This speech titled 2008.07.15 originally had 5692 tokens. You can view the original text here.
sixti __PUNCT__ on year_ago __PUNCT__ georg marshal announc the plan that would come to bear hi name __PUNCT__
much of europ lai in ruin __PUNCT__
the unit_state face a power and ideolog enemi intent on world domin __PUNCT__
thi menac wa magnifi by the recent discov capabl to destroi life on an unimagin scale __PUNCT__
the soviet_union didn't yet have an atom_bomb __PUNCT__ but befor long it would __PUNCT__
the challeng_face the greatest_gener of american __PUNCT__ the gener that had vanquish fascism on the battlefield __PUNCT__ wa how to contain thi threat while extend freedom frontier __PUNCT__
leader like truman and acheson __PUNCT__ kennan and marshal __PUNCT__ knew that there wa no singl decis blow that could be struck for freedom __PUNCT__
we need a new overarch strategi to meet the challeng of a new and danger world __PUNCT__
such a strategi would join overwhelm militari strength with sound judgment __PUNCT__
it would shape event not just through militari_forc __PUNCT__ but through the forc of our idea __PUNCT__ through econom_power __PUNCT__ intellig and diplomaci __PUNCT__
it would support strong alli that freeli share our ideal of liberti and democraci __PUNCT__ open_market and the rule of law __PUNCT__
it would foster new intern_institut like the unit_nation __PUNCT__ nato __PUNCT__ and the world_bank __PUNCT__ and focu on everi corner of the globe __PUNCT__
it wa a strategi that saw clearli the world danger __PUNCT__ while seiz it promis __PUNCT__
as a gener __PUNCT__ marshal had spent_year help fdr wage_war __PUNCT__
but the marshal_plan __PUNCT__ which wa just on part of thi strategi __PUNCT__ help rebuild not just alli __PUNCT__ but also the nation that marshal had plot to defeat __PUNCT__
in the speech announc hi plan __PUNCT__ he conclud not with tough talk or definit declar __PUNCT__ but rather with question and a call for perspect __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ the whole world of the futur __PUNCT__ marshal said __PUNCT__ hang on a proper judgment __PUNCT__
to make that judgment __PUNCT__ he ask the american_peopl to examin distant event that directli affect their secur and prosper __PUNCT__
he close by ask __PUNCT__ what is need __PUNCT__ what can best be done __PUNCT__ what must be done __PUNCT__
what is need __PUNCT__ what can best be done __PUNCT__ what must be done __PUNCT__
todai danger ar differ __PUNCT__ though no less grave __PUNCT__
the power to destroi life on a catastroph scale now risk fall into the hand of terrorist __PUNCT__
the futur of our secur __PUNCT__ and our planet __PUNCT__ is held hostag to our depend on foreign_oil and ga __PUNCT__
from the cave __PUNCT__ spot mountain of northwest pakistan __PUNCT__ to the centrifug spin beneath iranian soil __PUNCT__ we know that the american_peopl cannot be protect by ocean or the sheer might of our militari alon __PUNCT__
the attack of __DATE__ brought thi new realiti into a terribl and omin focu __PUNCT__
on that bright and beauti dai __PUNCT__ the world of peac and prosper that wa the legaci of our cold_war victori seem to suddenli vanish under rubbl __PUNCT__ and twist steel __PUNCT__ and cloud of smoke __PUNCT__
but the depth of thi tragedi also drew out the decenc and determin of our nation __PUNCT__
at blood bank and vigil __PUNCT__ in school and in the unit_state congress __PUNCT__ american were unit __PUNCT__ more unit __PUNCT__ even __PUNCT__ than we were at the dawn of the cold_war __PUNCT__
the world __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ wa unit against the perpetr of thi evil act __PUNCT__ as old alli __PUNCT__ new friend __PUNCT__ and even long __PUNCT__ time adversari stood by our side __PUNCT__
it wa time __PUNCT__ onc again __PUNCT__ for america might and moral suasion to be har __PUNCT__ it wa time to onc again shape a new secur strategi for an ever __PUNCT__ chang world __PUNCT__
imagin __PUNCT__ for a moment __PUNCT__ what we could have done in those dai __PUNCT__ and month __PUNCT__ and year after 9/11 __PUNCT__
