Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.08.19 originally had 4351 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__ command lisicki __PUNCT__ for your leadership __PUNCT__

let me also acknowledg the leadership of virginia carman __PUNCT__ the presid of the vfw ladi auxiliari __PUNCT__ as well as my friend jim_webb who will be speak here later todai __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ let me thank all of the member of the veteran of foreign_war of the unit_state of america for invit me back to thi convent __PUNCT__

it is a privileg to be among so mani who have given so much for our countri __PUNCT__

i stand befor you todai at a defin moment in our histori __PUNCT__

we ar in the midst of two war __PUNCT__

the terrorist who attack us on 9/11 ar still at larg __PUNCT__

russia ha invad the sovereign_nation of georgia __PUNCT__

iran is pursu nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

the next command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief is go to have to exercis the best possibl judgment in get us through these difficult_time __PUNCT__

yesterdai __PUNCT__ senat_mccain came befor you __PUNCT__

he is a man who ha serv thi nation honor __PUNCT__ and he correctli state that on of the chief criteria for the american_peopl in thi elect is go to be who can exercis the best judgment as command in chief __PUNCT__

but instead of just offer polici answer __PUNCT__ he turn to a typic laundri list of polit attack __PUNCT__

he said that i have chang my posit on iraq when i have not __PUNCT__

he said that i am for a path of __PUNCT__ retreat and failur __PUNCT__

and he declar __PUNCT__ behind all of these claim and posit by senat_obama li the ambit to be presid __PUNCT__ suggest __PUNCT__ as he ha so mani time __PUNCT__ that i put person ambit befor my countri __PUNCT__

that is john_mccain prerog __PUNCT__

he can run that kind of campaign __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ that how polit_campaign have been run in recent_year __PUNCT__

but i believ the american_peopl ar better than that __PUNCT__

i believethat thi defin moment demand someth more of us __PUNCT__

if we think that we can secur our countri by just talk tough without act tough and smart __PUNCT__ then we will misunderstand thi moment and miss it opportun __PUNCT__

if we think that we can us the same partisan playbook where we just challeng our oppon patriot to win an elect __PUNCT__ then the american peopl will lose __PUNCT__

the time ar too seriou for thi kind of polit __PUNCT__

the calam left behind by the last eight year is too great __PUNCT__

so let me begin by offer my judgment about what we done __PUNCT__ where we ar __PUNCT__ and where we need to go __PUNCT__

six year_ago __PUNCT__ i stood up at a time when it wa polit difficult to oppos go to war in iraq __PUNCT__ and argu that our first prioriti had to be finish the fight against osama_bin_laden and al_qaeda in afghanistan __PUNCT__

senat_mccain wa alreadi turn hi sight to iraq just dai after 9/11 __PUNCT__ and he becam a lead support of an invas and occup of a countri that had absolut noth to do with the 9/11attack __PUNCT__ and that __PUNCT__ as despic as saddam_hussein wa __PUNCT__ pose no immin_threat to the american_peopl __PUNCT__

two of the biggest beneficiari of that decis were al_qaeda leadership __PUNCT__ which no longer face the pressur of america focus attent __PUNCT__ and iran __PUNCT__ which ha advanc it nuclear_program __PUNCT__ continu it support for terror __PUNCT__ and increas it influenc in iraq and the region __PUNCT__

in the run __PUNCT__ up to the invas of iraq __PUNCT__ i warn that war would fan the flame of extrem in the middl_east __PUNCT__ creat new center of terrorism,and tie us down in a costli and open __PUNCT__ end occup __PUNCT__

senat_mccain predict that we be greet as liber __PUNCT__ and that the iraqi would bear the cost of rebuild through their bounti oil revenu __PUNCT__

for the good of our countri __PUNCT__ i wish he had been right __PUNCT__ and i had been __URL__ that not what histori_show __PUNCT__

senat_mccain now argu that despit these costli strateg errors,hi judgment ha been vindic due to the result of the surg __PUNCT__

