Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.09.12 originally had 2082 tokens. You can view the original text here.

it great to be back in dover __PUNCT__

we made our first stop in new hampshir over __NUM___month month_ago __PUNCT__ and a lot ha chang __PUNCT__

there ar babi walk and talk todai who weren't even born back then __PUNCT__

but there on thing that hasn't chang in those __NUM___month __PUNCT__ the american_peopl know thi countri is on the wrong track __PUNCT__ and you know that we need new leadership in washington __PUNCT__

the good new is that in __NUM___dai __PUNCT__ the name georg_bush will not be on the ballot __PUNCT__

but make no mistak __PUNCT__ hi polici will __PUNCT__

a few week_ago __PUNCT__ john_mccain said that the economi is __PUNCT__ fundament strong __PUNCT__ and a few dai later georg_bush said the same_thing __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ senat_mccain ha said that we made __PUNCT__ great progress econom __PUNCT__ over the last eight year __PUNCT__

and here the thing __PUNCT__

i think thei truli believ it __PUNCT__

after all __PUNCT__ my oppon said just last night __PUNCT__ it easi for me to go to washington and frankli __PUNCT__ be somewhat divorc from the dai __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ dai challeng peopl have __PUNCT__

so from where he and georg_bush sit __PUNCT__ mayb thei just can't see __PUNCT__

mayb thei ar just that out of touch __PUNCT__

but you know the truth __PUNCT__ and so do i __PUNCT__

for eight year __PUNCT__ we fail to keep that american promis that if you work_hard you can live your american_dream __PUNCT__

under the bush econom_polici that my oppon support and promis to continu __PUNCT__ the averag_famili ha seen their incom drop by __MONEY__ while the cost of everyth from ga to groceri ha gone up __PUNCT__

we have the highest unemploy_rate in five year __PUNCT__

home valu have plummet __PUNCT__

it harder to save and it harder to retir __PUNCT__

those ar the dai __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ dai challeng that peopl have __PUNCT__

we can't afford four more year of thi so __PUNCT__ call __PUNCT__ progress __PUNCT__

we can't afford anoth presid who is so out of touch that he think the economi is strong and that chang is do the exact same_thing as georg_bush __PUNCT__

that what senat_mccain is offer __PUNCT__

more of the discredit theori that if you shower benefit on big_corpor __PUNCT__ special_interest and the wealthiest of the wealthi __PUNCT__ it will all come trickl down to the middl_class __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ dover __PUNCT__ how much of that ha trickl down to you __PUNCT__ how much ha trickl down to the american who have lost their job and their home __PUNCT__ how much ha trickl down to the famili that can't afford to pai next month bill or the kid who can't afford colleg __PUNCT__ we tri thi for eight year __PUNCT__ and we can't afford to keep try it for anoth four __PUNCT__

we can't afford to keep spend___MONEY___billion a month in iraq while the iraqi_govern sit on a surplu __PUNCT__

we can't afford more of the same addict to oil __PUNCT__

more of the same health_care_polici that onli work for the healthi and wealthi __PUNCT__

more of the same washington_lobbyist who run john_mccain mccain_campaign __PUNCT__

more of the same bush __PUNCT__ rove __PUNCT__ mccain polit that tri to distract you from polici that ar destroi the middl_class __PUNCT__

we tri that wai __PUNCT__

it won't work __PUNCT__

and yet senat_mccain stubbornli hold to it __PUNCT__

the onli chang he offer is complet the bush agenda __PUNCT__

privat your social_secur __PUNCT__

tax your health_benefit __PUNCT__

and anoth __MONEY___billion of budget __PUNCT__ bust tax_break for corpor like exxon __PUNCT__ mobil that have just turn in the greatest profit in histori __PUNCT__ while you can bare afford to fill up a tank of ga __PUNCT__

it time for us to sai __PUNCT__ enough is enough __PUNCT__

now my oppon want to have a debat about chang __PUNCT__ and that a debat that i welcom __PUNCT__

