Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.10.31.IA originally had 3828 tokens. You can view the original text here.

iowa __PUNCT__ i have just two word for you __PUNCT__ four dai __PUNCT__

after decad of broken polit in washington __PUNCT__ eight year of fail polici from georg_bush __PUNCT__ and twenti __PUNCT__ on month of a campaign that ha taken us from the rocki coast of main to the sunshin of california __PUNCT__ we ar four dai awai from chang in america __PUNCT__

in four dai __PUNCT__ you can turn the page on polici that have put the greed and irrespons of wall_street befor the hard_work and sacrific of folk on main_street __PUNCT__

in four dai __PUNCT__ you can choos polici that invest in our middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__ creat new job __PUNCT__ and grow thi economi so that everyon ha a chanc to succe __PUNCT__ from the ceo to the secretari and the janitor __PUNCT__ from the factori owner to the men and women who work on it floor __PUNCT__

in four dai __PUNCT__ you can put an end to the polit that would divid a nation just to win an elect __PUNCT__ that tri to pit region against region __PUNCT__ citi against town __PUNCT__ republican against democrat __PUNCT__ that ask us to fear at a time when we need hope __PUNCT__

in four dai __PUNCT__ at thi defin moment in histori __PUNCT__ you can give thi countri the chang we need __PUNCT__

we began thi journei in the depth of winter nearli two year_ago __PUNCT__ on the step of the old state_capitol in springfield __PUNCT__ illinoi __PUNCT__

back then __PUNCT__ we didn't have much monei or mani endors __PUNCT__

we weren't given much of a chanc by the poll or the pundit __PUNCT__ and we knew how steep our climb would be __PUNCT__

but i also knew thi __PUNCT__

i knew that the size of our challeng had outgrown the small of our polit __PUNCT__

i believ that democrat and republican and american of everi polit stripe were hungri for new idea __PUNCT__ new leadership __PUNCT__ and a new kind of polit __PUNCT__ on that favor common_sens over ideolog __PUNCT__ on that focus on those valu and ideal we hold in common as american __PUNCT__

most of all __PUNCT__ i knew the american_peopl were a decent __PUNCT__ gener peopl will to work_hard and sacrific for futur_gener __PUNCT__

i wa convinc that when we come togeth __PUNCT__ our voic ar more power than the most entrench lobbyist __PUNCT__ or the most viciou polit attack __PUNCT__ or the full_forc of a statu_quo in washington that want to keep thing just the wai thei ar __PUNCT__

twenti __PUNCT__ on month later __PUNCT__ my faith in the american_peopl ha been vindic __PUNCT__

that how we come so far and so close __PUNCT__ becaus of you __PUNCT__

that how we chang thi countri __PUNCT__ with your help __PUNCT__

and that why we can't afford to slow down __PUNCT__ sit_back __PUNCT__ or let up for on dai __PUNCT__ on minut __PUNCT__ or on second in thi last week __PUNCT__

not now __PUNCT__

not when so much is at stake __PUNCT__

we ar in the middl of the worst econom_crisi sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__

__NUM___worker have lost their job thi year __PUNCT__

busi and famili can't get credit __PUNCT__

home valu ar fall __PUNCT__

pension ar disappear __PUNCT__

it gotten harder and harder to make the mortgag __PUNCT__ or fill up your ga tank __PUNCT__ or even keep the electr on at the end of the month __PUNCT__

at a moment like thi __PUNCT__ the last thing we can afford is four more year of the tire __PUNCT__ old theori that sai we should give more to billionair and big_corpor and hope that prosper trickl down to everyon els __PUNCT__

the last thing we can afford is four more year where no on in washington is watch anyon on wall_street becaus politician and lobbyist kill common __PUNCT__ sens regul __PUNCT__

those ar the theori that got us into thi mess __PUNCT__

thei haven't work __PUNCT__ and it time for chang __PUNCT__

that why i run for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ senat_mccain ha serv thi countri honor __PUNCT__

and he can point to a few moment over the past eight year where he ha broken from georg_bush __PUNCT__