we could have deploi the full_forc of american_power to hunt down and destroi osama_bin_laden __PUNCT__ al_qaeda __PUNCT__ the taliban __PUNCT__ and all of the terrorist respons for 9/11 __PUNCT__ while support real secur in afghanistan __PUNCT__
we could have secur loos nuclear materi around the world __PUNCT__ and updat a __NUM___centuri non __PUNCT__ prolifer framework to meet the challeng of the __NUM__ __PUNCT__
we could have invest hundr of billion of dollar in altern sourc of energi to grow our economi __PUNCT__ save our planet __PUNCT__ and end the tyranni of oil __PUNCT__
we could have strengthen old allianc __PUNCT__ form new partnership __PUNCT__ and renew intern_institut to advanc peac and prosper __PUNCT__
we could have call on a new gener to step into the strong current of histori __PUNCT__ and to serv their countri as troop and teacher __PUNCT__ peac corp volunt and polic_offic __PUNCT__
we could have secur our homeland __PUNCT__ invest in sophist new protect for our port __PUNCT__ our train and our power_plant __PUNCT__
we could have rebuilt our road and bridg __PUNCT__ laid down new rail and broadband and electr system __PUNCT__ and made colleg afford for everi american to strengthen our abil to compet __PUNCT__
we could have done that __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ we have lost thousand of american_live __PUNCT__ spent nearli a trillion_dollar __PUNCT__ alien alli and neglect emerg threat __PUNCT__ all in the caus of fight a war for well over five year in a countri that had absolut noth to do with the 9/11_attack __PUNCT__
our men and women in uniform have accomplish everi mission we have given them __PUNCT__
what miss in our debat about iraq __PUNCT__ what ha been miss sinc befor the war_began __PUNCT__ is a discuss of the strateg consequ of iraq and it domin of our foreign_polici __PUNCT__
thi war distract us from everi threat that we face and so mani opportun we could seiz __PUNCT__
thi war diminish our secur __PUNCT__ our stand in the world __PUNCT__ our militari __PUNCT__ our economi __PUNCT__ and the resourc that we need to confront the challeng of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
by ani measur __PUNCT__ our singl __PUNCT__ mind and open __PUNCT__ end focu on iraq is not a sound strategi for keep america safe __PUNCT__
i am run for presid of the unit_state to lead thi countri in a new direct __PUNCT__ to seiz thi moment promis __PUNCT__
instead of be distract from the most press threat that we face __PUNCT__ i want to overcom them __PUNCT__
instead of push the entir burden of our foreign_polici on to the brave men and women of our militari __PUNCT__ i want to us all element of american_power to keep us safe __PUNCT__ and prosper __PUNCT__ and free __PUNCT__
instead of alien ourselv from the world __PUNCT__ i want america __PUNCT__ onc again __PUNCT__ to lead __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will pursu a tough __PUNCT__ smart and principl nation_secur strategi __PUNCT__ on that recogn that we have interest not just in baghdad __PUNCT__ but in kandahar and karachi __PUNCT__ in tokyo and london __PUNCT__ in beij and berlin __PUNCT__
i will focu thi strategi on five goal essenti to make_america safer __PUNCT__ end the war in iraq respons __PUNCT__ finish the fight against al_qaeda and the taliban __PUNCT__ secur all nuclear_weapon and materi from terrorist and rogu_state __PUNCT__ achiev true energi_secur __PUNCT__ and rebuild our allianc to meet the challeng of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
my oppon in thi campaign ha serv thi countri with honor __PUNCT__ and we all respect hi sacrific __PUNCT__
we both want to do what we think is best to defend the american_peopl __PUNCT__
but we made differ judgment __PUNCT__ and would lead in veri differ direct __PUNCT__
that start with iraq __PUNCT__
i oppos go to war in iraq __PUNCT__ senat_mccain wa on of washington biggest support for war __PUNCT__
i warn that the invas of a countri pose no immin_threat would fan the flame of extrem __PUNCT__ and distract us from the fight against al_qaeda and the taliban __PUNCT__ senat_mccain claim that we would be greet as liber __PUNCT__ and that democraci would spread across the middl_east __PUNCT__
