This speech titled 2008.09.29 originally had 2830 tokens. You can view the original text here.
we meet here at a time of great uncertainti for america __PUNCT__
the era of greed and irrespons on wall_street and in washington ha led us to a financi_crisi as seriou as ani we have face sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__
thei said thei want to let the market run free but thei let it run wild __PUNCT__ and thei trampl our american valu of fair __PUNCT__ balanc __PUNCT__ and respons to on anoth __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ becaus of specul who game the system and regul who look the other wai __PUNCT__ your job __PUNCT__ your life_save __PUNCT__ and the stabil of our entir economi ar at risk __PUNCT__
we have been left with no good option __PUNCT__
and todai __PUNCT__ democrat and republican in washington have agre on an emerg rescu plan that is our best and onli wai to prevent an econom catastroph __PUNCT__
it a plan that improv a good_deal over the last week __PUNCT__
thi administr start off by ask for a blank check to solv thi problem __PUNCT__
i said absolut not __PUNCT__
i said it wa unaccept to expect the american_peopl to hand thi administr or ani administr a __MONEY___billion check with no condit and no oversight when a lack of oversight in washington and on wall_street is exactli what got us into thi mess __PUNCT__
if the american_peopl ar be ask to help solv thi crisi __PUNCT__ then you have a right to make sure that your tax_dollar ar protect __PUNCT__
and so i laid out a few a condit for washington __PUNCT__
i said we need an independ board to provid oversight and account for how and where thi monei is spent at everi step of the wai __PUNCT__
i said that if american_taxpay ar financ thi solut __PUNCT__ then you should be treat like investor __PUNCT__ you should get everi penni of your tax_dollar back onc thi economi recov __PUNCT__ and wall_street should foot the bill __PUNCT__
i said that we cannot and will not simpli bailout wall street without help the million of innoc homeown who ar struggl to stai in their home __PUNCT__
thei deserv a plan too __PUNCT__
and final __PUNCT__ i said that i would not allow thi plan to becom a welfar_program for the wall_street execut whose greed and irrespons got us into thi mess __PUNCT__
thank to the hard_work of democrat and republican __PUNCT__ the propos we have todai includ these taxpay protect __PUNCT__
and if i am presid __PUNCT__ i will review the entir plan on the dai i take offic to make sure that it is work to save our economi and that you get your monei_back __PUNCT__
but let me be absolut clear about on thing __PUNCT__
at a time like thi __PUNCT__ a time when __NUM___worker have lost their job sinc __DATE__ __PUNCT__ when home valu ar fall and paycheck ar flat __PUNCT__ when it never been harder to save or retir __PUNCT__ to bui ga or groceri __PUNCT__ at a time when american ar work so much harder for so much less __PUNCT__ the fact that you ar be call upon to help clean up wall_street mess is an outrag __PUNCT__
it is an outrag that we spend thi monei when we could be invest in afford health_care __PUNCT__ or renew_energi __PUNCT__ or better school for our children __PUNCT__
it is an outrag that we ar in thi mess and we ar here to make sure that it never happen again __PUNCT__
we did not arriv at thi moment by some accid of histori __PUNCT__
thi wa not a normal part of the busi_cycl __PUNCT__
thi wa not just a few bad_appl on wall_street __PUNCT__
thi crisi is a direct_result of a philosophi that the folk run washington have been follow for decad __PUNCT__
it a philosophi that sai we should give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosper trickl down to everyon els __PUNCT__ a philosophi that sai even common __PUNCT__ sens regul ar unnecessari and unwis __PUNCT__ a philosophi that let lobbyist shred consum_protect and put the need of special_interest ahead of work_peopl __PUNCT__
and what we have seen over the last few week is the final verdict on thi fail philosophi __PUNCT__
it is time to turn the page __PUNCT__
that is the choic in thi elect __PUNCT__
becaus senat_mccain ha follow thi philosophi for twenti __PUNCT__ six year in washington and now he run to give us anoth four __PUNCT__
he fought against common __PUNCT__ sens regul for decad __PUNCT__ he call for less regul twenti_time just thi year __PUNCT__ and he said in a recent_interview that he thought de __PUNCT__ regul ha actual help grow our economi __PUNCT__
senat __PUNCT__ what economi ar you talk about __PUNCT__
at a time when we put hundr of billion of taxpay_dollar on the line __PUNCT__ senat_mccain still want to spend___MONEY___billion on tax_break for the biggest corpor in america __PUNCT__
he want to give a __MONEY__ tax break to the averag fortun___NUM__ ceo __PUNCT__ but not on dime of relief to more than __NUM___million middl __PUNCT__ class_american __PUNCT__
he like to talk about how he take on the corpor_lobbyist in washington __PUNCT__ but he put seven of them in charg of hi campaign __PUNCT__
and if you think those lobbyist ar work_dai and night to elect my oppon just to put themselv out of busi __PUNCT__ well i got a bridg to sell you up in alaska __PUNCT__