just thi morn __PUNCT__ the mccain_campaign put out an ad that show me prais him and senat lieberman for their work on global_warm __PUNCT__ as if there someth wrong with acknowledg when an oppon ha said or done someth that make_sens __PUNCT__

i think we need more of that in washington __PUNCT__

i don't disagre with senat_mccain on everyth __PUNCT__ and i respect hi occasion displai of independ __PUNCT__

but when it come to the economi __PUNCT__ when it come to the central issu of thi elect __PUNCT__ the plain truth is that john_mccain ha stood with thi presid everi step of the wai __PUNCT__

vote for the bush_tax_cut for the wealthi that he onc oppos __PUNCT__

vote for the bush budget that spent us into debt __PUNCT__

call for less regul twenti __PUNCT__ on time just thi year __PUNCT__

those ar the fact __PUNCT__

and now __PUNCT__ after twenti __PUNCT__ on month and three debat __PUNCT__ senat_mccain still ha not been abl to tell the american_peopl a singl major thing he do differ from georg_bush when it come to the economi __PUNCT__

senat_mccain sai that we can't spend the next four year wait for our luck to chang __PUNCT__ but you understand that the biggest gambl we can take is embrac the same old bush __PUNCT__ mccain polici that have fail us for the last eight year __PUNCT__

it not chang when john_mccain want to give a __MONEY__ tax_cut to the averag fortun___NUM__ ceo __PUNCT__

it not chang when he want to give __MONEY___billion to the biggest corpor or __MONEY__ billion to the oil_compani or __MONEY___billion to the same wall_street_bank that got us into thi mess __PUNCT__

it not chang when he come up with a tax_plan that doesn't give a penni of relief to more than __NUM___million middl __PUNCT__ class_american __PUNCT__

we tri it john_mccain wai __PUNCT__

we tri it georg_bush wai __PUNCT__

deep down __PUNCT__ senat_mccain know that __PUNCT__ which is why hi campaign said that __PUNCT__ if we keep talk about the economi __PUNCT__ we go to lose __PUNCT__

that why he spend these last week call me everi name in the book __PUNCT__

becaus that how you plai the game in washington __PUNCT__

when you can't win on the strength of your idea __PUNCT__ you make a big elect about small_thing __PUNCT__

so i expect we go to see a lot more of that over the next four dai __PUNCT__

more of the slash and burn __PUNCT__ sai __PUNCT__ anyth __PUNCT__ do __PUNCT__ anyth polit that calcul to divid and distract __PUNCT__ to tear us apart instead of bring us togeth __PUNCT__

a coupl of elect ago __PUNCT__ there wa a presidenti_candid who decri thi kind of polit and condemn these kind of tactic __PUNCT__

and i admir him for it __PUNCT__ we all did __PUNCT__

he said __PUNCT__ i will not take the low road to the highest offic in thi land __PUNCT__

those word were spoken eight year_ago by my oppon __PUNCT__ john_mccain __PUNCT__

but the high_road didn't lead him to the white_hous then __PUNCT__ so thi time __PUNCT__ he decid to take a differ rout __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i know campaign ar tough __PUNCT__

becaus we got real differ about big_issu and we care passion about thi countri futur __PUNCT__

and make no mistak __PUNCT__ we will respond swiftli and forcefulli with the truth to whatev falsehood thei throw our wai __PUNCT__

the stake ar too high to do anyth less __PUNCT__

but iowa __PUNCT__ at thi moment __PUNCT__ in thi elect __PUNCT__ we have the chanc to do more than just beat_back thi kind of polit __PUNCT__ we have the chanc to end it onc and for all __PUNCT__

we have the chanc to prove that the on thing more power than the polit of anyth __PUNCT__ goe __PUNCT__ the on thing the cynic didn't count on __PUNCT__ is the will of the american_peopl __PUNCT__

we have the chanc to prove that we ar more than a collect of red_state and blue_state __PUNCT__ we ar the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

that how we steer ourselv out of thi crisi __PUNCT__ with a new polit for a new time __PUNCT__

that how we build the futur we know is possibl __PUNCT__ as on peopl __PUNCT__ as on nation __PUNCT__

