PUNCT__ if you take up the fight for opportun and equal and prosper for all __PUNCT__ if you march with me and fight with me __PUNCT__ and get your friend regist to vote __PUNCT__ and if you stand with me thi fall __PUNCT__ then not onli will we help close the respons deficit in thi countri __PUNCT__ and not onli will we help achiev social_justic and econom_justic for all __PUNCT__ but i will come back here next year on the __NUM___anniversari of the naacp __PUNCT__ and i will stand befor you as the presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

and at that moment __PUNCT__ you and i will truli know that a new dai ha come in thi countri we love __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__