This speech titled 2008.09.16 originally had 4660 tokens. You can view the original text here.
over the last few dai __PUNCT__ we have seen clearli what at stake in thi elect __PUNCT__
the new from wall_street ha shaken the american_peopl faith in our economi __PUNCT__
the situat with lehman_brother and other financi_institut is the latest in a wave of crise that have gener tremend uncertainti about the futur of our financi_market __PUNCT__
thi is a major threat to our economi and it abil to creat good __PUNCT__ pai_job and help work_american pai their bill __PUNCT__ save for their futur __PUNCT__ and make their mortgag_payment __PUNCT__
sinc thi turmoil began over a year_ago __PUNCT__ the hous_market ha collaps __PUNCT__
fanni_mae and freddi_mac had to be effect taken over by the govern __PUNCT__
three of america five largest invest_bank bank_fail or have been sold off in distress __PUNCT__
yesterdai __PUNCT__ wall_street suffer it worst loss sinc just after 9/11 __PUNCT__
we ar in the most seriou financi_crisi in gener __PUNCT__
yet senat_mccain stood up yesterdai and said that the fundament of the economi ar strong
a few hour later __PUNCT__ hi campaign sent him back out to clean up hi remark __PUNCT__ and he tri to explain himself again thi morn by sai that what he meant wa that american_worker ar strong __PUNCT__
but we know that senat_mccain meant what he said the first time __PUNCT__ becaus he ha said it over and over again throughout thi campaign __PUNCT__ no fewer than __NUM___time __PUNCT__ accord to on independ count __PUNCT__
now i certainli don't fault senat_mccain for all of the problem we face __PUNCT__ but i do fault the econom philosophi he subscrib to __PUNCT__
becaus the truth is __PUNCT__ what senat mccain said yesterdai fit with the same econom philosophi that he had for __NUM___year __PUNCT__
it the philosophi that sai we should give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosper trickl down __PUNCT__
it the philosophi that sai even common __PUNCT__ sens regul ar unnecessari and unwis __PUNCT__
it a philosophi that let washington_lobbyist shred consum_protect and distort our economi so it work for the special_interest instead of work_peopl __PUNCT__
we had thi philosophi for eight year __PUNCT__
we know the result __PUNCT__
you feel it in your own live __PUNCT__
job have disappear __PUNCT__ and peopl __PUNCT__ life_save have been put at risk __PUNCT__
million of famili face foreclosur __PUNCT__ and million more have seen their home valu plummet __PUNCT__
the cost of everyth from ga to groceri to health_care ha gone up __PUNCT__ while the dream of a colleg_educ for our kid and a secur and dignifi retir for our senior is slip awai __PUNCT__
these ar the struggl that american ar face __PUNCT__
thi is the pain that ha now trickl up __PUNCT__
so let be clear __PUNCT__ what we seen the last few dai is noth less than the final verdict on an econom philosophi that ha complet fail __PUNCT__
and i am run for presid of the unit_state becaus the dream of the american_peopl must not be endang ani more __PUNCT__
it time to put an end to a broken system in washington that is break the american_economi __PUNCT__
it time for chang that make a real differ in your live __PUNCT__
if you want to understand the differ between how senat_mccain and i would govern as presid __PUNCT__ you can start by take a look at how we respond to thi crisi __PUNCT__
becaus senat mccain approach wa the same as the bush_administr __PUNCT__ support ideolog polici that made the crisi more like __PUNCT__ do noth as the crisi hit __PUNCT__ and then scrambl as the whole thing collaps __PUNCT__
my approach ha been to try to prevent thi turmoil __PUNCT__
in __DATE__ of __NUM__ i introduc_legisl to stop mortgag transact that promot fraud __PUNCT__ risk or abus __PUNCT__
a year later __PUNCT__ befor the crisi hit __PUNCT__ i warn secretari paulson and chairman bernank about the risk of mount foreclosur and urg them to bring togeth all the stakehold to find solut to the subprim_mortgag meltdown __PUNCT__
senat_mccain did noth __PUNCT__
last __DATE__ __PUNCT__ i stood up at nasdaq and said it time to realiz that we ar in thi togeth __PUNCT__ that there is no divid_line between wall_street and main_street __PUNCT__ and warn of a grow loss of trust in our capit_market __PUNCT__
month later __PUNCT__ senat_mccain told a newspap that he love to give them a solut to the mortgag_crisi __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ i don't know on __PUNCT__
