Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.10.05 originally had 3838 tokens. You can view the original text here.

with just a month to go until elect_dai __PUNCT__ i know you all been hear a lot about polit out here in north_carolina __PUNCT__

i know you been see a lot of ad __PUNCT__ and get a lot of call __PUNCT__ and read a lot about thi elect in the newspap __PUNCT__

but none of you need the paper __PUNCT__ or ad on tv __PUNCT__ or folk like me to tell you what thi elect is all about __PUNCT__

you know what at stake __PUNCT__

you live it __PUNCT__

here in ashevil __PUNCT__ and across america __PUNCT__ you seen your incom go down as the price of just about everyth ha gone wai up __PUNCT__

it harder to pai the bill __PUNCT__

harder to send your kid to colleg __PUNCT__

harder to save enough to retir __PUNCT__

and on fridai __PUNCT__ we learn that we lost anoth __NUM__ american_job in __DATE__ __PUNCT__

it wa the ninth straight month of job_loss __PUNCT__ more than three quarter of a million thi year __PUNCT__ includ___NUM__ here in north_carolina __PUNCT__

and it came just as we finish a week in which our financi_market teeter on the brink of disast __PUNCT__

yet instead of address these crise __PUNCT__ senat_mccain mccain_campaign ha announc that thei plan to turn the page on the discuss about our economi and spend the final_week of thi campaign launch swiftboat __PUNCT__ style attack on me __PUNCT__

think about that for a second __PUNCT__

turn the page on the economi __PUNCT__ we face the worst econom_crisi sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__ and john_mccain want us to __PUNCT__ turn the page __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i know the polici he support these past eight year and want to continu ar pretti hard to defend __PUNCT__

i can understand why senat_mccain would want to __PUNCT__ turn the page __PUNCT__ and ignor thi economi __PUNCT__

but i also know thi __PUNCT__

you try to pai your bill everi week and stai abov the water __PUNCT__ you can't ignor it __PUNCT__

you worri about whether your job will be there a month from now __PUNCT__ you can't ignor it __PUNCT__

you worri about whether you can pai your mortgag and stai in your hous __PUNCT__ you can't turn the page __PUNCT__

in __NUM___dai you ar go to elect the next presid __PUNCT__ and you need and deserv a presid who is go to wake up everi dai and fight for you __PUNCT__ and fight for the middl_class __PUNCT__ and fight to creat_job and grow our economi again __PUNCT__ not anoth presid who doesn't get it __PUNCT__

not anoth presid who ignor our problem __PUNCT__

not more of the same __PUNCT__

senat_mccain and hi oper ar gambl that he can distract you with smear rather than talk to you about substanc __PUNCT__

thei rather try to tear our campaign down than lift thi countri up __PUNCT__

it what you do when you out of touch __PUNCT__ out of idea __PUNCT__ and run out of time __PUNCT__

i want you to know that i go to keep on talk about the issu that matter __PUNCT__ about the economi and health_care and educ and energi __PUNCT__

i go to keep on stand up for hard_work work_famili __PUNCT__

we not go to let john_mccain distract us from what we need to do to move thi countri forward __PUNCT__

becaus __DATE__ __PUNCT__ you and i ar go to turn the page on the disastr econom_polici of georg w __PUNCT__ bush and john_mccain __PUNCT__

and on of the issu we must face and can't ignor is the explos of health_care_cost that is crush famili and busi across our countri __PUNCT__

understand __PUNCT__ thi is veri person to me __PUNCT__

i think todai about my mother __PUNCT__

she di of ovarian cancer at the ag of __NUM__ __PUNCT__

she fought valiantli __PUNCT__ and endur the pain and chemotherapi with grace and good humor __PUNCT__

but i never forget how she spent the final month of her life __PUNCT__

at a time when she should have been focus on get well __PUNCT__ at a time when she should have been take stock of her life and take comfort in her famili __PUNCT__ she wa ly in a hospit bed __PUNCT__ fight with her insur_compani becaus thei didn't want to cover her treatment __PUNCT__

thei claim that her cancer wa a pre __PUNCT__ exist condit __PUNCT__

so i know someth about the heartbreak caus by our health_care_system __PUNCT__

i know someth about the anxieti of famili hang on by a thread as premium have doubl __PUNCT__ and debt pile up __PUNCT__ and more than half __PUNCT__ half __PUNCT__ of all person_bankruptci ar caus in part by medic_bill __PUNCT__

