This speech titled 2008.07.16 originally had 2427 tokens. You can view the original text here.
it great to be back in indiana with such a terrif group of expert __PUNCT__
in a few moment __PUNCT__ we open thi up to a discuss __PUNCT__ but first i make a few comment about some of the emerg threat that we face in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ and offer some idea about how we can face those threat __PUNCT__
throughout our histori __PUNCT__ america ha confront constantli evolv danger __PUNCT__
from the oppress of an empir to the lawless of the frontier __PUNCT__ from the bomb that fell on pearl_harbor to the threat of nuclear annihil __PUNCT__ american have adapt to the threat pose by an ever __PUNCT__ chang world __PUNCT__
for most of our histori __PUNCT__ the most signific danger to our secur came from state __PUNCT__
the physic safeti of our peopl wa protect by ocean __PUNCT__
the nation_secur of the unit_state wa buttress by our econom strength __PUNCT__ and a power militari that answer everi call __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ the danger extend beyond state alon to transnat secur threat that respect no border __PUNCT__
these ar threat that can aris from ani part of the globe and spread anywher __PUNCT__ includ to our own shore __PUNCT__ danger like pandem diseas __PUNCT__ nuclear_weapon prolifer __PUNCT__ environment_degrad __PUNCT__ intern_crimin network __PUNCT__ and terror __PUNCT__
of cours __PUNCT__ we have long struggl against terror __PUNCT__ and in the close decad of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ we tragic lost american_live on our soil and abroad __PUNCT__
but it wa hard to chang a mindset that saw the extrem __PUNCT__ the resent __PUNCT__ the terrorist train camp __PUNCT__ and the killer as distant threat in the dark corner of the world __PUNCT__ far awai from the american homeland __PUNCT__
then __PUNCT__ on tuesdai morn in __NUM__ everyth chang __PUNCT__
i rememb hear the new on my car radio in downtown in chicago __PUNCT__ a plane had hit the world_trade_center __PUNCT__
by the time i got to my meet __PUNCT__ the second plane had hit __PUNCT__ and we were told to evacu __PUNCT__
peopl_gather in the street and look up at the sky and the sear tower __PUNCT__
we fear for our famili and our countri __PUNCT__
we mourn the terribl loss suffer by our fellow_citizen in those two offic tower __PUNCT__ at the pentagon __PUNCT__ and in a simpl field in pennsylvania __PUNCT__
back at my offic __PUNCT__ i watch the imag from new york __PUNCT__ a plane vanish into glass and steel __PUNCT__ men and women cling to windowsil __PUNCT__ then let go __PUNCT__ tall tower crumbl to dust __PUNCT__
it seem all of the miseri and all of the evil in the world were in that roll black cloud __PUNCT__ block out the __DATE__ sun __PUNCT__
what we saw that morn forc us to recogn that in a new world of threat __PUNCT__ we ar no longer protect by the size of ocean or sole by our militari_power __PUNCT__
in a global world __PUNCT__ the power to destroi can lie with individu __PUNCT__ not just state __PUNCT__
the terrorist us a world of global to travel freeli __PUNCT__ to transfer monei __PUNCT__ to us telecommun to carri out their plot __PUNCT__
on 9/11 __PUNCT__ thei us our open_societi to kill on a terribl scale __PUNCT__ but even more terrifi wa the thought that thei could get their hand on the world most deadli technolog __PUNCT__
sinc then __PUNCT__ we have taken mani step to strengthen our defens __PUNCT__
some of the most visibl address the attack __PUNCT__ or fail attack __PUNCT__ that have alreadi taken place __PUNCT__
so after 9/11 __PUNCT__ airlin secur tighten and plastic knive replac metal on __PUNCT__
after the so __PUNCT__ call shoe bomber __PUNCT__ we start have our shoe screen __PUNCT__
after a plot detect in london to ignit danger liquid __PUNCT__ we start to check our gel and shampoo __PUNCT__
the danger __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ is that we ar constantli fight the last war __PUNCT__ respond to the threat that have come to fruition __PUNCT__ instead of stai on step ahead of the threat of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
thi is what the 9/11_commiss call our __PUNCT__ failur of imagin __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ after 9/11 __PUNCT__ nowher wa thi more appar than in our invas of iraq __PUNCT__
instead of adjust to the stateless threat of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ we invad and occupi a state that had no collabor relationship with al_qaeda __PUNCT__
instead of take aggress step to secur the world most danger technolog __PUNCT__ we have spent almost a trillion_dollar to occupi a countri in the heart of the middl_east that no longer had ani weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__
