Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.08.28.Convention originally had 5209 tokens. You can view the original text here.

to chairman dean and my great friend dick durbin __PUNCT__ and to all my fellow_citizen of thi great_nation __PUNCT__

with profound gratitud and great humil __PUNCT__ i accept your nomin for the presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

let me express my thank to the histor slate of candid who accompani me on thi journei __PUNCT__ and especi the on who travel the farthest __PUNCT__ a champion for work_american and an inspir to my daughter and to your __PUNCT__ hillari rodham clinton __PUNCT__

to presid_clinton __PUNCT__ who last night made the case for chang as onli he can make it __PUNCT__ to ted_kennedi __PUNCT__ who embodi the spirit of servic __PUNCT__ and to the next vice_presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ joe_biden __PUNCT__ i thank you __PUNCT__

i am grate to finish thi journei with on of the finest statesmen of our time __PUNCT__ a man at eas with everyon from world_leader to the conductor on the amtrak train he still take home everi night __PUNCT__

to the love of my life __PUNCT__ our next first ladi __PUNCT__ michel_obama __PUNCT__ and to sasha and malia __PUNCT__ i love you so much __PUNCT__ and i so proud of all of you __PUNCT__

four year_ago __PUNCT__ i stood befor you and told you my stori __PUNCT__ of the brief union between a young_man from kenya and a young_woman from kansa who weren't well __PUNCT__ off or well __PUNCT__ known __PUNCT__ but share a belief that in america __PUNCT__ their son could achiev whatev he put hi mind to __PUNCT__

it is that promis that ha alwai set thi countri apart __PUNCT__ that through hard_work and sacrific __PUNCT__ each of us can pursu our individu dream but still come togeth as on american_famili __PUNCT__ to ensur that the next gener can pursu their dream as well __PUNCT__

that why i stand here tonight __PUNCT__

becaus for two hundr and thirti two year __PUNCT__ at each moment when that promis wa in jeopardi __PUNCT__ ordinari men and women __PUNCT__ student and soldier __PUNCT__ farmer and teacher __PUNCT__ nurs and janitor __PUNCT__ found the courag to keep it aliv __PUNCT__

we meet at on of those defin moment __PUNCT__ a moment when our nation is at war __PUNCT__ our economi is in turmoil __PUNCT__ and the american promis ha been threaten onc more __PUNCT__

tonight __PUNCT__ more american ar out of work and more ar work_harder for less __PUNCT__

more of you have lost your home and even more ar watch your home valu plummet __PUNCT__

more of you have car you can't afford to drive __PUNCT__ credit_card bill you can't afford to pai __PUNCT__ and tuition that beyond your reach __PUNCT__

these challeng ar not all of govern_make __PUNCT__

but the failur to respond is a direct_result of a broken polit in washington and the fail polici of georg w __PUNCT__ bush __PUNCT__

america __PUNCT__ we ar better than these last eight year __PUNCT__

we ar a better countri than thi __PUNCT__

thi countri is more decent than on where a woman in ohio __PUNCT__ on the brink of retir __PUNCT__ find herself on ill awai from disast after a lifetim of hard_work __PUNCT__

thi countri is more gener than on where a man in indiana ha to pack up the equip he work on for twenti_year and watch it ship off to china __PUNCT__ and then choke up as he explain how he felt like a failur when he went home to tell hi famili the new __PUNCT__

we ar more compassion than a govern that let veteran sleep on our street and famili slide into poverti __PUNCT__ that sit on it hand while a major american_citi drown befor our ey __PUNCT__

tonight __PUNCT__ i sai to the american_peopl __PUNCT__ to democrat and republican and independ across thi great land __PUNCT__ enough __PUNCT__ thi moment __PUNCT__ thi elect __PUNCT__ is our chanc to keep __PUNCT__ in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ the american promis aliv __PUNCT__

becaus next week __PUNCT__ in minnesota __PUNCT__ the same_parti that brought you two term of georg_bush and dick_chenei will ask thi countri for a third __PUNCT__