i know about the frustrat of the nearli __NUM__ percent of small_busi busi_owner who can no longer afford to insur their employe __PUNCT__ folk who work_dai and night __PUNCT__ but have to lai peopl off __PUNCT__ or shut their door for good __PUNCT__ becaus of rise health_care_cost __PUNCT__

i know the outrag we all feel about the __NUM___million_american who don't have health_insur __PUNCT__ kid who can't see a doctor when thei sick __PUNCT__ parent cut their pill in half and prai for the best __PUNCT__ folk who wind up in the emerg_room in the middl of the night becaus thei got nowher els to turn __PUNCT__

but i also know that thi is not who we ar __PUNCT__

we ar not a countri where a young_woman i met should have to work the night shift after a full dai of colleg and still not be abl to pai the medic_bill for her sister who ill __PUNCT__

that not right __PUNCT__ and it not who we ar __PUNCT__

we ar not a countri where a man i met should have to file for bankruptci after he had a stroke __PUNCT__ becaus he face nearli __MONEY__ in medic_cost that he couldn't afford and hi insur_compani didn't cover __PUNCT__

that not right __PUNCT__ and it not who we ar __PUNCT__

that is not who we ar __PUNCT__ and that is not who we have to be __PUNCT__

enough is enough __PUNCT__ it time for chang __PUNCT__

now i know that at thi moment __PUNCT__ when we stand in the midst of a seriou econom_crisi __PUNCT__ some might ask how we can afford to focu on health_care __PUNCT__

major_financi financi_institut have collaps __PUNCT__

famili across america ar struggl __PUNCT__

and it clear that the rescu packag we just pass in congress isn't the end of what we need to do to fix our economi __PUNCT__ it just the begin __PUNCT__

becaus contrari to what senat_mccain sai __PUNCT__ the fundament of our economi ar still not strong __PUNCT__

and we got to address those fundament right now __PUNCT__

in other word __PUNCT__ the question isn't how we can afford to focu on health_care __PUNCT__ but how we can afford not to __PUNCT__

becaus in order to fix our econom_crisi __PUNCT__ we need to fix our health_care_system too __PUNCT__

let not forget __PUNCT__ it not just small_busi and famili who ar suffer __PUNCT__

some of the largest_corpor in america __PUNCT__ includ major american car maker __PUNCT__ ar fight to compet becaus of high health_care_cost __PUNCT__

thei watch their foreign competitor prosper __PUNCT__ unburden by these cost __PUNCT__ as thei struggl to creat the good_job we need to get our economi back on track __PUNCT__

so it clear that the time ha come __PUNCT__ right now __PUNCT__ to solv thi problem __PUNCT__ to cut health_care_cost for famili and busi __PUNCT__ and provid afford __PUNCT__ access health_insur for everi american __PUNCT__

and you think that anyon run for presid would understand thi __PUNCT__

you think ani candid for the highest offic in the land would have a plan to achiev these critic_import goal __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ if you think that __PUNCT__ you haven't met my oppon __PUNCT__ senat_john john_mccain __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ it not that he doesn't care about what peopl ar go through __PUNCT__

i just think he doesn't know __PUNCT__

that the onli reason i can think of that he propos a health_care_plan that is so radic __PUNCT__ so out of touch with what you face __PUNCT__ and so out of line with our basic valu __PUNCT__

it start with hi propos to deregul our insur_industri and leav famili across america without the basic protect thei reli on __PUNCT__

you mai have heard about how __PUNCT__ in the current issu of a magazin __PUNCT__ senat_mccain wrote that we need to open up health_care to __PUNCT__ and i quot __PUNCT__ more vigor nationwid competit as we have done over the last decad in bank __PUNCT__

that right __PUNCT__ he want to deregul the insur_industri just like he fought to deregul the bank_industri __PUNCT__

and we all seen how well that work out __PUNCT__

it would be equal catastroph for your health_care __PUNCT__

right now __PUNCT__ differ state have differ rule about what insur_compani have to cover __PUNCT__

senat_mccain will let compani avoid these rule __PUNCT__

he let them cherri pick the state where thei base __PUNCT__ and sell plan anywher in america __PUNCT__

