Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.10.03 originally had 2145 tokens. You can view the original text here.

you know __PUNCT__ there were a lot of noteworthi moment in that debat __PUNCT__ but there on that stick out thi morn __PUNCT__

it when governor palin said to joe_biden that our plan to get our economi out of the ditch wa somehow a job kill plan __PUNCT__

i wonder if she turn on the new thi morn __PUNCT__

becaus it wa just report that america ha experienc it ninth straight month of job_loss __PUNCT__

just sinc __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we lost more than __NUM___job across america __PUNCT__ __NUM__ in pennsylvania alon __PUNCT__

thi is the economi that john_mccain said __PUNCT__ just two week_ago __PUNCT__ wa fundament strong __PUNCT__

thi is the economi that my oppon said made great progress under the polici of georg w __PUNCT__ bush __PUNCT__

and those ar the econom_polici that he propos to continu for anoth four year __PUNCT__

so when senat_mccain and hi run_mate talk about job kill __PUNCT__ that someth thei know a thing or two about __PUNCT__

becaus the polici thei support ar kill job everi singl_dai __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ abington __PUNCT__ i am here to tell you that we cannot afford four more year of thi __PUNCT__

becaus where i come from __PUNCT__ there noth more fundament than have the sens of mean and purpos that come with show up at work in the morn __PUNCT__

there noth more fundament than be abl to put your kid through colleg __PUNCT__ or have health_care when you get sick __PUNCT__ or be abl to retir with secur __PUNCT__

there noth more fundament than a good pai_job __PUNCT__

that why we here todai __PUNCT__ becaus we need to do what we did in the 1990 and creat million of new job and not lose them __PUNCT__

we need to do what we did in the 1990 and make sure peopl incom ar go up and not down __PUNCT__

we need to do what a gui name bill_clinton did in the 1990 and put_peopl first again __PUNCT__

that why i run for presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

we tri it their wai __PUNCT__

it hasn't work __PUNCT__

and it won't work now __PUNCT__

but let me tell you what will work __PUNCT__

what will work is invest __MONEY___billion a year over the next decad in renew_sourc of energi like wind and solar __PUNCT__ an invest that will gener five million new job that pai well and can't ever be outsourc __PUNCT__

and by the wai __PUNCT__ we can end our depend on foreign_oil in the process __PUNCT__ and noth will help our economi more than that __PUNCT__

what will work is make an invest in rebuild our crumbl road __PUNCT__ school __PUNCT__ and bridg __PUNCT__

that will mean job for two million more american __PUNCT__

my oppon support give tax_break to compani that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__

but what will work is give those tax_break to compani that creat_job here at home __PUNCT__

my oppon support tax_haven that let compani avoid pai_tax here in america __PUNCT__ tax_haven that cost___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion everi year __PUNCT__

but what will work is shut those tax_haven and close corpor loophol __PUNCT__

what will work is give tax_break to the small_busi that ar the engin of econom_growth in thi countri __PUNCT__ and cut_tax __PUNCT__ hear me now __PUNCT__ cut tax __PUNCT__ for __NUM__ percent of all work_famili __PUNCT__

under my plan __PUNCT__ tax_rate will actual be less than thei were under ronald_reagan __PUNCT__

that what will work __PUNCT__

and that the kind of chang joe_biden and i ar go to bring to washington __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ let me be perfectli_clear __PUNCT__

the fact that our economi is in thi mess is an outrag __PUNCT__

it an outrag becaus we did not get here by accid __PUNCT__

thi wa not a normal part of the busi_cycl __PUNCT__

thi did not happen becaus of a few bad_appl __PUNCT__

thi financi_crisi is a direct_result of the greed and irrespons that ha domin washington and wall_street for year __PUNCT__

it the result of an econom philosophi that sai we should give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosper trickl down to everyon els __PUNCT__ a philosophi that view even the most common __PUNCT__ sens regul as unwis and unnecessari __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ thi crisi is noth less than a final verdict on thi fail philosophi __PUNCT__ and it a philosophi that will end when i presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

that what thi elect is all about __PUNCT__

becaus despit my oppon best effort to make you think otherwis __PUNCT__ thi is the philosophi he embrac dure hi twenti __PUNCT__ six year in washington __PUNCT__

and it show just how out of touch he realli is __PUNCT__

how els could he offer __MONEY___billion in tax_cut for big_corpor at a time like thi __PUNCT__ how els could he propos give the averag fortun___NUM__ ceo a __MONEY__ tax_cut at a time when million of american ar struggl to pai their bill __PUNCT__ how els could he come up with an econom_plan that leav out more than __NUM___million middl_class taxpay __PUNCT__

senat_mccain just doesn't get it __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ abington __PUNCT__ i do get it __PUNCT__

and i think all of you get it too __PUNCT__

we know these ar difficult_time __PUNCT__

we know how bad pennsylvania ha been hurt __PUNCT__

but here what i also know __PUNCT__ i know we can steer ourselv out of thi crisi __PUNCT__

becaus that who we ar __PUNCT__

becaus that what american do __PUNCT__

thi is a nation that face tougher time than these __PUNCT__ we face war and depress __PUNCT__ great_challeng and great threat __PUNCT__

and at each and everi moment __PUNCT__ we risen to meet these challeng becaus we never forgotten that fundament truth __PUNCT__ that here __PUNCT__ in thi countri __PUNCT__ our destini is not written for us __PUNCT__ it written by us __PUNCT__

here __PUNCT__ in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ the futur is our to shape __PUNCT__