and we ar here becaus we love thi countri too much to let the next four year look like the last eight __PUNCT__

on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we must stand up and sai __PUNCT__ eight is enough __PUNCT__

now let there be no doubt __PUNCT__

the republican_nomine __PUNCT__ john_mccain __PUNCT__ ha worn the uniform of our countri with braveri and distinct __PUNCT__ and for that we ow him our gratitud and respect __PUNCT__

and next week __PUNCT__ we also hear about those occas when he broken with hi parti as evid that he can deliv the chang that we need __PUNCT__

but the record clear __PUNCT__ john mccain ha vote with georg_bush nineti percent of the time __PUNCT__

senat_mccain like to talk about judgment __PUNCT__ but realli __PUNCT__ what doe it sai about your judgment when you think georg_bush ha been right more than nineti percent of the time __PUNCT__ i don't know about you __PUNCT__ but i not readi to take a ten percent chanc on chang __PUNCT__

the truth is __PUNCT__ on issu after issu that would make a differ in your live __PUNCT__ on health_care and educ and the economi __PUNCT__ senat_mccain ha been anyth but independ __PUNCT__

he said that our economi ha made __PUNCT__ great progress __PUNCT__ under thi presid __PUNCT__

he said that the fundament of the economi ar strong __PUNCT__

and when on of hi chief advisor __PUNCT__ the man who wrote hi econom_plan __PUNCT__ wa talk about the anxieti american ar feel __PUNCT__ he said that we were just suffer from a __PUNCT__ mental recess __PUNCT__ and that we becom __PUNCT__ and i quot __PUNCT__ a nation of whiner __PUNCT__

a nation of whiner __PUNCT__ tell that to the proud auto_worker at a michigan plant who __PUNCT__ after thei found out it wa close __PUNCT__ kept show up everi dai and work as hard as ever __PUNCT__ becaus thei knew there were peopl who count on the brake that thei made __PUNCT__

tell that to the militari famili who shoulder their burden silent as thei watch their love on leav for their third or fourth or fifth tour of duti __PUNCT__

these ar not whiner __PUNCT__

thei work_hard and give back and keep go without complaint __PUNCT__

these ar the american that i know __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i don't believ that senat_mccain doesn't care what go on in the live of american __PUNCT__

i just think he doesn't know __PUNCT__

why els would he defin middl __PUNCT__ class as someon make under five million_dollar a year __PUNCT__ how els could he propos hundr of billion in tax_break for big_corpor and oil_compani but not on penni of tax_relief to more than on hundr million_american __PUNCT__ how els could he offer a health_care_plan that would actual tax peopl benefit __PUNCT__ or an educ plan that would do noth to help famili pai for colleg __PUNCT__ or a plan that would privat social_secur and gambl your retir __PUNCT__

it not becaus john_mccain doesn't care __PUNCT__

it becaus john mccain doesn't get it __PUNCT__

for over two decad __PUNCT__ he subscrib to that old __PUNCT__ discredit republican philosophi __PUNCT__ give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosper trickl down to everyon els __PUNCT__

in washington __PUNCT__ thei call thi the ownership_societi __PUNCT__ but what it realli mean is __PUNCT__ you on your own __PUNCT__

out of work __PUNCT__ tough luck __PUNCT__

no health_care __PUNCT__ the market will fix it __PUNCT__

born into poverti __PUNCT__ pull yourself up by your own bootstrap __PUNCT__ even if you don't have boot __PUNCT__

you on your own __PUNCT__

well it time for them to own their failur __PUNCT__

it time for us to chang america __PUNCT__

you see __PUNCT__ we democrat have a veri differ measur of what constitut progress in thi countri __PUNCT__

we measur progress by how mani peopl can find a job that pai the mortgag __PUNCT__ whether you can put a littl extra_monei awai at the end of each month so you can somedai watch your child receiv her colleg diploma __PUNCT__

we measur progress in the __NUM___million new job that were creat when bill_clinton wa presid __PUNCT__ when the averag_american american_famili saw it incom go up __MONEY__ instead of down __MONEY__ like it ha under georg_bush __PUNCT__

