This speech titled 2008.10.21.FL originally had 1568 tokens. You can view the original text here.
i want to thank you all for join us here in florida todai for thi econom summit __PUNCT__
we meet at a moment of great uncertainti for america __PUNCT__
the econom_crisi we face is the worst sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__
busi larg and small ar find it imposs to get loan __PUNCT__ which mean thei can't bui new equip __PUNCT__ or hire new worker __PUNCT__ or even make payrol for the worker thei have __PUNCT__
we lost more than __NUM___job thi year __PUNCT__ and we just learn that here in florida __PUNCT__ we lost nearli __NUM__ job in __DATE__ alon __PUNCT__
wage ar lower than thei been in a decad __PUNCT__ at a time when the cost of health_care and colleg have never been higher __PUNCT__
earlier thi month __PUNCT__ with major_financi financi_institut on the verg of collaps and global_market on the brink __PUNCT__ we took unpreced action and pass a __MONEY___billion rescu plan __PUNCT__
i have no doubt thi wa the right thing to do to address the immedi crisi and put our economi on firmer foot __PUNCT__
but it wa also just the begin __PUNCT__ not the end __PUNCT__ of our work to rebuild our struggl economi __PUNCT__
some of the folk on thi stage know thi better than just about anyon __PUNCT__
thei ar on the front_line __PUNCT__ deal with the fallout from eight year of greed on wall_street and irrespons in washington __PUNCT__
when we spend___MONEY___billion a month in iraq __PUNCT__ that mean less monei to fix crumbl road and bridg here at home __PUNCT__
when our presid pass tax_break for big_corpor and multimillionair __PUNCT__ that leav our state without the resourc to provid health_care and good school and polic and firefight __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ twenti __PUNCT__ on state ar face budget shortfal __PUNCT__ includ florida __PUNCT__
and governor across america ar face an imposs choic __PUNCT__ cut vital servic or rais properti_tax on famili alreadi struggl to stai afloat __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ let be clear __PUNCT__ the financi_crisi that state __PUNCT__ busi and famili ar face didn't just spring up full __PUNCT__ blown overnight __PUNCT__
thi ha been a long_time come __PUNCT__ and the warn_sign have been veri clear __PUNCT__
but while presid_bush and senat_mccain were readi to move heaven and earth to address the crisi on wall_street __PUNCT__ presid_bush ha fail to address the crisi on main_street __PUNCT__ and senat_mccain ha fail to fulli acknowledg it __PUNCT__
instead of commonsens solut __PUNCT__ month after month __PUNCT__ thei offer littl more than will ignor __PUNCT__ wish think __PUNCT__ and outdat ideolog __PUNCT__
nine month_ago __PUNCT__ back in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ i call for a stimulu_plan to provid immedi relief for state __PUNCT__ along with tax rebat to get monei directli to middl_class class_famili and a foreclosur prevent fund to help them keep their home __PUNCT__
senat_mccain __PUNCT__ on the other hand __PUNCT__ insist that the fundament of the economi were strong __PUNCT__
and hi advisor openli mock the stimulu_plan befor congress __PUNCT__ on refer to it __PUNCT__ and i quot __PUNCT__ as __PUNCT__ borrow_monei from the chines and drop it from helicopt __PUNCT__
anoth dismiss it as __PUNCT__ junk __PUNCT__
last __DATE__ __PUNCT__ i call for a job and growth fund to help state put_peopl to work rebuild and repair our road __PUNCT__ bridg and school __PUNCT__
and i call for __MONEY___billion to help state and local_govern pai for servic and avoid rais properti_tax __PUNCT__ becaus tax_increas ar the last thing our famili need in an economi like thi __PUNCT__
but presid_bush and senat_mccain thought that a second stimulu_packag wa unnecessari __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ after nine straight month of job_loss and the worst market turmoil in gener __PUNCT__ at a time when even the bush_white_hous ha acknowledg the need for a second stimulu __PUNCT__ senat_mccain put forth a plan __PUNCT__ and it fair to sai __PUNCT__ it leav a lot to be desir __PUNCT__
it a propos that doe noth to creat_job __PUNCT__
it an emerg_plan that doe noth to help famili with the emerg of lost job and fall wage and mount bill __PUNCT__
it contain a hous propos that offer a __MONEY___billion bailout for wall_street_bank __PUNCT__ but doe littl to help middl_class class_famili stai in their home __PUNCT__
