This speech titled 2008.08.05 originally had 2486 tokens. You can view the original text here.
we meet at a moment when thi countri is face a set of challeng unlik ani we ever known __PUNCT__
right now __PUNCT__ our brave men and women in uniform ar fight two differ war while terrorist plot their next attack __PUNCT__
our chang climat is put our planet in peril and our secur at risk __PUNCT__
and our economi is in turmoil __PUNCT__ with more and more of our famili struggl with rise_cost __PUNCT__ fall incom and lost job __PUNCT__
so we know that thi elect could be the most import of our lifetim __PUNCT__
we know that the choic we make in __DATE__ and over the next few year will shape the next decad __PUNCT__ if not the centuri __PUNCT__
and central to each of these challeng is the question of what we will do about our addict to foreign_oil __PUNCT__
without a doubt __PUNCT__ thi addict is on of the most urgent threat we ever face __PUNCT__ from the ga_price that ar wipe out your paycheck and strain busi __PUNCT__ to the job that ar disappear from thi state __PUNCT__ from the instabl and terror bred in the middl_east __PUNCT__ to the rise ocean __PUNCT__ record drought and spread famin that could engulf our planet __PUNCT__
now how __PUNCT__ exactli __PUNCT__ did we get to thi point __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you won't hear me sai thi too often __PUNCT__ but i couldn't agre more with the explan that senat_mccain offer a few week_ago __PUNCT__
he said __PUNCT__ our danger depend on foreign_oil ha been thirti_year in the make __PUNCT__ and wa caus by the failur of politician in washington to think long __PUNCT__ term about the futur of the countri __PUNCT__
what senat_mccain neglect to mention wa that dure those thirti_year __PUNCT__ he wa in washington for twenti __PUNCT__ six of them __PUNCT__
and dure that time __PUNCT__ he vote against increas fuel_effici standard and oppos legisl that includ tax_credit for more effici car __PUNCT__
he vote against renew_sourc of energi __PUNCT__
against clean biofuel __PUNCT__
against solar_power __PUNCT__
against wind_power __PUNCT__
against an energi_bill that __PUNCT__ while far from perfect __PUNCT__ repres the largest invest in renew_sourc of energi in the histori of thi countri __PUNCT__
and unfortun __PUNCT__ in thi elect __PUNCT__ senat_mccain ha propos an energi plan that noth but four year more of the same __PUNCT__
he offer a plan with no signific invest in altern_energi __PUNCT__
he offer a ga tax holidai that will pad oil_compani compani_profit and save you __PUNCT__ at best __PUNCT__ half a tank of ga over the cours of an entir summer __PUNCT__
and he offer __MONEY___billion more in tax_break to the biggest oil_compani in america __PUNCT__ includ __MONEY___billion to exxon __PUNCT__ mobil __PUNCT__ a compani that just record the largest profit in the histori of the unit_state __PUNCT__
a compani that __PUNCT__ last quarter __PUNCT__ made the same_amount of monei in __NUM__ second that a typic ohio worker make in a year __PUNCT__
all while here in ohio __PUNCT__ you pai nearli __MONEY__ a gallon for ga __PUNCT__ two and a half_time what it cost when presid_bush took offic __PUNCT__
senat_mccain not onli want oil_compani to keep everi dime of that monei __PUNCT__ he want to give them more __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ i don't know about you __PUNCT__ but i don't think that the chang we need __PUNCT__
instead of offer a real plan to lower ga_price __PUNCT__ the onli energi propos he realli promot is more offshor_drill __PUNCT__
thi plan won't lower_price todai __PUNCT__
it won't lower price dure the next administr __PUNCT__
the truth is __PUNCT__ we wouldn't see a drop of oil from thi drill for at least seven year __PUNCT__
while increas domest oil explor certainli ha it place as we make our economi more fuel __PUNCT__ effici and transit to other __PUNCT__ renew __PUNCT__ american __PUNCT__ made sourc of energi __PUNCT__ it is not the solut __PUNCT__
it is a polit answer of the sort washington ha given us for three decad __PUNCT__
and while senat_mccain plan won't save you at the pump anytim soon __PUNCT__ it sure ha done a lot to rais campaign dollar __PUNCT__
senat mccain rais more than on million_dollar from the oil_industri just last month __PUNCT__ most of which came after he announc hi plan for offshor_drill to a room full of cheer oil execut __PUNCT__
so to sum up __PUNCT__ under senat_mccain plan __PUNCT__ the oil_compani get billion more __PUNCT__ we don't pai ani less at the pump __PUNCT__ and we stai in the same cycl of depend on oil that got us into thi crisi __PUNCT__
the oil compani have place their bet on senat_mccain __PUNCT__ and if he win __PUNCT__ thei will continu to cash in while our famili and our economi suffer and our futur is put in jeopardi __PUNCT__