let me onc again prais gener_petraeu and ambassador crocker __PUNCT__ thei ar outstand american __PUNCT__

in iraq __PUNCT__ gain have been made in lower the level of violenc thank to the outstand effort of our militari __PUNCT__ theincreas capabl of iraq secur_forc __PUNCT__ the ceasefir of shiit militia __PUNCT__ and the decis taken by sunni tribe to take the fight to al_qaeda __PUNCT__

those ar the fact __PUNCT__ and all american welcom them __PUNCT__

but understand what the essenti argument wa about __PUNCT__

befor the surge,i argu that the long __PUNCT__ term solut in iraq is polit __PUNCT__ the iraqi_govern must reconcil it differ and take respons forit futur __PUNCT__

that hold_true todai __PUNCT__

we have lost over a thousand american_live and spent hundr of billion of dollar sinc the surg began,but iraq leader still haven't made hard compromis or substanti invest in rebuild their countri __PUNCT__

our militari is badli overstretch __PUNCT__ a fact that ha sure been note in capit around the world __PUNCT__

and while we pai a heavi price in iraq __PUNCT__ and american pai record price at the pump __PUNCT__ iraq govern is sit on a __MONEY__ billiondollar budget surplu from windfal oil profit __PUNCT__

let be clear __PUNCT__ our troop have complet everi mission thei been given __PUNCT__

thei have creat the space for polit reconcili __PUNCT__

now it must be fill by an iraqi_govern that reconcil it differ and spend it oil profit to meet the need of it peopl __PUNCT__

iraqi inact threaten the progress we made and creat an open for iran and the __PUNCT__ special group __PUNCT__ it support __PUNCT__

it time to press the iraq isto take respons for their futur __PUNCT__

the best wai to do that is a respons redeploy of our combat brigad __PUNCT__ carri out in close consult with command on the ground __PUNCT__

we can safe redeploi at apac that remov our combat brigad in __NUM___month __PUNCT__

that would be well into __NUM__ __PUNCT__ seven year after the war_began __PUNCT__

after thi redeployment,w keep a residu forc to target remnant of al_qaeda __PUNCT__ to protect our servic_member and diplomat __PUNCT__ and to train iraq secur_forc if the iraqi make polit_progress __PUNCT__

iraq democrat __PUNCT__ elect prime_minist ha embrac thi time_frame __PUNCT__

now it time to succe in iraq by turn iraq over to it sovereign govern __PUNCT__

we should not keep send our troop to fight tour after tour of duti while our militari is overstretch __PUNCT__

we should not keep spend___MONEY___billion a month in iraq while american struggl in a sluggish economi __PUNCT__

end the war will allow us to invest in america __PUNCT__ to strengthen our militari __PUNCT__ and to finish the fight against al_qaeda and the taliban in afghanistan and the border region of pakistan __PUNCT__

thi is the central front in the war on terror __PUNCT__

thi is where the taliban is gain strength and launch new attack __PUNCT__ includ on that just took the life of ten french soldier __PUNCT__

thi is where osama_bin_laden and the same terrorist who kill nearli __NUM__ american on our own soil ar hide and plot seven year after 9/11 __PUNCT__

thi is a war that we have to win __PUNCT__

and as command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__ i will have no greater prioriti than take out these terrorist who threaten america __PUNCT__ and finish the job against the taliban __PUNCT__

for year __PUNCT__ i have call for more resourc and more troop to finish the fight in afghanistan __PUNCT__

with hi overwhelm focu on iraq __PUNCT__ senat_mccain argu that we could just __PUNCT__ muddl through __PUNCT__ in afghanistan __PUNCT__ and onli came around to support my call for more troop last month __PUNCT__

now,w need a polici of __PUNCT__ more for more __PUNCT__ more from america and our nato alli __PUNCT__ and more from the afghan_govern __PUNCT__