we measur the strength of our economi not by the number of billionair we have or the profit of the fortun___NUM__ but by whether someon with a good_idea can take a risk and start a new busi __PUNCT__ or whether the waitress who live on tip can take a dai off to look after a sick kid without lose her job __PUNCT__ an economi that honor the digniti of work __PUNCT__

the fundament we us to measur econom strength ar whether we ar live up to that fundament promis that ha made thi countri great __PUNCT__ a promis that is the onli reason i am stand here tonight __PUNCT__

becaus in the face of those young veteran who come back from iraq and afghanistan __PUNCT__ i see my grandfath __PUNCT__ who sign up after pearl_harbor __PUNCT__ march in patton armi __PUNCT__ and wa reward by a grate nation with the chanc to go to colleg on the gi_bill __PUNCT__

in the face of that young student who sleep just three hour befor work the night shift __PUNCT__ i think about my mom __PUNCT__ who rais my sister and me on her own while she work and earn her degre __PUNCT__ who onc turn to food_stamp but wa still abl to send us to the best school in the countri with the help of student_loan and scholarship __PUNCT__

when i listen to anoth worker tell me that hi factori ha shut down __PUNCT__ i rememb all those men and women on the south_side of chicago who i stood by and fought for two decad_ago after the local steel plant_close __PUNCT__

and when i hear a woman talk about the difficulti of start her own busi __PUNCT__ i think about my grandmoth __PUNCT__ who work her wai up from the secretari pool to middl __PUNCT__ manag __PUNCT__ despit year of be pass over for promot becaus she wa a woman __PUNCT__

she the on who taught me about hard_work __PUNCT__

she the on who put off bui a new car or a new dress for herself so that i could have a better life __PUNCT__

she pour everyth she had into me __PUNCT__

and although she can no longer travel __PUNCT__ i know that she watch tonight __PUNCT__ and that tonight is her night as well __PUNCT__

i don't know what kind of live john_mccain think that celebr lead __PUNCT__ but thi ha been mine __PUNCT__

these ar my hero __PUNCT__

their ar the stori that shape me __PUNCT__

and it is on their behalf that i intend to win thi elect and keep our promis aliv as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

what is that promis __PUNCT__

it a promis that sai each of us ha the freedom to make of our own live what we will __PUNCT__ but that we also have the oblig to treat each other with digniti and respect __PUNCT__

it a promis that sai the market should reward drive and innov and gener growth __PUNCT__ but that busi should live up to their respons to creat american_job __PUNCT__ look out for american_worker __PUNCT__ and plai by the rule of the road __PUNCT__

our is a promis that sai govern cannot solv all our problem __PUNCT__ but what it should do is that which we cannot do for ourselv __PUNCT__ protect us from harm and provid everi child a decent educ __PUNCT__ keep our water clean and our toi safe __PUNCT__ invest in new school and new road and new scienc and technolog __PUNCT__

our govern should work for us __PUNCT__ not against us __PUNCT__

it should help us __PUNCT__ not hurt us __PUNCT__

it should ensur opportun not just for those with the most monei and influenc __PUNCT__ but for everi american who will to work __PUNCT__

that the promis of america __PUNCT__ the idea that we ar respons for ourselv __PUNCT__ but that we also rise or fall as on nation __PUNCT__ the fundament belief that i am my brother keeper __PUNCT__ i am my sister keeper __PUNCT__

that the promis we need to keep __PUNCT__

that the chang we need right now __PUNCT__

so let me spell out exactli what that chang would mean if i am presid __PUNCT__

chang mean a tax_code that doesn't reward the lobbyist who wrote it __PUNCT__ but the american_worker and small_busi who deserv it __PUNCT__

unlik john_mccain __PUNCT__ i will stop give tax_break to corpor that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__ and i will start give them to compani that creat good_job right here in america __PUNCT__

i will elimin capit_gain gain_tax for the small_busi and the start __PUNCT__ up that will creat the high __PUNCT__ wage __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ tech job of tomorrow __PUNCT__