that the choic we face in thi elect __PUNCT__
we can choos four year more of the same fail polici that have gotten us where we ar __PUNCT__
four year more of oil_compani compani_call the shot while hard_work work_famili ar struggl __PUNCT__
that what senat_mccain is offer __PUNCT__
or we can choos a new __PUNCT__ clean_energi futur that get us where we need to be __PUNCT__
we can make a differ bet __PUNCT__ a bet on the ingenu __PUNCT__ industri and determin of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
that what i offer __PUNCT__
becaus after on presid in the pocket of the oil_compani __PUNCT__ we can't afford anoth __PUNCT__
for the sake of our economi __PUNCT__ our secur __PUNCT__ and the futur of our planet __PUNCT__ we must end the ag of oil in our time __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ we know our famili need immedi relief from high ga_price __PUNCT__ relief to the mother who cut down on groceri becaus of ga price __PUNCT__ or the man i met in pennsylvania who lost hi job and can't even afford to drive around and look for a new on __PUNCT__
and if i elect_presid __PUNCT__ unlik senat_mccain __PUNCT__ i won't be give tax_break to oil_compani that ar do better than ever while you struggl more than ever __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ i immedi give work_famili across america a __MONEY__ energi rebat __PUNCT__ paid for with part of the record profit the oil_compani ar make right now __PUNCT__
and in the short __PUNCT__ term __PUNCT__ as we transit to renew_energi __PUNCT__ we can and should increas our domest_product of oil and natur_ga __PUNCT__
right now __PUNCT__ oil_compani have access to __NUM___million million_acr where thei aren't drill __PUNCT__
so we should start by give them a choic __PUNCT__ us the land you have __PUNCT__ or give up your leas to someon who will __PUNCT__
but the truth is __PUNCT__ neither of these step will serious reduc our energi depend in the long __PUNCT__ term __PUNCT__
we simpli cannot pretend __PUNCT__ as senat_mccain doe __PUNCT__ that we can drill our wai out of thi problem __PUNCT__
break our oil addict will take noth less than a complet transform of our economi __PUNCT__
it will take an all __PUNCT__ hand __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ deck effort from america __PUNCT__ effort from our scientist and entrepreneur __PUNCT__ from busi and from everi american_citizen __PUNCT__
we all know that thi is the great_challeng of our time __PUNCT__
if we fail to act __PUNCT__ there the implic will be grave for our economi __PUNCT__ for our secur __PUNCT__ for our planet __PUNCT__
but if we seiz thi moment __PUNCT__ and meet the challeng __PUNCT__ we can open to door to a new economi for the __NUM___centuri that will bring new energi __PUNCT__ new job and new hope to youngstown and commun across ohio and thi nation __PUNCT__
so if i am presid __PUNCT__ i will immedi direct the full resourc of the feder_govern and the full energi of the privat_sector to a singl __PUNCT__ overarch goal __PUNCT__ in ten_year __PUNCT__ we will elimin the need for oil from the entir middl_east and venezuela __PUNCT__
to do thi __PUNCT__ we invest __MONEY___billion over the next decad and leverag billion more in privat_capit to har american_energi and creat five million new american_job __PUNCT__ job that pai well and won't be outsourc __PUNCT__ good union job that lift up our famili and revit our commun __PUNCT__
there ar three major step i will take to achiev thi goal __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ we commit ourselv to get on million __NUM___mile __PUNCT__ per __PUNCT__ gallon plug __PUNCT__ in hybrid car on our road within six year __PUNCT__
and we make sure these car ar built not in japan __PUNCT__ not in china __PUNCT__ but right here in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
we do it by invest in research and develop __PUNCT__ provid __MONEY___billion in loan and tax_credit to auto_compani so thei can re __PUNCT__ tool their factori to build these car __PUNCT__ and by give consum a __MONEY__ tax_credit to bui them __PUNCT__
that how we make sure american_worker and american_compani can thrive in a __NUM___centuri economi __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ we doubl the amount of our energi that come from renew_sourc by the end of my first term __PUNCT__
that mean invest in the clean technolog research and develop that occur in facil all across the countri __PUNCT__
it mean invest in tax_incent to encourag the product of renew like wind and solar_power and to develop next gener biofuel __PUNCT__
it mean find safer wai to us nuclear_power and store nuclear_wast __PUNCT__ and to us more coal __PUNCT__ on of america most abund energi_sourc __PUNCT__
