Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.09.23 originally had 1063 tokens. You can view the original text here.

yesterdai __PUNCT__ the presid said that congress should pass hi propos to eas the crisi on wall_street without signific chang or improv __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ there ar mani to blame for caus the current crisi __PUNCT__ start with the specul who game the system and the regul who look the other wai __PUNCT__

but all of us now have a stake in solv it and save our financi_institut from collaps __PUNCT__

becaus if we don't __PUNCT__ the job and life_save of million will be put at risk __PUNCT__

given that fact __PUNCT__ the presid stubborn inflex is both unaccept and disturbingli familiar __PUNCT__

thi is not the time for my __PUNCT__ wai __PUNCT__ or __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ highwai intransig from anyon involv __PUNCT__

it not the time for fear or panic __PUNCT__

it the time for resolv __PUNCT__ respons __PUNCT__ and reason __PUNCT__

and it is wholli unreason to expect that american_taxpay would or should hand thi administr or ani administr a __MONEY___billion blank check with absolut no oversight or condit when a lack of oversight in washington and on wall_street is exactli what got us into thi mess __PUNCT__

now that the american_peopl ar be call upon to financ thi solut __PUNCT__ the american peopl have the right to certain protect and assur from washington __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ the plan must includ protect to ensur that taxpay_dollar ar not us to further reward the bad_behavior of irrespons ceo on wall_street __PUNCT__

there ha been talk that some ceo mai refus to cooper with thi plan if thei have to forgo multi __PUNCT__ million __PUNCT__ dollar salari __PUNCT__

i cannot imagin a posit more selfish and greedi at a time of nation crisi __PUNCT__

and i would like to speak directli to those ceo right now __PUNCT__ do not make that mistak __PUNCT__

you ar steward for worker and commun all across our countri who have put their trust in you __PUNCT__

with the enorm reward you have reap come respons __PUNCT__ and we expect and demand that you to live up to them __PUNCT__

thi plan cannot be a welfar_program for wall_street execut __PUNCT__

second __PUNCT__ the power to spend___MONEY___billion of taxpay_monei cannot be left to the discret of on man __PUNCT__ no matter who he is or which parti he is from __PUNCT__

i have great respect for secretari paulson __PUNCT__ but he cannot act alon __PUNCT__

we should set up an independ board that includ some of the most respect figur in our countri __PUNCT__ chosen by democrat and republican __PUNCT__ to provid oversight and account at everi step of the wai __PUNCT__

i am hearten that secretari paulson appear to be soften on thi posit in hi testimoni thi morn __PUNCT__

third __PUNCT__ if taxpay ar be ask to underwrit hundr of billion of dollar to solv thi crisi __PUNCT__ thei must be treat like investor __PUNCT__

the american_peopl should share in the upsid as wall_street recov __PUNCT__

there ar differ wai to accomplish thi __PUNCT__ includ put equiti into these firm instead of bui their troubl_asset __PUNCT__

but regardless of how we structur the plan __PUNCT__ if the govern_make ani kind of profit on thi deal __PUNCT__ we must give everi penni back to the taxpay who put up the monei in the first place __PUNCT__

and after the economi recov __PUNCT__ we should institut a financi stabil fee on the entir financi_servic servic_industri to repai ani loss to the american_peopl and make sure we ar never ask to foot the bill for wall_street mistak again __PUNCT__

we can ask taxpay to make an invest in the stabil of our economi __PUNCT__ but we cannot ask them to hand their monei over to wall street without some expect of return __PUNCT__

fourth __PUNCT__ the final plan must provid help to famili who ar struggl to stai in their home __PUNCT__

we cannot simpli bailout wall street without help the million of innoc homeown who ar face foreclosur __PUNCT__

there ar a number of wai we can accomplish thi __PUNCT__

for exampl __PUNCT__ we should consid give the govern the author to purchas mortgag directli instead of simpli mortgag __PUNCT__ back_secur __PUNCT__

in the past __PUNCT__ such an approach ha allow taxpay to profit as the hous_market recov __PUNCT__

thi is not simpli a question of look after homeown __PUNCT__ it doubt that the economi as a whole can recov without the restor of our hous sector __PUNCT__ includ a rebound in the home valu that have suffer dramat in recent_month __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ the american_peopl need to know that we feel as great a sens of urgenc about the emerg on main_street as we do about the emerg on wall_street __PUNCT__

i have repeatedli call on presid_bush and senat_mccain to join me in support an econom_stimulu stimulu_plan for work_famili __PUNCT__ a plan that would help folk cope with rise food and ga_price __PUNCT__ save on million_job by rebuild our school and road __PUNCT__ help state and citi avoid pain budget_cut and tax_increas __PUNCT__ and help homeown stai in their home __PUNCT__

let me be clear __PUNCT__ we shouldn't includ thi stimulu_packag into thi particular legisl __PUNCT__ but as we solv the immedi crisi on wall_street __PUNCT__ we should move with the same sens of urgenc to help main_street __PUNCT__

it is absolut wrong to suggest that we cannot protect_american american_taxpay while still stabil our market and save our financi_system from collaps __PUNCT__

we can and must do both __PUNCT__

in summari __PUNCT__ there is no doubt negoti over the next few dai will be difficult __PUNCT__

i will continu to keep in close touch with secretari paulson __PUNCT__ chairman bernank __PUNCT__ and the leader of congress to ensur that we can work in a bipartisan manner to get thi done as quickli as possibl __PUNCT__

our countri is be test by a veri seriou crisi __PUNCT__

we ar all in thi togeth __PUNCT__ and we must come togeth as democrat and republican __PUNCT__ on wall_street and on main_street to solv it __PUNCT__

and with the proper spirit of cooper __PUNCT__ i know we can __PUNCT__