it the start gun for a race to the bottom __PUNCT__

insur_compani will rush to set up shop in state with the fewest protect for patient __PUNCT__ state where thei don't have to cover thing like mammogram __PUNCT__ vaccin and matern care __PUNCT__

now what doe thi mean for folk here in north_carolina __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ thi state requir insur_compani to cover mental_health health_care __PUNCT__ cancer screen __PUNCT__ contracept __PUNCT__ treatment for alcohol and more __PUNCT__

and here in north_carolina __PUNCT__ you have the right to appeal when your hmo refus to cover the treatment you need __PUNCT__

under john_mccain plan __PUNCT__ insur_compani wouldn't have to follow ani of these rule __PUNCT__

these ar commonsens protect to make sure that you and your doctor __PUNCT__ not insur compani bureaucrat __PUNCT__ ar make_decis about your health __PUNCT__

and john_mccain want to let insur_compani go around them __PUNCT__

so while senat_mccain talk a lot about preserv state __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__ when it come down to it __PUNCT__ hi plan is all about protect insur_compani __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i think it time we start put the health of our famili befor the profit of our insur compani __PUNCT__ and that what i go to do as presid __PUNCT__

i also want to talk a littl about how exactli senat_mccain would pai for hi plan __PUNCT__

he been eager to share some detail about that __PUNCT__ but not all __PUNCT__

he tell you that he give you a tax_credit of __MONEY__ per person __PUNCT__ __MONEY__ per famili __PUNCT__ to help you pai for your insur and health_care_cost __PUNCT__

but like those ad for prescript_drug __PUNCT__ you have to read the fine_print to learn the rest of the stori __PUNCT__

you see __PUNCT__ senat_mccain would pai for hi plan __PUNCT__ in part __PUNCT__ by tax your health_care benefit for the first time in histori __PUNCT__

and thi tax would come out of your paycheck __PUNCT__

but the new tax_credit he propos __PUNCT__ that wouldn't go to you __PUNCT__

it would go directli to your insur_compani __PUNCT__

it an old washington bait and switch __PUNCT__

it a shell game __PUNCT__

senat_mccain give you a tax_credit with on hand __PUNCT__ but rais your tax with the other __PUNCT__

he hope we won't notic __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i got new for john_mccain __PUNCT__ we notic __PUNCT__ we know better __PUNCT__ and we not go to let him get awai with that __PUNCT__

becaus here what happen when senat_mccain tax your benefit __PUNCT__ a lot of younger __PUNCT__ healthier worker will opt out of the insur thei get at work __PUNCT__ and go out into the individu market __PUNCT__ where thei can bui a cheaper plan __PUNCT__

that leav employ with older __PUNCT__ sicker worker who ar more expens to cover __PUNCT__ so mani employ will drop their health_care_plan altogeth __PUNCT__

it the same approach presid_bush float a few year_ago __PUNCT__

and it could be the begin of the end of our employ __PUNCT__ base health_care_system __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ studi_show that under the mccain plan __PUNCT__ at least __NUM___million_american will lose the insur you reli on from your workplac __PUNCT__

your famili will have to go out into the marketplac with that __MONEY__ tax_credit and bui_insur on your own __PUNCT__

but what senat_mccain doesn't tell you is that the averag_cost of a famili health_care_plan is more than twice that much __PUNCT__ __MONEY__

so where would that leav you __PUNCT__

senat_mccain also doesn't tell you that insur in the individu market is more expens and includ fewer benefit __PUNCT__

mani of these plan don't cover thing like prescript_drug or pre __PUNCT__ natal care __PUNCT__

and senat_mccain health_care_plan won't do a thing to stop insur_compani from discrimin against you if you have a pre __PUNCT__ exist condit like hypertens __PUNCT__ asthma __PUNCT__ diabet or cancer __PUNCT__

employ don't charg you higher_premium for these condit __PUNCT__ but insur do __PUNCT__ much higher __PUNCT__

so the sicker you been __PUNCT__ the harder it be to get the care you need __PUNCT__

