This speech titled 2008.10.01 originally had 4084 tokens. You can view the original text here.
we meet here at a time of great uncertainti __PUNCT__
our economi is in crisi __PUNCT__
the dream of so mani american ar at risk __PUNCT__
and the american_peopl ar wait for leadership from washington __PUNCT__
on mondai __PUNCT__ over the cours of a few hour __PUNCT__ the failur to pass the econom rescu plan in the hous led to the singl largest declin of the stock_market in two decad __PUNCT__
over on trillion_dollar of wealth wa lost by the time the market close __PUNCT__
and it wasn't just the wealth of a few ceo or wall_street execut __PUNCT__
the 401k and retir_account that million count on for their famili futur ar now smaller __PUNCT__
the state pension_fund of teacher and govern_employe lost billion upon billion of dollar __PUNCT__
hardwork american who invest their nest_egg to watch it grow ar now watch it disappear __PUNCT__
but while the declin of the stock_market is devast __PUNCT__ the consequ of the credit crisi that caus it will be even wors if we do not act and act immedi __PUNCT__
becaus of the hous_crisi __PUNCT__ we ar now in a veri danger situat where financi_institut across thi countri ar afraid to lend_monei __PUNCT__
if all that meant wa the failur of a few big_bank on wall_street __PUNCT__ it would be on thing __PUNCT__
but that not what it mean __PUNCT__
what it mean is that if we do not act __PUNCT__ it will be harder for you to get a mortgag for your home or the loan you need to bui a car or send your children to colleg __PUNCT__
what it mean is that busi won't be abl to get the loan thei need to open new factori __PUNCT__ or hire more worker __PUNCT__ or make payrol for the worker thei have __PUNCT__
thousand of busi could close __PUNCT__
million of job could be lost __PUNCT__
a long and pain recess could follow __PUNCT__
let me be perfectli_clear __PUNCT__
the fact that we ar in thi mess is an outrag __PUNCT__
it an outrag becaus we did not get here by accid __PUNCT__
thi wa not a normal part of the busi_cycl __PUNCT__
thi wa not the action of a few bad_appl __PUNCT__
thi financi_crisi is a direct_result of the greed and irrespons that ha domin washington and wall_street for year __PUNCT__
it the result of specul who game the system __PUNCT__ regul who look the other wai __PUNCT__ and lobbyist who bought their wai into our govern __PUNCT__
it the result of an econom philosophi that sai we should give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosper trickl down to everyon els __PUNCT__ a philosophi that view even the most common __PUNCT__ sens regul as unwis and unnecessari __PUNCT__
and thi crisi is the final verdict on thi fail philosophi __PUNCT__ a philosophi that we cannot afford to continu __PUNCT__
but while there is plenti of blame to go around and mani in washington and on wall street who deserv it __PUNCT__ all of us now have a respons to solv thi crisi becaus it affect the financi well __PUNCT__ be of everi singl american __PUNCT__
there will be time to punish those who set thi fire __PUNCT__ but now is the moment for us to come togeth and put the fire out __PUNCT__
i know that mani of you ar feel anxieti right now __PUNCT__ about your job __PUNCT__ about your home __PUNCT__ about your life_save __PUNCT__
but i also know thi __PUNCT__ i know that we can steer ourselv out of thi crisi __PUNCT__
becaus that who we ar __PUNCT__
becaus thi is the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
thi is a nation that ha face down war and depress __PUNCT__ great_challeng and great threat __PUNCT__
and at each and everi moment __PUNCT__ we have risen to meet these challeng __PUNCT__ not as democrat __PUNCT__ not as republican __PUNCT__ but as american __PUNCT__
with resolv __PUNCT__
with confid __PUNCT__
with that fundament belief that here in america __PUNCT__ our destini is not written for us __PUNCT__ but by us __PUNCT__
that who we ar __PUNCT__ and that the countri we need to be right now __PUNCT__
thi is not just a wall_street crisi __PUNCT__ it an american crisi __PUNCT__ and it the american_economi that need thi rescu plan __PUNCT__
i understand why peopl would be skeptic when thi presid ask for a blank check to solv a problem __PUNCT__
i spent most of my time in washington be skeptic of thi administr __PUNCT__ and thi time wa no differ __PUNCT__