in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ i outlin a plan to help reviv our falter economi __PUNCT__ which form the basi for a bipartisan stimulu_packag that pass the congress __PUNCT__
senat_mccain us the crisi as an excus to push a so __PUNCT__ call stimulu_plan that offer anoth huge and perman corpor_tax tax_cut __PUNCT__ includ __MONEY___billion for the big_oil oil_compani __PUNCT__ but no immedi help for worker __PUNCT__
thi march __PUNCT__ in the wake of the bear_stearn bailout __PUNCT__ i call for a new __PUNCT__ __NUM___centuri regulatori framework to restor account __PUNCT__ transpar __PUNCT__ and trust in our financi_market __PUNCT__
just a few week_earlier __PUNCT__ senat_mccain made it clear where he stand __PUNCT__ i alwai for less regul __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ and refer to himself as __PUNCT__ fundament a deregul __PUNCT__
thi is what happen when you confus the free_market with a free licens to let special_interest take whatev thei can get __PUNCT__ howev thei can get it __PUNCT__
thi is what happen when you see seven year of incom fall for the averag_worker while wall_street is boom __PUNCT__ and declar __PUNCT__ as senat_mccain did earlier thi year __PUNCT__ that we made great progress econom under georg_bush __PUNCT__
that is how you can reach the conclus __PUNCT__ as late as yesterdai __PUNCT__ that the fundament of the economi ar strong __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ we have a differ wai of measur the fundament of our economi __PUNCT__
we know that the fundament that we us to measur econom strength ar whether we ar live up to that fundament promis that ha made thi countri great __PUNCT__ that america is a place where you can make it if you try __PUNCT__
american have alwai pursu our dream within a free_market that ha been the engin of our progress __PUNCT__
it a market that ha creat a prosper that is the envi of the world __PUNCT__ and reward the innov and risk __PUNCT__ taker who have made america a beacon of scienc __PUNCT__ and technolog __PUNCT__ and discoveri __PUNCT__
but the american_economi ha work in larg_part becaus we have guid the market invis_hand with a higher principl __PUNCT__ that america prosper when all american can prosper __PUNCT__
that is why we have put in place rule of the road to make competit fair __PUNCT__ and open __PUNCT__ and honest __PUNCT__
too often __PUNCT__ over the last quarter_centuri __PUNCT__ we have lost thi sens of share_prosper __PUNCT__
and thi ha not happen by accid __PUNCT__
it becaus of decis_made in boardroom __PUNCT__ on trade floor and in washington __PUNCT__
we fail to guard against practic that all too often reward financi manipul instead of product and sound busi_practic __PUNCT__
we let the special_interest put their thumb on the econom scale __PUNCT__
the result ha been a distort market that creat bubbl instead of steadi __PUNCT__ sustain growth __PUNCT__ a market that favor wall_street over main_street __PUNCT__ but end up hurt both __PUNCT__
let me be clear __PUNCT__ the american_economi doe not stand still __PUNCT__ and neither should the rule that govern it __PUNCT__
the evolut of industri often warrant regulatori_reform __PUNCT__ to foster competit __PUNCT__ lower_price __PUNCT__ or replac outdat oversight structur __PUNCT__
old institut cannot adequ overse new practic __PUNCT__
old rule mai not fit the road where our economi is lead __PUNCT__
but instead of sensibl reform that reward success and freed the creativ forc of the market __PUNCT__ too often we excus an ethic of greed __PUNCT__ corner __PUNCT__ cut and insid deal that threaten the long __PUNCT__ term stabil of our econom_system __PUNCT__
it happen in the 1980 __PUNCT__ when we loosen restrict on save and loan and appoint regul who ignor even these weaker rule __PUNCT__
too mani s&l took advantag of the lax rule set by washington to gambl that thei could make big_monei in specul real_estat __PUNCT__
confid of their clout in washington __PUNCT__ thei made hundr of billion in bad loan __PUNCT__ know that if thei lost monei __PUNCT__ the govern would bail them out __PUNCT__
and thei were right __PUNCT__
the gambl did not pai off __PUNCT__ our economi went into recess __PUNCT__ and the taxpay end up foot the bill __PUNCT__
sound_familiar __PUNCT__
and it ha happen again dure thi decad __PUNCT__ in part becaus of how we deregul the financi_servic servic_sector __PUNCT__