becaus the choic in thi elect is veri simpl __PUNCT__

if you ar better off than you were eight year_ago and you want four more year of a presid who put the special_interest and the biggest corpor first __PUNCT__ then vote for john_mccain __PUNCT__

if you believ it time for fundament chang in washington and a presid who put the middl_class first __PUNCT__ then we will win thi elect in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ and we will chang thi countri for our children and our grandchildren __PUNCT__

that the choic in thi elect __PUNCT__

that why i run for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

it time for chang __PUNCT__

and let me tell you exactli what that chang will look like __PUNCT__

chang mean a tax_code that doesn't reward the lobbyist who wrote it __PUNCT__ but the american_worker and senior and small_busi who deserv it __PUNCT__

take a close look at the tax_cut i propos and the special_interest giveawai that my oppon is propos __PUNCT__ becaus that will tell you everyth you need to know about who we go to put first as presid __PUNCT__

i will cut_tax __PUNCT__ cut tax __PUNCT__ for __NUM__ percent of all work_american __PUNCT__

i will reward work through a __PUNCT__ make work pai __PUNCT__ tax_credit of __MONEY__ for american_worker and __MONEY__ for work_famili __PUNCT__

becaus when i presid __PUNCT__ we rewrit the tax_code to work for the middl_class __PUNCT__ not washington_lobbyist __PUNCT__

that chang __PUNCT__

i will eas the burden on struggl homeown through a univers homeown tax_credit __PUNCT__

thi will add up to a __NUM__ percent break off the mortgag_interest interest_rate for __NUM___million household __PUNCT__

that anoth __MONEY__ each year for most middl_class class_famili __PUNCT__

that chang __PUNCT__

i will make sure our senior can afford to retir with the digniti and secur thei have earn __PUNCT__

that why i will elimin incom_tax for senior make less than __MONEY__

thi will end incom tax for __NUM___million_american __PUNCT__ at a save of roughli___MONEY__ each year __PUNCT__

that chang __PUNCT__

i will make colleg afford for everi singl american who ha the talent and drive to go with an annual __MONEY__ tax_credit for anyon who commit to __NUM___hour of public_servic __PUNCT__

you invest in america __PUNCT__ and america invest in you __PUNCT__ that how we make colleg afford for everi american __PUNCT__

that chang __PUNCT__

i think we need to encourag growth __PUNCT__

senat_mccain think we need to give __MONEY___billion a year in tax_break for corpor __PUNCT__ but not a singl new tax break for small_busi __PUNCT__ even though small busi ar the sourc of __NUM__ percent of the new job in our economi __PUNCT__

i will elimin capit_gain gain_tax for the small_busi and start __PUNCT__ up that will creat the high __PUNCT__ tech __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ wage_job of tomorrow __PUNCT__ and help them afford health_insur for their employe __PUNCT__

that how america is go to compet __PUNCT__

that how we go to build the middl_class __PUNCT__

that chang __PUNCT__

we need a tax_code that creat american_job instead of ship them oversea __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ just thi week we learn that if an american_compani creat_job in the unit_state __PUNCT__ thei pai more than twice as much in tax than if that same compani creat_job in china __PUNCT__

so you pai more than twice as much to creat job in dover than shanghai __PUNCT__

that a direct_result of what we gotten from washington year after year after year __PUNCT__ and it time for that to chang __PUNCT__

my oppon ha vote for those tax_break __PUNCT__ and he continu them as presid __PUNCT__

i will end tax break for compani that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__ and start invest in american_job and worker __PUNCT__

to pai for these tax_cut __PUNCT__ i stand up to special_interest carv __PUNCT__ out __PUNCT__ close corpor loophol and offshor tax_haven __PUNCT__ and ask the wealthiest american to give back a portion of the bush_tax_cut __PUNCT__

it time for folk like me who make over __MONEY__ to pai our fair_share to keep the american promis aliv for our children and grandchildren __PUNCT__

