This speech titled 2012.08.14.645.Waterloo.IA originally had 4552 tokens. You can view the original text here.
the presid __PUNCT__
hello __PUNCT__ waterloo __PUNCT__ what a beauti even here in iowa __PUNCT__ thi is __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
we love you __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
i love you back __PUNCT__ thi is spectacular __PUNCT__
it feel_good to be back __PUNCT__
a coupl of acknowledg that i want to make __PUNCT__
first of all __PUNCT__ mike is a pretti humbl gui __PUNCT__ but thi is the iowa firefight of the year __PUNCT__
give him a big round of applaus for that great introduct __PUNCT__
we ar proud of him and everi singl firefight that put their live at risk for us __PUNCT__
we ar grate to them __PUNCT__
a coupl other outstand folk here __PUNCT__
you got your own attornei_gener __PUNCT__ tom miller __PUNCT__ in the hous __PUNCT__ congressman bruce bralei is here __PUNCT__ and mayor buck clark is here __PUNCT__
and all of you ar here __PUNCT__
now listen __PUNCT__ if you got a seat __PUNCT__ feel_free to sit down becaus i got some thing to sai __PUNCT__
i got some thing to sai __PUNCT__
first of all __PUNCT__ it is good to be back __PUNCT__
some of you mai rememb that on of my first stop after i announc for the presid wa right here in waterloo back __PUNCT__ wai back when __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
i had no grai hair __PUNCT__
mayb i had a littl bit __PUNCT__ but you couldn't see it __PUNCT__
now you can see it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ but the reason that import __PUNCT__ it worth remind peopl __PUNCT__ is becaus it wa on your front_porch __PUNCT__ it wa in your backyard __PUNCT__ where our movement for chang began __PUNCT__
we spent a lot of time on bu_tour like the on i take right now __PUNCT__ although the bu wasn't as nice as it is now __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ and we went to school gym and famili_farm and small_busi across the state __PUNCT__
and so it wa pretti_good be back here __PUNCT__
yesterdai i went to the state fair __PUNCT__ and i had a pork chop and a beer __PUNCT__
and it wa good __PUNCT__
todai i just had a beer __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ i didn't get the pork chop __PUNCT__
but the beer wa good too __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
i fry you a pork chop __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
you sai __PUNCT__ you fry me a pork chop __PUNCT__ huh __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
four more beer __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
somebodi just said __PUNCT__ it true __PUNCT__ at the state fair __PUNCT__ instead of sai __NUM__ more year __PUNCT__ thei were sai __PUNCT__ four more beer __PUNCT__
so i bought him four more beer __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ told him he had to regist to vote __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ to get on of the beer __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ here the thing __PUNCT__
it is __PUNCT__ the reason i back __PUNCT__ other than i just love be in iowa __PUNCT__ the reason i back is becaus that journei we start in __NUM__ we not finish yet __PUNCT__
so just like we did in __NUM__ we start over in council bluff __PUNCT__ and we ar drive all the wai to the quad __PUNCT__
and we want to make sure that everybodi understand the choic that you face in __DATE__ __PUNCT__
and thi choic could not be bigger __PUNCT__ becaus it not just a choic between two candid __PUNCT__ it not just a choic between two parti __PUNCT__
more than ani recent_elect __PUNCT__ more than __NUM__ thi is a choic between two fundament differ vision of where we need to go as a countri __PUNCT__
and the direct that you choos when you walk into that vote_booth in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ that go to have an impact not just on your live __PUNCT__ it will have an impact on your children and your grandchildren for decad to come __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ rememb why we came togeth in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
and it wa democrat and independ __PUNCT__ but it wa also some republican __PUNCT__
it wa becaus we saw that the basic bargain that built thi countri __PUNCT__ that creat the most prosper economi the world ha ever known __PUNCT__ that basic bargain wasn't be met __PUNCT__
and let me tell you what that bargain is __PUNCT__
it sai that if you work_hard __PUNCT__ your work should be reward __PUNCT__
it sai that if you act respons and you put in enough effort __PUNCT__ you can find a job that pai the bill __PUNCT__
you can have a home that you call your own __PUNCT__
you won't go broke just becaus somebodi in your famili get sick __PUNCT__
you can retir with digniti and respect __PUNCT__
and most importantli __PUNCT__ you can give your kid a great educ so thei can dream even bigger and do even better than you did __PUNCT__
that is the american promis __PUNCT__
that is what made thi countri great __PUNCT__
but the problem wa for a decad we had seen that bargain wasn't be met __PUNCT__
the promis wasn't be kept __PUNCT__
so we had seen a decad in which job were be ship oversea and wage and incom for work_peopl were go down __PUNCT__ even though folk at the veri top were do veri well __PUNCT__ and the cost of everyth from health_care to colleg were go up __PUNCT__
we ran two war on a credit_card __PUNCT__
we went from surplu to deficit __PUNCT__
so when i walk into offic we alreadi had a __MONEY___trillion deficit __PUNCT__
and it all culmin in the worst financi_crisi sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__
that the track_record of the other parti the last time thei were in charg __PUNCT__
and we knew that restor the bargain that made thi countri great would not be easi __PUNCT__
it wa go to take more than on year or on term or even more than on presid __PUNCT__ but we knew we had to get start __PUNCT__
and obvious it becam that much harder when the middl_class wa hammer by thi crisi becaus a lot of folk lost job __PUNCT__ lost home __PUNCT__ lost save __PUNCT__ and that american_dream seem even further out of reach __PUNCT__