that why over a week_ago __PUNCT__ i demand that thi plan includ specif propos to protect the american_taxpay __PUNCT__ protect that the administr eventu agre to __PUNCT__ as well as democrat and republican in congress __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ i said we need an independ board to provid oversight and account for how and where thi monei is spent at everi step of the wai __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ i said that we cannot help bank on wall_street without help the million of innoc homeown who ar struggl to stai in their home __PUNCT__
thei deserv a plan too __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ i said that i would not allow thi plan to becom a welfar_program for the wall_street execut whose greed and irrespons got us into thi mess __PUNCT__
and final __PUNCT__ i said that if american_taxpay ar financ thi solut __PUNCT__ then you should be treat like investor __PUNCT__ you should get everi penni of your tax_dollar back onc thi economi recov __PUNCT__
thi last part is import __PUNCT__ becaus it been the most misunderstood and poorli commun part of thi plan __PUNCT__
thi is not a plan to just hand over __MONEY___billion of your monei to a few bank __PUNCT__
if thi is manag correctli __PUNCT__ we will hopefulli get most or all of our monei_back __PUNCT__ or possibl even turn a profit on the govern invest __PUNCT__ everi penni of which will go directli back to you __PUNCT__ the investor __PUNCT__
the rescu plan now includ those four principl __PUNCT__
it also includ a propos i made yesterdai morn to expand feder deposit insur for famili and small_busi across america who have invest their monei in our bank __PUNCT__
thi will boost small busi __PUNCT__ make our bank_system more secur __PUNCT__ and help restor confid by reassur famili that their monei is safe __PUNCT__
even with all these taxpay protect __PUNCT__ thi plan is not perfect __PUNCT__
democrat and republican in congress have legitim concern about it __PUNCT__
i know mani american share those concern __PUNCT__
but it is clear that thi is what we must do right now to prevent a crisi from turn into a catastroph __PUNCT__
that why i been reach out to leader in both parti to do whatev i can to help pass thi plan __PUNCT__
that why i be fly back to washington todai to cast my vote to safeguard the american_economi __PUNCT__
and to the democrat and republican who have oppos thi plan __PUNCT__ i sai __PUNCT__ step up to the plate and do what right for the countri __PUNCT__ becaus the time to act is now __PUNCT__
i know mani american ar wonder what happen next __PUNCT__
pass thi bill will not be the end of our work to strengthen our economi __PUNCT__ it just the begin of a long __PUNCT__ hard road ahead __PUNCT__
so let me tell you exactli how i move_forward as presid __PUNCT__
from the moment i take offic __PUNCT__ my top_prioriti will be to do everyth i can to make sure that your tax_dollar ar protect __PUNCT__
i will demand a full review of thi financi rescu plan to make sure that it is work for you __PUNCT__
if you __PUNCT__ the american_taxpay __PUNCT__ ar not get your monei_back __PUNCT__ then we will chang how thi program is be manag __PUNCT__
if need be __PUNCT__ we will send new legisl to congress to make sure that taxpay ar protect in line with the principl that i have put_forward __PUNCT__
you should expect noth less from washington __PUNCT__
if we do have loss __PUNCT__ i propos a financi stabil fee on the financi_servic servic_industri so wall_street foot the bill __PUNCT__ not the american_taxpay __PUNCT__
and as i modern the financi_system to creat new rule of the road to prevent anoth crisi __PUNCT__ we will continu thi fee to build up a reserv so that if thi happen again __PUNCT__ it will be the monei contribut by bank that put at risk __PUNCT__
thi will onli work if there is real enforc and real account __PUNCT__
and that start with presidenti leadership __PUNCT__
so let me be veri clear __PUNCT__ when i am presid __PUNCT__ financi_institut will do their part and pai their share __PUNCT__ and american_taxpay will never again have to put their monei on the line to pai for the greed and irrespons of wall_street __PUNCT__
that a pledg that i make to you todai __PUNCT__ and it on that i keep as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
account must start with thi rescu plan __PUNCT__ but it cannot end there __PUNCT__
across wisconsin __PUNCT__ and across the countri __PUNCT__ famili ar sit down at the kitchen_tabl and make hard choic __PUNCT__
you plan for your futur in tough_time __PUNCT__
you squeez just a littl bit more out of next month paycheck so you can pai next month bill __PUNCT__