and that why i run for presid of the unit state of america __PUNCT__

iowa __PUNCT__ i know these ar difficult_time __PUNCT__

but i also know that we have face difficult time befor __PUNCT__

the american stori ha never been about thing come easi __PUNCT__ it been about rise to the moment when the moment wa hard __PUNCT__

it about reject fear and divis for uniti of purpos __PUNCT__

that how we overcom war and depress __PUNCT__

that how we won great struggl for civil right and women right and worker __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__

and that how we write the next great chapter in the american stori __PUNCT__

we just need a new direct __PUNCT__

understand __PUNCT__ if we want get through thi crisi __PUNCT__ we need to get beyond the old ideolog debat and divid between left and right __PUNCT__

we don't need bigger_govern or smaller_govern __PUNCT__

we need a better govern __PUNCT__ a more compet govern __PUNCT__ a govern that uphold the valu we hold in common as american __PUNCT__

we don't have to choos between let our financi_system run wild __PUNCT__ and stifl growth and innov __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will ensur that the financi rescu plan congress_pass help stop foreclosur and protect your monei instead of enrich ceo __PUNCT__

and i will put in place the common __PUNCT__ sens regul i been call for throughout thi campaign so that wall_street can never caus a crisi like thi again __PUNCT__

that the chang we need __PUNCT__

the choic in thi elect isn't between tax_cut and no tax cut __PUNCT__

it about whether you believ we should onli reward wealth __PUNCT__ or whether we should also reward the work and worker who creat it __PUNCT__

i will give a tax_break to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of american who work everi dai and get tax taken out of their paycheck everi week __PUNCT__

i elimin incom_tax for senior make under __MONEY__ and give homeown and work_parent more of a break __PUNCT__

and i help pai for thi by ask the folk who ar make more than __MONEY__ a year to go back to the tax_rate thei were pai in the 1990 __PUNCT__

no matter what senat_mccain mai claim __PUNCT__ here ar the fact __PUNCT__ if you make under __MONEY__ you will not see your tax_increas by a singl dime __PUNCT__ not your incom_tax __PUNCT__ not your payrol_tax __PUNCT__ not your capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__

noth __PUNCT__

becaus the last thing we should do in thi economi is rais_tax on the middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__

when it come to job __PUNCT__ the choic in thi elect is not between put up a wall around america or stand by and do noth __PUNCT__

the truth is __PUNCT__ we won't be abl to bring_back everi job that we lost __PUNCT__ but that doesn't mean we should follow john_mccain plan to keep give tax_break to corpor that send american_job job_oversea and promot unfair trade_agreement __PUNCT__

i will end those break as presid __PUNCT__ and i will give american_busi a __MONEY__ tax_credit for everi job thei creat right here in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

i elimin capit_gain gain_tax for small_busi and start __PUNCT__ up compani that ar the engin of job_creation in thi countri __PUNCT__

we creat two million new job by rebuild our crumbl road __PUNCT__ and bridg __PUNCT__ and school __PUNCT__ and by lai broadband line to reach everi corner of the countri __PUNCT__

and i will invest __MONEY___billion a year in renew_sourc of energi to creat five million new energi job over the next decad __PUNCT__ job that pai well and can't be outsourc __PUNCT__ job build solar_panel and wind_turbin and a new electr grid __PUNCT__ job that will help us elimin the oil we import from the middl_east in ten_year and help save the planet in the bargain __PUNCT__

that how america can lead again __PUNCT__

when it come to health_care __PUNCT__ we don't have to choos between a govern __PUNCT__ run health_care_system and the unafford on we have now __PUNCT__

if you alreadi have health_insur __PUNCT__ the onli thing that will chang under my plan is that we will lower premium __PUNCT__

if you don't have health insur you be abl to get the same_kind of health_insur that member of congress get for themselv __PUNCT__

and as someon who watch hi own mother spend the final month of her life argu with insur_compani becaus thei claim her cancer wa a pre __PUNCT__ exist condit and didn't want to pai for treatment __PUNCT__ i will stop insur compani from discrimin against those who ar sick and need care most __PUNCT__

