Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.08.01 originally had 2413 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 117 cue terms and an average lag of 18.3. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 major_issu 14
0.00318 0.0581 0.939
0 0 0
2 __NUM___job 52
0 0 0.13
0 0 0.87
3 job_loss 12
0 0.000398 0.0165
0 0 0.983
4 __NUM___job 5
0 0 0.12
0 0 0.88
5 job_lost 0
0 0 0.0354
0 0 0.965
6 ga_price 36
0 0 0.0496
0 0 0.95
7 food_price 5
0.000199 0 0.00478
0 0 0.995
8 health_care 9
0.0304 0.000796 0.0304
0.000199 0 0.938
9 great_depress 27
0.0418 0 0.0774
0.0215 0 0.859
10 american_dream 44
0.884 0 0.00517
0.0531 0 0.0573
11 work_hard 9
0.0959 0 0.000995
0.901 0 0.00179
12 peopl_feel 21
0.0774 0.000199 0
0.922 0 0.000199
13 unit_state 18
0.0661 0.000199 0.00398
0.93 0 0
14 tough_time 30
0.101 0.000199 0.0141
0.883 0 0.00139
15 time_make 0
0.00259 0.00139 0.0111
0.969 0.000199 0.0155
16 good_job 35
0.148 0.00438 0.28
0.548 0.000796 0.0189
17 econom_problem 43
0 0.000199 0.773
0.00358 0 0.223
18 busi_cycl 21
0 0 0.0492
0 0 0.951
19 wall_street 11
0 0 0.0113
0 0 0.989
20 recent_year 5
0 0 0.00498
0 0 0.995
21 long_run 11
0 0 0.00915
0 0 0.991
22 wall_street 7
0 0 0.00597
0 0 0.994
23 main_street 4
0 0 0.00279
0 0 0.997
24 hous_crisi 37
0 0 0.0293
0 0 0.971
25 special_interest 9
0.000398 0 0.00816
0 0 0.991
26 free_market 11
0 0 0.00816
0 0 0.992
27 govern_fail 15
0.000199 0 0.0123
0 0 0.987
28 work_peopl 16
0.0217 0 0.16
0.000199 0 0.818
29 econom_polici 66
0.0215 0 0.437
0.00318 0 0.538
30 same_thing 20
0.047 0.000199 0.493
0.0119 0 0.448
31 middl_class 47
0.00179 0.0209 0.332
0.00119 0 0.644
32 tax_cut 1
0 0.000796 0.0123
0.000597 0.0207 0.966
33 incom_tax 18
0 0.00935 0.0824
0 0.0203 0.888
34 tax_break 12
0 0 0.0935
0 0 0.906
35 job_oversea 5
0 0 0.0273
0 0 0.973
36 good_job 8
0.0125 0.000398 0.047
0 0 0.94
37 stimulu_packag 21
0 0 0.33
0.000199 0 0.67
38 job_loss 26
0 0 0.0241
0 0 0.976
39 price_rise 3
0 0 0.00279
0 0 0.997
40 financi_system 6
0 0 0.00438
0 0 0.996
41 credit_crunch 5
0 0 0.00398
0 0 0.996
42 econom_advis 14
0.00537 0.00119 0.0712
0 0 0.922
43 face_todai 14
0.00119 0.000398 0.127
0.00279 0 0.868
44 emerg_plan 23
0.000199 0.0251 0.104
0.000597 0.000398 0.87
45 increas_cost 46
0.124 0.036 0.377
0.000199 0.0177 0.446
46 work_famili 5
0.0736 0.00219 0.0625
0.116 0.0464 0.7
47 __NUM___month 4
0.243 0 0.214
0.181 0.00119 0.361
48 budget_deficit 62
0.0697 0.00179 0.377
0.157 0 0.394
49 oil_compani 19
0.00299 0 0.286
0.00597 0 0.705
50 __MONEY___billion 14
0.000597 0.0107 0.0593
0.00577 0 0.924
51 job_creation 48
0.00438 0.145 0.386
0 0.00935 0.455
52 local_commun 3
0.00219 0.00119 0.0145
0.00378 0.15 0.828
53 econom_downturn 7
0 0.000199 0.0878
0 0.0752 0.837
54 state_govern 8
0.000199 0.000597 0.0105
0 0.0724 0.916
55 cut_spend 13
0.000398 0.000398 0.577
0 0.00438 0.418
56 econom_problem 22
0 0 0.0623
0 0 0.938