i will cut_tax __PUNCT__ cut tax __PUNCT__ for __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of all work_famili __PUNCT__

becaus in an economi like thi __PUNCT__ the last thing we should do is rais_tax on the middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__

and for the sake of our economi __PUNCT__ our secur __PUNCT__ and the futur of our planet __PUNCT__ i will set a clear goal as presid __PUNCT__ in ten_year __PUNCT__ we will final end our depend on oil from the middl_east __PUNCT__

washington been talk about our oil addict for the last thirti_year __PUNCT__ and john_mccain ha been there for twenti __PUNCT__ six of them __PUNCT__

in that time __PUNCT__ he said no to higher fuel __PUNCT__ effici standard for car __PUNCT__ no to invest in renew_energi __PUNCT__ no to renew fuel __PUNCT__

and todai __PUNCT__ we import tripl the amount of oil as the dai that senat_mccain took offic __PUNCT__

now is the time to end thi addict __PUNCT__ and to understand that drill is a stop __PUNCT__ gap measur __PUNCT__ not a long __PUNCT__ term solut __PUNCT__

not even close __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will tap our natur_ga reserv __PUNCT__ invest in clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__ and find wai to safe har nuclear_power __PUNCT__

i help our auto_compani re __PUNCT__ tool __PUNCT__ so that the fuel __PUNCT__ effici car of the futur ar built right here in america __PUNCT__

i make it easier for the american_peopl to afford these new car __PUNCT__

and i invest __NUM___billion billion_dollar over the next decad in afford __PUNCT__ renew_sourc of energi __PUNCT__ wind_power and solar_power and the next gener of biofuel __PUNCT__ an invest that will lead to new industri and five million new job that pai well and can't ever be outsourc __PUNCT__

america __PUNCT__ now is not the time for small plan __PUNCT__

now is the time to final meet our moral_oblig to provid everi child a world __PUNCT__ class educ __PUNCT__ becaus it will take noth less to compet in the global_economi __PUNCT__

michel and i ar onli here tonight becaus we were given a chanc at an educ __PUNCT__

and i will not settl for an america where some kid don't have that chanc __PUNCT__

i invest in earli_childhood childhood_educ __PUNCT__

i recruit an armi of new teacher __PUNCT__ and pai them higher salari and give them more support __PUNCT__

and in exchang __PUNCT__ i ask for higher_standard and more account __PUNCT__

and we will keep our promis to everi young_american __PUNCT__ if you commit to serv your commun or your countri __PUNCT__ we will make sure you can afford a colleg_educ __PUNCT__

now is the time to final keep the promis of afford __PUNCT__ access health_care for everi singl american __PUNCT__

if you have health care __PUNCT__ my plan will lower your premium __PUNCT__

if you don't __PUNCT__ you be abl to get the same_kind of coverag that member of congress give themselv __PUNCT__

and as someon who watch my mother argu with insur_compani while she lai in bed dy of cancer __PUNCT__ i will make certain those compani stop discrimin against those who ar sick and need care the most __PUNCT__

now is the time to help famili with paid sick dai and better famili_leav __PUNCT__ becaus nobodi in america should have to choos between keep their job and care for a sick child or ail parent __PUNCT__

now is the time to chang our bankruptci_law __PUNCT__ so that your pension ar protect ahead of ceo bonus __PUNCT__ and the time to protect social_secur for futur_gener __PUNCT__

and now is the time to keep the promis of equal pai for an equal dai work __PUNCT__ becaus i want my daughter to have exactli the same opportun as your son __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ mani of these plan will cost_monei __PUNCT__ which is why i laid out how i pai for everi dime __PUNCT__ by close corpor loophol and tax_haven that don't help america grow __PUNCT__

but i will also go through the feder_budget __PUNCT__ line by line __PUNCT__ elimin program that no longer_work and make the on we do need work better and cost less __PUNCT__ becaus we cannot meet twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri challeng with a twentieth_centuri bureaucraci __PUNCT__