so here john_mccain radic plan in a nutshel __PUNCT__ he tax health_care benefit for the first time in histori __PUNCT__ million lose the health care thei have __PUNCT__ million pai more for the health care thei get __PUNCT__ drug and insur_compani continu to profit __PUNCT__ and middl_class class_famili watch the system thei reli on begin to unravel befor their ey __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i don't think that the chang we need __PUNCT__

i think we can do better than that __PUNCT__

in the end __PUNCT__ my oppon plan reflect the same bankrupt philosophi he subscrib to for three decad in washington __PUNCT__ take care of the healthi and wealthi __PUNCT__ and good_luck to everyon els __PUNCT__

thei call thi the ownership_societi __PUNCT__ but what it realli mean is __PUNCT__ you on your own __PUNCT__

your job doesn't give you health_care __PUNCT__ the market will fix it __PUNCT__

pre __PUNCT__ exist condit __PUNCT__ tough luck __PUNCT__

insur_compani won't pai for your treatment __PUNCT__ too bad __PUNCT__ you on your own __PUNCT__

thi approach hasn't work these past eight year __PUNCT__ it won't work now __PUNCT__ and it time for chang __PUNCT__

let me be clear __PUNCT__ i don't think govern can solv all our problem __PUNCT__

but i reject the radic idea that govern ha no role to plai in protect ordinari_american __PUNCT__

i reject the think that sai preserv our free_market mean let corpor and special_interest do as thei pleas __PUNCT__ and everyon els ha to fend for themselv __PUNCT__

i believ that if you work_hard and do everyth right __PUNCT__ you shouldn't live in fear of lose everyth becaus of a fluke of genet __PUNCT__ or a bad diagnosi __PUNCT__ or a stroke of bad_luck __PUNCT__

that is why __PUNCT__ if i elect_presid __PUNCT__ we go to fix our health_care_system __PUNCT__

we go to take on the drug and insur_compani __PUNCT__ reduc cost for famili and busi __PUNCT__ and final provid afford __PUNCT__ access health_care for everi american __PUNCT__

we start by lower premium by as much as __MONEY__ per famili __PUNCT__ and we do it by take the follow five step to lower_cost throughout our health_care_system __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ we take on the drug_compani __PUNCT__ tell them thank but no thank for the overpr drug __PUNCT__ and take step to lower_price so peopl can afford them __PUNCT__

and we tell the insur_compani __PUNCT__ no more discrimin against peopl with pre __PUNCT__ exist condit __PUNCT__

it not right __PUNCT__ and we won't stand for it __PUNCT__

second __PUNCT__ we focu on prevent __PUNCT__

we make sure insur compani cover servic like weight loss program and smoke __PUNCT__ cessat program to help peopl avoid costli __PUNCT__ debilit health_problem in the first place __PUNCT__

third __PUNCT__ we reduc wast and ineffici by us the latest technolog to move our health_care_system into the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

thi will save ten of billion a year __PUNCT__ reduc medic_error __PUNCT__ and let doctor and nurs spend less time with paperwork and more time with patient __PUNCT__

fourth __PUNCT__ we reduc the cost of our care by improv the qualiti of our care __PUNCT__

we track which drug and procedur work best and reward provid not just for the quantiti of care thei provid __PUNCT__ but for the qualiti of outcom for their patient __PUNCT__

fifth __PUNCT__ we help busi and worker by pick up the tab for some of the most expens ill __PUNCT__

under my plan __PUNCT__ the feder_govern will pai for part of these catastroph case __PUNCT__ which mean lower premium for you __PUNCT__ and less monei out of your pocket __PUNCT__

but cost __PUNCT__ cut isn't enough __PUNCT__

becaus todai __PUNCT__ in the year___NUM__ __NUM___million_american still don't have ani health_insur at all __PUNCT__

thi is on of the great_moral crise of our time __PUNCT__

it not who we ar __PUNCT__ and it not who we have to be __PUNCT__

that why my plan will cover all american __PUNCT__

and unlik senat_mccain __PUNCT__ i do it by build on __PUNCT__ rather than dismantl __PUNCT__ our current __PUNCT__ workplac __PUNCT__ base system __PUNCT__

so if you have insur you like __PUNCT__ you keep that insur __PUNCT__

if you have a doctor you like __PUNCT__ you keep that doctor __PUNCT__

the onli thing that chang for you is that your health_care_cost will go down __PUNCT__

