This speech titled 2008.08.02 originally had 2911 tokens. You can view the original text here.
i stand here befor you todai feel no small_amount of gratitud __PUNCT__
becaus i know that my stori __PUNCT__ and so mani other improb stori __PUNCT__ would not be possibl without all that the urban leagu ha done to put opportun within reach of everi american __PUNCT__
it becaus of the door you open __PUNCT__ becaus of the battl you fought and won __PUNCT__ becaus of the sacrific of peopl in thi room and all those who came befor you __PUNCT__ that i come here todai as a candid for presid of unit_state of america __PUNCT__
and i never forget how my journei began __PUNCT__
i never forget that i got my start as a foot_soldier in the movement the urban leagu built __PUNCT__ the movement to bring opportun to everi corner of our citi __PUNCT__
as some of you know __PUNCT__ after colleg __PUNCT__ i move to chicago and went to work for a group of church to help famili that had been devast when the local steel plant_close down __PUNCT__
i knew chang in those commun wouldn't come easili __PUNCT__ but i also knew it wouldn't come at all if we didn't start bring_peopl togeth __PUNCT__
so i reach out to commun_leader __PUNCT__ and we work togeth to set up job_train to get peopl back to work and afterschool program to keep kid safe __PUNCT__ and to help peopl_stand up to their govern when it wasn't stand up for them __PUNCT__
that work taught me a fundament truth that ha guid me to thi dai __PUNCT__ that chang doesn't come from the top down __PUNCT__ it come from the bottom up __PUNCT__
chang happen when you teach a child to read __PUNCT__ or get a worker a job __PUNCT__ or help an entrepreneur set up shop __PUNCT__
it happen when you send a young_person to colleg or help a famili keep their home __PUNCT__
that the kind of chang all of you ar make everi singl_dai __PUNCT__
becaus you know that civil right and equal_treatment under the law ar necessari __PUNCT__ but not suffici __PUNCT__ to seiz america promis __PUNCT__ as dr __PUNCT__ king onc said __PUNCT__ the insepar twin of racial_justic is econom_justic __PUNCT__
you know that you can't take that seat at the front of the bu if you can't afford the bu fare __PUNCT__
you can't live in an integr neighborhood if you can't afford the hous __PUNCT__
and it doesn't mean a whole lot to sit down at that lunch_counter if you can't afford the lunch __PUNCT__
you know that there wa a reason why the march your fourth execut_director __PUNCT__ whitnei young __PUNCT__ address forti __PUNCT__ five year_ago thi summer wasn't just call the march on washington __PUNCT__ and it wasn't just call the march on washington for freedom __PUNCT__ it wa call the march on washington for job and freedom __PUNCT__
on that hot __DATE___dai __PUNCT__ whitnei young declar that the civil right for which thei were march were __PUNCT__ __URL__ negoti __PUNCT__
but he also describ other march that lai ahead __PUNCT__ the march from __PUNCT__ ghetto to decent __PUNCT__ wholesom __PUNCT__ unrestrict residenti area __PUNCT__ the march from __PUNCT__ relief roll __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ retrain center __PUNCT__ the march from __PUNCT__ ill __PUNCT__ equip school which breed dropout and which smother motiv __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ equip __PUNCT__ integr facil throughout the citi __PUNCT__
and he conclud __PUNCT__ our march is a march for america __PUNCT__
our march is a march for america __PUNCT__
not black_america or white_america __PUNCT__
not rich america or poor america __PUNCT__ rural_america or urban america __PUNCT__
but all america __PUNCT__
an america where no child destini is determin befor she born __PUNCT__ and no on futur is confin to the neighborhood he born into __PUNCT__
an america where hard_work is still a ticket to the middl_class __PUNCT__ and you can make it if you try __PUNCT__
but somewher along the wai __PUNCT__ we got off cours __PUNCT__
somewher along the wai __PUNCT__ we let a reckless few game the system __PUNCT__ we let special_interest tilt the scale and distort the free_market __PUNCT__ we stop_make the invest in our children and our worker to help us all rise togeth __PUNCT__