that why i call for at least two addit u. __PUNCT__ combat brigad and an addit___MONEY__ in non __PUNCT__ militari assist for afghanistan __PUNCT__ with a demand for more action from the afghan_govern to take on corrupt and counter narcot __PUNCT__ and to improv the live of the afghan_peopl __PUNCT__

we must also recogn that we cannot succe in afghanistan or secur america as long as there is a terrorist safe __PUNCT__ haven in north west pakistan __PUNCT__

a year_ago __PUNCT__ i said that we must take action against bin_laden and hi lieuten if we have them in our sight and pakistan cannot or will not act __PUNCT__

senat_mccain critic me and claim that i wa for __PUNCT__ bomb our alli __PUNCT__

so for all of hi talk about follow osama_bin_laden to the gate of hell __PUNCT__ senat_mccain refus to join my call to take out bin_laden across the afghan border __PUNCT__

instead __PUNCT__ he spent_year year_back a dictat in pakistan who fail to serv the interest of hi own peopl __PUNCT__

i argu for year that we need to move from a __PUNCT__ musharraf polici __PUNCT__ to a __PUNCT__ pakistan polici __PUNCT__

we must move beyond an allianc built on mere conveni or a relationship with on man __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ with presid musharraf resign __PUNCT__ we have the opportun to do just that __PUNCT__

that why i cosponsor a bill to tripl non __PUNCT__ militari_aid to the pakistani peopl __PUNCT__ while ensur that the militari assist we do provid is us to take the fight to the taliban and al_qaeda in the tribal region of pakistan __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ our attent is also on the republ of georgia __PUNCT__ and senat_mccain and i both strongli_support the peopl of georgia and the american deliv humanitarian_aid __PUNCT__

there is no possibl justif for russia action __PUNCT__

russian troop have yet to begin the withdraw requir by the ceas __PUNCT__ fire sign by their presid __PUNCT__ and we ar hear report of russian atroc __PUNCT__ burn wheat field __PUNCT__ brutal kill __PUNCT__ and the destruct of georgia infrastructur and militari asset __PUNCT__

thi crisi underscor the need for engag u. __PUNCT__ leadership in the world __PUNCT__

we fail to head off thi conflict and lost leverag in our abil to contain it becaus our leader have been distract __PUNCT__ our resourc overstretch __PUNCT__ and our allianc frai __PUNCT__

american leadership mean get engag earlier to shape event so that we not mere respond to them __PUNCT__

that why i commit to renew our leadership and rebuild our allianc as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

for month __PUNCT__ i have call for activ intern engag to resolv the disput over south_ossetia and abkhazia __PUNCT__

i made it crystal clear befor __PUNCT__ at the begin of __PUNCT__ and dure thi conflict that georgia territori integr must be respect __PUNCT__ and that georgia should be integr into transatlant institut __PUNCT__

i have condemn russian aggress __PUNCT__ and todai i reiter my demand that russia abid by the ceas __PUNCT__ fire __PUNCT__

russia must know that it action will have __URL__ will imperil the civil nuclear agreement __PUNCT__ and russia stand in the intern_commun __PUNCT__ includ the nato __PUNCT__ russia council __PUNCT__ and russia desir to particip in organ like the wto and the oecd __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ we must help georgia rebuild what ha been __URL__ is why i proud to join my friend __PUNCT__ senat joe_biden __PUNCT__ in call for an addit___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion in reconstruct assist for the peopl of georgia __PUNCT__

these ar the judgment i made and the polici that we have to debat __PUNCT__ becaus we do have differ in thi elect __PUNCT__

but on of the thing that we have to chang in thi countri is the idea that peopl can't disagre without challeng each other charact and patriot __PUNCT__

i have never suggest that senat_mccain pick hi posit on nation_secur base on polit or person ambit __PUNCT__

i have not suggest it becaus i believ that he genuin want to serv america nation_interest __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ it time for him to acknowledg thati want to do the same __PUNCT__

let me be clear __PUNCT__ i will let no on question my love of thi countri __PUNCT__