and democrat __PUNCT__ we must also admit that fulfil america promis will requir more than just monei __PUNCT__

it will requir a renew sens of respons from each of us to recov what john f __PUNCT__ kennedi call our __PUNCT__ intellectu and moral strength __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ govern must lead on energi_independ __PUNCT__ but each of us must do our part to make our home and busi more effici __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we must provid more ladder to success for young_men who fall into live of crime and despair __PUNCT__

but we must also admit that program alon can't replac parent __PUNCT__ that govern can't turn off the televis and make a child do her homework __PUNCT__ that father must take more respons for provid the love and guidanc their children need __PUNCT__

individu_respons and mutual respons __PUNCT__ that the essenc of america promis __PUNCT__

and just as we keep our keep our promis to the next gener here at home __PUNCT__ so must we keep america promis abroad __PUNCT__

if john_mccain want to have a debat about who ha the tempera __PUNCT__ and judgment __PUNCT__ to serv as the next command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__ that a debat i readi to have __PUNCT__

for while senat_mccain wa turn hi sight to iraq just dai after 9/11 __PUNCT__ i stood up and oppos thi war __PUNCT__ know that it would distract us from the real_threat we face __PUNCT__

when john_mccain said we could just __PUNCT__ muddl through __PUNCT__ in afghanistan __PUNCT__ i argu for more resourc and more troop to finish the fight against the terrorist who actual attack us on 9/11 __PUNCT__ and made_clear that we must take out osama_bin_laden and hi lieuten if we have them in our sight __PUNCT__

john_mccain like to sai that he follow bin_laden to the gate of hell __PUNCT__ but he won't even go to the cave where he live __PUNCT__

and todai __PUNCT__ as my call for a time_frame to remov our troop from iraq ha been echo by the iraqi_govern and even the bush_administr __PUNCT__ even after we learn that iraq ha a __MONEY___billion surplu while we wallow in deficit __PUNCT__ john_mccain stand alon in hi stubborn refus to end a misguid war __PUNCT__

that not the judgment we need __PUNCT__

that won't keep america safe __PUNCT__

we need a presid who can face the threat of the futur __PUNCT__ not keep grasp at the idea of the past __PUNCT__

you don't defeat a terrorist network that oper in eighti countri by occupi iraq __PUNCT__

you don't protect israel and deter iran just by talk tough in washington __PUNCT__

you can't truli stand up for georgia when you strain our oldest allianc __PUNCT__

if john mccain want to follow georg_bush with more tough talk and bad strategi __PUNCT__ that is hi choic __PUNCT__ but it is not the chang we need __PUNCT__

we ar the parti of roosevelt __PUNCT__

we ar the parti of kennedi __PUNCT__

so don't tell me that democrat won't defend thi countri __PUNCT__

don't tell me that democrat won't keep us safe __PUNCT__

the bush __PUNCT__ mccain foreign_polici ha squander the legaci that gener of american __PUNCT__ democrat and republican __PUNCT__ have built __PUNCT__ and we ar here to restor that legaci __PUNCT__

as command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__ i will never hesit to defend thi nation __PUNCT__ but i will onli send our troop into harm wai with a clear mission and a sacr commit to give them the equip thei need in battl and the care and benefit thei deserv when thei come home __PUNCT__

i will end thi war in iraq respons __PUNCT__ and finish the fight against al_qaeda and the taliban in afghanistan __PUNCT__

i will rebuild our militari to meet futur conflict __PUNCT__

but i will also renew the tough __PUNCT__ direct diplomaci that can prevent iran from obtain nuclear_weapon and curb russian aggress __PUNCT__

i will build new partnership to defeat the threat of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ terror and nuclear prolifer __PUNCT__ poverti and genocid __PUNCT__ climat chang and diseas __PUNCT__

and i will restor our moral stand __PUNCT__ so that america is onc again that last __PUNCT__ best hope for all who ar call to the caus of freedom __PUNCT__ who long for live of peac __PUNCT__ and who yearn for a better futur __PUNCT__