it time for washington to do the same __PUNCT__
we cannot mortgag our children futur on a mountain of debt __PUNCT__
it time to put an end to the run __PUNCT__ awai spend and the record deficit __PUNCT__ it not how you would run your famili budget __PUNCT__ and it must not be how washington handl your tax_dollar __PUNCT__
it time to return to the fiscal_respons and pai as you go budget that we had in the 1990 __PUNCT__
mani in congress have been fight for these commonsens principl __PUNCT__ and i will be a presid who support them and make sure thei succe __PUNCT__
that why i not go to stand here and simpli tell you what i go to spend __PUNCT__ i go to start by tell you how we go to save when i am presid __PUNCT__
i will go through the entir feder_budget __PUNCT__ page by page __PUNCT__ line by line __PUNCT__ and elimin the program that don't work and aren't need __PUNCT__
we should start by end a war in iraq that is cost us __MONEY___billion a month while the iraqi_govern sit on a __MONEY___billion surplu __PUNCT__
we should stop send __MONEY__ billion a year in overpay to insur_compani for medicar __PUNCT__ and go after ten of billion of dollar in medicar and medicaid fraud __PUNCT__
we need to stop send three billion a year to bank that provid student_loan the govern could provid for less __PUNCT__
and we can end the hundr of million a year in subsidi to agribusi that can surviv just fine without your tax_dollar __PUNCT__ and us some of the monei to help struggl famili farmer __PUNCT__
that what i do as presid __PUNCT__
and we can't stop there __PUNCT__
we lose __MONEY___billion everi year becaus corpor set up mailbox offshor so thei can avoid pai a dime of tax in america __PUNCT__
in the senat __PUNCT__ i work across the aisl to crack down on these scheme __PUNCT__
and as presid __PUNCT__ i will shut down those offshor tax_haven and all those corpor loophol onc and for all __PUNCT__
you shouldn't have to pai higher_tax becaus some big_corpor cut corner to avoid pai their __PUNCT__
all of us have a respons to pai our fair_share __PUNCT__
that account __PUNCT__
and that what we have when i presid __PUNCT__
as for the program we do need __PUNCT__ i will make them work better and cost less __PUNCT__
i will creat a high __PUNCT__ perform team of expert that evalu everi agenc and everi offic base on how well thei serv the american_taxpay __PUNCT__
i will save billion of dollar by cut privat_contractor and improv manag and oversight of the hundr of billion of dollar our govern_spend on contract __PUNCT__
and i will final end the abus of no __PUNCT__ bid contract onc and for all __PUNCT__ the dai of sweetheart deal for halliburton will be over when i in the white_hous __PUNCT__
make no mistak __PUNCT__ we need to end an era in washington where account ha been absent __PUNCT__ oversight ha been overlook __PUNCT__ and your tax_dollar have been turn over to wealthi ceo and well __PUNCT__ connect corpor __PUNCT__
you need leadership that you can trust to work for you __PUNCT__ not for the special_interest who have had their thumb on the scale __PUNCT__
and togeth __PUNCT__ we will tell the washington_lobbyist that their dai of set the agenda ar over __PUNCT__
thei have not fund thi campaign __PUNCT__ thei won't work in my white_hous __PUNCT__ and thei won't drown out the voic of the american_peopl when i presid __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ peopl have ask whether the size of thi rescu plan __PUNCT__ togeth with the weaken economi __PUNCT__ mean that the next presid will have to scale_back hi agenda and some of hi propos __PUNCT__
the answer is ye and no __PUNCT__
with less monei flow into the treasuri __PUNCT__ some us program or polici that i propos on the campaign_trail mai need to be delai __PUNCT__
but there ar certain invest in our futur that we cannot delai precis becaus our economi is in turmoil __PUNCT__
you can alwai put off give your hous a new paint job or renov your kitchen __PUNCT__ but when your roof is crumbl or your heater goe __PUNCT__ you realiz that these ar long __PUNCT__ term_invest you need to make right awai __PUNCT__
the same is true of our economi __PUNCT__
we cannot wait to help american keep up with rise_cost and shrink paycheck by give our worker a middl __PUNCT__ class tax_cut __PUNCT__
we cannot wait to reliev the burden of crush health_care_cost __PUNCT__
we cannot wait to creat million of new job by rebuild our road and our bridg and invest in the renew_sourc of energi that will stop us from send __MONEY___billion a year to tyrant and dictat for their oil __PUNCT__