ilov america __PUNCT__ so do you __PUNCT__ and so doe john_mccain __PUNCT__

when i look out at thi audienc __PUNCT__ i see peopl of differ polit_view __PUNCT__

you ar democrat and republican and independ __PUNCT__

but you all serv together,and fought togeth __PUNCT__ and bled togeth under the same proud flag __PUNCT__

you did not serv a red america or a blue america __PUNCT__ you serv the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

so let have a seriou debat __PUNCT__ and let debat our disagr on the merit of polici __PUNCT__ not person_attack __PUNCT__

and no matter how heat itget or what kind of campaign he choos to run __PUNCT__ i will honor senat_mccain servic __PUNCT__ just like i honor the servic of everi veteran in thi room __PUNCT__ and everi american who ha worn the uniform of the unit_state __PUNCT__

on of those american wa my grandfath __PUNCT__ stanlei dunham __PUNCT__

my father left when i wa __NUM__ so my grandfath wa the man who help rais me __PUNCT__

he grew up in el_dorado __PUNCT__ kansa __PUNCT__ a town too small to warrant boldfac on a road_map __PUNCT__

he work on oil rig and drift from town to town dure the depress __PUNCT__

then he met my grandmoth and enlist after pearl_harbor __PUNCT__

he would go on to march across europ in patton armi __PUNCT__ while my great uncl fought with the __NUM__ infantri divis to liber buchenwald __PUNCT__ my grandmoth work on a bomber assembl line,and my mother wa born at fort leavenworth __PUNCT__

after my grandfath left the armi __PUNCT__ he went to colleg on the gi_bill __PUNCT__ bought hi home with help from the feder_hous author __PUNCT__ and he and my grandmoth move west in a restless pursuit of their dream __PUNCT__

thei were among the men and women of our greatest_gener __PUNCT__

thei came from ordinari place __PUNCT__ and went on to do extraordinari thing __PUNCT__

thei surviv a depress and face down fascism __PUNCT__

and when the gun fell silent __PUNCT__ america stood by them __PUNCT__ becaus thei had a govern that didn't just ask them to win a war __PUNCT__ it help them to live their dream in peac __PUNCT__ and to becom the backbon of the largest middl_class that the world ha ever known __PUNCT__

in the five year after world_war_ii __PUNCT__ the gi_bill help __NUM___million veteran get an educ __PUNCT__

two million went to colleg __PUNCT__

million more learn a trade in factori or on farm __PUNCT__

four million veteran receiv help in bui a home __PUNCT__ lead to the biggest home construct boom in our histori __PUNCT__

and these veteran didn't just receiv a hand from washington __PUNCT__ thei did their part to lift up america __PUNCT__ just as thei done their duti in defend it __PUNCT__

thei becam teacher and doctor __PUNCT__ cop and firefight who were the foundat of our commun __PUNCT__

thei becam the innov and small_busi busi_owner who help drive the american_economi __PUNCT__

thei becam the scientist and engin who help us win the space race against the soviet __PUNCT__

thei won a cold_war __PUNCT__ and left a legaci to their children and grandchildren who reach new horizon of opportun __PUNCT__

i am a part of that legaci __PUNCT__

without it __PUNCT__ i would not be stand on thi stage todai __PUNCT__

and as presid __PUNCT__ i will do everyth that i can to keep the promis __PUNCT__ to advanc the american_dream for all our veteran __PUNCT__ and to enlist them in the caus of build a stronger america __PUNCT__

our young_men and women in uniform have proven that thei ar the equal of the greatest_gener on the battlefield __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ we must ensur that our brave troop serv abroad todai becom the backbon of our middl_class at home tomorrow __PUNCT__

those who fight to defend_america abroad must have the chanc to live their dream at home __PUNCT__ through educ and their abil to make a good live __PUNCT__ through afford health_care __PUNCT__ and through a retir that is dignifi and secur __PUNCT__

that is the promis that we must keep with all who serv __PUNCT__

it start with those who choos to remain in uniform __PUNCT__ as well as their famili __PUNCT__

