This speech titled 2008.10.19 originally had 3244 tokens. You can view the original text here.
befor we begin __PUNCT__ i like to acknowledg some new we learn thi morn __PUNCT__
with so mani brave men and women from fayettevil serv in our militari __PUNCT__ thi is a citi and a state that know someth about great soldier __PUNCT__
and thi morn __PUNCT__ a great soldier __PUNCT__ a great statesman __PUNCT__ and a great_american ha endors our campaign to chang america __PUNCT__
i have been honor to have the benefit of hi wisdom and counsel from time to time over the last few year __PUNCT__ but todai __PUNCT__ i am beyond honor and deepli humbl to have the support of gener colin_powel __PUNCT__
gener powel ha defend thi nation brave __PUNCT__ and he ha embodi our highest ideal through hi long and distinguish public_servic __PUNCT__
he and hi wife alma have inspir million of young_peopl to serv their commun and their countri through their tireless commit and trailblaz american stori __PUNCT__
and he know __PUNCT__ as we do __PUNCT__ that thi is a moment where we all need to come togeth as on nation __PUNCT__ young and old __PUNCT__ rich and poor __PUNCT__ black and white __PUNCT__ republican and democrat __PUNCT__
thi is a moment to stand up and serv becaus thi is a moment of great uncertainti for america __PUNCT__
the econom_crisi we face is the worst sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__
busi larg and small ar find it imposs to get loan __PUNCT__ which mean thei can't bui new equip __PUNCT__ or hire new worker __PUNCT__ or even make payrol for the worker thei have __PUNCT__
__NUM___worker have lost their job thi year __PUNCT__
wage ar lower than thei been in a decad __PUNCT__ at a time when the cost of health_care and colleg have never been higher __PUNCT__
it get harder and harder to make the mortgag __PUNCT__ or fill up your ga tank __PUNCT__ or even keep the electr on at the end of the month __PUNCT__
at thi rate __PUNCT__ the question isn't just __PUNCT__ ar you better off than you were four year_ago __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ ar you better off than you were four week_ago __PUNCT__
so i know these ar difficult_time __PUNCT__
i know folk ar worri __PUNCT__
but i believ that we can steer ourselv out of thi crisi becaus i believ in thi countri __PUNCT__
becaus i believ in you __PUNCT__ the american_peopl __PUNCT__
we ar the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
we ar a nation that face down war and depress __PUNCT__ great_challeng and great threat __PUNCT__
and at each and everi moment __PUNCT__ we have risen to meet these challeng __PUNCT__ not as democrat __PUNCT__ not as republican __PUNCT__ but as american __PUNCT__
with resolv __PUNCT__
with confid __PUNCT__
with that fundament belief that here in america __PUNCT__ our destini is not written for us __PUNCT__ but by us __PUNCT__
that who we ar __PUNCT__ and that the countri we need to be right now __PUNCT__
but north_carolina __PUNCT__ i know thi __PUNCT__
it will take a new direct __PUNCT__
it will take new leadership in washington __PUNCT__
it will take a real chang in the polici and polit of the last eight year __PUNCT__
and that why i run for presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ my oppon ha made hi choic __PUNCT__
senat_mccain mccain_campaign actual said a coupl of week_ago that thei were go to launch a seri of attack on my charact becaus __PUNCT__ thei said __PUNCT__ if we keep talk about the economi __PUNCT__ we go to lose __PUNCT__
and that on promis john_mccain ha kept __PUNCT__
he been on the attack __PUNCT__
late __PUNCT__ he and governor palin have actual accus me of __PUNCT__ get thi __PUNCT__ social __PUNCT__
john mccain just repeat the charg again thi morn __PUNCT__
and you know why __PUNCT__ becaus i want to give a tax_cut to the middl_class __PUNCT__ a tax_cut to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of american_worker __PUNCT__
these ar folk who work_hard everi singl_dai and get payrol_tax taken out of their paycheck everi singl week __PUNCT__
these ar the teacher and janitor who work in our school __PUNCT__
thei the cop and firefight who keep us safe __PUNCT__
thei the waitress who work doubl shift __PUNCT__ the cashier at wal __PUNCT__ mart __PUNCT__ the plumber fight for the american_dream __PUNCT__
john_mccain think that give these american a break is social __PUNCT__
well i call it opportun __PUNCT__ and there is noth more american than that __PUNCT__