57 __MONEY___billion 5
0 0 0.00796
0 0 0.992
58 state_govern 2
0 0 0.00299
0 0 0.997
59 properti_tax 20
0 0 0.0167
0 0 0.983
60 hous_crisi 38
0 0 0.03
0 0 0.97
61 __MONEY___billion 8
0 0 0.00537
0 0 0.995
62 million_job 15
0 0.000398 0.0157
0 0 0.984
63 trust_fund 15
0.000199 0 0.0111
0 0 0.989
64 lost___NUM__ 34
0 0 0.0605
0 0 0.94
65 __NUM___job 0
0 0 0.000995
0 0 0.999
66 recent_year 6
0.000796 0 0.00597
0 0 0.993
67 trust_fund 8
0.00179 0 0.00876
0.000796 0 0.989
68 local_economi 62
0.38 0.0342 0.327
0 0 0.259
69 gasolin_tax 15
0.00816 0.00199 0.428
0.082 0.0161 0.463
70 oil_compani 4
0.000995 0 0.132
0.0207 0 0.847
71 lower_price 14
0.000796 0 0.0205
0.0171 0 0.962
72 __MONEY___billion 9
0.000796 0.00299 0.03
0.0133 0 0.953
73 tax_cut 20
0.00159 0.0183 0.578
0 0.00239 0.4
74 __MONEY___billion 29
0.000398 0.00219 0.0864
0.000398 0.0125 0.898
75 tax_cut 3
0.000199 0 0.086
0 0.00517 0.909
76 oil_compani 2
0 0 0.0167
0 0 0.983
77 __MONEY___billion 3
0.000597 0.000995 0.00955
0 0 0.989
78 creat_job 52
0.18 0.00418 0.533
0 0.000199 0.282
79 ordinari_american 11
0.148 0 0.0412
0.171 0.000597 0.639
80 __NUM___centuri 47
0.244 0 0.217
0.216 0 0.324
81 global_economi 22
0.043 0 0.11
0.397 0 0.45
82 energi_crisi 37
0.000199 0 0.578
0.000398 0 0.421
83 make_america 5
0 0 0.00458
0.000199 0 0.995
84 energi_independ 1
0 0 0.00119
0 0 0.999
85 oil_price 6
0 0 0.00139
0 0 0.999
86 green_energi 12
0 0 0.00378
0 0 0.996
87 renew_energi 5
0 0 0.00199
0 0 0.998
88 wind_power 2
0 0 0.00139
0 0 0.999
89 solar_power 2
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
90 green_job 16
0 0 0.00358
0 0 0.996
91 fiscal_polici 30
0.000199 0 0.996
0 0 0.00378
92 wreak_havoc 7
0 0 0.00637
0 0 0.994
93 fiscal_respons 20
0 0 0.0147
0 0 0.985
94 cost___MONEY__ 13
0 0 0.0123
0 0 0.988
95 __MONEY___billion 0
0.000398 0 0.00279
0 0 0.997
96 tax_haven 14
0 0.000199 0.431
0 0 0.569
97 roll_back 4
0.00577 0 0.567
0 0 0.427
98 bush_tax_cut 2
0.0119 0 0.0121
0.00597 0 0.97
99 health_care_system 15
0.98 0 0
0.0187 0 0.00179
100 __NUM___million_peopl 28
0.0137 0 0
0.986 0 0
101 health_care 3
0.00119 0 0
0.999 0 0
102 health_care_cost 25
0.00716 0 0
0.993 0 0
103 cut_cost 24
0.00338 0 0.00358
0.993 0 0
104 unit_state 36
0.956 0.000199 0.0402
0.00239 0 0.000796
105 qualiti_educ 26
0.126 0 0.000199
0.874 0 0.000199
106 global_economi 10
0.0139 0 0
0.986 0 0
107 earli_childhood 5
0.00239 0 0
0.998 0 0
108 childhood_educ 0
0 0 0
1 0 0
109 final_make 16
0.00338 0 0
0.997 0 0
110 tax_credit 8
0.00199 0 0.00338
0.995 0 0
111 nation_servic 6
0.00239 0 0.000398
0.994 0 0.00338
112 american_peopl 89
0.0422 0 0.955
0 0 0.00299
113 real_solut 15
0.000398 0 0.0706
0.000398 0 0.929
114 econom_problem 3
0.000597 0 0.00557
0.000597 0 0.993
115 special_interest 86
0.328 0 0.0496
0.000199 0 0.623
116 decent_wage 24
0.116 0.000199 0.0263
0.296 0 0.561
117 unit_state 57
0.296 0 0.131
0.298 0 0.276