my wife michel ha net with militari famili in north_carolina __PUNCT__ kentucki and virginia over the last sever month __PUNCT__

everi time __PUNCT__ she pass on their stori __PUNCT__ stori of live fill with patriot and purpos __PUNCT__ but also stori of spous struggl to pai the bill __PUNCT__ kid deal with an absent parent __PUNCT__ and the uniqu burden of multipl deploy __PUNCT__

the messag that michel ha heard is what you all know and have live __PUNCT__ when a love on is deploi __PUNCT__ the whole famili goe to war __PUNCT__

the vfw ha done an extraordinari job of stand by our militari famili __PUNCT__ help out with everyth from a phone card for a soldier who is oversea __PUNCT__ to an extra hand around the hous __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will stand with you __PUNCT__

we need a militari famili advisori_board to identifi new wai to eas the burden __PUNCT__

we need more offici support for the volunt network that help militari spous get by __PUNCT__

and we need to make sure that militari pai doe not lag behind the privat_sector __PUNCT__ so that those who serv can rais their famili and live the life thei earn __PUNCT__

for those who return to civilian life __PUNCT__ i will support their american_dream in thi __NUM___centuri just as we support gener of veteran in the __NUM__ __PUNCT__

that start with educ __PUNCT__

everyon who serv thi countri should have the same opportun that my grandfath had under the gi_bill __PUNCT__

that why __PUNCT__ unlik my oppon __PUNCT__ i wa a strong and earli support of jim_webb gi_bill for the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ a bill that senat_mccain call too gener __PUNCT__

at a time when the skyrocket cost of tuition is price thousand of american out of a colleg education,thi bill provid everi veteran with a real chanc to afford a world __PUNCT__ class colleg_educ __PUNCT__

and that what i continu to stand upfor as presid __PUNCT__

we must also stand up for afford health_care for everi singl veteran __PUNCT__

that why i pledg to build a __NUM___centuri va __PUNCT__

we need to cut through the red_tape __PUNCT__ everi servic __PUNCT__ member should get electron copi of medic and servic record upon discharg __PUNCT__

we need to close shortfal __PUNCT__ it time to fulli fund va health_care __PUNCT__ and to add more vetcent __PUNCT__

we need to get rid of mean __PUNCT__ test __PUNCT__ everi veteran should be allow into the va system __PUNCT__

my oppon take a differ view __PUNCT__

he want to ration care so the va onli serv combat injuri __PUNCT__ while everyon els get an insur card __PUNCT__

while the va need some real_reform to better serv those who have worn the uniform __PUNCT__ privat is just not the answer __PUNCT__

we cannot risk our veteran __PUNCT__ health_care by turn the va into just anoth health_insur __PUNCT__

we need to make sure the va is strong enough to treat everi veteran who depend on it __PUNCT__

that what i do as presid __PUNCT__

and we must expand and enhanc our abil to identifi and treat ptsd and traumat brain injuri at all level __PUNCT__ from enlist __PUNCT__ to deploy __PUNCT__ to civilian life __PUNCT__

no on should suffer in silenc __PUNCT__ or slip through the crack in the system __PUNCT__

that why i pass measur to increas screen for these unseen wound __PUNCT__ and help lead a bipartisan effort to stop the unfair practic of kick out troop who suffer from them __PUNCT__

thi is someth i fought for in the senat __PUNCT__ and it someth that i make a prioriti as presid __PUNCT__

econom_secur for our veteran also depend on revamp an over burden benefit system __PUNCT__

i congratul the vfw for what you done to help veteran navig a broken vba bureaucraci __PUNCT__

now it time for the govern to do a better job __PUNCT__

we need more worker __PUNCT__ and a 21stcenturi electron system that is fulli link up to militari record and the va health network __PUNCT__

it time to ensur that those who serv get the benefit that thei earn __PUNCT__

just as we give veteran the support thei deserv __PUNCT__ we must also engag them and all american in a new caus __PUNCT__ renew america __PUNCT__

