Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.09.18 originally had 3418 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 181 cue terms and an average lag of 16.8. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 american_economi 8
0.00597 0.0137 0.98
0 0 0
2 balanc_sheet 63
0.0185 0 0.0675
0.00219 0.000199 0.912
3 polici_institut 3
0.164 0 0.00318
0.0203 0 0.813
4 kitchen_tabl 3
0.00697 0 0.00458
0.18 0 0.808
5 make_sens 6
0.0147 0.000796 0.137
0.138 0 0.709
6 econom_realiti 28
0.00338 0.0111 0.148
0.0271 0.000796 0.81
7 american_economi 14
0.00139 0.00418 0.0299
0.0149 0.0113 0.938
8 american_dream 82
0.797 0.000199 0.0326
0.00935 0 0.161
9 american_famili 65
0.347 0.0137 0.0101
0.622 0 0.00617
10 ag___NUM__ 27
0.102 0.000199 0.000796
0.896 0.000796 0.000398
11 stai_home 50
0.169 0.000199 0.000796
0.83 0 0
12 work_hard 123
0.528 0.000199 0.145
0.327 0 0
13 job_loss 93
0.0965 0.109 0.506
0.204 0.000199 0.0836
14 health_care 12
0.277 0.00299 0.0304
0.284 0.0537 0.351
15 colleg_educ 36
0.513 0.000199 0.00537
0.466 0.00259 0.0133
16 econom_polici 81
0.00697 0.000199 0.966
0.0165 0 0.0103
17 tax_polici 21
0.00299 0.00199 0.0488
0.00796 0.000199 0.938
18 middl_class 13
0.0876 0.00398 0.618
0.00358 0.00179 0.285
19 fair_share 23
0.0519 0 0.26
0.0597 0.000199 0.628
20 __MONEY___trillion 5
0 0 0.184
0 0 0.816
21 corpor_tax 6
0 0 0.0291
0 0 0.971
22 tax_code 0
0 0 0.00378
0 0 0.996
23 invis_hand 4
0.000199 0.000199 0.0245
0 0 0.975
24 special_interest 11
0.0297 0.000398 0.13
0.000199 0.000199 0.84
25 tax_cut 19
0.00398 0.0121 0.814
0.000995 0.000597 0.168
26 work_peopl 27
0.00876 0 0.0943
0.00239 0 0.895
27 tax_break 28
0 0 0.142
0.000199 0 0.857
28 tax_haven 18
0 0 0.0776
0 0 0.922
29 tax_code 5
0.000398 0.00219 0.0884
0 0 0.909
30 big_busi 26
0.000597 0.000398 0.488
0 0.000199 0.511
31 tax_code 6
0 0 0.0277
0 0 0.972
32 work_peopl 14
0.00358 0 0.0376
0 0 0.959
33 incom_inequ 46
0.00617 0.00438 0.105
0.000796 0 0.883
34 bush_tax_cut 6
0.000199 0 0.285
0 0 0.714
35 wealthiest___NUM___percent 4
0 0.00577 0.504
0 0 0.491
36 tax_cut 5
0.00537 0.00358 0.0295
0 0.00597 0.956
37 middl_class 8
0.381 0.00199 0.0263
0.00657 0.00537 0.578
38 work_harder 7
0.522 0 0.00498
0.382 0.000597 0.0907
39 class_warfar 37
0.199 0 0.000199
0.8 0 0.00139
40 ten_minut 14
0.00597 0 0
0.994 0 0
41 ten_month 6
0.000995 0 0
0.999 0 0
42 class_warfar 15
0.00776 0.000199 0.00995
0.982 0 0
43 warren_buffett 12
0.00478 0.000995 0.808
0.177 0 0.00896
44 main_street 38
0.00338 0 0.309