when it come to give everi child a world __PUNCT__ class educ __PUNCT__ the choic is not between more monei and more reform __PUNCT__ becaus our school need both __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will invest in earli_childhood childhood_educ __PUNCT__ recruit an armi of new teacher __PUNCT__ pai them more __PUNCT__ and give them more support __PUNCT__

but i will also demand higher_standard and more account from our teacher and our school __PUNCT__

and i will make a deal with everi american who ha the drive and the will but not the monei to go to colleg __PUNCT__ if you commit to serv your commun or your countri __PUNCT__ we will make sure you can afford your tuition __PUNCT__

and when it come to keep thi countri safe __PUNCT__ we don't have to choos between retreat from the world and fight a war without end in iraq __PUNCT__

it time to stop spend___MONEY___billion a month in iraq while the iraqi_govern sit on a huge surplu __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will end thi war by ask the iraqi govern to step up __PUNCT__ and i will final finish the fight against bin_laden and the al_qaeda qaeda_terrorist who attack us on 9/11 __PUNCT__

i will never hesit to defend thi nation __PUNCT__

from dai on of thi campaign __PUNCT__ i have made_clear that we will increas our ground_troop and our invest in the finest fight forc the world ha ever known __PUNCT__

watch our soldier __PUNCT__ sailor __PUNCT__ airmen and marin fight in iraq and afghanistan ha onli deepen my commit to invest in __NUM___centuri technolog so that our men and women have the best train and equip when thei deploi into combat and the care and benefit thei have earn when thei come home __PUNCT__

i won't stand here and pretend that ani of thi will be easi __PUNCT__ especi now __PUNCT__

the cost of thi econom_crisi __PUNCT__ and the cost of the war in iraq __PUNCT__ mean that washington will have to tighten it belt and put off spend on thing we don't need __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will go through the feder_budget __PUNCT__ line __PUNCT__ by __PUNCT__ line __PUNCT__ end program that we don't need and make the on we do need work better and cost less __PUNCT__

but as i said from the dai we began thi journei all those month_ago __PUNCT__ the chang we need isn't just about new program and polici __PUNCT__

it about a new polit __PUNCT__ a polit that call on our better angel instead of encourag our worst instinct __PUNCT__

what we have lost in these last eight year cannot be measur by lost wage or bigger trade_deficit alon __PUNCT__

what ha also been lost is the idea that in thi american stori __PUNCT__ each of us ha a role to plai __PUNCT__

each of us ha a respons to work_hard and look after ourselv and our famili __PUNCT__ and each of us ha a respons to our fellow_citizen __PUNCT__

and that what we need to restor right now __PUNCT__ our sens of common_purpos __PUNCT__ of higher purpos __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ govern must lead the wai on energi_independ __PUNCT__ but each of us must do our part to make our home and our busi more effici __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we must put more monei into our school __PUNCT__ but govern can't be that parent who turn off the tv and make a child do their homework __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we can argu and debat our posit passion __PUNCT__ but all of us must summon the strength and grace to bridg our differ and unit in common effort __PUNCT__ black __PUNCT__ white __PUNCT__ hispan __PUNCT__ asian __PUNCT__ nativ_american __PUNCT__ democrat and republican __PUNCT__ young and old __PUNCT__ rich and poor __PUNCT__ gai and straight __PUNCT__ disabl or not __PUNCT__

in thi elect __PUNCT__ we cannot afford the same polit game and tactic that ar be us to pit us against on anoth and make us afraid of on anoth __PUNCT__

despit what our oppon mai claim __PUNCT__ there ar no real or fake part of thi countri __PUNCT__

there is no citi or town that is more pro __PUNCT__ america than anywher els __PUNCT__ we ar on nation __PUNCT__ all of us proud __PUNCT__ all of us patriot __PUNCT__

the men and women who serv on our battlefield mai be democrat and republican and independ __PUNCT__ but thei have fought togeth and bled togeth and some di togeth under the same proud flag __PUNCT__

thei have not serv a red america or a blue america __PUNCT__ thei have serv the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

