This speech titled 2008.09.21 originally had 1968 tokens. You can view the original text here.
the new of the dai isn't good __PUNCT__
the era of greed and irrespons on wall_street and in washington ha led us to a peril moment __PUNCT__
thei said thei want to let the market run free but instead thei let it run wild __PUNCT__
and now we ar face a financi_crisi as profound as ani we have face sinc the great_depress
but here the truth __PUNCT__
regardless of how we got here __PUNCT__ we here todai __PUNCT__
and the circumst we face requir decis action becaus your job __PUNCT__ your save __PUNCT__ and your econom_secur ar now at risk __PUNCT__
we must work quickli in a bipartisan fashion to resolv thi crisi to avert an even broader econom catastroph __PUNCT__
but washington also ha to recogn that econom_recoveri requir that we act __PUNCT__ not just to address the crisi on wall_street __PUNCT__ but also the crisi on main_street and around kitchen_tabl across america __PUNCT__
as of now __PUNCT__ the bush_administr ha onli offer a concept with a stagger price_tag __PUNCT__ not a plan __PUNCT__
even if the u. __PUNCT__ treasuri recov some or most of it invest over time __PUNCT__ thi initi outlai of up to __MONEY___billion is sober __PUNCT__
and in return for their support __PUNCT__ the american_peopl must be assur that the deal reflect the basic_principl of transpar __PUNCT__ fair __PUNCT__ and reform __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ there must be no blank check when american_taxpay ar on the hook for thi much monei __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ taxpay shouldn't be spend a dime to reward ceo on wall_street __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ taxpay should be protect and should be abl to recoup thi invest __PUNCT__
fourth __PUNCT__ thi plan ha to help homeown stai in their home __PUNCT__
fifth __PUNCT__ thi is a global_crisi __PUNCT__ and the unit_state must insist that other nation join us in help secur the financi_market __PUNCT__
sixth __PUNCT__ we need to start put in place the rule of the road i been call for for year to prevent thi from ever happen again __PUNCT__
and final __PUNCT__ thi plan can't just be a plan for wall_street __PUNCT__ it ha to be a plan for main_street __PUNCT__
we have to come togeth __PUNCT__ as democrat and republican __PUNCT__ to pass a stimulu_plan that will put_monei in the pocket of work_famili __PUNCT__ save job __PUNCT__ and prevent pain budget_cut and tax_hike in our state __PUNCT__
so i know these ar difficult dai __PUNCT__
but here what i also know __PUNCT__
i know we can steer ourselv out of thi crisi __PUNCT__
that who we ar __PUNCT__
that what we alwai done as american __PUNCT__
our nation ha face difficult_time befor __PUNCT__
and at each of those moment __PUNCT__ we risen to meet the challeng becaus we never forgotten that fundament truth __PUNCT__ that here in america __PUNCT__ our destini is not written for us __PUNCT__ it written by us __PUNCT__
but anoth thing i know is thi __PUNCT__ we can't steer ourselv out of thi crisi by head in the same __PUNCT__ disastr direct __PUNCT__
and that what thi elect is all about __PUNCT__
becaus while i certainli don't fault senat_mccain for all of the problem we face right now __PUNCT__ i do fault the econom philosophi he follow dure hi __NUM___year in washington __PUNCT__
it a philosophi that sai it ok to turn a blind_ey to practic that reward financi manipul instead of sound busi decis __PUNCT__
it a philosophi that sai even common __PUNCT__ sens regul ar unnecessari and unwis __PUNCT__
it a philosophi that let washington_lobbyist shred consum_protect and distort our economi so it work for the special_interest instead of work_peopl and our countri __PUNCT__
we now see the disastr consequ of thi philosophi all around us __PUNCT__ on wall_street as well as main_street __PUNCT__
and yet senat_mccain __PUNCT__ who candidli admit not long_ago that he doesn't know as much about econom as he should __PUNCT__ want to keep go down the same __PUNCT__ disastr path __PUNCT__
he call himself __PUNCT__ fundament a deregul __PUNCT__ when reckless deregul and lack of oversight is a big_part of the problem __PUNCT__
and here the realli scari part __PUNCT__
now thi __PUNCT__ great deregul __PUNCT__ want to turn hi attent to health_care __PUNCT__
he wrote in the current issu of a magazin __PUNCT__ the current issu __PUNCT__ that we need to open up health care to __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ more vigor nationwid competit __PUNCT__ as we have done over the last decad in bank __PUNCT__
that right __PUNCT__ john_mccain sai he want to do for health_care what washington ha done for bank __PUNCT__
think about what that mean __PUNCT__
over the year __PUNCT__ state have come up with common_sens rule to make sure that insur_compani aren't just look out for their own profit __PUNCT__ but for your health __PUNCT__
and we cannot toss those rule out the window __PUNCT__
as anyon who ha health_care know __PUNCT__ the on thing we don't need to do is give insur_compani an even freer hand over what thei charg __PUNCT__ who thei cover __PUNCT__ and what thei cover __PUNCT__
the radic idea that govern ha no role to plai in protect ordinari_american ha wreak_havoc on our economi __PUNCT__
and we cannot let thi danger philosophi spread to health_care __PUNCT__
what we seen over the last few dai is noth less than the final verdict on thi fail philosophi __PUNCT__
and i am run for presid of the unit_state becaus the dream of the american_peopl must not be endang ani more __PUNCT__
the time ar too seriou __PUNCT__
the stake ar too high __PUNCT__