and todai __PUNCT__ we all pai the price __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we stand at a defin moment in our histori __PUNCT__
with seven straight month of job_loss __PUNCT__ with the highest percentag of home in foreclosur sinc the depress __PUNCT__ with famili_incom down __MONEY__ and the cost of ga __PUNCT__ groceri and health_care up a whole lot more than that __PUNCT__ so mani peopl ar look at their children __PUNCT__ wonder if thei be abl to give them the same chanc thei had __PUNCT__
our citi have been especi hard hit __PUNCT__ face shrink tax_base __PUNCT__ grow budget_deficit __PUNCT__ and social_servic that just can't keep up with peopl need __PUNCT__
and let be veri clear __PUNCT__ when more than __NUM__ percent of american_live in metro_area __PUNCT__ when the top___NUM__ metro_area gener two __PUNCT__ third of our job __PUNCT__ when __NUM__ of our metro area now rank among the world __NUM__ largest_economi __PUNCT__ the problem of our citi aren't just __PUNCT__ urban __PUNCT__ problem ani more __PUNCT__
when rise foreclosur mean vacant home __PUNCT__ abandon street and rise crime that spill over citi limit __PUNCT__ that a suburban problem and an ex __PUNCT__ urban problem too __PUNCT__
when ten of million of peopl in our citi ar uninsur __PUNCT__ and our urban emerg_room ar overflow __PUNCT__ that a suburban and ex __PUNCT__ urban problem too __PUNCT__
when urban road __PUNCT__ bridg and transit_system ar crumbl __PUNCT__ when urban_school aren't give young_peopl the skill to compet __PUNCT__ so compani decid to take their busi and their job elsewher __PUNCT__ that a suburban and ex __PUNCT__ urban problem too __PUNCT__
as presid_kennedi onc said __PUNCT__ we will neglect our citi to our peril __PUNCT__ for in neglect them we neglect the nation __PUNCT__
so we got a decis to make __PUNCT__
we can continu presid_bush econom_polici __PUNCT__ the polici that got us here in the first place __PUNCT__
that the cours senat_mccain would have us follow __PUNCT__
he said we made __PUNCT__ great progress econom __PUNCT__ under presid_bush __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ i disagre __PUNCT__
we face seriou issu in thi elect __PUNCT__ and have real differ __PUNCT__
but i not go to assault senat_mccain charact __PUNCT__
i not go to compar him to pop star __PUNCT__
i will __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ compar our two vision for our econom_futur __PUNCT__
senat_mccain want to keep give tax_break to compani that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__
i want to end them and start give incent to compani that creat_job here at home __PUNCT__
becaus i don't think __NUM__ lost job thi year is econom progress __PUNCT__
he want to give __MONEY___billion_worth of tax_break to big_corpor and the wealthiest american __PUNCT__
under hi plan __PUNCT__ more than __NUM___million middl_class class_famili won't see a penni in direct tax_relief __PUNCT__
i want to put a tax_cut of up to __MONEY__ into the pocket of __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of work_american __PUNCT__
and if you a famili make less than __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__ my plan won't rais your tax on penni __PUNCT__ not your incom_tax __PUNCT__ not your payrol_tax __PUNCT__ not your capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__ not ani of your tax __PUNCT__
senat_mccain is oppos to regular increas in the minimum_wage __PUNCT__ i want to index it so that it rise with rise_cost __PUNCT__
he think the earn_incom incom_tax_credit is fine as it is __PUNCT__ i want to expand it __PUNCT__
he ha no plan to make childcar more afford or help peopl get paid sick leav __PUNCT__ while i do __PUNCT__
in the end __PUNCT__ senat_mccain plan __PUNCT__ if you do spectacularli well now __PUNCT__ you do even better __PUNCT__
otherwis __PUNCT__ you like be stuck run in place __PUNCT__ or fall even further behind __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ i don't think that good enough __PUNCT__
those polici haven't work for the past eight year __PUNCT__ thei won't work now __PUNCT__ and it time for someth new __PUNCT__
it time for polici that reflect the fundament truth that we rise or fall as on nation __PUNCT__