it time to updat our nation_secur strategi to stai on step ahead of the terrorist __PUNCT__ to see clearli the emerg threat of our young centuri __PUNCT__ and to take action to make the american_peopl more safe and secur __PUNCT__
it time to look ahead __PUNCT__ at the danger of todai and tomorrow rather than those of yesterdai __PUNCT__
america cannot afford anoth presid who doesn't understand the threat that confront us now and in the futur __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we will focu on nuclear __PUNCT__ biolog __PUNCT__ and cyber threat __PUNCT__ three __NUM___centuri threat that have been neglect for the last eight year __PUNCT__
it time to break out of washington convent think that ha fail to keep pace with unconvent threat __PUNCT__
in do so __PUNCT__ we better ensur the safeti of the american_peopl __PUNCT__ while build our capac to deal with other challeng __PUNCT__ from public_health to privaci __PUNCT__
it start with the gravest danger we face __PUNCT__ nuclear terror __PUNCT__
on of the terribl ironi of the iraq_war is that presid_bush us concern over thi threat to invad a countri that had no nuclear_weapon weapon_program __PUNCT__
in the meantim __PUNCT__ pakistani scientist aq khan wa spread to hostil nation the technolog to produc nuclear_weapon and the warhead to deliv them __PUNCT__
but the fact that the presid misl us into a misguid war doesn't diminish the threat of a terrorist with a weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ it ha onli increas it __PUNCT__
we us to worri about our nuclear stalem with the soviet_union __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ we worri about __NUM___ton of highli enrich uranium __PUNCT__ some of it poorli secur __PUNCT__ at civilian nuclear facil in over forti countri around the world __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ we worri about the breakdown of a non __PUNCT__ prolifer framework that wa design for the bipolar world of the cold_war __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ we worri __PUNCT__ most of all __PUNCT__ about a rogu_state or nuclear scientist transfer the world deadliest weapon to the world most danger peopl __PUNCT__ terrorist who won't think twice about kill themselv and hundr of thousand in tel_aviv or moscow __PUNCT__ in london or new york __PUNCT__
and yet __PUNCT__ despit initi that cost billion of taxpay_dollar __PUNCT__ we still don't have an adequ strategi for detect nuclear and biolog materi __PUNCT__ a problem that be discuss at hear in congress todai __PUNCT__
we cannot wait ani longer to protect the american_peopl __PUNCT__
i made thi a prioriti in the senat __PUNCT__ where i work with indiana own republican_senat dick lugar to pass a law acceler our pursuit of loos nuclear materi __PUNCT__
and i lead a global effort to secur all loos nuclear materi around the world dure my first term as presid __PUNCT__
but we need to do much more __PUNCT__
it time to send a clear messag to the world __PUNCT__ america seek a world with no nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__
as long as nuclear weapon exist __PUNCT__ we retain a strong deterr __PUNCT__
but we make the goal of elimin all nuclear weapon a central element in our nuclear polici __PUNCT__
we negoti with russia to achiev deep reduct in both our nuclear_arsen and we work with other nuclear_power to reduc global stockpil dramat __PUNCT__
we seek a verifi global ban on the product of fissil_materi for weapon __PUNCT__
and we work with the senat to ratifi the comprehens test ban treati and then seek it earliest possibl entri into forc __PUNCT__
by keep our commit under the nuclear non __PUNCT__ prolifer_treati __PUNCT__ we be in a better posit to ralli intern support to bring pressur to bear on nation like north_korea and iran that violat it __PUNCT__
both of these nation have a histori of support for terror __PUNCT__
both should face strong and increas sanction if thei refus to verifi abandon their illicit nuclear_program __PUNCT__
and both demand sustain __PUNCT__ aggress __PUNCT__ and direct diplomat attent from the unit_state __PUNCT__ and that what i provid as presid __PUNCT__
just as we must guard against the spread of nuclear terror __PUNCT__ it time for a comprehens effort to tackl bio __PUNCT__ terror __PUNCT__
we have still fail to solv the anthrax attack that kill american on our soil in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
we know that al_qaeda wa attempt to develop biolog_weapon in afghanistan __PUNCT__
and we know that the success deploy of a biolog weapon __PUNCT__ whether it is sprai into our citi or spread through our food_suppli __PUNCT__ could kill ten of thousand of american and deal a crush blow to our economi __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will launch an effort across our govern to stai ahead of thi threat __PUNCT__