but if you don't have insur __PUNCT__ or don't like your insur __PUNCT__ you be abl to choos from the same_type of qualiti privat_plan as everi feder_employe __PUNCT__ from a postal worker here in north_carolina to a congressman in washington __PUNCT__

no on will be turn awai becaus of a pre __PUNCT__ exist condit __PUNCT__

if you chang job __PUNCT__ thi insur will go with you __PUNCT__

and if you can't afford thi insur __PUNCT__ you receiv a tax_credit to help pai for it __PUNCT__

we also provid substanti help for small_busi in the form of tax_credit that will cover up to __NUM__ percent of the cost of insur their employe __PUNCT__

thi will help them creat not just new job __PUNCT__ but good_job __PUNCT__ job with health_care that stai right here in america __PUNCT__

and here how i pai for my plan __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ i will aggress cut health_care_cost by reduc wast __PUNCT__ greed and paperwork __PUNCT__ lower the cost of prescript_drug __PUNCT__ and elimin wast subsidi to privat_plan in medicar __PUNCT__

that will save a lot __PUNCT__ but will still leav a cost of about __MONEY___billion a year __PUNCT__

i cover that remain cost with a portion of the monei i save by end georg_bush bush_tax tax_break for peopl_make more than __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__

thei go back to pai the kind of rate thei paid when bill_clinton wa presid __PUNCT__

so we get thi done respons without blow a hole in our deficit __PUNCT__

in the end __PUNCT__ none of thi will be easi __PUNCT__

we up against a power __PUNCT__ entrench statu_quo in washington that will sai anyth and do anyth and fight with everyth thei got to keep thing the wai thei ar __PUNCT__

but i know that if we come togeth __PUNCT__ and work togeth __PUNCT__ we can do thi __PUNCT__

so mani peopl ar count on us __PUNCT__

a woman name robyn who i met in florida __PUNCT__ is on of those peopl __PUNCT__

back in mai __PUNCT__ her __NUM___year old son devon __PUNCT__ deh __PUNCT__ vinn __PUNCT__ came to on of our event __PUNCT__ and i got to meet him at the airport in fort lauderdal __PUNCT__

later that dai __PUNCT__ devon becam serious ill __PUNCT__

hi heart start race __PUNCT__ and hi lip turn white __PUNCT__

he wa rush to the hospit and almost went into cardiac arrest __PUNCT__

he wa later diagnos with a heart condit and told he need a procedur that would cost ten of thousand of dollar __PUNCT__

robyn insur_compani refus to pai __PUNCT__ thei said it wa a pre __PUNCT__ exist condit __PUNCT__ and robyn famili doesn't have that kind of monei __PUNCT__

but until devon ha that procedur __PUNCT__ he ha to take medic and stop all physic activ __PUNCT__

no more gym class __PUNCT__

no more footbal at school __PUNCT__

no more basketbal at the park with hi friend __PUNCT__

after we met __PUNCT__ robyn sent me an email in which she wrote __PUNCT__ i can't help but feel as if somehow we fail devon __PUNCT__

why couldn't we be the rich famili that ha the great insur or could whip out __NUM__ grand like it is noth __PUNCT__

she end her email with these word __PUNCT__ i ask onli thi of you __PUNCT__ on the dai where you feel so tire you can't think of utter anoth word to the peopl __PUNCT__ think of us __PUNCT__

on the dai when you ar plai basketbal __PUNCT__ think of devon __PUNCT__ who can't __PUNCT__

when those who oppos you have you down __PUNCT__ reach deep and fight_back harder __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ i want to sai to robyn and devon and everyon like them across america __PUNCT__ you have my word that i will never back down __PUNCT__ i will never give up __PUNCT__ i will never stop fight until we have fix our health_care_system and no famili ever ha to go through what you go through __PUNCT__ and my mother went through __PUNCT__ and so mani peopl go through everi dai in thi countri __PUNCT__

that is my promis to you __PUNCT__

and if all of you here todai will stand with me in thi work __PUNCT__ if you talk to your friend and neighbor __PUNCT__ get peopl to the poll __PUNCT__ and give me your vote __PUNCT__ then togeth __PUNCT__ we won't just win thi elect __PUNCT__ we will transform thi nation __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ god_bless you __PUNCT__ and mai god_bless_america __PUNCT__