those were the judgment we made on the most import strateg question sinc the end of the cold_war __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ all of us recogn that we must do more than look back __PUNCT__ we must make a judgment about how to move_forward __PUNCT__
what is need __PUNCT__ what can best be done __PUNCT__ what must be done __PUNCT__ senat_mccain want to talk of our tactic in iraq __PUNCT__ i want to focu on a new strategi for iraq and the wider_world __PUNCT__
it ha been __NUM___month sinc presid_bush announc the surg __PUNCT__
as i have said mani time __PUNCT__ our troop have perform brilliantli in lower the level of violenc __PUNCT__
gener_petraeu ha us new tactic to protect the iraqi popul __PUNCT__
we have talk directli to sunni tribe that us to be hostil to america __PUNCT__ and support their fight against al_qaeda __PUNCT__
shiit militia have gener respect a ceas __PUNCT__ fire __PUNCT__
those ar the fact __PUNCT__ and all american welcom them __PUNCT__
for week __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ senat_mccain ha argu that the gain of the surg mean that i should chang my commit to end the war __PUNCT__
but thi argument misconstru what is necessari to succe in iraq __PUNCT__ and stubbornli ignor the fact of the broader strateg pictur that we face __PUNCT__
in the __NUM___month sinc the surg began __PUNCT__ the strain on our militari ha increas __PUNCT__ our troop and their famili have born an enorm burden __PUNCT__ and american_taxpay have spent anoth __MONEY___billion in iraq __PUNCT__
that over __MONEY__ billion each month __PUNCT__
that is a consequ of our current strategi __PUNCT__
in the __NUM___month sinc the surg began __PUNCT__ the situat in afghanistan ha deterior __PUNCT__
__DATE__ wa our highest casualti month of the war __PUNCT__
the taliban ha been on the offens __PUNCT__ even launch a brazen attack on on of our base __PUNCT__
al_qaeda ha a grow sanctuari in pakistan __PUNCT__
that is a consequ of our current strategi __PUNCT__
in the __NUM___month sinc the surg began __PUNCT__ as i warn at the outset __PUNCT__ iraq leader have not made the polit_progress that wa the purpos of the surg __PUNCT__
thei have not invest ten of billion of dollar in oil revenu to rebuild their countri __PUNCT__
thei have not resolv their differ or shape a new polit compact __PUNCT__
that why i strongli stand by my plan to end thi war __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ prime_minist maliki call for a timet for the remov of u. __PUNCT__ forc present a real opportun __PUNCT__
it come at a time when the american gener in charg of train iraq secur_forc ha testifi that iraq armi and polic will be readi to assum respons for iraq secur in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
now is the time for a respons redeploy of our combat troop that push iraq leader toward a polit solut __PUNCT__ rebuild our militari __PUNCT__ and refocus on afghanistan and our broader secur interest __PUNCT__
georg_bush and john_mccain don't have a strategi for success in iraq __PUNCT__ thei have a strategi for stai in iraq __PUNCT__
thei said we couldn't leav when violenc wa up __PUNCT__ thei sai we can't leav when violenc is down __PUNCT__
thei refus to press the iraqi to make tough choic __PUNCT__ and thei label ani timet to redeploi our troop __PUNCT__ surrend __PUNCT__ even though we would be turn iraq over to a sovereign iraqi_govern __PUNCT__ not to a terrorist enemi __PUNCT__
their is an endless focu on tactic insid iraq __PUNCT__ with no consider of our strategi to face threat beyond iraq border __PUNCT__
at some point __PUNCT__ a judgment must be made __PUNCT__
iraq is not go to be a perfect place __PUNCT__ and we don't have unlimit resourc to try to make it on __PUNCT__
we ar not go to kill everi al_qaeda sympath __PUNCT__ elimin everi trace of iranian influenc __PUNCT__ or stand up a flawless democraci befor we leav __PUNCT__ gener_petraeu and ambassador crocker acknowledg thi to me when thei testifi last __DATE__ __PUNCT__
