Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.07.24.Berlin originally had 3305 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 45 cue terms and an average lag of 66.2. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 foreign_minist 19
0.744 0.0306 0.226
0 0 0
2 unit_state 64
0.313 0 0.0197
0.589 0 0.0784
3 fellow_citizen 4
0.0135 0 0.00119
0.893 0 0.0925
4 great_citi 18
0.0362 0 0.0103
0.863 0 0.0907
5 cold_war 49
0.0507 0.000597 0.164
0.685 0 0.0993
6 sixti_year 126
0.0599 0 0.0511
0.645 0 0.244
7 year_ago 0
0.000597 0 0
0.704 0 0.295
8 eastern_europ 47
0.0129 0.000597 0.0145
0.68 0 0.292
9 world_war 112
0.0744 0.00876 0.478
0.139 0 0.301
10 turn_back 63
0.28 0 0.0157
0.0398 0 0.664
11 marshal_plan 192
0.0712 0.00458 0.236
0.0466 0 0.642
12 gave_rise 12
0.0368 0.000398 0.00199
0.117 0.00279 0.841
13 sixti_year 80
0.071 0 0.0123
0.136 0 0.781
14 prison_camp 66
0.00995 0.000199 0.0181
0.189 0 0.783
15 __NUM___centuri 30
0.161 0 0.00498
0.194 0 0.64
16 human_histori 23
0.233 0.000398 0.00299
0.345 0 0.418
17 berlin_wall 5
0.00796 0.000995 0.00139
0.575 0.000199 0.415
18 american_soil 55
0.183 0.000796 0.00498
0.542 0 0.269
19 soviet_union 43
0.0484 0.000796 0.0354
0.645 0.000199 0.27
20 war_crimin 520
0.592 0.00219 0.23
0.0193 0 0.157
21 south_africa 6
0.00716 0 0.00259
0.604 0.00199 0.384
22 __NUM___centuri 149
0.119 0 0.412
0.108 0 0.362
23 defeat_terror 51
0.0175 0.00299 0.0776
0.151 0 0.75
24 soviet_union 34
0.0227 0.000199 0.0748
0.0907 0.000199 0.811
25 vast_major 50
0.00856 0.000995 0.167
0.0488 0.000199 0.775
26 sell_drug 39
0.00478 0.00418 0.0537
0.0271 0.000398 0.91
27 afghan_peopl 58
0 0 0.0722
0 0 0.928
28 al_qaeda 18
0 0 0.00139
0 0 0.999
29 turn_back 21
0.0297 0 0.00159
0 0 0.969
30 nuclear_weapon 16
0.000199 0 0.0281
0.00219 0 0.97
31 european_union 126
0.000597 0 0.0237
0 0 0.976
32 cold_war 31
0 0 0.00418
0 0 0.996
33 open_market 51
0 0 0.00597
0 0 0.994
34 creat_wealth 53
0.0273 0.000398 0.03
0 0 0.942
35 middl_east 40
0.00139 0 0.034
0.00418 0 0.96
36 iraqi_govern 81
0.000597 0 0.0229
0.00199 0 0.975
37 cold_war 122
0.207 0 0.0149
0.00219 0 0.776
38 sixti_year 13
0.042 0 0.00199
0.209 0 0.747
39 year_ago 0
0.00239 0 0.00318
0.251 0 0.744
40 militari_victori 39
0.0794 0.0261 0.0585
0.24 0 0.596
41 love_america 291
0.695 0.000796 0.088
0.204 0.000398 0.0115
42 perfect_union 25
0.0141 0 0.00279
0.885 0 0.0981
43 public_squar 52
0.0233 0.00139 0.107
0.767 0 0.1
44 live_free 39
0.00478 0.0173 0.586
0.186 0.000398 0.205
45 free_peopl 67
0.0221 0.00677 0.0742
0.157 0.0109 0.729