that the truth at the heart of your opportun compact __PUNCT__ that we cannot have a thrive wall_street and a struggl main_street __PUNCT__
that when wage ar flat __PUNCT__ price ar rise __PUNCT__ and more and more american ar mire in debt __PUNCT__ our economi as a whole suffer __PUNCT__
our competit as a nation suffer __PUNCT__
our children futur suffer __PUNCT__
so we all have a stake here __PUNCT__
that why your opportun agenda is a compact __PUNCT__ not a guarante __PUNCT__ not a promis __PUNCT__ but a call to respons __PUNCT__
becaus we know that govern can't solv all our problem __PUNCT__ and govern can't and shouldn't do for us what we should be do for ourselv __PUNCT__ rais our kid the right wai __PUNCT__ be good_neighbor and good citizen __PUNCT__ becom leader in our industri and commun __PUNCT__
we know that the american_dream isn't someth that happen to you __PUNCT__ it someth you strive for and work for and seiz with your own two hand __PUNCT__
and we got a respons as a nation to keep that dream aliv for all of our peopl __PUNCT__
that what i wa try to do work with folk on the south_side of chicago all those year_ago __PUNCT__
those folk weren't ask for a handout or an easi wai out __PUNCT__
thei want to work __PUNCT__ thei want to contribut __PUNCT__ thei want to give their kid everi opportun to succe __PUNCT__
thei just need a chanc __PUNCT__ an opportun to start climb __PUNCT__ the same_thing we all want in life __PUNCT__
and that what thi elect is about __PUNCT__
thi elect is about the __NUM___million_peopl who don't have health_care __PUNCT__ includ___NUM__ in __NUM__ african_american __PUNCT__ peopl for whom on accid __PUNCT__ on ill could mean financi ruin __PUNCT__
that why __PUNCT__ when i presid __PUNCT__ we bring down health_care_cost by __MONEY__ for the typic famili and prevent insur_compani from discrimin against those who need care most __PUNCT__
we guarante health_care for anyon who need it __PUNCT__ make it afford for anyon who want it __PUNCT__ and ensur that the qualiti of your health care doesn't depend on the color of your skin __PUNCT__
thi elect is about the coupl i met in north la_vega who save up for decad onli to be trick into bui a home thei couldn't afford __PUNCT__ and all those famili whose dream of own a home ha been shatter by that grim foreclosur notic in the mail __PUNCT__
unfortun __PUNCT__ senat_mccain hous plan doesn't do anyth to help mani of the __NUM___million homeown face foreclosur __PUNCT__ even as he support spend billion to bail out wall_street __PUNCT__
i got a differ approach __PUNCT__
two year_ago __PUNCT__ i offer a propos to crack down on mortgag fraud __PUNCT__
i work with senat chri_dodd and congressman barnei_frank to pass a hous_bill that will help famili refin their mortgag and stai in their home __PUNCT__
and i support tax_credit to help low and middl __PUNCT__ incom_american afford their mortgag_payment __PUNCT__
becaus if we can bail out the invest_bank on wall_street who help creat thi crisi __PUNCT__ then we can certainli extend a hand to folk bear the brunt of it on main_street __PUNCT__
thi elect is also about everi child sit in a crumbl classroom __PUNCT__ everi child taught by a teacher who isn't get the support he or she need __PUNCT__
it about the __NUM___million student who fail to graduat high_school each year __PUNCT__ includ___NUM__ last year in florida __PUNCT__
it about the __PUNCT__ catastroph __PUNCT__ as colin_powel put it __PUNCT__ of children in our nation_largest largest_citi who have a __NUM__ chanc __PUNCT__ liter a coin toss __PUNCT__ of graduat on __PUNCT__ time __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i think it interest that senat_mccain came befor you yesterdai and attack my record on educ_reform __PUNCT__
for someon who been in washington nearli __NUM___year __PUNCT__ he got a pretti slim record on educ __PUNCT__ and when he ha taken a stand __PUNCT__ it been the wrong on __PUNCT__
so i happi to put my record and idea up against hi ani dai __PUNCT__
he vote against increas fund for no child_left behind to preserv billion in tax_break for the wealthiest american __PUNCT__ tax break he want to extend without sai how he pai for them __PUNCT__