that is why the accus of surrend is fals rhetor us to justifi a fail polici __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ true success in iraq __PUNCT__ victori in iraq __PUNCT__ will not take place in a surrend ceremoni where an enemi lai down their arm __PUNCT__
true success will take place when we leav_iraq to a govern that is take respons for it futur __PUNCT__ a govern that prevent sectarian conflict __PUNCT__ and ensur that the al_qaeda threat which ha been beaten back by our troop doe not reemerg __PUNCT__
that is an achiev goal if we pursu a comprehens plan to press the iraqi stand up __PUNCT__
to achiev that success __PUNCT__ i will give our militari a new mission on my first dai in offic __PUNCT__ end thi war __PUNCT__
let me be clear __PUNCT__ we must be as care get out of iraq as we were careless get in __PUNCT__
we can safe redeploi our combat brigad at a pace that would remov them in __NUM___month __PUNCT__
that would be the summer of __NUM__ __PUNCT__ on year after iraqi secur_forc will be prepar to stand up __PUNCT__ two year from now __PUNCT__ and more than seven year after the war_began __PUNCT__
after thi redeploy __PUNCT__ we keep a residu forc to perform specif mission in iraq __PUNCT__ target ani remnant of al_qaeda __PUNCT__ protect our servic_member and diplomat __PUNCT__ and train and support iraq secur_forc __PUNCT__ so long as the iraqi make polit_progress __PUNCT__
we will make tactic adjust as we implement thi strategi __PUNCT__ that is what ani respons command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief must do __PUNCT__
as i have consist said __PUNCT__ i will consult with command on the ground and the iraqi_govern __PUNCT__
we will redeploi from secur area first and volatil area later __PUNCT__
we will commit __MONEY___billion to a meaning intern effort to support the more than __NUM___million displac iraqi __PUNCT__
we will forg a new coalit to support iraq futur __PUNCT__ on that includ all of iraq neighbor __PUNCT__ and also the unit_nation __PUNCT__ the world_bank __PUNCT__ and the european_union __PUNCT__ becaus we all have a stake in stabil __PUNCT__
and we will make it clear that the unit_state seek no perman base in iraq __PUNCT__
thi is the futur that iraqi want __PUNCT__
thi is the futur that the american_peopl want __PUNCT__
and thi is what our common_interest demand __PUNCT__
both america and iraq will be more secur when the terrorist in anbar is taken out by the iraqi_armi __PUNCT__ and the crimin in baghdad fear iraqi polic __PUNCT__ not just coalit_forc __PUNCT__
both america and iraq will succe when everi arab_govern ha an embassi open in baghdad __PUNCT__ and the child in basra benefit from servic provid by iraqi dinar __PUNCT__ not american tax_dollar __PUNCT__
and thi is the futur we need for our militari __PUNCT__
we cannot toler thi strain on our forc to fight a war that hasn't made us safer __PUNCT__
i will restor our strength by end thi war __PUNCT__ complet the increas of our ground forc by __NUM___soldier and __NUM__ marin __PUNCT__ and invest in the capabl we need to defeat convent foe and meet the unconvent challeng of our time __PUNCT__
so let be clear __PUNCT__
senat_mccain would have our troop continu to fight tour after tour of duti __PUNCT__ and our taxpay keep spend___MONEY___billion a month indefinit __PUNCT__ i want iraqi to take respons for their own futur __PUNCT__ and to reach the polit accommod necessari for long __PUNCT__ term stabil __PUNCT__
that victori __PUNCT__
that success __PUNCT__
that what best for iraq __PUNCT__ that what best for america __PUNCT__ and that why i will end thi war as presid __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ as should have been appar to presid_bush and senat_mccain __PUNCT__ the central front in the war on terror is not iraq __PUNCT__ and it never wa __PUNCT__
that why the second goal of my new strategi will be take the fight to al_qaeda in afghanistan and pakistan __PUNCT__
it is unaccept that almost seven year after nearli __NUM__ american were kill on our soil __PUNCT__ the terrorist who attack us on 9/11 ar still at larg __PUNCT__
osama_bin_laden and ayman al __PUNCT__ zawahari ar record messag to their follow and plot more terror __PUNCT__
