This speech titled 2008.11.03.MD originally had 2142 tokens. You can view the original text here.
what a scene __PUNCT__
what a crowd __PUNCT__
thank you for virginia __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ crowd chant __PUNCT__ ye we can __PUNCT__
let me start by note __PUNCT__ virginia that thi is our last ralli __PUNCT__
thi is the last ralli of a campaign that began nearli __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__
we gone to everi corner of thi countri __PUNCT__ from here in northern_virginia to the rocki coast of main __PUNCT__ to the open plain of texa __PUNCT__ to the open ski of montana __PUNCT__
i just want to sai that whatev happen tomorrow __PUNCT__ i have been deepli humbl by thi journei __PUNCT__
you have welcom michel and me and the girl into your home __PUNCT__
you have share your stori of struggl __PUNCT__ you have spoken of your dream __PUNCT__ along the wai __PUNCT__ talk with all of you about your own live __PUNCT__
you have enrich my life __PUNCT__ you have move me again and again __PUNCT__
you have inspir me __PUNCT__
sometim when i have been down you have lift me up __PUNCT__
you fill me with new hope for our futur and you have remind me about what make_america so special __PUNCT__
in the place i have gone and the peopl i have met __PUNCT__ i have been struck again and again by the fundament decenc and generos and digniti of men and women who work_hard without complaint __PUNCT__ to meet their respons everi dai __PUNCT__
i come awai with an unyield belief that if we onli had a govern as respons as all of you __PUNCT__ as compassion as the american_peopl __PUNCT__ that there is no obstacl that we can't overcom __PUNCT__
there is no destini that we cannot fulfil __PUNCT__
virginia __PUNCT__ i have just on word for you __PUNCT__ just on word __PUNCT__
tomorrow __PUNCT__
tomorrow __PUNCT__
after decad of broken polit in washington __PUNCT__ __NUM___year of fail polici from georg_bush __PUNCT__ twenti __PUNCT__ on month of campaign __PUNCT__ we ar less then on dai awai from bring about chang in america __PUNCT__
tomorrow you can turn the page on polici that put greed and irrespons befor hard_work and sacrific __PUNCT__
tomorrow you can choos polici that invest in our middl_class __PUNCT__ creat new job and grow thi economi so that everybodi ha a chanc to succe __PUNCT__
not just the ceo but the secretari and the janitor __PUNCT__ not just the factori owner but the men and women who work the factori floor __PUNCT__
tomorrow you can put an end to the polit that would divid a nation just to win an elect __PUNCT__ that put reason against reason __PUNCT__ and citi against town __PUNCT__ republican against democrat __PUNCT__ that ask us to fear at a time when we need to hope __PUNCT__
tomorrow __PUNCT__ at thi defin moment in histori __PUNCT__ you can give thi countri the chang that we need __PUNCT__
it start here in virginia __PUNCT__
it start here in manassa __PUNCT__
thi is where chang begin __PUNCT__
our campaign ha not been perfect __PUNCT__
there ar time when i look back and i said __PUNCT__ you know i wouldn't have done that if i had thought about it a littl bit more __PUNCT__
but i tell you what __PUNCT__
when you think about thi campaign we got a lot to be proud of when it come to the tone that we have set __PUNCT__
we tri to argu issu and not engag in person_attack __PUNCT__
we been fierc in defend ourselv but we tri to make sure that we ar alwai remind our support that all of us ar in thi togeth __PUNCT__
black __PUNCT__ white __PUNCT__ hispan __PUNCT__ nativ_american __PUNCT__ asian __PUNCT__ democrat and republican __PUNCT__ young and old __PUNCT__ rich and poor __PUNCT__ gai and straight __PUNCT__ disabl and not disabl __PUNCT__ all of us have someth to contribut __PUNCT__