he vote against increas fund for head_start __PUNCT__ and pell_grant __PUNCT__ and the hire of __NUM__ new teacher again and again and again __PUNCT__
he even applaud the idea of abolish the depart of educ __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ hi onli propos seem to be recycl tire rhetor about voucher __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i been a propon of public_school school_choic throughout my career __PUNCT__
i also believ that well __PUNCT__ design public charter_school have a lot to offer __PUNCT__
that why i help pass_legisl to doubl the number of charter_school in chicago __PUNCT__
but what i do oppos is us public_monei for privat_school voucher __PUNCT__
we need to focu on fix and improv our public_school __PUNCT__ not throw our hand up and walk awai from them __PUNCT__
we need to stop the tire old attack __PUNCT__ and start get result for our children __PUNCT__
that why i been work to reform our school for year __PUNCT__
that why i introduc a comprehens plan last fall to recruit __PUNCT__ prepar and retain effect teacher across america and why i ad a program to the educ bill that pass just yesterdai to prepar high qualiti teacher in urban_area __PUNCT__
that why i introduc_legisl to lower the dropout_rate __PUNCT__ start in middl_school __PUNCT__
that why __PUNCT__ when i presid __PUNCT__ we give everi child access to high qualiti pre __PUNCT__ kindergarten program __PUNCT__ recruit an armi of new teacher for our commun __PUNCT__ stop leav the monei behind for no child_left behind __PUNCT__ and make colleg afford for anyon who want to go __PUNCT__
that how we give everi young_person the skill to get a good_job __PUNCT__ that how we ensur that america can compet in the twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri global_economi __PUNCT__
and if peopl tell you that we can't afford to invest in educ or health_care or good_job __PUNCT__ you just remind them that we spend___MONEY___billion a month in iraq __PUNCT__
and if we can spend that much monei in iraq __PUNCT__ we can spend some of that monei right here in america __PUNCT__ in citi all across thi countri __PUNCT__
we know the differ we can make when we work togeth to open the door of opportun wide enough for everyon to walk through __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ i think of on particular exampl from your histori __PUNCT__
back in __DATE__ of __NUM__ the urban leagu brought repres from gener_electr to howard univers to recruit graduat senior __PUNCT__
it wa the first time in histori that a compani like that had come to a black univers campu to hire student __PUNCT__
the next year __PUNCT__ thirteen compani recruit at howard __PUNCT__
soon after that __PUNCT__ more than __NUM__ corpor repres came to half a dozen other colleg and univers __PUNCT__
and todai __PUNCT__ nation and multin compani recruit african_american american_student at hbcu and colleg and univers across thi countri __PUNCT__
think about all the career launch __PUNCT__ the wealth built __PUNCT__ the home bought __PUNCT__ the tuition paid __PUNCT__ and the dream realiz __PUNCT__ think about all the grandpar look back on their achiev with pride __PUNCT__ and the children look forward to their futur with hope __PUNCT__ all __PUNCT__ at least in part __PUNCT__ becaus of what the urban leagu start on a winter dai nearli __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__
that is the march for america that whitnei young spoke of all those year ago __PUNCT__
the march that led so mani of our parent and grandpar north to our citi __PUNCT__ look to start a new life __PUNCT__ unafraid of hard_work __PUNCT__ determin to give their children opportun thei never had __PUNCT__
as the poet alic walker onc wrote __PUNCT__ __URL__ knew what we must know without know a page of it themselv __PUNCT__
that what we alwai done in america __PUNCT__ dream big for ourselv __PUNCT__ and even bigger for our children and grandchildren __PUNCT__
and if you will to work with me __PUNCT__ and fight with me __PUNCT__ and stand with me thi fall __PUNCT__ then i promis you __PUNCT__ we will build a nation worthi of their futur __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ god_bless you __PUNCT__ and god_bless_america __PUNCT__