if john mccain want to talk about redistribut_wealth to those who don't need it and don't deserv it __PUNCT__ let talk about the __MONEY__ tax_cut he want to give fortun___NUM__ ceo __PUNCT__ who been make out like bandit __PUNCT__ some of them liter __PUNCT__
let talk about the __MONEY___billion he want to give to the same wall_street_bank that got us into thi mess __PUNCT__
let talk about the __MONEY___billion he want to give oil_compani like exxon __PUNCT__ mobil or the __MONEY___billion he want to give the biggest corpor in america __PUNCT__
let talk about the __NUM___million middl __PUNCT__ class_american who john_mccain doesn't want to give a singl dime of tax_relief __PUNCT__
don't tell me that ceo and oil_compani deserv a tax_break befor the men and women who ar work overtim dai after dai and still can't pai the bill __PUNCT__
that not right __PUNCT__ and that not chang __PUNCT__
i promis you thi __PUNCT__ not onli will the middl_class get a tax_cut under my plan __PUNCT__ but if you make less than __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__ which includ___NUM__ percent of small_busi busi_owner __PUNCT__ you won't see your tax_increas on singl dime __PUNCT__
not your payrol_tax __PUNCT__ not your incom_tax __PUNCT__ not your capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__ noth __PUNCT__
that is my commit to you __PUNCT__
here the truth __PUNCT__ north_carolina __PUNCT__
thi debat __PUNCT__ and thi elect __PUNCT__ come down to what we valu __PUNCT__
in the america i know __PUNCT__ we don't just valu wealth __PUNCT__ we valu the work and worker who creat it __PUNCT__
for the last eight year __PUNCT__ we have tri it john_mccain wai __PUNCT__
we have tri it georg_bush wai __PUNCT__
we given more and more to those with the most and hope that prosper would trickl down to everyon els __PUNCT__
and guess what __PUNCT__ it didn't __PUNCT__
so it time try someth new __PUNCT__
it time to grow thi economi from the bottom __PUNCT__ up __PUNCT__
it time to invest in the middl __PUNCT__ class again __PUNCT__
north_carolina __PUNCT__ the other side trot out thi attack everi year __PUNCT__ in everi elect __PUNCT__
it a scare tactic __PUNCT__
it the oldest trick in the book __PUNCT__
and it what you do when you ar out of idea __PUNCT__ out of touch __PUNCT__ and run out of time __PUNCT__
well not thi year __PUNCT__
not thi time __PUNCT__
i can take a few more week of john_mccain attack __PUNCT__ but the american_peopl can't take four more year of the same fail polici and the same fail polit __PUNCT__
and that why i run for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
it is time to turn the page on eight year of econom_polici that put wall_street befor main_street but end up hurt both __PUNCT__
we need polici that grow our economi from the bottom __PUNCT__ up __PUNCT__ so that everi american __PUNCT__ everywher __PUNCT__ ha the chanc to get ahead __PUNCT__
not just the person who own the factori __PUNCT__ but the men and women who work on it floor __PUNCT__
becaus if we learn anyth from thi econom_crisi __PUNCT__ it that we all connect __PUNCT__ we all in thi togeth __PUNCT__ and we will rise or fall as on nation __PUNCT__ as on peopl __PUNCT__
the rescu plan that pass the congress wa a necessari first step to eas thi credit crisi __PUNCT__ but if we go to rebuild thi economi from the bottom up __PUNCT__ we need an immedi rescu plan for the middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__ and that what i will do as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
i propos a new american_job tax_credit for each new employe that compani hire here in the unit_state over the next two year __PUNCT__
and i stop give tax_break to compani that ship job_oversea and invest in compani that creat good_job right here in north_carolina __PUNCT__
i help small_busi get back on their feet by elimin capit_gain gain_tax and give them emerg loan to keep their door_open and hire_worker __PUNCT__
i put a three __PUNCT__ month moratorium on foreclosur so that we give homeown the breath room thei need to get back on their feet __PUNCT__
and i will creat a job and growth fund to help state and local_govern save on million_job and pai for health_care and educ without have to rais your tax __PUNCT__
these ar the step that we must take __PUNCT__ right now __PUNCT__ to start get our economi back on track __PUNCT__
but we also need a new set of prioriti to grow our economi and creat_job over the long __PUNCT__ term __PUNCT__