at thi moment __PUNCT__ in thi elect __PUNCT__ we need real chang __PUNCT__ chang that more than just a slogan __PUNCT__ chang that actual make a differ in peopl_live __PUNCT__
and that the kind of chang i bring to washington when i presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
that the chang the american_peopl need __PUNCT__
chang mean a tax_code that doesn't reward the lobbyist who wrote it __PUNCT__ but the american_worker and small_busi who deserv it __PUNCT__
i will stop give tax_break to corpor that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__ and i will start give them to compani that creat good_job right here in america __PUNCT__
i will elimin capit_gain gain_tax for small_busi and start __PUNCT__ up __PUNCT__ that how we grow our economi and creat the high __PUNCT__ wage __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ tech job of tomorrow __PUNCT__
i will cut_tax __PUNCT__ cut tax __PUNCT__ for __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of all work_famili __PUNCT__
my oppon doesn't want you to know thi __PUNCT__ but under my plan __PUNCT__ tax_rate will actual be less than thei were under ronald_reagan __PUNCT__
if you make less than __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__ you will not see your tax_increas on singl dime __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ i offer three time the tax_relief for middl __PUNCT__ class_famili as senat_mccain doe __PUNCT__ becaus in an economi like thi __PUNCT__ the last thing we should do is rais_tax on the middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__
i will final keep the promis of afford __PUNCT__ access health_care for everi singl american __PUNCT__
if you have health care __PUNCT__ my plan will lower your premium __PUNCT__
if you don't __PUNCT__ you be abl to get the same_kind of coverag that member of congress give themselv __PUNCT__
and i will stop insur_compani from discrimin against those who ar sick and need care the most __PUNCT__
i will also creat the job of the futur by transform our energi_economi __PUNCT__
we tap our natur_ga reserv __PUNCT__ invest in clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__ and find wai to safe har nuclear_power __PUNCT__
i help our auto_compani re __PUNCT__ tool __PUNCT__ so that the fuel __PUNCT__ effici car of the futur ar built right here in america __PUNCT__
i make it easier for the american_peopl to afford these new car __PUNCT__
and i invest __NUM___billion billion_dollar over the next decad in afford __PUNCT__ renew_sourc of energi __PUNCT__ wind_power and solar_power and the next gener of biofuel __PUNCT__ an invest that will lead to new industri and five million new job that pai well and can't ever be outsourc
and now is the time to final meet our moral_oblig to provid everi child a world __PUNCT__ class educ __PUNCT__ becaus it will take noth less to compet in the global_economi __PUNCT__
i recruit an armi of new teacher __PUNCT__ and pai them higher salari and give them more support __PUNCT__
but in exchang __PUNCT__ i will ask for higher_standard and more account __PUNCT__
and we will keep our promis to everi young_american __PUNCT__ if you commit to serv your commun or your countri __PUNCT__ we will make sure you can afford a colleg_educ __PUNCT__
thi is the chang we need __PUNCT__ the kind of bottom up growth and innov that will advanc the american_economi by advanc the dream of all american __PUNCT__
time ar hard __PUNCT__
i will not pretend that the chang we need will come without cost __PUNCT__ though i have present how we can achiev these chang in a fiscal_respons wai __PUNCT__
i know that we have to overcom our doubt and divis and the determin opposit of power special_interest befor we can truli reform a broken economi and advanc opportun __PUNCT__
but i am run for presid becaus we simpli cannot afford four more year of an econom philosophi that work for wall_street instead of main_street __PUNCT__ and end up devast both __PUNCT__
i don't want to wake up in four year to find that more american fell out of the middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__ and more famili lost their save __PUNCT__
i don't want to see that our countri fail to invest in our abil to compet __PUNCT__ our children futur wa mortgag on anoth mountain of debt __PUNCT__ and our financi_market fail to find a firmer foot __PUNCT__
at thi defin moment __PUNCT__ we have the chanc to final stand up and sai __PUNCT__ enough is enough __PUNCT__
we can do thi becaus american have done thi befor __PUNCT__
time and again __PUNCT__ we battl back from advers by recogn that common stake that we have in each other success __PUNCT__
that why our economi hasn't just been the world_greatest wealth gener __PUNCT__ it bound america togeth __PUNCT__ it creat_job __PUNCT__ and it made the dream of opportun a realiti for gener after gener of american __PUNCT__
now it fall to us __PUNCT__
and i need you to make it happen __PUNCT__
if you want the next four year look just like the last eight __PUNCT__ then i am not your candid __PUNCT__
but if you want real chang __PUNCT__ if you want an economi that reward work __PUNCT__ and that work for main_street and wall_street __PUNCT__ if you want tax_relief for the middl_class and million of new job __PUNCT__ if you want health_care you can afford and educ that help your kid compet __PUNCT__ then i ask you to knock on some door __PUNCT__ make some call __PUNCT__ talk to your neighbor __PUNCT__ and give me your vote on __DATE__ __PUNCT__
and if you do __PUNCT__ i promis you __PUNCT__ we will win north_carolina __PUNCT__ we will win thi elect __PUNCT__ and we will chang america togeth __PUNCT__