the taliban control part of afghanistan __PUNCT__
al_qaeda ha an expand base in pakistan that is probabl no farther from their old afghan sanctuari than a train ride from washington to philadelphia __PUNCT__
if anoth attack on our homeland come __PUNCT__ it will like come from the same region where 9/11 wa plan __PUNCT__
and yet todai __PUNCT__ we have five time more troop in iraq than afghanistan __PUNCT__
senat_mccain said __PUNCT__ just month_ago __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ afghanistan is not in troubl becaus of our divers to iraq __PUNCT__
i could not disagre more __PUNCT__
our troop and our nato alli ar perform heroic in afghanistan __PUNCT__ but i have argu for year that we lack the resourc to finish the job becaus of our commit to iraq __PUNCT__
that what the chairman of the joint_chief of staff said earlier thi month __PUNCT__
and that why __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i will make the fight against al_qaeda and the taliban the top_prioriti that it should be __PUNCT__
thi is a war that we have to win __PUNCT__
i will send at least two addit combat brigad to afghanistan __PUNCT__ and us thi commit to seek greater contribut __PUNCT__ with fewer restrict __PUNCT__ from nato alli __PUNCT__
i will focu on train afghan secur_forc and support an afghan judiciari __PUNCT__ with more resourc and incent for american offic who perform these mission __PUNCT__
just as we succeed in the cold_war by support alli who could sustain their own secur __PUNCT__ we must realiz that the __NUM___centuri frontlin ar not onli on the field of battl __PUNCT__ thei ar found in the train exercis near kabul __PUNCT__ in the polic_station in kandahar __PUNCT__ and in the rule of law in herat __PUNCT__
moreov __PUNCT__ last secur will onli come if we heed marshal lesson __PUNCT__ and help afghan grow their economi from the bottom up __PUNCT__
that why i propos an addit___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion in non __PUNCT__ militari assist each year __PUNCT__ with meaning safeguard to prevent corrupt and to make sure invest ar made __PUNCT__ not just in kabul __PUNCT__ but out in afghanistan provinc __PUNCT__
as a part of thi program __PUNCT__ we invest in altern livelihood to poppi __PUNCT__ grow for afghan farmer __PUNCT__ just as we crack down on heroin traffick __PUNCT__
we cannot lose afghanistan to a futur of narco __PUNCT__ terror __PUNCT__
the afghan_peopl must know that our commit to their futur is endur __PUNCT__ becaus the secur of afghanistan and the unit_state is share __PUNCT__
the greatest_threat to that secur li in the tribal region of pakistan __PUNCT__ where terrorist train and insurg strike into afghanistan __PUNCT__
we cannot toler a terrorist sanctuari __PUNCT__ and as presid __PUNCT__ i won't __PUNCT__
we need a stronger and sustain partnership between afghanistan __PUNCT__ pakistan and nato to secur the border __PUNCT__ to take out terrorist camp __PUNCT__ and to crack down on cross __PUNCT__ border insurg __PUNCT__
we need more troop __PUNCT__ more helicopt __PUNCT__ more satellit __PUNCT__ more predat drone in the afghan border region __PUNCT__
and we must make it clear that if pakistan cannot or will not act __PUNCT__ we will take out high __PUNCT__ level terrorist target like bin_laden if we have them in our sight __PUNCT__
make no mistak __PUNCT__ we can't succe in afghanistan or secur our homeland unless we chang our pakistan polici __PUNCT__
we must expect more of the pakistani govern __PUNCT__ but we must offer more than a blank check to a gener who ha lost the confid of hi peopl __PUNCT__
it time to strengthen stabil by stand up for the aspir of the pakistani peopl __PUNCT__
that why i cosponsor a bill with joe_biden and richard lugar to tripl non __PUNCT__ militari_aid to the pakistani peopl and to sustain it for a decad __PUNCT__ while ensur that the militari assist we do provid is us to take the fight to the taliban and al_qaeda __PUNCT__
we must move beyond a pure militari allianc built on conveni __PUNCT__ or face mount popular opposit in a nuclear __PUNCT__ arm nation at the nexu of terror and radic_islam __PUNCT__