0 0 0.688
45 wall_street 6
0.00259 0 0.0113
0.00299 0 0.983
46 success_stori 46
0.105 0.364 0.082
0.00338 0 0.446
47 system_base 37
0.218 0.00716 0.16
0.0967 0.158 0.36
48 special_favor 5
0.0229 0.00259 0.0969
0.231 0.138 0.508
49 core_principl 19
0.359 0.00299 0.154
0.123 0.0338 0.327
50 commun_organ 40
0.622 0 0
0.378 0 0
51 south_side 3
0.000398 0 0
1 0 0
52 job_train 8
0.000796 0 0
0.999 0 0
53 train_program 0
0.000199 0 0
1 0 0
54 state_senat 25
0.0738 0 0
0.926 0 0
55 earn_incom 8
0.0402 0 0
0.96 0 0
56 incom_tax_credit 0
0 0 0
1 0 0
57 __MONEY___million 6
0.0229 0.0269 0.135
0.815 0 0
58 tax_cut 2
0.00597 0.00935 0.0402
0.785 0.0267 0.133
59 work_famili 5
0.108 0.00358 0.0115
0.703 0.0332 0.141
60 unit_state 9
0.784 0 0.00259
0.197 0 0.0157
61 state_senat 0
0.00756 0 0.000199
0.979 0 0.0133
62 tax_credit 9
0.0299 0.000199 0.114
0.843 0 0.0131
63 minimum_wage 5
0.0147 0.00557 0.0796
0.775 0.000199 0.125
64 tax_burden 10
0.000597 0.00716 0.847
0.00498 0.00219 0.139
65 work_peopl 3
0.00279 0 0.0261
0.00159 0 0.97
66 american_peopl 17
0.00239 0 0.033
0.00318 0 0.961
67 tax_code 15
0 0.000199 0.0472
0.000199 0 0.952
68 american_middl_class 6
0 0 0.0121
0 0 0.988
69 special_interest 8
0.000398 0 0.00557
0 0 0.994
70 preferenti_treatment 6
0.000995 0.000398 0.00995
0.000398 0 0.988
71 tax_code 5
0 0 0.0213
0 0.000199 0.979
72 tax_break 6
0 0 0.0187
0 0 0.981
73 tax_code 6
0 0 0.0151
0 0 0.985
74 power_interest 5
0.0153 0 0.00876
0 0 0.976
75 fair_share 10
0.0193 0 0.0392
0.0141 0 0.927
76 tax_code 23
0 0.000796 0.0796
0.000398 0 0.919
77 tax_haven 8
0.000398 0 0.0185
0 0 0.981
78 intern_commun 28
0.0328 0.000995 0.0898
0.000398 0 0.876
79 tax_code 39
0.00139 0.00418 0.18
0.000597 0.000597 0.813
80 american_dream 22
0.0595 0 0.0217
0.000398 0.000199 0.918
81 cut_tax 20
0 0.000597 0.29
0 0 0.709
82 work_peopl 2
0.000796 0 0.00577
0 0 0.993
83 middl_class 13
0.0105 0.00219 0.0685
0.000199 0 0.919
84 class_american 0
0.000398 0 0.00139
0.0107 0.00219 0.985
85 tax_cut 6
0.00736 0.00219 0.0798
0.00856 0.00199 0.9
86 work_peopl 2
0.0882 0 0.0191
0.0159 0 0.877
87 american_peopl 2
0.341 0 0.034
0.103 0 0.522
88 peopl_work 0
0.15 0.000199 0.0153
0.441 0 0.393
89 econom_secur 36
0.0828 0.00299 0.264
0.378 0 0.272
90 singl_mom 6
0.523 0.00498 0.00139
0.446 0.00259 0.0223
91 social_secur_benefit 27
0.0283 0.126 0.557
0.272 0.00736 0.00876
92 lower_rate 13
0.00299 0.00119 0.282
0.124 0.0714 0.518
93 tax_code 16
0.00597 0.00796 0.0812
0.105 0.0661 0.733
94 oval_offic 28