you see __PUNCT__ senat_mccain just doesn't get it __PUNCT__ he doesn't get that thi crisi on wall_street hit main_street a long_time time_ago __PUNCT__
that why hi first respons to the greatest fiscal meltdown in gener wa to sai that the __PUNCT__ fundament of the economi ar strong __PUNCT__ and why he didn't sai the word __PUNCT__ middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__ onc in an entir __NUM__ __PUNCT__ minut debat __PUNCT__
i read the other dai that senat_mccain like to gambl __PUNCT__
he like to roll those dice __PUNCT__
and that ok __PUNCT__
i enjoi a littl friendli game of poker myself everi now and then __PUNCT__
but on thing i know is thi __PUNCT__ we can't afford to gambl on four more year of the same disastr econom_polici we had for the last eight __PUNCT__
i know that when senat_mccain sai he want to bring the same_kind of deregul to our health_care_system that he help bring to our bank_system __PUNCT__ hi word __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that a bet we can't afford __PUNCT__
we can't afford to roll the dice by privat social_secur __PUNCT__ and wager the nest_egg of million of american on wall_street __PUNCT__
we can't afford to gambl on more of the same trickl down philosophi that shower tax_break on big_corpor and the wealthiest few __PUNCT__
we tri that __PUNCT__
it doesn't work __PUNCT__
with our economi at risk __PUNCT__ and our futur in the balanc __PUNCT__ the greatest risk in thi elect is to repeat the same mistak of the past __PUNCT__
we can't take a chanc on the same lose game __PUNCT__
we need a presid who will chang thi economi so that it final work for your famili __PUNCT__
we need a presid who will fight for the middl_class everi singl_dai __PUNCT__ and that exactli what i do when i presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
we have a differ wai of measur the fundament of our economi __PUNCT__
we know that the fundament that we us to measur econom strength ar whether we ar live up to that fundament promis that ha made thi countri great __PUNCT__ that america is a place where you can make it if you try __PUNCT__ that everyon should have the chanc to live their dream __PUNCT__
i know i wouldn't be stand here todai without that promis __PUNCT__
and i know that the promis we must keep onc more __PUNCT__
when i talk to those young veteran who come back from iraq and afghanistan __PUNCT__ i see my grandfath __PUNCT__ who sign up after pearl_harbor __PUNCT__ march in patton armi __PUNCT__ and wa reward by a grate nation with the chanc to go to colleg on the gi_bill __PUNCT__
in the face of that young student who sleep just three hour befor work the night shift __PUNCT__ i think about my mom __PUNCT__ who rais my sister and me on her own while she work and earn her degre __PUNCT__ who onc turn to food_stamp but wa still abl to send us to the best school in the countri __PUNCT__
and when i listen to anoth worker tell me that hi factori ha shut down __PUNCT__ i rememb all those men and women on the south_side of chicago who i stood by and fought for two decad_ago after the local steel plant_close __PUNCT__
these ar my hero __PUNCT__
their ar the stori that shape me __PUNCT__
and it is on their behalf that i intend to win thi elect and keep the promis of america aliv as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
that the chang we need right now __PUNCT__
and that the kind of chang i bring to washington when i presid of the unit state of america __PUNCT__
i will fight everi dai of thi campaign and everi dai of my presid to make sure a crisi like thi never __PUNCT__ ever happen again __PUNCT__
that mean take on the lobbyist and special_interest in washington __PUNCT__
that mean take on the greed and corrupt on wall_street __PUNCT__
that mean put in place the rule of the road and common __PUNCT__ sens regul for our financ_system that i been call for sinc last march __PUNCT__ regul that would make our market open __PUNCT__ honest __PUNCT__ and transpar __PUNCT__
that the chang we need __PUNCT__
and now that we fix the mess on wall_street __PUNCT__ we need to move with the same sens of urgenc to help famili on main_street __PUNCT__
we don't just need a plan for banker and investor __PUNCT__ we need a plan for autowork and teacher and small_busi busi_owner __PUNCT__
i have said it befor and i sai it again __PUNCT__ we need to pass an econom_stimulu stimulu_plan right now for work_famili __PUNCT__ a plan that will help folk cope with rise food and ga_price __PUNCT__ save on million_job by rebuild our school and road __PUNCT__ and help state and citi avoid budget_cut and tax_increas __PUNCT__
a plan that would extend expir unemploy_benefit for those american who lost their job and cannot find new on __PUNCT__
that the chang we need __PUNCT__
chang mean a tax_code that doesn't reward the lobbyist who wrote it __PUNCT__ but the american_worker and small_busi who deserv it __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will elimin capit_gain gain_tax for small_busi and start __PUNCT__ up __PUNCT__ that how we grow our economi and creat the high __PUNCT__ wage __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ tech job of tomorrow __PUNCT__