these ar the polici i will pursu __PUNCT__

and in the week ahead __PUNCT__ i look forward to debat them with john_mccain __PUNCT__

but what i will not do is suggest that the senat take hi posit for polit_purpos __PUNCT__

becaus on of the thing that we have to chang in our polit is the idea that peopl cannot disagre without challeng each other charact and patriot __PUNCT__

the time ar too seriou __PUNCT__ the stake ar too high for thi same partisan playbook __PUNCT__

so let us agre that patriot ha no parti __PUNCT__

i love thi countri __PUNCT__ and so do you __PUNCT__ and so doe john_mccain __PUNCT__

the men and women who serv in our battlefield mai be democrat and republican and independ __PUNCT__ but thei have fought togeth and bled togeth and some di togeth under the same proud flag __PUNCT__

thei have not serv a red america or a blue america __PUNCT__ thei have serv the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

so i got new for you __PUNCT__ john_mccain __PUNCT__

we all put our countri first __PUNCT__

america __PUNCT__ our work will not be easi __PUNCT__

the challeng we face requir tough choic __PUNCT__ and democrat as well as republican will need to cast off the worn __PUNCT__ out idea and polit of the past __PUNCT__

for part of what ha been lost these past eight year can't just be measur by lost wage or bigger trade_deficit __PUNCT__

what ha also been lost is our sens of common_purpos __PUNCT__ our sens of higher purpos __PUNCT__

and that what we have to restor __PUNCT__

we mai not agre on abort __PUNCT__ but sure we can agre on reduc the number of unwant pregnanc in thi countri __PUNCT__

the realiti of gun_ownership mai be differ for hunter in rural ohio than for those plagu by gang __PUNCT__ violenc in cleveland __PUNCT__ but don't tell me we can't uphold the second amend while keep ak __PUNCT__ 47 out of the hand of crimin __PUNCT__

i know there ar differ on same __PUNCT__ sex_marriag __PUNCT__ but sure we can agre that our gai and lesbian brother and sister deserv to visit the person thei love in the hospit and to live live_free of discrimin __PUNCT__

passion fly on immigr __PUNCT__ but i don't know anyon who benefit when a mother is separ from her infant child or an employ undercut american wage by hire_illeg illeg_worker __PUNCT__

thi too is part of america promis __PUNCT__ the promis of a democraci where we can find the strength and grace to bridg divid and unit in common effort __PUNCT__

i know there ar those who dismiss such belief as happi talk __PUNCT__

thei claim that our insist on someth larger __PUNCT__ someth firmer and more honest in our public_life is just a trojan_hors for higher_tax and the abandon of tradit valu __PUNCT__

and that to be expect __PUNCT__

becaus if you don't have ani fresh idea __PUNCT__ then you us stale tactic to scare the voter __PUNCT__

if you don't have a record to run on __PUNCT__ then you paint your oppon as someon peopl should run from __PUNCT__

you make a big elect about small_thing __PUNCT__

and you know what __PUNCT__ it work befor __PUNCT__

becaus it feed into the cynic we all have about govern __PUNCT__

when washington doesn't work __PUNCT__ all it promis seem empti __PUNCT__

if your hope have been dash again and again __PUNCT__ then it best to stop hope __PUNCT__ and settl for what you alreadi know __PUNCT__

i get it __PUNCT__

i realiz that i am not the likeliest candid for thi offic __PUNCT__

i don't fit the typic pedigre __PUNCT__ and i haven't spent my career in the hall of washington __PUNCT__

but i stand befor you tonight becaus all across america someth is stir __PUNCT__

what the nai __PUNCT__ sayer don't understand is that thi elect ha never been about me __PUNCT__

it been about you __PUNCT__

for eighteen long month __PUNCT__ you have stood up __PUNCT__ on by on __PUNCT__ and said enough to the polit of the past __PUNCT__

you understand that in thi elect __PUNCT__ the greatest risk we can take is to try the same old polit with the same old player and expect a differ result __PUNCT__