it won't be easi __PUNCT__ iowa __PUNCT__

it won't be quick __PUNCT__

but you and i know that it is time to come togeth and chang thi countri __PUNCT__

some of you mai be cynic and fed up with polit __PUNCT__

you have everi right to be __PUNCT__

but despit all of thi __PUNCT__ i ask of you what ha been ask of american throughout our histori __PUNCT__

i ask you to believ __PUNCT__ not just in my abil to bring about chang __PUNCT__ but in your __PUNCT__

i know thi chang is possibl __PUNCT__

becaus i have seen it over the last twenti __PUNCT__ on month __PUNCT__

becaus in thi campaign __PUNCT__ i have had the privileg to wit what is best in america __PUNCT__

i seen it in line of voter that stretch around school and church __PUNCT__ in the young_peopl who cast their ballot for the first time __PUNCT__ and those not so young folk who got involv again after a veri long_time __PUNCT__

i seen it in the worker who would rather cut_back their hour than see their friend lose their job __PUNCT__ in the neighbor who take a stranger in when the floodwat rise __PUNCT__ in the soldier who re __PUNCT__ enlist after lose a limb __PUNCT__

i seen it in the face of the men and women i met at countless ralli and town_hall across the countri __PUNCT__ men and women who speak of their struggl but also of their hope and dream __PUNCT__

i still rememb the email that a woman name robyn sent me after i met her in ft __PUNCT__ lauderdal __PUNCT__

sometim after our event __PUNCT__ her son nearli went into cardiac arrest __PUNCT__ and wa diagnos with a heart condit that could onli be treat with a procedur that cost ten of thousand of dollar __PUNCT__

her insur_compani refus to pai __PUNCT__ and their famili just didn't have that kind of monei __PUNCT__

in her email __PUNCT__ robyn wrote __PUNCT__ i ask onli thi of you __PUNCT__ on the dai where you feel so tire you can't think of utter anoth word to the peopl __PUNCT__ think of us __PUNCT__

when those who oppos you have you down __PUNCT__ reach deep and fight_back harder __PUNCT__

iowa __PUNCT__ that what hope is __PUNCT__ that thing insid us that insist __PUNCT__ despit all evid to the contrari __PUNCT__ that there ar better dai ahead __PUNCT__

if we will to work for it __PUNCT__

if we will to shed our fear __PUNCT__

if we will to reach deep down insid ourselv when we tire and come back fight harder __PUNCT__

that what kept some of our parent and grandpar go when time were tough __PUNCT__

what led them to sai __PUNCT__ mayb i can't go to colleg __PUNCT__ but if i save a littl bit each week my child can __PUNCT__ mayb i can't have my own busi but if i work realli hard my child can open on of her own __PUNCT__

it what led immigr from distant land to come to these shore against great odd __PUNCT__ what led those who couldn't vote to march and organ and stand for freedom __PUNCT__ that led them to cry out __PUNCT__ it mai look dark tonight __PUNCT__ but if i hold on to hope __PUNCT__ tomorrow will be brighter __PUNCT__

that what thi elect is about __PUNCT__

that is the choic we face right now __PUNCT__

don't believ for a second thi elect is over __PUNCT__

don't think for a minut that power conced __PUNCT__

we have to work like our futur depend on it in thi last week __PUNCT__ becaus it doe __PUNCT__

i know thi __PUNCT__ iowa __PUNCT__ the time for chang ha come __PUNCT__

and if in thi last week __PUNCT__ you will knock on some door for me __PUNCT__ and make some call for me __PUNCT__ and go to __URL__

and find out where to vote __PUNCT__ and rememb __PUNCT__ you can vote earli here in iowa __PUNCT__

if you will stand with me __PUNCT__ and fight by my side __PUNCT__ and cast your ballot for me __PUNCT__ then i promis you thi __PUNCT__ we will not just win iowa __PUNCT__ we will not just win thi elect __PUNCT__ but togeth __PUNCT__ we will chang thi countri and we will chang the world __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ god_bless you __PUNCT__ and mai god_bless_america __PUNCT__