0.94 0 0.00159
0.0531 0 0.00478
95 make_decis 2
0.0165 0 0
0.982 0 0.00179
96 special_interest 8
0.0609 0.00299 0.0281
0.907 0 0.000597
97 incom_tax 28
0 0.994 0.000199
0 0.00537 0
98 tax_cut 0
0 0.000398 0
0 1 0
99 work_famili 12
0 0.00756 0
0 0.992 0
100 payrol_tax 5
0 0.00338 0
0 0.997 0
101 american_economi 12
0.000796 0.00876 0.00458
0 0.986 0
102 middl_class 7
0 0.00935 0.000995
0.000796 0.989 0
103 class_american 0
0 0 0
0.000796 0.998 0.000995
104 rise_cost 10
0.00239 0.00896 0.000995
0 0.988 0
105 __NUM___million_american 14
0.000199 0.0101 0
0.00139 0.988 0
106 tax_cut 10
0 0.00637 0.00478
0 0.989 0.000199
107 incom_tax 10
0 0.00597 0.00498
0 0.985 0.00438
108 tax_bill 0
0 0.000398 0.00876
0 0.981 0.00975
109 incom_tax 7
0 0.00398 0.0249
0 0.953 0.0185
110 __NUM___million 2
0.198 0.000796 0.196
0.00458 0.554 0.0466
111 work_american 1
0.0239 0.000398 0.034
0.202 0.5 0.24
112 work_famili 4
0.152 0.00239 0.00756
0.225 0.421 0.192
113 work_full 5
0.602 0 0.00119
0.376 0.00756 0.0131
114 full_time 0
0.00159 0 0
0.978 0.00657 0.0143
115 tax_credit 26
0.17 0.000597 0.178
0.638 0 0.0139
116 work_famili 3
0.0378 0.00617 0.0412
0.725 0.000597 0.189
117 tax_credit 21
0.133 0.000398 0.03
0.646 0.00179 0.189
118 middl_class 49
0.336 0.00498 0.284
0.29 0.00159 0.0832
119 tax_credit 7
0.0392 0.000796 0.0167
0.605 0.00458 0.334
120 middl_class 40
0.104 0.102 0.344
0.316 0.00418 0.131
121 econom_insecur 29
0.0462 0.0892 0.107
0.289 0.101 0.367
122 mortgag_interest_deduct 21
0.0127 0.0267 0.122
0.248 0.176 0.415
123 tax_code 19
0.00378 0.0131 0.518
0.0535 0.134 0.278
124 mortgag_interest 24
0.00318 0.00378 0.254
0.00358 0.0828 0.653
125 __NUM___million 17
0.0414 0.00259 0.859
0.00239 0.0597 0.0348
126 vast_major 5
0.00199 0 0.0537
0.0247 0.0547 0.865
127 mortgag_interest 22
0.000398 0.00597 0.106
0.000398 0.0525 0.834
128 interest_rate 0
0.00259 0.00139 0.000597
0.000398 0.0585 0.937
129 middl_class 3
0.00677 0.0436 0.833
0.000398 0.0561 0.0599
130 class_famili 0
0.00139 0.00398 0.0358
0.00557 0.0995 0.854
131 progress_tax 52
0.0241 0.0651 0.191
0.00159 0.081 0.637
132 tax_cut 0
0.000796 0.000597 0.0149
0.0225 0.143 0.818
133 work_hard 18
0.348 0.000398 0.0683
0.0193 0.0131 0.551
134 social_secur_benefit 60
0.0987 0.15 0.239
0.167 0.0117 0.334
135 tax_return 31
0.0211 0.0778 0.167
0.133 0.149 0.452
136 same_kind 15
0.119 0 0.197
0.134 0.00498 0.545
137 work_peopl 6
0.0408 0.000796 0.0687
0.174 0.00418 0.711
138 incom_tax 21
0 0.965 0.00418
0 0.00557 0.0249