you have shown what histori_teach us __PUNCT__ that at defin moment like thi on __PUNCT__ the chang we need doesn't come from washington __PUNCT__

chang come to washington __PUNCT__

chang happen becaus the american_peopl peopl_demand it __PUNCT__ becaus thei rise up and insist on new idea and new leadership __PUNCT__ a new polit for a new time __PUNCT__

america __PUNCT__ thi is on of those moment __PUNCT__

i believ that as hard as it will be __PUNCT__ the chang we need is come __PUNCT__

becaus i seen it __PUNCT__

becaus i live it __PUNCT__

i seen it in illinoi __PUNCT__ when we provid health_care to more children and move more famili from welfar to work __PUNCT__

i seen it in washington __PUNCT__ when we work across parti_line to open up govern and hold lobbyist more account __PUNCT__ to give better care for our veteran and keep nuclear_weapon out of terrorist hand __PUNCT__

and i seen it in thi campaign __PUNCT__

in the young_peopl who vote for the first time __PUNCT__ and in those who got involv again after a veri long_time __PUNCT__

in the republican who never thought thei pick up a democrat ballot __PUNCT__ but did __PUNCT__

i seen it in the worker who would rather cut their hour back a dai than see their friend lose their job __PUNCT__ in the soldier who re __PUNCT__ enlist after lose a limb __PUNCT__ in the good_neighbor who take a stranger in when a hurrican strike and the floodwat rise __PUNCT__

thi countri of our ha more wealth than ani nation __PUNCT__ but that not what make us rich __PUNCT__

we have the most power militari on earth __PUNCT__ but that not what make us strong __PUNCT__

our univers and our cultur ar the envi of the world __PUNCT__ but that not what keep the world come to our shore __PUNCT__

instead __PUNCT__ it is that american_spirit __PUNCT__ that american promis __PUNCT__ that push us forward even when the path is uncertain __PUNCT__ that bind us togeth in spite of our differ __PUNCT__ that make us fix our ey not on what is seen __PUNCT__ but what is unseen __PUNCT__ that better place around the bend __PUNCT__

that promis is our greatest inherit __PUNCT__

it a promis i make to my daughter when i tuck them in at night __PUNCT__ and a promis that you make to your __PUNCT__ a promis that ha led immigr to cross ocean and pioneer to travel west __PUNCT__ a promis that led worker to picket_line __PUNCT__ and women to reach for the ballot __PUNCT__

and it is that promis that forti five year_ago todai __PUNCT__ brought american from everi corner of thi land to stand togeth on a mall in washington __PUNCT__ befor lincoln memori __PUNCT__ and hear a young preacher from georgia speak of hi dream __PUNCT__

the men and women who gather there could heard mani thing __PUNCT__

thei could heard word of anger and discord __PUNCT__

thei could been told to succumb to the fear and frustrat of so mani dream defer __PUNCT__

but what the peopl heard instead __PUNCT__ peopl of everi creed and color __PUNCT__ from everi walk of life __PUNCT__ is that in america __PUNCT__ our destini is inextric link __PUNCT__

that togeth __PUNCT__ our dream can be on __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ we cannot walk alon __PUNCT__ the preacher cri __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ and as we walk __PUNCT__ we must make the pledg that we shall alwai march ahead __PUNCT__

we cannot turn_back __PUNCT__

america __PUNCT__ we cannot turn back __PUNCT__

not with so much work to be done __PUNCT__

not with so mani children to educ __PUNCT__ and so mani veteran to care for __PUNCT__

not with an economi to fix and citi to rebuild and farm to save __PUNCT__

not with so mani famili to protect and so mani live to mend __PUNCT__

america __PUNCT__ we cannot turn back __PUNCT__

we cannot walk alon __PUNCT__

at thi moment __PUNCT__ in thi elect __PUNCT__ we must pledg onc more to march into the futur __PUNCT__

let us keep that promis __PUNCT__ that american promis __PUNCT__ and in the word of scriptur hold firmli __PUNCT__ without waver __PUNCT__ to the hope that we confess __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ and god_bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__