we tri to commun for these last two year that we can't afford the same polit game __PUNCT__ the same tactic that pit us against on anoth __PUNCT__ that make us afraid of each other __PUNCT__
we can't afford that anymor __PUNCT__
not thi time __PUNCT__
despit what our oppon might claim __PUNCT__ there ar no real or fake part of virginia anymor and then there ar real or fake part of america __PUNCT__
there is no citi or town that is more pro __PUNCT__ america than anywher els __PUNCT__
we ar all on nation __PUNCT__
all of us proud __PUNCT__
all of us patriot __PUNCT__
all of us salut thi flag __PUNCT__
the men and women who serv on our battlefield come from mani walk of life __PUNCT__ differ polit_parti __PUNCT__ but thei fought togeth and thei bled togeth __PUNCT__
some die togeth under the same proud flag __PUNCT__
thei have not serv red america or blue america __PUNCT__ thei have serv the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
and that is what thi campaign ha been about __PUNCT__ we call us to serv the unit state of america __PUNCT__
in thi campaign i have had the privileg to wit what is best in america __PUNCT__ in the stori __PUNCT__ in the face __PUNCT__ of men and women i have met at countless ralli __PUNCT__ town_hall_meet __PUNCT__ vfw hall __PUNCT__ live_room __PUNCT__ diner __PUNCT__ all across america __PUNCT__ men and women who share with me their stori and spoke of their struggl but thei also spoke of their hope and dream __PUNCT__
thei want for their children a sens of oblig and debt to be paid to earlier_gener __PUNCT__
i met on of those women in greenwood __PUNCT__ south_carolina __PUNCT__
it wa back earli when we were wai back in the poll __PUNCT__
nobodi gave us much of a chanc back then __PUNCT__
i had gone to south carolina earli in the campaign to see what i could stir up in the wai of endors __PUNCT__ and i wa at a legisl dinner sit next to a state_repres that i realli want to endors me __PUNCT__
so i turn to her and i said __PUNCT__ i realli want your endors __PUNCT__
and she look at me and she said __PUNCT__ i tell you what __PUNCT__ obama __PUNCT__ i will give you my endors if you come to my hometown of greenwood __PUNCT__ south_carolina __PUNCT__
i must have had a sip of wine or someth that night becaus right awai i said __PUNCT__ okai __PUNCT__
i come __PUNCT__
so the next time i come to south carolina it about a month later __PUNCT__
we fly in about midnight __PUNCT__
we get to the hotel about on o'clock in the morn __PUNCT__
i exhaust __PUNCT__
i drag my bag to my room when i get a tap on my shoulder and i look back and it is on of my staff peopl who sai __PUNCT__ senat we need to be out of the hotel by __NUM___a.m __PUNCT__
i sai __PUNCT__ why is that __PUNCT__ he sai __PUNCT__ becaus we have to go to greenwood __PUNCT__ like you promis __PUNCT__
so the next morn i wake up and i feel terribl __PUNCT__ and i think i am come down with a cold __PUNCT__ my back is sore __PUNCT__ i feel wors than when i went to bed __PUNCT__
i open up the curtain in the hotel_room to get some sunlight in and hopefulli wake me up __PUNCT__ but it pour down rain __PUNCT__
i go outsid my room and get the new york_time __PUNCT__ and there is a bad stori about me in the new york time __PUNCT__
i go downstair after i pack __PUNCT__ and my umbrella blow open and i get soak __PUNCT__ so by the time i get in the car i am mad __PUNCT__ i am wet and i am sleepi __PUNCT__
we drive __PUNCT__ and we drive __PUNCT__ and we drive __PUNCT__
it turn out that greenwood is about an hour and a half from everywher els __PUNCT__
final we get to greenwood __PUNCT__
first of all you do not know you in greenwood when you get to greenwood __PUNCT__ there aren't a lot of tall build in greenwood __PUNCT__
we pull off to a small build __PUNCT__ a littl field hous in a park __PUNCT__ and we go insid __PUNCT__ and low and behold __PUNCT__ after an hour and a half drive __PUNCT__ turn out there ar __NUM___peopl there __PUNCT__
