This speech titled 2008.10.22 originally had 1283 tokens. You can view the original text here.
good morn __PUNCT__
we just finish a meet with senat biden and member of my senior work_group on nation_secur __PUNCT__
we had a wide __PUNCT__ rang discuss on the challeng_face our nation __PUNCT__
i been pleas to draw on the support of these distinguish american dure thi campaign __PUNCT__
i wa also honor to receiv the support of colin_powel on sundai __PUNCT__ who is a friend and former colleagu to mani of those here with me __PUNCT__
gener powel is on of the finest soldier and statesmen of our time __PUNCT__
he ha been a sourc of advic __PUNCT__ and i look forward to draw on hi counsel __PUNCT__ and the counsel of all of those stand with me todai __PUNCT__ if i am presid __PUNCT__
the next presid will take offic at a time of great uncertainti for america __PUNCT__
we ar in the midst of the greatest econom_crisi sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__
and as challeng as our current econom_crisi is __PUNCT__ the next presid will have to focu on nation_secur challeng on mani front __PUNCT__
the terrorist who attack us on 9/11 ar still at larg and plot __PUNCT__ and we must be vigil in prevent futur attack __PUNCT__
we ar fight two war abroad __PUNCT__
we ar face a rang of __NUM___centuri threat __PUNCT__ from terror to nuclear prolifer to our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__ which have grown more daunt becaus of the fail polici of the last eight year __PUNCT__
to succe __PUNCT__ we need leadership that understand the connect between our economi and our strength in the world __PUNCT__
we often hear about two debat __PUNCT__ on on nation_secur and on on the economi __PUNCT__ but that is a fals distinct __PUNCT__
we can't afford anoth presid who ignor the fundament of our economi while run up record deficit to fight a war without end in iraq __PUNCT__
we must be strong at home to be strong abroad __PUNCT__ that is the lesson of our histori __PUNCT__
our economi support our militari_power __PUNCT__ it increas our diplomat leverag __PUNCT__ and it is a foundat of america leadership and in the world __PUNCT__
through world_war_ii __PUNCT__ american_worker built an arsen of democraci that help our heroic troop face down fascism __PUNCT__
through the cold_war __PUNCT__ the engin of the american_economi help power our triumph over commun __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ we must renew american competit to support our secur and global leadership __PUNCT__
that mean creat million of job in a new american_energi sector __PUNCT__ so that we not borrow billion from china to bui oil from saudi_arabia __PUNCT__ for the sake of our economi and our secur __PUNCT__ we must end our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__
keep america ahead also call for invest in american_educ __PUNCT__ innov and infrastructur __PUNCT__ so that our kid can compet __PUNCT__ our homeland is secur __PUNCT__ and our countri remain on the cut edg __PUNCT__
it also mean lead an intern respons to the financi_crisi __PUNCT__
on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ i call for a global coordin effort with our partner in the g __PUNCT__ __NUM__ to stabil the credit_market __PUNCT__
i happi that todai __PUNCT__ the white_hous announc a summit of the g __PUNCT__ __NUM___countri that provid an opportun to advanc the kind of cooper that i call for last month __PUNCT__
america must lead __PUNCT__ and other nation must be part of the solut too __PUNCT__
we must recogn that from global_econom turmoil to global terror __PUNCT__ the challeng we face demand american leadership of strong allianc __PUNCT__
when america is isol __PUNCT__ we shoulder these burden alon __PUNCT__ and the secur and prosper of the american_peopl is put at risk __PUNCT__
yet for eight year __PUNCT__ we have seen our allianc weaken and our stand in the world set back __PUNCT__
we cannot afford four more year of polici that have fail to adjust to our new centuri __PUNCT__
we not go to defeat a terrorist network that oper in eighti countri through an occup of iraq __PUNCT__
we not go to deni the nuclear ambit of iran by refus to pursu direct diplomaci alongsid our alli __PUNCT__
we not go to secur the american peopl and promot american valu with empti bluster __PUNCT__
it time for a fundament chang __PUNCT__ and that why i run for presid __PUNCT__
thi chang must start with a respons end to the war in iraq __PUNCT__
we shouldn't keep spend___MONEY___billion a month in iraq while the iraqi sit on a huge surplu __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we discuss how to succe in iraq by transit to iraqi respons __PUNCT__
for the sake of our economi __PUNCT__ our militari __PUNCT__ and the long __PUNCT__ term stabil of iraq __PUNCT__ it time for the iraqi to step up __PUNCT__
end the war will help us deal with afghanistan __PUNCT__ which we talk about at length thi morn __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ i said we should focu on finish the fight against osama_bin_laden __PUNCT__
throughout thi campaign __PUNCT__ i have argu that we need more troop and more resourc to win the war in afghanistan __PUNCT__ and to confront the grow threat from al_qaeda along the pakistani border __PUNCT__
over seven year after 9/11 __PUNCT__ the situat in afghanistan is grave __PUNCT__
thi is the most violent year of the war __PUNCT__ with the highest number of american_casualti __PUNCT__
the taliban is on the offens __PUNCT__ al_qaeda ha a sanctuari across the border in pakistan __PUNCT__ and some expert believ that __NUM__ percent of the afghan economi come from the heroin trade __PUNCT__
as the chairman of the joint_chief of staff recent said __PUNCT__ the trend across the board ar not go in the right direct __PUNCT__
make no mistak __PUNCT__ we ar confront an urgent crisi in afghanistan __PUNCT__ and we have to act __PUNCT__
it time to heed the call from gener mckiernan and other for more troop __PUNCT__
that why i send at least two or three addit combat brigad to afghanistan __PUNCT__
we also need more train for afghan secur_forc __PUNCT__ more non __PUNCT__ militari assist to help afghan develop altern to poppi farm __PUNCT__ more safeguard to prevent corrupt __PUNCT__ and a new effort to crack down on cross __PUNCT__ border terror __PUNCT__
onli a comprehens strategi that priorit afghanistan and the fight against al_qaeda will succe __PUNCT__ and that the chang i bring to the white_hous __PUNCT__
there is a clear choic in thi elect __PUNCT__
on issu after issu __PUNCT__ senat_mccain ha support the kei decis and core approach of presid_bush __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ he would continu the polici that have put our economi into crisi and endang our nation_secur __PUNCT__
and as he shown over the last few week __PUNCT__ he would also continu the divis polit that undercut the bipartisan cooper and nation_uniti that is so badli need in challeng time __PUNCT__
we need to chang cours __PUNCT__
at home __PUNCT__ we must invest in the competit of the american_economi __PUNCT__
abroad __PUNCT__ we need a new direct that end the war in iraq __PUNCT__ focus on the fight against al_qaeda and the taliban __PUNCT__ and restor strong allianc and tough american diplomaci __PUNCT__
to keep our countri safe and prosper __PUNCT__ we need leadership that bring the american_peopl togeth __PUNCT__
that is the lesson of our histori __PUNCT__
togeth __PUNCT__ we cannot fail __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__ we can rise to meet ani challeng __PUNCT__