onli a strong pakistani democraci can help us move toward my third goal __PUNCT__ secur all nuclear_weapon and materi from terrorist and rogu_state __PUNCT__
on of the terribl ironi of the iraq_war is that presid_bush us the threat of nuclear terror to invad a countri that had no activ nuclear_program __PUNCT__
but the fact that the presid misl us into a misguid war doesn't diminish the threat of a terrorist with a weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ it ha onli increas it __PUNCT__
in those year after world_war_ii __PUNCT__ we worri about the deadli atom fall into the hand of the kremlin __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ we worri about __NUM___ton of highli enrich uranium __PUNCT__ some of it poorli secur __PUNCT__ at civilian nuclear facil in over forti countri __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ we worri about the breakdown of a non __PUNCT__ prolifer framework that wa design for the bipolar world of the cold_war __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ we worri __PUNCT__ most of all __PUNCT__ about a rogu_state or nuclear scientist transfer the world deadliest weapon to the world most danger peopl __PUNCT__ terrorist who won't think twice about kill themselv and hundr of thousand in tel_aviv or moscow __PUNCT__ in london or new york __PUNCT__
we cannot wait ani longer to protect the american_peopl __PUNCT__
i made thi a prioriti in the senat __PUNCT__ where i work with republican_senat dick lugar to pass a law acceler our pursuit of loos nuclear materi __PUNCT__
i lead a global effort to secur all loos nuclear materi around the world dure my first term as presid __PUNCT__
and i develop new defens to protect against the __NUM___centuri threat of biolog_weapon and cyber __PUNCT__ terror __PUNCT__ threat that i discuss in more detail tomorrow __PUNCT__
beyond take these immedi __PUNCT__ urgent step __PUNCT__ it time to send a clear messag __PUNCT__ america seek a world with no nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__
as long as nuclear weapon exist __PUNCT__ we must retain a strong deterr __PUNCT__
but instead of threaten to kick them out of the g __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ we need to work with russia to take u. __PUNCT__ and russian ballist_missil off hair __PUNCT__ trigger alert __PUNCT__ to dramat reduc the stockpil of our nuclear_weapon and materi __PUNCT__ to seek a global ban on the product of fissil_materi for weapon __PUNCT__ and to expand the u.s. __PUNCT__ russian ban on intermedi __PUNCT__ rang missil so that the agreement is global __PUNCT__
by keep our commit under the nuclear non __PUNCT__ prolifer_treati __PUNCT__ we be in a better posit to press nation like north_korea and iran to keep their __PUNCT__
in particular __PUNCT__ it will give us more credibl and leverag in deal with iran __PUNCT__
we cannot toler nuclear_weapon in the hand of nation that support terror __PUNCT__
prevent iran from develop nuclear weapon is a vital nation_secur interest of the unit_state __PUNCT__
no tool of statecraft should be taken off the tabl __PUNCT__ but senat_mccain would continu a fail polici that ha seen iran strengthen it posit __PUNCT__ advanc it nuclear_program __PUNCT__ and stockpil __NUM__ kilo of low enrich uranium __PUNCT__
i will us all element of american_power to pressur the iranian_regim __PUNCT__ start with aggress __PUNCT__ principl and direct diplomaci __PUNCT__ diplomaci back with strong sanction and without precondit __PUNCT__
there will be care prepar __PUNCT__
i commend the work of our european alli on thi import matter __PUNCT__ and we should be full partner in that effort __PUNCT__
ultim the measur of ani effort is whether it lead to a chang in iranian behavior __PUNCT__
that why we must pursu these tough negoti in full coordin with our alli __PUNCT__ bring to bear our full influenc __PUNCT__ includ __PUNCT__ if it will advanc our interest __PUNCT__ my meet with the appropri iranian leader at a time and place of my choos __PUNCT__