if i am presid __PUNCT__ i will invest __MONEY___billion a year in renew_sourc of energi to creat five million new __PUNCT__ green_job over the next decad __PUNCT__ job that pai well and can't be outsourc __PUNCT__ job build solar_panel and wind_turbin and fuel __PUNCT__ effici car __PUNCT__ job that will help us end our depend on oil from middl_east dictat __PUNCT__
i also put two million more american to work rebuild our crumbl road __PUNCT__ school __PUNCT__ and bridg __PUNCT__ becaus it is time to build an american infrastructur for the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
and if peopl ask how we go to pai for thi __PUNCT__ you tell them that if we can spend___MONEY___billion a month in iraq __PUNCT__ we can spend some monei to rebuild america __PUNCT__
if i am presid __PUNCT__ i will final fix the problem in our health_care_system that we been talk about for too long __PUNCT__
thi issu is person for me __PUNCT__
my mother di of ovarian cancer at the ag of __NUM__ and i never forget how she spent the final month of her life ly in a hospit bed __PUNCT__ fight with her insur_compani becaus thei claim that her cancer wa a pre __PUNCT__ exist condit and didn't want to pai for treatment __PUNCT__
if i am presid __PUNCT__ i will make sure those insur compani can never do that again __PUNCT__
my health_care_plan will make sure insur_compani can't discrimin against those who ar sick and need care most __PUNCT__
if you have health_insur __PUNCT__ the onli thing that will chang under my plan is that we will lower premium __PUNCT__
if you don't have health insur __PUNCT__ you be abl to get the same_kind of health_insur that member of congress get for themselv __PUNCT__
and we invest in prevent_care and new technolog to final lower the cost of health_care for famili __PUNCT__ busi __PUNCT__ and the entir economi __PUNCT__
that the chang we need __PUNCT__
and if i presid __PUNCT__ we give everi child __PUNCT__ everywher the skill and the knowledg thei need to compet with ani worker __PUNCT__ anywher in the world __PUNCT__
i will not allow countri to out __PUNCT__ teach us todai so thei can out __PUNCT__ compet us tomorrow __PUNCT__
it is time to provid everi american with a world __PUNCT__ class educ __PUNCT__
that mean invest in earli_childhood childhood_educ __PUNCT__
that mean recruit an armi of new teacher __PUNCT__ and pai them better __PUNCT__ and give them more support in exchang for higher_standard and more account __PUNCT__
and it mean make a deal with everi american who ha the drive and the will but not the monei to go to colleg __PUNCT__
my oppon top econom advisor actual said that thei have no plan to invest in colleg afford becaus we can't have a giveawai to everi special_interest __PUNCT__
well i don't think the young_peopl of america ar a special_interest __PUNCT__ thei ar the futur of thi countri __PUNCT__
that why i make thi deal with you __PUNCT__ if you commit to serv your commun or your countri __PUNCT__ we will make sure you can afford your tuition __PUNCT__
no if __PUNCT__ and or but __PUNCT__
you invest in america __PUNCT__ america will invest in you __PUNCT__ and togeth __PUNCT__ we will move thi countri forward __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i won't pretend that ani of thi will come easi or without cost __PUNCT__
we will all need to tighten our belt __PUNCT__ we will all need to sacrific and we will all need to pull our weight becaus now more than ever __PUNCT__ we ar all in thi togeth __PUNCT__
earlier i mention gener powel and how grate i am for hi support __PUNCT__
but i am even more grate for what he said about the natur of thi campaign __PUNCT__
becaus colin_powel remind us of what at stake in thi elect __PUNCT__ for america and for the world __PUNCT__
he remind us that at a defin moment like thi __PUNCT__ we don't have the luxuri of reli on the same polit game and the same polit tactic that ar us everi elect to divid us from on anoth and make us afraid of on anoth __PUNCT__
we have seen some of these tactic from the other side and thei will get even uglier and more intens in these last sixteen dai __PUNCT__
you will get more telephon_call __PUNCT__ and more flyer in the mail __PUNCT__ and you will hear more outrag attack calcul to mislead __PUNCT__ inflam __PUNCT__ and divid __PUNCT__
the other side will continu to make a big elect about small_thing __PUNCT__
but no matter what thei do __PUNCT__ you will have the chanc to walk into that vote_booth __PUNCT__ and close that curtain __PUNCT__ and sai __PUNCT__ not thi time __PUNCT__