and we cannot wait to educ the next gener of american with the skill and knowledg thei need to compet with ani worker __PUNCT__ anywher in the world __PUNCT__
those ar the prioriti we cannot delai __PUNCT__
as soon as we pass thi rescu plan __PUNCT__ we need to move with the same sens of urgenc to rescu famili on main_street who ar struggl to pai their bill and keep their job __PUNCT__
i said it befor and i sai it again __PUNCT__ we need to pass an econom_stimulu stimulu_plan that will help folk cope with rise food and ga_price __PUNCT__ save on million_job by rebuild our school and road __PUNCT__ and help state and citi avoid budget_cut and tax_increas __PUNCT__
a plan that would extend expir unemploy_benefit for those american who lost their job and cannot find new on __PUNCT__
beyond thi stimulu __PUNCT__ we need an econom_agenda to restor opportun for american and prosper to america __PUNCT__
so that we not borrow debt from china and bui oil from saudi_arabia __PUNCT__
so that the job of the futur don't go to better __PUNCT__ educ worker in india and the car of the futur aren't made in japan __PUNCT__
so that we can leav a legaci of greater opportun to our children and their children __PUNCT__
that is how we will emerg from thi crisi stronger and more prosper than we were befor __PUNCT__ and that is what i will do as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
i will begin by reform our tax_code so that it doesn't reward the lobbyist who wrote it __PUNCT__ but the american_worker and small_busi who deserv it __PUNCT__
i will elimin capit_gain gain_tax for small_busi and start __PUNCT__ up __PUNCT__ so that we can grow our economi and creat the high __PUNCT__ wage __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ tech job of tomorrow __PUNCT__
i will cut_tax __PUNCT__ cut tax __PUNCT__ for __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of all worker and their famili __PUNCT__
and if you make less than __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__ you will not see your tax_increas on singl dime __PUNCT__ becaus in an economi like thi __PUNCT__ the last thing we should do is rais_tax on the middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__
i will reform our health_care_system to reliev famili __PUNCT__ busi __PUNCT__ and the entir economi from the crush cost of health care by invest in new technolog and prevent_care __PUNCT__
if you have health_care __PUNCT__ my plan will lower your premium __PUNCT__
if you don't __PUNCT__ you be abl to get the same_kind of coverag that member of congress give themselv __PUNCT__
and i will stop insur_compani from discrimin against those who ar sick and need care the most __PUNCT__
to creat new job __PUNCT__ i invest in rebuild our crumbl infrastructur __PUNCT__ our road __PUNCT__ school __PUNCT__ and bridg __PUNCT__
we rebuild our outdat electr grid and build new broadband line to connect america __PUNCT__
and i creat the job of the futur by transform our energi_economi __PUNCT__
we tap our natur_ga reserv __PUNCT__ invest in clean_coal __PUNCT__ and find wai to safe har nuclear_power __PUNCT__
i help our auto_compani re __PUNCT__ tool so that the fuel __PUNCT__ effici car of the futur ar built right here the unit_state __PUNCT__
i make it easier for the american_peopl to afford these new car __PUNCT__
and i invest __NUM___billion billion_dollar over the next decad in afford __PUNCT__ renew_sourc of energi __PUNCT__ wind_power and solar_power and the next gener of biofuel __PUNCT__ an invest that will lead to new industri and five million new job that pai well and can't ever be outsourc
and if i am presid __PUNCT__ i will meet our moral_oblig to provid everi child a world __PUNCT__ class educ __PUNCT__ becaus it will take noth less to compet in the global_economi __PUNCT__
i invest in earli_childhood childhood_educ __PUNCT__
i recruit an armi of new teacher __PUNCT__ and pai them higher salari and give them more support __PUNCT__
but in exchang __PUNCT__ i will ask for higher_standard and more account __PUNCT__
and we will keep our promis to everi young_american __PUNCT__ if you commit to serv your commun or your countri __PUNCT__ we will make sure you can afford a colleg_educ __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ i will modern our outdat financi_regul and put in the place the common __PUNCT__ sens rule of the road i been call for sinc march __PUNCT__ rule that will keep our market free __PUNCT__ fair __PUNCT__ and honest __PUNCT__ rule that will make sure wall_street can never get awai with the stunt that caus thi crisi again __PUNCT__