and it mean work to modern our nation util grid so it can accommod these new power sourc without be overrun by blackout __PUNCT__
the payoff from these invest in renew_energi energi_sourc will be renew_energi job across ohio and across america __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i know that over the past eight year __PUNCT__ you lost more __NUM__ manufactur_job in thi state __PUNCT__
but i also know that ohio ha the second highest potenti of all fifti_state to creat new wind_energi manufactur_job __PUNCT__ and invest in wind_power could increas worker __PUNCT__ wage in ohio by more than __MONEY___billion through the year___NUM__ __PUNCT__
i also know that with the right invest __PUNCT__ thi state could save___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion a year that you spend import energi __PUNCT__ and instead __PUNCT__ power two million home us wind_power __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ i will call on busi __PUNCT__ govern __PUNCT__ and the american_peopl to meet the goal of reduc our demand for electr __NUM__ __PUNCT__ by the end of the next decad __PUNCT__
thi is by far the fastest __PUNCT__ easiest __PUNCT__ and cheapest wai to reduc our energi_consumpt __PUNCT__ and it will save us __MONEY___billion on our energi_bill __PUNCT__
on report found that right here in ohio __PUNCT__ improv in energi_effici can help save home and busi __MONEY___billion in energi_cost by __NUM__ __PUNCT__
the state of california ha implement such a success effici strategi that while electr consumpt grew __NUM__ __PUNCT__ in thi countri over the last three decad __PUNCT__ it didn't grow at all in california __PUNCT__
there is no reason we can't do the same_thing all across america __PUNCT__
in just ten_year __PUNCT__ these three step will produc enough renew_energi to replac all the oil we import from the middl_east __PUNCT__
along with the cap __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ trade program i propos __PUNCT__ we will reduc our danger carbon_emiss __NUM__ __PUNCT__ by __NUM__ slow the warm of our planet __PUNCT__ and creat five million new job in the process __PUNCT__
i won't pretend the goal i laid out todai aren't ambiti __PUNCT__
thei ar __PUNCT__
i won't pretend we can achiev them without cost __PUNCT__ or without sacrific __PUNCT__ or without the contribut of almost everi american_citizen __PUNCT__
we can't __PUNCT__
but i will sai that these goal ar possibl __PUNCT__
and i will sai that achiev them is absolut necessari if we want to keep america safe and prosper in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
it necessari if we want our famili to thrive again __PUNCT__ to have good_job with good wage that let them get ahead again __PUNCT__
so in thi elect __PUNCT__ we face a choic __PUNCT__
we can continu down the path we been travel __PUNCT__
we can keep make small __PUNCT__ piec __PUNCT__ meal invest in renew_energi __PUNCT__ keep pai more and more at the pump __PUNCT__ and keep send our hard __PUNCT__ earn dollar to oil_compani execut and middl_eastern dictat __PUNCT__
we can watch helplessli as the price of ga rise and fall becaus of some foreign crisi we have no control over __PUNCT__ and uncov everi singl barrel of oil buri beneath thi countri onli to realiz that we don't have enough for a few year __PUNCT__ let alon a centuri __PUNCT__
we can watch other countri creat the industri and job that will fuel our futur __PUNCT__ as our worker fall behind and our planet grow more unliv by the dai __PUNCT__
or we can choos anoth futur __PUNCT__
in just a few year __PUNCT__ we can watch car that run on plug __PUNCT__ in batteri come off our assembl_line __PUNCT__
we can see shutter factori open their door to manufactur that sell wind_turbin and solar_panel that will power our home and our busi __PUNCT__
we can watch as million of new job with good pai and good benefit ar creat for american_worker __PUNCT__ and we can take pride as the technolog __PUNCT__ and discoveri __PUNCT__ and industri of the futur flourish in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
we can lead the world __PUNCT__ secur our nation __PUNCT__ and leav our children a planet that is safer and cleaner and healthier than the on we inherit __PUNCT__
thi is the choic we face in the month ahead __PUNCT__
thi is the challeng we must meet __PUNCT__
thi is the opportun we must seiz __PUNCT__ and thi mai be our last chanc to seiz it __PUNCT__
so i ask you to join me __PUNCT__ in __DATE__ and in the year to come __PUNCT__ to ensur that we will not onli control our own energi __PUNCT__ but onc again control our own destini __PUNCT__ and forg a new and better futur for the countri that we love __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__