that what we need to do right now __PUNCT__

part of what that mean is pass the rescu plan that befor congress __PUNCT__

thi is a plan that will help us deal with thi immedi crisi and put our economi on a firmer foot __PUNCT__

it a plan i vote for the other night __PUNCT__ becaus i made sure it includ taxpay protect and wasn't simpli a blank check like thi administr initi ask for __PUNCT__

and it a plan that the hous is go to be vote on soon __PUNCT__

so to democrat and republican in the hous who ar now on the fenc __PUNCT__ let me sai thi __PUNCT__ do not make the same mistak twice __PUNCT__

for the sake of our famili __PUNCT__ our economi __PUNCT__ and our countri __PUNCT__ step up to the plate and pass thi plan __PUNCT__

but understand __PUNCT__ even with thi plan __PUNCT__ we mai face a long and difficult road to recoveri __PUNCT__

that why __PUNCT__ if i presid __PUNCT__ pass thi rescu plan won't be the end of what we do to strengthen our economi __PUNCT__ it be the begin __PUNCT__

it be the begin of a long __PUNCT__ term rescu plan for our middl_class __PUNCT__ a plan that will put opportun within reach for anyon who will to fight for it __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ some peopl have ask whether our weaken economi mean the next presid will have to scale_back hi agenda __PUNCT__

but i reject the idea that you can't build a strong middl_class at a time when our economi is weak __PUNCT__

becaus i got a differ econom philosophi than john_mccain __PUNCT__ i believ that build a strong middl_class is the kei to make our economi strong __PUNCT__

and that what we do when i presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

so ye __PUNCT__ we creat million of new job __PUNCT__ and ye __PUNCT__ we put more monei_back into the pocket of hardwork famili __PUNCT__

but we also do someth more __PUNCT__

we will reform our health_care_system so we can reliev famili __PUNCT__ busi __PUNCT__ and our economi from the crush cost of health care by invest in new technolog and prevent_care __PUNCT__

if you have health_care __PUNCT__ my plan will lower your premium __PUNCT__

if you don't __PUNCT__ you be abl to get the same_kind of coverag that member of congress give themselv __PUNCT__

and we go to stand up to the insur_compani __PUNCT__

thi is person for me __PUNCT__

my mother di when she wa __NUM__ from ovarian cancer __PUNCT__ and you know what she wa do in her final month __PUNCT__ she wa in her hospit bed argu with insur compani about whether or not it wa a preexist condit __PUNCT__

so i know the pain that caus by our broken health_care_system __PUNCT__

and that why as presid __PUNCT__ i will stop insur_compani from discrimin against those who ar sick and need care the most __PUNCT__

and anoth thing we know will work in the long_term is to make sure that our educ_system is second to none so that everi child in america ha the skill thei need to compet for high wage_job in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

i laid out a comprehens plan to get there that will give our kid the opportun thei deserv __PUNCT__

when i spoke about that plan a while back __PUNCT__ senat_mccain top educ advisor said that thi isn't an issu he been focus on __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ let me tell you __PUNCT__ if you want to creat_job and grow thi economi in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ you had better focu on educ __PUNCT__

becaus we know that countri that out __PUNCT__ teach us todai will outcompet us tomorrow __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ i will modern our outdat financi_regul and put in place the common __PUNCT__ sens rule of the road i been call for sinc march __PUNCT__ rule that will keep our market free __PUNCT__ fair __PUNCT__ and honest __PUNCT__ rule that will restor account and respons in the boardroom __PUNCT__ and make sure wall_street can never get awai with the stunt that caus thi crisi again __PUNCT__

but just as we demand_account on wall_street __PUNCT__ we must also demand it in washington __PUNCT__

that why i not go to stand here and simpli tell you what i go to spend __PUNCT__ i go to tell you how we go to save when i am presid __PUNCT__

i do what you do in your own famili budget and make sure we spend_monei wise __PUNCT__

i will go through the entir feder_budget __PUNCT__ page by page __PUNCT__ line by line __PUNCT__ and elimin program that don't work and aren't need __PUNCT__

we start by end a war in iraq that cost___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion a month while the iraqi_govern sit on a __MONEY___billion surplu __PUNCT__

and we save billion more by cut wast __PUNCT__ improv manag __PUNCT__ and strengthen oversight __PUNCT__

these ar the chang and reform we need __PUNCT__

a new era of respons and account on wall_street and in washington __PUNCT__

common __PUNCT__ sens regul to prevent a crisi like thi from ever happen again __PUNCT__

invest in the technolog and innov that will restor prosper and lead to new job and a new economi for the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

bottom __PUNCT__ up growth that give everi american a fair shot at the american_dream __PUNCT__

i won't pretend thi will be easi or come without cost __PUNCT__

we will all need to sacrific and we will all need to pull our weight becaus now more than ever __PUNCT__ we ar all in thi togeth __PUNCT__

what thi crisi ha taught us is that at the end of the dai __PUNCT__ there is no real separ between main_street and wall_street __PUNCT__

there is onli the road we travel on as american __PUNCT__ and we will rise or fall on that journei as on nation __PUNCT__ as on peopl __PUNCT__

thi countri and the dream it repres ar be test in a wai that we haven't seen in nearli a centuri __PUNCT__

and futur_gener will judg our by how we respond to thi test __PUNCT__

will thei sai that thi wa a time when america lost it wai and it purpos __PUNCT__ when we allow our own petti differ and broken polit to plung thi countri into a dark and pain recess __PUNCT__