these ar the chang and reform that we need __PUNCT__
bottom __PUNCT__ up growth that will creat opportun for everi american __PUNCT__
invest in the technolog and innov that will restor prosper and lead to new job and a new economi for the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
common __PUNCT__ sens regul for our financi_system that will prevent a crisi like thi from ever happen again __PUNCT__
i won't pretend thi will be easi or come without cost __PUNCT__
we will all need to sacrific and we will all need to pull our weight becaus now more than ever __PUNCT__ we ar all in thi togeth __PUNCT__
what thi crisi ha taught us is that at the end of the dai __PUNCT__ there is no real separ between main_street and wall_street __PUNCT__
there is onli the road we travel on as american __PUNCT__ and we will rise or fall on that journei as on nation __PUNCT__ as on peopl __PUNCT__
thi countri and the dream it repres ar be test in a wai that we haven't seen in nearli a centuri __PUNCT__
and futur_gener will judg our by how we respond to thi test __PUNCT__
will thei sai that thi wa a time when america lost it wai and it purpos __PUNCT__ when we allow our own petti differ and broken polit to plung thi countri into a dark and pain recess __PUNCT__
or will thei sai that thi wa anoth on of those moment when america overcam __PUNCT__ when we battl back from advers by recogn that common stake that we have in each other success __PUNCT__
thi is on of those moment __PUNCT__
i realiz you cynic and fed up with polit __PUNCT__
i understand that you disappoint and even angri with your leader __PUNCT__
you have everi right to be __PUNCT__
but despit all of thi __PUNCT__ i ask you to believ __PUNCT__ believ in thi countri and your abil to chang it __PUNCT__
i ask you what ha been ask of the american_peopl in time of trial and turmoil throughout histori __PUNCT__ what wa ask at the begin of the greatest financi_crisi thi nation ever endur __PUNCT__
in hi first firesid chat __PUNCT__ franklin_roosevelt told hi fellow_american that __PUNCT__ __URL__ is an element in the readjust of our financi_system more import than currenc __PUNCT__ more import than gold __PUNCT__ and that is the confid of the peopl themselv __PUNCT__
confid and courag ar the essenti of success in carri out our plan __PUNCT__
let us unit in banish fear __PUNCT__
togeth __PUNCT__ we cannot fail __PUNCT__
america __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__ we cannot fail __PUNCT__
not now __PUNCT__
not when we have a crisi to solv and an economi to save __PUNCT__
not when there ar so mani american without job and without home __PUNCT__
not when there ar famili who can't afford to see a doctor __PUNCT__ or send their child to colleg __PUNCT__ or pai their bill at the end of the month __PUNCT__
not when there is a gener that is count on us to give them the same opportun and the same chanc that we had for ourselv __PUNCT__
we can do thi __PUNCT__
american have done thi befor __PUNCT__
some of us had grandpar or parent that said mayb i can't go to colleg but my child can __PUNCT__ mayb i can't have my own busi but my child can __PUNCT__
i mai have to rent __PUNCT__ but mayb my children will have a home thei can call their own __PUNCT__
i mai not have a lot of monei but mayb my child will run for senat __PUNCT__
i might live in a small villag but mayb somedai my son can be presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
now it fall to us __PUNCT__
togeth __PUNCT__ we cannot fail __PUNCT__
and i need you to make it happen __PUNCT__
if you want the next four year look just like the last eight __PUNCT__ then i am not your candid __PUNCT__
but if you want real chang __PUNCT__ if you want an economi that reward work __PUNCT__ and that work for main_street and wall_street __PUNCT__ if you want tax_relief for the middl_class and million of new job __PUNCT__ if you want health_care you can afford and educ that help your kid compet __PUNCT__ then i ask you to knock on some door __PUNCT__ make some call __PUNCT__ talk to your neighbor __PUNCT__ and give me your vote on __DATE__ __PUNCT__
and if you do __PUNCT__ i promis you __PUNCT__ we will win wisconsin __PUNCT__ we will win thi elect __PUNCT__ and we will chang america togeth __PUNCT__
thank you la cross __PUNCT__ god_bless you __PUNCT__ and mai god_bless_america __PUNCT__