after we repeal outmod rule instead of updat them __PUNCT__ we were left overse __NUM___centuri innov with __NUM__ centuri regul __PUNCT__
when subprim_mortgag lend took a reckless and unsustain turn __PUNCT__ a patchwork of regul systemat and deliber elimin the regul protect the american_peopl and fail to rais warn flag that could have protect investor and the pension american_worker count on __PUNCT__
thi wa not the invis_hand of the market at work __PUNCT__
these cycl of bubbl and bust were symptom of the ideolog that my oppon is run to continu __PUNCT__
john_mccain ha spent decad in washington support financi_institut instead of their custom __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ on of the biggest propon of deregul in the financi_sector is phil_gramm __PUNCT__ the same_man who help write john_mccain econom_plan __PUNCT__ the same_man who said that we go through a __PUNCT__ mental recess __PUNCT__ and the same man who call the unit_state of america a __PUNCT__ nation of whiner __PUNCT__
so it hard to understand how senat_mccain is go to get us out of thi crisi by do the same_thing with the same old player __PUNCT__
make no mistak __PUNCT__ my oppon is run for four more year of polici that will throw the economi further out of balanc __PUNCT__
hi outrag at wall_street would be more convinc if he wasn't offer them more tax_cut __PUNCT__
hi call for fiscal_respons would be believ if he wasn't for more tax_cut for the wealthiest american __PUNCT__ and more of a trillion_dollar war in iraq paid for with deficit_spend and borrow from foreign creditor like china __PUNCT__
hi newfound support for regul bear no resembl to hi scorn attitud toward oversight and enforc __PUNCT__
john_mccain cannot be trust to reestablish proper oversight of our financi_market for on simpl reason __PUNCT__ he ha shown time and again that he doe not believ in it __PUNCT__
what ha happen these last eight year is not some histor anomali __PUNCT__ so we know what to expect if we try these polici for anoth four __PUNCT__
when lobbyist run your campaign __PUNCT__ the special_interest end up game the system __PUNCT__
when the white_hous is hostil to ani kind of oversight __PUNCT__ corpor cut corner and consum_pai the price __PUNCT__
when regul ar chosen for their disdain for regul and we gut their abil to enforc the law __PUNCT__ then the interest of the american_peopl ar not protect __PUNCT__
it an ideolog that intention breed incompet in washington and irrespons on wall_street __PUNCT__ and it time to turn the page __PUNCT__
just todai __PUNCT__ senat_mccain offer up the oldest washington stunt in the book __PUNCT__ you pass the buck to a commiss to studi the problem __PUNCT__
but here the thing __PUNCT__ thi isn't 9/11 __PUNCT__
we know how we got into thi mess __PUNCT__
what we need now is leadership that get us out __PUNCT__
i provid it __PUNCT__ john_mccain won't __PUNCT__ and that the choic for the american_peopl in thi elect __PUNCT__
histori_show us that there is no substitut for presidenti leadership in a time of econom_crisi __PUNCT__
fdr and harri_truman didn't put their head in the sand __PUNCT__ or hand account over to a commiss __PUNCT__
bill_clinton didn't put off hard choic __PUNCT__
thei led __PUNCT__ and that what i will do __PUNCT__
my prioriti as presid will be the stabil of the american_economi and the prosper of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
and i will make sure that our respons focus on middl_class class_american __PUNCT__ not the compani that creat the problem __PUNCT__
to get out of thi crisi __PUNCT__ and to ensur that we ar not doom to repeat a cycl of bubbl and bust again and again __PUNCT__ we must take immedi measur to creat_job and continu to address the hous_crisi __PUNCT__ we must build a __NUM___centuri regulatori framework __PUNCT__ and we must pursu a bold opportun agenda that creat new job and grow the american_economi __PUNCT__
to jumpstart job_creation __PUNCT__ i have propos a __MONEY___billion emerg econom_plan that would save __NUM___million_job by rebuild our infrastructur __PUNCT__ repair our school __PUNCT__ and help our state and local avoid damag budget_cut __PUNCT__
i work with leader in congress to creat a new fha hous secur program __PUNCT__ which will help stabil the hous_market and allow american face foreclosur to keep their home at rate thei can afford __PUNCT__
go forward __PUNCT__ we need to replac fanni_mae and freddi_mac as we know them with a structur that is focus on help peopl_bui home __PUNCT__ not engag in market specul __PUNCT__