not thi year __PUNCT__
with the challeng and the crise we face right now __PUNCT__ thi is not a time to divid thi countri by class or region __PUNCT__ by who we ar or what polici we support __PUNCT__
there ar no real or fake part of thi countri __PUNCT__
we ar not separ by the pro __PUNCT__ america and anti __PUNCT__ america part of thi nation __PUNCT__ we all love thi countri __PUNCT__ no matter where we live or where we come from __PUNCT__
there ar patriot who support thi war in iraq and patriot who oppos it __PUNCT__ patriot who believ in democrat polici and those who believ in republican polici __PUNCT__
the men and women from fayettevil and all across america who serv in our battlefield mai be democrat and republican and independ __PUNCT__ but thei have fought togeth and bled togeth and some di togeth under the same proud flag __PUNCT__
thei have not serv a red america or a blue america __PUNCT__ thei have serv the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
we have alwai been at our best when we had leadership that call us to look past our differ and come togeth as on nation __PUNCT__ as on peopl __PUNCT__ leadership that ralli thi entir countri to a common_purpos __PUNCT__ to a higher purpos __PUNCT__
and i run for the presid of the unit_state of america becaus that is the countri we need to be right now __PUNCT__
thi countri and the dream it repres ar be test in a wai that we haven't seen in nearli a centuri __PUNCT__
and futur_gener will judg our by how we respond to thi test __PUNCT__
will thei sai that thi wa a time when america lost it wai and it purpos __PUNCT__ when we allow the same divis and fear tactic and our own petti differ plung thi countri into a dark and pain recess __PUNCT__
or will thei sai that thi wa anoth on of those moment when america overcam __PUNCT__ when we battl back from advers by recogn that common stake that we have in each other success __PUNCT__
thi is on of those moment __PUNCT__
i realiz you cynic and fed up with polit __PUNCT__
i understand that you disappoint and even angri with your leader __PUNCT__
you have everi right to be __PUNCT__
but despit all of thi __PUNCT__ i ask of you what been ask of the american_peopl in time of trial and turmoil throughout our histori __PUNCT__
i ask you to believ __PUNCT__ to believ in yourselv __PUNCT__ in each other __PUNCT__ and in the futur we can build togeth __PUNCT__
togeth __PUNCT__ we cannot fail __PUNCT__
not now __PUNCT__
not when we have a crisi to solv and an economi to save __PUNCT__
not when there ar so mani american without job and without home __PUNCT__
not when there ar famili who can't afford to see a doctor __PUNCT__ or send their child to colleg __PUNCT__ or pai their bill at the end of the month __PUNCT__
not when there is a gener that is count on us to give them the same opportun and the same chanc that we had for ourselv __PUNCT__
we can do thi __PUNCT__
american have done thi befor __PUNCT__
some of us had grandpar or parent who said mayb i can't go to colleg but my child can __PUNCT__ mayb i can't have my own busi but my child can __PUNCT__
i mai have to rent __PUNCT__ but mayb my children will have a home thei can call their own __PUNCT__
i mai not have a lot of monei but mayb my child will run for senat __PUNCT__
i might live in a small villag but mayb somedai my son can be presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
now it fall to us __PUNCT__
togeth __PUNCT__ we cannot fail __PUNCT__
and i need you to make it happen __PUNCT__
if you want the next four year look like the last eight __PUNCT__ then i am not your candid __PUNCT__
but if you want real chang __PUNCT__ if you want an economi that reward work __PUNCT__ and that work for main_street and wall_street __PUNCT__ if you want tax_relief for the middl_class and million of new job __PUNCT__ if you want health_care you can afford and educ that help your kid compet __PUNCT__ then i ask you to knock on some door __PUNCT__ make some call __PUNCT__ talk to your neighbor __PUNCT__ and give me your vote todai __PUNCT__
in north_carolina __PUNCT__ start todai __PUNCT__ you can earli vote right here __PUNCT__ and right now __PUNCT__
and if you do __PUNCT__ i promis you __PUNCT__ we will win north carolina __PUNCT__ we will win thi elect __PUNCT__ and then you and i __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__ will chang thi countri and chang thi world __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ god_bless you __PUNCT__ and mai god_bless_america __PUNCT__