twenti peopl __PUNCT__
thei look all kind of damp and sleepi __PUNCT__ mayb thei aren't realli excit to be there either __PUNCT__
but i am a profession __PUNCT__ i got to do what i got to do __PUNCT__
i go around __PUNCT__ i shake_hand __PUNCT__ i am sai __PUNCT__ how ar you do __PUNCT__ what ar you do __PUNCT__
as i go around the room suddenli i hear thi voic cry out behind me __PUNCT__ fire up __PUNCT__
i shock __PUNCT__
i jump up __PUNCT__
i don't know what is go on __PUNCT__
but everyon els act as though thi were normal and thei sai __PUNCT__ fire up __PUNCT__
then i hear thi voic sai __PUNCT__ readi to go __PUNCT__
and the __NUM___peopl in the room act like thi happen all the time and thei sai __PUNCT__ readi to go __PUNCT__
i don't know what go on so i look behind me and there is thi small woman __PUNCT__ about __NUM___year old __PUNCT__ a littl over __NUM___feet __PUNCT__ look like she just came from church __PUNCT__ she got on a big church hat __PUNCT__
she stand there __PUNCT__ she look at me and she smile and she sai __PUNCT__ fire up __PUNCT__
it turn out that she wa a citi councilwoman from greenwood who also moonlight as a privat detect __PUNCT__
i not make thi up __PUNCT__
and it turn out that she is famou for her chant __PUNCT__
she doe thi where ever she goe __PUNCT__
she sai __PUNCT__ fire up __PUNCT__ and the peopl sai __PUNCT__ fire up __PUNCT__ and she sai __PUNCT__ readi to go __PUNCT__ and thei sai __PUNCT__ readi to go __PUNCT__
for the next five minut she proce to do thi __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ fire up __PUNCT__ and everyon sai __PUNCT__ fire up __PUNCT__ and she sai __PUNCT__ readi to go __PUNCT__ and thei sai __PUNCT__ readi to go __PUNCT__
i stand there and i think i be outflank by thi woman __PUNCT__
she steal my thunder __PUNCT__
i look at my staff and thei shrug their shoulder __PUNCT__ thei don't know how long thi is go to go on __PUNCT__
but here the thing __PUNCT__ virginia __PUNCT__
after a minut or so i am feel kind of fire up __PUNCT__
i feel like i readi to go __PUNCT__
so i join in the chant __PUNCT__
it feel_good __PUNCT__
for the rest of the dai __PUNCT__ even after we left greenwood __PUNCT__ even though it wa still rain __PUNCT__ even though i wa still not get big crowd anywher __PUNCT__ even though we hadn't gotten the endors from the peopl we were hope for __PUNCT__ somehow i felt a littl lighter __PUNCT__ a littl better __PUNCT__
i see my staff and i would sai __PUNCT__ ar you fire up __PUNCT__ and thei would sai __PUNCT__ we ar fire up __PUNCT__ boss __PUNCT__ ar you readi to go __PUNCT__ and i sai __PUNCT__ i readi to go __PUNCT__
here my point __PUNCT__ virginia __PUNCT__
that how thi thing start __PUNCT__
it show you what on voic can do __PUNCT__
that on voic can chang a room __PUNCT__
and if a voic can chang a room __PUNCT__ it can chang a citi __PUNCT__ and if it can chang a citi __PUNCT__ it can chang a state __PUNCT__ and if it can chang a state __PUNCT__ it can chang a nation __PUNCT__ and if it can chang a nation __PUNCT__ it can chang the world __PUNCT__
virginia __PUNCT__ your voic can chang the world tomorrow __PUNCT__
in __NUM___hour if you ar will to endur some rain __PUNCT__ if you ar will to drag that person you know who is not go to vote __PUNCT__ to the poll __PUNCT__
if you ar will to organ and volunt in the offic __PUNCT__ if you ar will to stand with me __PUNCT__ if you ar will to fight with me __PUNCT__ i know your voic will matter __PUNCT__
so i have just on question for you virginia __PUNCT__ ar you fire up __PUNCT__ readi to go __PUNCT__ fire up __PUNCT__
readi to go __PUNCT__
fire up __PUNCT__
readi to go __PUNCT__
fire up __PUNCT__
readi to go __PUNCT__
virginia __PUNCT__ let go chang the world __PUNCT__
god_bless you and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__