139 __NUM___million_american 8
0.0105 0.0221 0
0.000199 0.963 0.00398
140 save_rate 5
0.00398 0.00259 0.000398
0.0103 0.98 0.00279
141 roughli___MONEY__ 2
0.00438 0.00199 0.000398
0.0143 0.979 0.000398
142 __NUM___million 4
0.0269 0.00239 0.217
0.0175 0.733 0.00279
143 tax_return 29
0.00935 0.00796 0.313
0.0147 0.461 0.194
144 tax_code 5
0.00239 0.00358 0.0348
0.0211 0.442 0.497
145 ordinari_peopl 16
0.727 0.000995 0.0289
0.0103 0.0752 0.158
146 __NUM___hour 30
0.0901 0.00139 0.253
0.472 0.0127 0.171
147 problem_face 20
0.0101 0.0633 0.336
0.163 0.0127 0.415
148 intern_revenu 8
0.00279 0.313 0.0125
0.0408 0.0754 0.556
149 past_year 3
0.00159 0.171 0.00697
0.0267 0.387 0.407
150 usa_todai 2
0.0131 0.0253 0.0131
0.0271 0.557 0.365
151 tax_bill 8
0.0133 0.202 0.0615
0.0231 0.578 0.122
152 work_famili 3
0.0139 0.00458 0.00378
0.0354 0.77 0.172
153 __NUM___million_american 26
0.417 0.0113 0.00338
0.0412 0.514 0.0133
154 bank_account 7
0.395 0.000597 0.0316
0.446 0.117 0.0101
155 wast_time 46
0.0342 0.0316 0.635
0.197 0.0699 0.033
156 __MONEY___billion 17
0.00756 0.00259 0.202
0.103 0.0591 0.625
157 __NUM___million 8
0.0448 0.000995 0.107
0.0782 0.0304 0.738
158 make_america 19
0.0486 0.000398 0.102
0.0679 0.00119 0.78
159 tax_code 1
0 0.00358 0.272
0.0191 0.000995 0.704
160 work_american 9
0.000796 0.00358 0.401
0.00438 0.00318 0.587
161 tax_code 5
0 0.000199 0.0482
0.000995 0.00537 0.945
162 middl_class 7
0.00358 0.000597 0.0706
0 0.00358 0.922
163 fiscal_respons 37
0 0 0.114
0 0.00219 0.884
164 tax_haven 11
0 0.00119 0.164
0 0.00199 0.833
165 tax_cut 12
0.000796 0.0466 0.658
0 0.00279 0.292
166 wealthiest___NUM___percent 3
0.000398 0.00338 0.0687
0.000199 0.0484 0.879
167 capit_gain 37
0 0.948 0
0 0.0509 0.000597
168 ronald_reagan 14
0 0.0105 0.000199
0 0.989 0
169 small_busi 26
0 0.0175 0
0 0.982 0
170 capit_gain 2
0 0.00159 0
0 0.998 0
171 tax_shelter 41
0.0814 0.00776 0.644
0 0.265 0.00159
172 long_list 3
0.132 0.00159 0.0125
0.0832 0.159 0.611
173 fair_shake 7
0.532 0.00338 0.0422
0.2 0.082 0.14
174 abraham_lincoln 68
0.316 0.00219 0.11
0.53 0.0137 0.0271
175 core_principl 4
0.0113 0.00299 0.398
0.441 0.0127 0.134
176 work_american 69
0.00119 0.00736 0.515
0.00716 0.00318 0.466
177 american_economi 8
0.000796 0.00179 0.0273
0.00219 0.0101 0.958
178 rise_cost 15
0.0316 0.00338 0.0179
0.00259 0.00995 0.935
179 american_peopl 21
0.0708 0 0.0396
0.0295 0 0.86
180 __NUM___centuri 19
0.0601 0 0.0263
0.0923 0 0.821
181 american_peopl 6
0.0219 0 0.0129
0.147 0 0.818