we can't have a situat like the old s&l scandal where it __PUNCT__ head __PUNCT__ investor win __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ tail __PUNCT__ taxpay lose __PUNCT__
that go to take end the lobbyist __PUNCT__ driven domin of these institut that we seen for far too long in washington __PUNCT__
to prevent fraud in the mortgag_market __PUNCT__ i propos tough penalti on fraudul lender __PUNCT__ and a home score system that will ensur consum fulli_understand mortgag offer and whether thei be abl to make payment __PUNCT__
to help low __PUNCT__ and middl __PUNCT__ incom_famili __PUNCT__ i will eas the burden on struggl homeown through a univers homeown tax_credit __PUNCT__
thi will add up to a __NUM__ percent break off the mortgag_interest interest_rate for __NUM___million household __PUNCT__
that anoth __MONEY__ each year for mani middl_class class_famili __PUNCT__
unlik senat_mccain __PUNCT__ i will chang our bankruptci_law to make it easier for famili to stai in their home __PUNCT__
right now __PUNCT__ if you a famili that own on hous __PUNCT__ bankruptci_judg ar actual bar from help you keep a roof over your head by write down the valu of your mortgag __PUNCT__
if you own seven home __PUNCT__ the judg is free to write down ani or all of the debt on your second __PUNCT__ third __PUNCT__ fourth __PUNCT__ fifth __PUNCT__ sixth or seventh home __PUNCT__
now that mai be of comfort to senat_mccain __PUNCT__ but that the kind of out __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ touch washington loophol that make no sens __PUNCT__
when i presid __PUNCT__ we make our law work for work_peopl __PUNCT__
but as we seen the last few dai __PUNCT__ the crisi in our financi_market now reach well beyond the hous_market __PUNCT__
that why it time to do what i call for last __DATE__ and again thi past march __PUNCT__ and it is onli more overdu todai __PUNCT__
our capit_market cannot succe without the public_trust __PUNCT__
it time to get seriou about regulatori oversight __PUNCT__ and that what i will do as presid __PUNCT__
that start with the core_principl for reform that i discuss at cooper union __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ if you a financi_institut that can borrow from the govern __PUNCT__ you should be subject to govern_oversight and supervis __PUNCT__
when the feder_reserv step in as a lender of last resort __PUNCT__ it is provid an insur_polici underwritten by the american_taxpay __PUNCT__
in return __PUNCT__ taxpay have everi right to expect that financi_institut with access to that credit ar not take excess risk __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ we must reform requir on all regul financi institut __PUNCT__
we must strengthen capit_requir __PUNCT__ particularli for complex financi_instrument like some of the mortgag secur and other deriv at the center of our current crisi __PUNCT__
we must develop and rigor manag liquid risk __PUNCT__
we must investig rate_agenc and potenti conflict of interest with the peopl thei ar rate __PUNCT__
and we must establish transpar requir that demand full_disclosur by financi_institut to sharehold and counterparti __PUNCT__
as we reform our regulatori system at home __PUNCT__ we must address the same_problem abroad so that financi_institut around the world ar subject to similar rule of the road __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ we need to streamlin our regulatori_agenc __PUNCT__
our overlap and compet regulatori agenc cannot overse the larg and complex institut that domin the financi landscap __PUNCT__
differ institut compet in multipl market __PUNCT__ washington should not pretend otherwis __PUNCT__
a streamlin system will provid better oversight and reduc cost __PUNCT__
fourth __PUNCT__ we need to regul institut for what thei do __PUNCT__ not what thei ar __PUNCT__
over the last few year __PUNCT__ commerci_bank and thrift institut were subject to guidelin on subprim_mortgag that did not appli to mortgag_broker and compani __PUNCT__
thi regulatori framework fail to protect homeown __PUNCT__ and made no sens for our financi_system __PUNCT__
when it come to protect the american_peopl __PUNCT__ it should make no differ what kind of institut thei ar deal with __PUNCT__
fifth __PUNCT__ we must crack down on trade activ that cross the line to market manipul __PUNCT__
the last six month have shown that thi remain a seriou problem in mani market and becom especi problemat dure moment of great_financi turmoil __PUNCT__