i am run for presid becaus i believ that there is no challeng too great for the american_peopl to meet if thei ar call upon to come togeth __PUNCT__

in america __PUNCT__ each of us is free to seek our dream __PUNCT__ but we must also serv a common_purpos __PUNCT__ a higher purpos __PUNCT__

no on embodi that commit like a veteran __PUNCT__

just think of the skill that our troop have develop through their servic __PUNCT__

thei have not simpli wage_war in afghanistan and iraq __PUNCT__ thei have rebuilt infrastructur __PUNCT__ support new agricultur __PUNCT__ train polic_forc __PUNCT__ and develop health_care_system __PUNCT__

for those leav militari_servic __PUNCT__ it time to appli those skill to our great_nation challeng here at home __PUNCT__

that mean expand program like troop __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ teacher that put veteran sat the front of the classroom __PUNCT__

that mean tap the talent of engin who serv as we make a substanti invest to rebuild our infrastructur and creat million of new job __PUNCT__

that mean dramat expand nation_servic program to give american of all ag __PUNCT__ skill and station the chanc to give back to their commun and their countri __PUNCT__

i also enlist veteran in forg anew american_energi energi_economi __PUNCT__

that why i propos a green veteran initi to give our veteran the train thei need to succe in the green_job of the futur __PUNCT__ so that thei put themselv on a pathwai to a success career __PUNCT__ while ensur that our nation_secur is never held hostag to hostil nation __PUNCT__

thi is how we can help our veteran live their dream while help our countri meet the challeng of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

and thi is what we have learn from so mani gener of veteran __PUNCT__ includ those of you here todai __PUNCT__ that your contribut to the american stori doe not end when the uniform come off __PUNCT__

we need those who serv in our militari to live their dream __PUNCT__ and to continu serv the caus of america __PUNCT__ when the gun fall silent __PUNCT__

that what the vfw stand for __PUNCT__ and if i have the honor of be your presid __PUNCT__ that what my administr will work for everi singl_dai __PUNCT__

becaus i believ that we have a sacr trust with those who serv in our militari __PUNCT__

that trust is simpl __PUNCT__ america will be there for you just as you have been there for america __PUNCT__

it a trust that begin at enlist __PUNCT__ and it never end __PUNCT__

i thought of that trust last week when i visit the pearl_harbor memori __PUNCT__

i saw where the bomb fell on the uss arizona __PUNCT__ and where a war_began that would reshap the world_order while reshap the live of all who serv in it __PUNCT__ from our great gener and admir __PUNCT__ to the enlist men like my grandfath __PUNCT__

then i visit hi grave at the punchbowl __PUNCT__ the nation memori cemeteri of the pacif __PUNCT__

i still rememb the dai that we laid my grandfath to rest __PUNCT__

in a cemeteri line with the grave of american who have sacrif for our countri __PUNCT__ we heard the solemn note of tap and the crack of gun fire in salut __PUNCT__ we watch as a fold flag wa hand to my grandmoth and my grandfath wa laid to rest __PUNCT__

it wa a nation final act of servic and gratitud to stanlei dunham __PUNCT__ an america that stood by my grandfath when he took off the uniform __PUNCT__ and never left hi side __PUNCT__

thi is what we ow our troop and our veteran __PUNCT__

becaus in everi note of tap and in everi fold flag __PUNCT__ we hear and see an unwav belief in the idea of america __PUNCT__

the idea that no matter where you come from __PUNCT__ or what you look like __PUNCT__ or who your parent ar __PUNCT__ thi is a place where anyth is possibl __PUNCT__ where anyon can make it __PUNCT__ where we look out for each other __PUNCT__ and take care of each other __PUNCT__ where we rise and fall as on nation __PUNCT__ as on peopl __PUNCT__

it an idea that worth fight for __PUNCT__ an idea for which so mani american have given that last full_measur of devot __PUNCT__

now it fall to us to advanc that idea just as so mani gener have befor __PUNCT__