when you run for four more year of georg_bush bush_polici __PUNCT__ it hard to run on your plan __PUNCT__

so you make stuff up __PUNCT__

you twist fact __PUNCT__ and you don't tell the truth __PUNCT__ that what john_mccain ha done when it come to my tax_plan __PUNCT__

so let be clear about what we ar propos __PUNCT__

my plan __PUNCT__ all togeth __PUNCT__ is a net tax_cut __PUNCT__

my plan will cut_tax to a smaller share of the economi than thei were under presid_reagan __PUNCT__

under my plan __PUNCT__ incom_tax for typic american_famili will be the lowest that thei been in more than a half_centuri __PUNCT__

everyon in america __PUNCT__ everyon __PUNCT__ will pai lower_tax than thei would under the rate bill_clinton had in the 1990 __PUNCT__

and under my plan __PUNCT__ middl_class class_famili will get three time as much relief as senat_mccain is offer __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ hi plan give absolut noth to over __NUM___million_american household __PUNCT__

and i can make a firm pledg __PUNCT__ under my plan __PUNCT__ no famili make less than __MONEY__ will see their tax_increas __PUNCT__ not your incom_tax __PUNCT__ not your payrol_tax __PUNCT__ not your capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__ not ani of your tax __PUNCT__

my oppon can't make that pledg __PUNCT__ and here why __PUNCT__ for the first time in american_histori __PUNCT__ he want to tax your health_benefit appar __PUNCT__ senat_mccain doesn't think it enough that your health premium have doubl __PUNCT__ he think you should have to pai_tax on them too __PUNCT__

that a __MONEY___trillion tax_increas on middl_class class_famili __PUNCT__

that will eventu leav ten of million of you pai higher_tax __PUNCT__

that hi idea of chang __PUNCT__

now i do want to be fair __PUNCT__

senat_mccain is offer some tax_cut __PUNCT__

he spend nearli __MONEY___trillion over a decad in tax_break for corpor __PUNCT__

he would continu the bush_tax_cut for the wealthiest american __PUNCT__

hi plan give more than a half_million million_dollar in tax_cut for household make over __MONEY___million __PUNCT__

that right __PUNCT__ __MONEY__ million __PUNCT__

now i know that senat_mccain ha said that onli those make over __MONEY___million a year ar rich __PUNCT__ so mayb he think that folk make___MONEY__ __MONEY___million ar middl_class __PUNCT__

we cannot afford four more year of out of touch __PUNCT__ on your own __PUNCT__ leadership in the white_hous __PUNCT__

john_mccain like to rail against the washington herd __PUNCT__ but the truth is __PUNCT__ when it come to the issu that realli matter in your live __PUNCT__ he been run in that herd for __NUM___year __PUNCT__ and thei run thi economi into a ditch __PUNCT__

thi elect is our chanc to stand up and sai __PUNCT__ enough is enough __PUNCT__

it won't be easi __PUNCT__

the kind of chang we look for never is __PUNCT__

what we ar up against is a veri power __PUNCT__ entrench statu_quo in washington who will sai anyth and do anyth and fight with everyth thei got to keep thing just the wai ar __PUNCT__

but i feel_good about our chanc __PUNCT__ becaus i got someth more power than thei do __PUNCT__ i got you __PUNCT__

in thi campaign __PUNCT__ you have alreadi shown what histori_teach us __PUNCT__ that at defin moment like thi on __PUNCT__ the chang we need doesn't come from washington __PUNCT__

chang come to washington __PUNCT__

thi elect is our chanc to choos an economi that reward your work and advanc your dream __PUNCT__

but i need your help __PUNCT__

i ask you to knock on some door __PUNCT__ and make some call __PUNCT__ and talk to your neighbor __PUNCT__ and give me your vote on __DATE__ __PUNCT__

and if you do __PUNCT__ i promis you __PUNCT__ we will chang america togeth __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__