we cannot embrac the administr vision of turn over the protect of investor to the industri themselv __PUNCT__
we need regul that actual enforc the rule instead of overlook them __PUNCT__
the sec should investig and punish market manipul __PUNCT__ and report it conclus to congress __PUNCT__
sixth __PUNCT__ we must establish a process that identifi system_risk to the financi_system like the crisi that ha overtaken our economi __PUNCT__
too often __PUNCT__ we end up where we ar todai __PUNCT__ deal with threat to the financi system that weren't anticip by regul __PUNCT__
we need a stand financi_market advisori group to meet regularli and provid advic to the presid __PUNCT__ congress __PUNCT__ and regul on the state of our financi market and the risk thei face __PUNCT__
it time to anticip risk befor thei erupt into a full __PUNCT__ blown crisi __PUNCT__
these six principl should guid the legal reform need to establish a __NUM___centuri regulatori system __PUNCT__
but the chang we need goe beyond law and regul __PUNCT__
financi_institut must do a better job at manag risk __PUNCT__
there is someth wrong when board of director or senior manag don't understand the implic of the risk assum by their own institut __PUNCT__
it time to realign incent and ceo compens packag __PUNCT__ so that both high_level execut and employe better serv the interest of sharehold __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ the american_peopl must be abl to trust that their govern is look out for all of us __PUNCT__ not the special_interest that have set the agenda in washington for eight year __PUNCT__ and the lobbyist who run john_mccain mccain_campaign __PUNCT__
i spent my career take on lobbyist and their monei __PUNCT__ and i won __PUNCT__
if you want a special_favor in illinoi __PUNCT__ there wa actual a law that let you give campaign_cash to politician for their own person us __PUNCT__
in the state hous __PUNCT__ thei call it busi __PUNCT__ as __PUNCT__ usual __PUNCT__
i call it legal briberi __PUNCT__ and while it didn't make me the most popular gui in springfield __PUNCT__ i put an end to it __PUNCT__
when i got to washington __PUNCT__ we saw some of the worst corrupt sinc waterg __PUNCT__
i led the fight for reform in my parti __PUNCT__ and let me tell you __PUNCT__ not everyon in my parti wa too happi about it __PUNCT__
when i propos forc lobbyist to disclos who thei rais_monei from and who in congress thei funnel it to __PUNCT__ i had a few choic word direct my wai on the floor of the senat __PUNCT__
but we got it done __PUNCT__ and we ban gift from lobbyist __PUNCT__ and free_ride on their fanci jet __PUNCT__
and i am the onli candid who can sai that washington_lobbyist do not fund my campaign __PUNCT__ thei will not run my white_hous __PUNCT__ and thei will not drown out the voic of the american_peopl when i am presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
that how we go to end the outrag of special_interest tip the scale __PUNCT__
the most import_thing we must do is restor opportun for all american __PUNCT__
to get our economi_grow __PUNCT__ we need to recaptur that fundament american promis __PUNCT__
that if you work_hard __PUNCT__ you can pai the bill __PUNCT__
that if you get sick __PUNCT__ you won't go bankrupt __PUNCT__
that your kid can get a good educ __PUNCT__ and that we can leav a legaci of greater opportun to futur_gener __PUNCT__
that the chang the american_peopl need __PUNCT__
while senat_mccain like to talk about chang these dai __PUNCT__ hi econom program offer noth but more of the same __PUNCT__
the american_peopl need more than chang as a slogan __PUNCT__ we need chang that make a real differ in your life __PUNCT__
chang mean a tax_code that doesn't reward the lobbyist who wrote it __PUNCT__ but the american_worker and small_busi who deserv it __PUNCT__
i will stop give tax_break to corpor that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__ and i will start give them to compani that creat good_job right here in america __PUNCT__
i will elimin capit_gain gain_tax for small_busi and start __PUNCT__ up __PUNCT__ that how we grow our economi and creat the high __PUNCT__ wage __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ tech job of tomorrow __PUNCT__
i will cut_tax __PUNCT__ cut tax __PUNCT__ for __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of all work_famili __PUNCT__
my oppon doesn't want you to know thi __PUNCT__ but under my plan __PUNCT__ tax_rate will actual be less than thei were under ronald_reagan __PUNCT__