in short __PUNCT__ it an econom propos that doe noth to rebuild our economi __PUNCT__ but everyth to continu the same fail polici of the past eight year __PUNCT__ when specul game the system __PUNCT__ regul look the other wai __PUNCT__ and lobbyist bought their wai into our govern __PUNCT__
it the same fail polit of decri greed on wall_street on minut __PUNCT__ and then reward that greed the next minut with tax_cut for wall_street corpor and ceo __PUNCT__
it the same fail philosophi __PUNCT__ give more and more to those with the most and hope prosper trickl down to everyon els __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ it funni __PUNCT__ yesterdai __PUNCT__ i heard senat_mccain sai that i more concern with who get your piec of the pie than with grow the pie __PUNCT__
but make no mistak about it __PUNCT__ after eight year of bush __PUNCT__ mccain econom __PUNCT__ the pie is now shrink __PUNCT__
that mean lower_wage and declin incom and plummet home valu and rise unemploy __PUNCT__
so we seen what thei offer __PUNCT__
we seen where it lead __PUNCT__
thi econom_crisi is the final verdict on their fail leadership __PUNCT__ and it time for someth new __PUNCT__
i know these ar difficult_time __PUNCT__
but i believ that we can steer ourselv out of thi crisi __PUNCT__ becaus i believ in thi countri __PUNCT__
i believ in the american_peopl __PUNCT__
and i believ in the leader here at thi tabl and across america who understand what famili ar go through __PUNCT__ and have been on the frontlin __PUNCT__ meet our challeng head on __PUNCT__ help small_busi take off __PUNCT__ har renew_energi and inform_technolog to creat___NUM__ __NUM___centuri job __PUNCT__ reform school and train worker to succe in the global_economi __PUNCT__
that why we here todai __PUNCT__ becaus a crisi like thi call for the best idea __PUNCT__ the brightest mind __PUNCT__ the most innov solut from everi corner of thi countri __PUNCT__
these leader need and deserv a partner in the white_hous __PUNCT__ a presid who understand that our prosper doesn't come from wall_street or washington __PUNCT__ but from the hard_work and ingenu of our peopl __PUNCT__
so we should be invest in their product and work to creat the high __PUNCT__ wage __PUNCT__ high skill job that support our famili and strengthen our economi __PUNCT__
and that is exactli what i do if i elect_presid __PUNCT__
i start by creat a new american_job tax_credit for each new employe that compani hire here in the unit_state over the next two year __PUNCT__
i stop give tax_break to compani that ship job_oversea and invest in compani that creat good_job right here in florida __PUNCT__
and i help small_busi get back on their feet by elimin capit_gain gain_tax and give them emerg loan to keep their door_open and hire_worker __PUNCT__
these ar a few of the step we must take right now to start get our economi back on track __PUNCT__
but we also need a new set of prioriti to creat_job and grow our economi over the long_term __PUNCT__
that mean invest in renew_energi __PUNCT__
i propos __MONEY___billion a year to creat five million new green_job over the next decad __PUNCT__ job that pai well and can't be outsourc __PUNCT__ job build solar_panel and wind_turbin and fuel __PUNCT__ effici car __PUNCT__ job that will help us end our depend on oil from middl_east dictat __PUNCT__
i also plan to put two million more american to work fix our crumbl road __PUNCT__ school and bridg __PUNCT__ becaus it time to build an american infrastructur for the twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri __PUNCT__
if we can spend___MONEY___billion a month rebuild iraq __PUNCT__ we can certainli spend some monei to rebuild america __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i know that none of thi will come easi or without cost __PUNCT__
but i confid that we readi to meet thi challeng __PUNCT__
over the past twenti month __PUNCT__ i met folk all across thi countri who work that extra shift __PUNCT__ and take that last bu home becaus thei want more for their kid __PUNCT__
thei work long_hour and face long odd without complaint or regret __PUNCT__
thei not ask govern to solv all their problem __PUNCT__ thei just ask for a chanc to work_hard and provid for their famili and contribut to thi countri __PUNCT__
that why i run for presid __PUNCT__ to give them that chanc and rebuild our economi and ensur that our children and grandchildren have the same opportun that we had __PUNCT__
i now like to open up a discuss with the folk here on stage with me and have a chanc to hear their thought and idea __PUNCT__