we will pursu thi diplomaci with no illus about the iranian regim __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ we will present a clear choic __PUNCT__
if you abandon your nuclear_program __PUNCT__ support for terror __PUNCT__ and threat to israel __PUNCT__ there will be meaning incent __PUNCT__
if you refus __PUNCT__ then we will ratchet up the pressur __PUNCT__ with stronger unilater sanction __PUNCT__ stronger multilater sanction in the secur_council __PUNCT__ and sustain action outsid the un to isol the iranian_regim __PUNCT__
that the diplomaci we need __PUNCT__
and the iranian should negoti now __PUNCT__ by wait __PUNCT__ thei will onli face mount pressur __PUNCT__
the surest wai to increas our leverag against iran in the long __PUNCT__ run is to stop bankrol it ambit __PUNCT__
that will depend on achiev my fourth goal __PUNCT__ end the tyranni of oil in our time __PUNCT__
on of the most danger weapon in the world_todai is the price of oil __PUNCT__
we ship nearli __MONEY___million a dai to unstabl or hostil nation for their oil __PUNCT__
it pai for terrorist bomb go off from baghdad to beirut __PUNCT__
it fund petro __PUNCT__ diplomaci in caraca and radic madrasa from karachi to khartoum __PUNCT__
it take leverag awai from america and shift it to dictat __PUNCT__
thi immedi danger is eclips onli by the long __PUNCT__ term threat from climat chang __PUNCT__ which will lead to devast weather pattern __PUNCT__ terribl storm __PUNCT__ drought __PUNCT__ and famin __PUNCT__
that mean peopl compet for food and water in the next fifti_year in the veri place that have known horrif violenc in the last fifti __PUNCT__ africa __PUNCT__ the middl_east __PUNCT__ and south_asia __PUNCT__
most disastr __PUNCT__ that could mean destruct storm on our shore __PUNCT__ and the disappear of our coastlin __PUNCT__
thi is not just an econom_issu or an environment concern __PUNCT__ thi is a nation_secur crisi __PUNCT__
for the sake of our secur __PUNCT__ and for everi american_famili that is pai the price at the pump __PUNCT__ we must end thi depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__
and as presid __PUNCT__ that exactli what i do __PUNCT__
small step and polit gimmickri just won't do __PUNCT__
i invest __MONEY___billion over the next ten_year to put america on the path to true energi_secur __PUNCT__
thi fund will fast track invest in a new green_energi busi sector that will end our addict to oil and creat up to __NUM___million_job over the next two decad __PUNCT__ and help secur the futur of our countri and our planet __PUNCT__
we invest in research and develop of everi form of altern_energi __PUNCT__ solar __PUNCT__ wind __PUNCT__ and biofuel __PUNCT__ as well as technolog that can make coal clean and nuclear_power safe __PUNCT__
and from the moment i take offic __PUNCT__ i will let it be known that the unit_state of america is readi to lead again __PUNCT__
never again will we sit on the sidelin __PUNCT__ or stand in the wai of global action to tackl thi global challeng __PUNCT__
i will reach out to the leader of the biggest carbon emit nation and ask them to join a new global energi forum that will lai the foundat for the next gener of climat protocol __PUNCT__
we will also build an allianc of oil __PUNCT__ import nation and work togeth to reduc our demand __PUNCT__ and to break the grip of opec on the global_economi __PUNCT__
we set a goal of an __NUM__ __PUNCT__ reduct in global emiss by __NUM__ __PUNCT__
and as we develop new form of clean_energi here at home __PUNCT__ we will share our technolog and our innov with all the nation of the world __PUNCT__
that is the tradit of american leadership on behalf of the global good __PUNCT__
and that will be my fifth goal __PUNCT__ rebuild our allianc to meet the common challeng of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
for all of our power __PUNCT__ america is strongest when we act alongsid strong partner __PUNCT__
we face down fascism with the greatest war __PUNCT__ time allianc the world ha ever known __PUNCT__
we stood shoulder to shoulder with our nato alli against the soviet threat __PUNCT__ and paid a far smaller price for the first gulf_war becaus we act togeth with a broad coalit __PUNCT__