if you make less than __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__ you will not see your tax_increas on singl dime __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ i offer three time the tax_relief for middl __PUNCT__ class_famili as senat_mccain doe __PUNCT__ becaus in an economi like thi __PUNCT__ the last thing we should do is rais_tax on the middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__
i will final keep the promis of afford __PUNCT__ access health_care for everi singl american __PUNCT__
if you have health care __PUNCT__ my plan will lower your premium __PUNCT__
if you don't __PUNCT__ you be abl to get the same_kind of coverag that member of congress give themselv __PUNCT__
and i will stop insur_compani from discrimin against those who ar sick and need care the most
i will creat the job of the futur by transform our energi_economi __PUNCT__
we tap our natur_ga reserv __PUNCT__ invest in clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__ and find wai to safe har nuclear_power __PUNCT__
i help our auto_compani re __PUNCT__ tool __PUNCT__ so that the fuel __PUNCT__ effici car of the futur ar built right here in america __PUNCT__
i make it easier for the american_peopl to afford these new car __PUNCT__
and i invest __NUM___billion billion_dollar over the next decad in afford __PUNCT__ renew_sourc of energi __PUNCT__ wind_power and solar_power and the next gener of biofuel __PUNCT__ an invest that will lead to new industri and five million new job that pai well and can't ever be outsourc
and now is the time to final meet our moral_oblig to provid everi child a world __PUNCT__ class educ __PUNCT__ becaus it will take noth less to compet in the global_economi __PUNCT__
i recruit an armi of new teacher __PUNCT__ and pai them higher salari and give them more support __PUNCT__
but in exchang __PUNCT__ i will ask for higher_standard and more account __PUNCT__
and we will keep our promis to everi young_american __PUNCT__ if you commit to serv your commun or your countri __PUNCT__ we will make sure you can afford a colleg_educ __PUNCT__
thi is the chang we need __PUNCT__ the kind of bottom up growth and innov that will advanc the american_economi by advanc the dream of all american __PUNCT__
time ar hard __PUNCT__
i will not pretend that the chang we need will come without cost __PUNCT__ though i have present wai we can achiev these chang in a fiscal_respons wai __PUNCT__
i know that we have to overcom our doubt and divis and the determin opposit of power special_interest befor we can truli reform a broken economi and advanc opportun __PUNCT__
but i am run for presid becaus we simpli cannot afford four more year of an econom philosophi that work for wall_street instead of main_street __PUNCT__ and end up devast both __PUNCT__
i don't want to wake up in four year to find that more american fell out of the middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__ and more famili lost their save __PUNCT__
i don't want to see that our countri fail to invest in our abil to compet __PUNCT__ our children futur wa mortgag on anoth mountain of debt __PUNCT__ and our financi_market fail to find a firmer foot __PUNCT__
thi time __PUNCT__ thi elect __PUNCT__ is our chanc to stand up and sai __PUNCT__ enough is enough __PUNCT__
we can do thi becaus american have done thi befor __PUNCT__
time and again __PUNCT__ we battl back from advers by recogn that common stake that we have in each other success __PUNCT__
that why our economi hasn't just been the world_greatest wealth gener __PUNCT__ it bound america togeth __PUNCT__ it creat_job __PUNCT__ and it made the dream of opportun a realiti for gener after gener of american __PUNCT__
now it fall to us __PUNCT__
and i need you to make it happen __PUNCT__
if you want the next four year look just like the last eight __PUNCT__ then i am not your candid __PUNCT__
but if you want real chang __PUNCT__ if you want an economi that reward work __PUNCT__ and that work for main_street and wall_street __PUNCT__ if you want tax_relief for the middl_class and million of new job __PUNCT__ if you want health_care you can afford and educ so that our kid can compet __PUNCT__ then i ask you to knock on some door __PUNCT__ and make some call __PUNCT__ and talk to your neighbor __PUNCT__ and give me your vote on __DATE__ __PUNCT__
and if you do __PUNCT__ i promis you __PUNCT__ we will win colorado __PUNCT__ we will win thi elect __PUNCT__ and we will chang america togeth __PUNCT__