to prevent bio __PUNCT__ terror __PUNCT__ we need to invest in our analysi __PUNCT__ enhanc our inform __PUNCT__ share __PUNCT__ and give our intellig_agenc the capac to identifi and interdict danger bio __PUNCT__ weapon around the world __PUNCT__
to strengthen our effort with friend and partner __PUNCT__ i propos a share secur partnership that invest __MONEY___billion over __NUM___year to forg an intern intellig and law_enforc infrastructur to take down terrorist network __PUNCT__
just as we step up our abil to prevent an attack __PUNCT__ we must also bolster our capac to protect against __PUNCT__ and respond to __PUNCT__ the threat that mai come __PUNCT__
when it come to bio __PUNCT__ terror __PUNCT__ thi can mean the differ between a contain incid and a catastroph __PUNCT__
that why we need to invest in new vaccin __PUNCT__ to reduc the risk pose by those who would us diseas as a weapon __PUNCT__
that why we must develop the technolog to detect attack and to trace them to their origin __PUNCT__ so that we can react in a time fashion __PUNCT__
and to care for our citizen who ar infect __PUNCT__ we must provid our public_health health_system across the countri with the surg capac to confront a crisi __PUNCT__
make these chang will do more than help us tackl bioterror __PUNCT__ it will creat new job __PUNCT__ support a healthier popul __PUNCT__ and improv america capabl to respond to ani major disast __PUNCT__
and just as we find addit benefit to our action against bio __PUNCT__ terror __PUNCT__ we can __PUNCT__ and must __PUNCT__ strengthen our cyber defens in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
everi american depend __PUNCT__ directli or indirectli __PUNCT__ on our system of inform network __PUNCT__
thei ar increasingli the backbon of our economi and our infrastructur __PUNCT__ our nation_secur and our person well __PUNCT__ be __PUNCT__
but it no secret that terrorist could us our comput network to deal us a crippl blow __PUNCT__
we know that cyber __PUNCT__ espionag and common crime is alreadi on the rise __PUNCT__
and yet while countri like china have been quick to recogn thi chang __PUNCT__ for the last eight year we have been drag our feet __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i make cyber secur the top_prioriti that it should be in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
i declar our cyber __PUNCT__ infrastructur a strateg asset __PUNCT__ and appoint a nation cyber advisor who will report directli to me __PUNCT__
we coordin effort across the feder_govern __PUNCT__ implement a truli nation cyber __PUNCT__ secur polici __PUNCT__ and tighten standard to secur inform __PUNCT__ from the network that power the feder govern __PUNCT__ to the network that you us in your person_live __PUNCT__
to protect our nation_secur __PUNCT__ i bring togeth govern __PUNCT__ industri __PUNCT__ and academia to determin the best wai to guard the infrastructur that support our power __PUNCT__
fortun __PUNCT__ right here at purdu we have on of the countri lead cyber program __PUNCT__
we need to prevent terrorist or spi from hack into our nation secur network __PUNCT__
we need to build the capac to identifi __PUNCT__ isol __PUNCT__ and respond to ani cyber __PUNCT__ attack __PUNCT__
and we need to develop new standard for the cyber secur that protect our most import infrastructur __PUNCT__ from electr grid to sewag system __PUNCT__ from air traffic control to our market __PUNCT__
all of thi will demand the greatest resourc that america ha __PUNCT__ our peopl __PUNCT__
in the cold_war __PUNCT__ we didn't defeat the soviet just becaus of the strength of our arm __PUNCT__ we also did it becaus at the dawn of the atom ag and the onset of the space race __PUNCT__ the smartest scientist and most innov workforc wa here in america __PUNCT__
for the last few month __PUNCT__ i talk about how america_econom competit depend on educ __PUNCT__
the same_hold hold_true for our secur __PUNCT__
if we not invest in math and scienc educ __PUNCT__ our nation will fall behind __PUNCT__
and if we not educ the best and brightest scientist __PUNCT__ engin __PUNCT__ and comput_programm here in the unit_state __PUNCT__ we won't be abl to keep america safe __PUNCT__
that is the task that li befor us __PUNCT__
we must never let down our guard __PUNCT__ nor suffer anoth failur of imagin __PUNCT__
it time for sustain and aggress action __PUNCT__ to take the offens against new danger abroad __PUNCT__ while shore up our defens at home __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will call on the excel and expertis of men and women like the peopl here todai __PUNCT__
and i will speak clearli and candidli with the american_peopl about what can be done __PUNCT__ what must be done __PUNCT__ to protect our countri and our commun __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i like to turn to an open discuss __PUNCT__