we help creat the unit_nation __PUNCT__ not to constrain america influenc __PUNCT__ but to amplifi it by advanc our valu __PUNCT__
now is the time for a new era of intern_cooper __PUNCT__
it time for america and europ to renew our common commit to face down the threat of the __NUM___centuri just as we did the challeng of the __NUM__ __PUNCT__
it time to strengthen our partnership with japan __PUNCT__ south_korea __PUNCT__ australia and the world_largest democraci __PUNCT__ india __PUNCT__ to creat a stabl and prosper asia __PUNCT__
it time to engag china on common_interest like climat chang __PUNCT__ even as we continu to encourag their shift to a more open and market __PUNCT__ base societi __PUNCT__
it time to strengthen nato by ask more of our alli __PUNCT__ while alwai approach them with the respect ow a partner __PUNCT__
it time to reform the unit_nation __PUNCT__ so that thi imperfect institut can becom a more perfect forum to share burden __PUNCT__ strengthen our leverag __PUNCT__ and promot our valu __PUNCT__
it time to deepen our engag to help resolv the arab __PUNCT__ isra conflict __PUNCT__ so that we help our alli israel achiev true and last secur __PUNCT__ while help palestinian achiev their legitim aspir for statehood __PUNCT__
and just as we renew longstand effort __PUNCT__ so must we shape new on to meet new challeng __PUNCT__
that why i creat a share secur partnership program __PUNCT__ a new allianc of nation to strengthen cooper effort to take down global terrorist network __PUNCT__ while stand up against tortur and brutal __PUNCT__
that why we work with the african_union to enhanc it abil to keep the peac __PUNCT__
that why we build a new partnership to roll_back the traffick of drug __PUNCT__ and gun __PUNCT__ and gang in the america __PUNCT__
that what we can do if we ar readi to engag the world __PUNCT__
we will have to provid meaning resourc to meet critic prioriti __PUNCT__
i know develop assist is not the most popular program __PUNCT__ but as presid __PUNCT__ i will make the case to the american_peopl that it can be our best invest in increas the common secur of the entir world __PUNCT__
that wa true with the marshal_plan __PUNCT__ and that must be true todai __PUNCT__
that why i doubl our foreign assist to __MONEY___billion by __NUM__ and us it to support a stabl futur in fail_state __PUNCT__ and sustain growth in africa __PUNCT__ to halv global_poverti and to roll_back diseas __PUNCT__
to send onc more a messag to those yearn face beyond our shore that sai __PUNCT__ you matter to us __PUNCT__
your futur is our futur __PUNCT__
and our moment is now __PUNCT__
thi must be the moment when we answer the call of histori __PUNCT__
for eight year __PUNCT__ we have paid the price for a foreign_polici that lectur without listen __PUNCT__ that divid us from on anoth __PUNCT__ and from the world __PUNCT__ instead of call us to a common_purpos __PUNCT__ that focus on our tactic in fight a war without end in iraq instead of forg a new strategi to face down the true threat that we face __PUNCT__
we cannot afford four more year of a strategi that is out of balanc and out of step with thi defin moment __PUNCT__
none of thi will be easi __PUNCT__ but we have face great odd befor __PUNCT__
when gener marshal first spoke about the plan that would bear hi name __PUNCT__ the rubbl of berlin had not yet been built into a wall __PUNCT__
but marshal knew that even the fiercest of adversari could forg bond of friendship found in freedom __PUNCT__
he had the confid to know that the purpos and pragmat of the american_peopl could outlast ani foe __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ the danger and divis that came with the dawn of the cold_war have reced __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ the defeat of the threat of the past ha been replac by the transnat threat of todai __PUNCT__
we know what is need __PUNCT__
we know what can best be done __PUNCT__
we know what must done __PUNCT__
now it fall to us to act with the same sens of purpos and pragmat as an earlier_gener __PUNCT__ to join with friend and partner to lead the world anew __PUNCT__