i will cut_tax __PUNCT__ cut tax __PUNCT__ for __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of all work_famili __PUNCT__
my oppon doesn't want you to know thi __PUNCT__ but under my plan __PUNCT__ tax_rate will actual be less than thei were under ronald_reagan __PUNCT__
if you make less than __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__ you will not see your tax_increas on singl dime __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ i offer three time the tax_relief for middl __PUNCT__ class_famili as senat_mccain doe __PUNCT__ becaus in an economi like thi __PUNCT__ the last thing we should do is rais_tax on the middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__
i will final keep the promis of afford __PUNCT__ access health_care for everi singl american __PUNCT__
if you have health care __PUNCT__ my plan will lower your premium __PUNCT__
if you don't __PUNCT__ you be abl to get the same_kind of coverag that member of congress give themselv __PUNCT__
and i will stop insur_compani from discrimin against those who ar sick and need care the most __PUNCT__
i will also creat the job of the futur by transform our energi_economi __PUNCT__
we tap our natur_ga reserv __PUNCT__ invest in clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__ and find wai to safe har nuclear_power __PUNCT__
i help our auto_compani re __PUNCT__ tool so that the fuel __PUNCT__ effici car of the futur ar built right here the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
i make it easier for the american_peopl to afford these new car __PUNCT__
and i invest __NUM___billion billion_dollar over the next decad in afford __PUNCT__ renew_sourc of energi __PUNCT__ wind_power and solar_power and the next gener of biofuel __PUNCT__ an invest that will lead to new industri and five million new job that pai well and can't ever be outsourc
and now is the time to final meet our moral_oblig to provid everi child a world __PUNCT__ class educ __PUNCT__ becaus it will take noth less to compet in the global_economi __PUNCT__
i recruit an armi of new teacher __PUNCT__ and pai them higher salari and give them more support __PUNCT__
but in exchang __PUNCT__ i will ask for higher_standard and more account __PUNCT__
and we will keep our promis to everi young_american __PUNCT__ if you commit to serv your commun or your countri __PUNCT__ we will make sure you can afford a colleg_educ __PUNCT__
thi is the chang we need __PUNCT__ the kind of bottom up growth and innov that will advanc the american_economi by advanc the dream of all american __PUNCT__
time ar hard __PUNCT__
i will not pretend that the chang we need will come without cost __PUNCT__ though i have present how we can achiev these chang in a fiscal_respons wai __PUNCT__
i know that we have to overcom our doubt and divis and the determin opposit of power special_interest befor we can truli reform a broken economi and advanc opportun __PUNCT__
but i am run for presid becaus we simpli cannot afford four more year of an econom philosophi that work for wall_street instead of main_street __PUNCT__ and end up devast both __PUNCT__
i don't want to wake up in four year to find that more american fell out of the middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__ and more famili lost their save __PUNCT__
i don't want to see that our countri fail to invest in our abil to compet __PUNCT__ our children futur wa mortgag on anoth mountain of debt __PUNCT__ and our financi_market fail to find a firmer foot __PUNCT__
at thi defin moment __PUNCT__ we have the chanc to final stand up and sai __PUNCT__ enough is enough __PUNCT__
we can do thi becaus american have done thi befor __PUNCT__
time and again __PUNCT__ we battl back from advers by recogn that common stake that we have in each other success __PUNCT__
that why our economi hasn't just been the world_greatest wealth gener __PUNCT__ it bound america togeth __PUNCT__ it creat_job __PUNCT__ and it made the dream of opportun a realiti for gener after gener of american __PUNCT__
some of us had grandpar or parent that said mayb i can't go to colleg but my child can __PUNCT__ mayb i can't have my own busi but my child can __PUNCT__
i mai have to rent __PUNCT__ but mayb my children will have a home thei can call their own __PUNCT__
i mai not have a lot of monei but mayb my child will run for senat __PUNCT__
i might live in a small villag but mayb somedai my son can be presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
now it fall to us __PUNCT__
and i need you to make it happen __PUNCT__
if you want the next four year look just like the last eight __PUNCT__ then i am not your candid __PUNCT__
but if you want real chang __PUNCT__ if you want an economi that reward work __PUNCT__ and that work for main_street and wall_street __PUNCT__ if you want tax_relief for the middl_class and million of new job __PUNCT__ if you want health_care you can afford and educ that help your kid compet __PUNCT__ then i ask you to knock on some door __PUNCT__ make some call __PUNCT__ talk to your neighbor __PUNCT__ and give me your vote on __DATE__ __PUNCT__
and if you do __PUNCT__ i promis you __PUNCT__ we will win colorado __PUNCT__ we will win thi elect __PUNCT__ and we will chang america togeth __PUNCT__