but i told you there wouldn't be ani quick fix __PUNCT__ there wouldn't be ani easi solut __PUNCT__ but what i also promis you __PUNCT__ and i absolut believ thi __PUNCT__ is we got everyth we need to meet our challeng __PUNCT__
waterloo __PUNCT__ we still got the best worker in the world and the best entrepreneur in the world __PUNCT__
we got the best scientist and the best research in the world __PUNCT__
we got the best farmer in the world __PUNCT__
we got the best colleg and univers in the world __PUNCT__
we ar still a young nation __PUNCT__ full of promis __PUNCT__ and we got the greatest divers of talent and ingenu from everi corner of the globe __PUNCT__
so no matter what the naysay sai __PUNCT__ no matter how dark thei try to paint thing when thei run against me in an elect __PUNCT__ there is not anoth countri on earth that wouldn't trade place with the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
becaus peopl around the world still believ that america is the place where __PUNCT__ if you work_hard __PUNCT__ no matter who you ar __PUNCT__ no matter what you look like __PUNCT__ no matter where you come from __PUNCT__ you can still make it __PUNCT__
that the idea that we ar run to rebuild __PUNCT__
that is the campaign __PUNCT__
that is what my presid is about __PUNCT__
that why i run for a second term as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ waterloo __PUNCT__ what is __PUNCT__ there is on thing stand in our wai __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__
is that __PUNCT__ is strang polit in washington __PUNCT__
you got a parti that sai compromis is a dirti word __PUNCT__
folk who want to go back to the same top __PUNCT__ down econom that got us into thi mess in the first place __PUNCT__
you mai have heard __PUNCT__ my oppon chose as hi run_mate congressman ryan thi weekend and __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ listen __PUNCT__ i know congressman ryan __PUNCT__
he is a decent man __PUNCT__
he is a famili_man __PUNCT__
he is the ideolog leader of the republican in congress __PUNCT__
and he an articul spokesperson for governor romnei vision __PUNCT__
the problem is __PUNCT__ hi vision is wrong __PUNCT__
see __PUNCT__ my oppon __PUNCT__ governor romnei __PUNCT__ and hi friend in congress __PUNCT__ thei believ __PUNCT__ thi is their whole platform __PUNCT__ thi is their basic plan __PUNCT__ as much detail as you get __PUNCT__ thi is what you get __PUNCT__
their plan to grow the economi is to elimin regul __PUNCT__ includ on big_bank and insur_compani __PUNCT__ some of the regul we put in place to make sure __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ that we don't have anoth taxpay __PUNCT__ fund bailout __PUNCT__
so he want to get rid of regul __PUNCT__ and then what he want to do is give more tax_break to the wealthiest american __PUNCT__
and the idea __PUNCT__ then __PUNCT__ is that job and prosper will trickl down on everybodi __PUNCT__
that the centerpiec of hi plan __PUNCT__
you can go on hi web_site __PUNCT__
hi econom_plan is a new __MONEY___trillion tax_cut __PUNCT__ a lot of it go to the wealthiest american __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ keep in mind __PUNCT__ these ar the same folk who sai the deficit is our biggest_problem __PUNCT__ but thei want to pass a new __MONEY___trillion tax_cut __PUNCT__ __MONEY___trillion __PUNCT__ that with a __PUNCT__ t __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ so just to give you some perspect __PUNCT__ our annual defens_budget __PUNCT__ everyth we spend on nation_secur __PUNCT__ is just a littl over __MONEY___billion __PUNCT__
so thi would be __PUNCT__ everi year for __NUM___year __PUNCT__ a tax_cut as big as our defens_spend __PUNCT__
and here the kicker __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ he sai he go to pai for it __PUNCT__
so peopl ask __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ how ar you go to pai for it __PUNCT__ it turn out that he expect you to pai for it __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
he expect middl_class class_famili to pick up the tab __PUNCT__
governor romnei plan __PUNCT__ accord to independ analyst __PUNCT__ would actual rais_tax on middl_class class_famili with children by an averag of __MONEY__
audienc member __PUNCT__
boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ keep in mind __PUNCT__ thi is not __MONEY__ to reduc the deficit or creat_job or build new school or help kid go to colleg or send a man to the moon __PUNCT__
thi is __MONEY__ each that you have to pai to give anoth __MONEY__ tax_cut to folk who ar make___MONEY__ __MONEY___million a year or more __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
boo __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
that crazi __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i not make thi stuff up __PUNCT__
you can look __PUNCT__ look on their web_site __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ here the thing __PUNCT__ we tri thi befor __PUNCT__
we tri thi trickl __PUNCT__ down fairi dust befor __PUNCT__
and guess what __PUNCT__ it didn't work then __PUNCT__ it won't work now __PUNCT__
it not a plan to creat_job __PUNCT__
it not a plan to lower the deficit __PUNCT__
it not a plan to move our economi forward __PUNCT__
it not a plan to reviv the middl_class __PUNCT__
we do not need more tax_cut for the wealthiest american __PUNCT__
we need to give tax_relief to work_famili who ar try to rais their kid __PUNCT__ keep them healthi __PUNCT__ send them to colleg __PUNCT__ keep a roof over their head __PUNCT__
that the choic in thi elect __PUNCT__
that on of the reason i run for a second term as presid __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ waterloo __PUNCT__ i got a differ idea __PUNCT__
four year_ago __PUNCT__ i came into offic __PUNCT__
i promis to cut_tax for middl_class class_famili __PUNCT__
that exactli what i done __PUNCT__ by a total of about __MONEY__ for the typic famili __PUNCT__
so if you talk to somebodi who is still not convinc and undecid in the elect __PUNCT__ you tell them your tax ar lower __PUNCT__
your feder_tax ar lower now than when i came into offic __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ what i want to do is i want to keep everybodi tax right there where thei ar for the first __MONEY__ of everybodi incom __PUNCT__
so if your famili make under __MONEY__ __PUNCT__ like __NUM__ percent of famili do __PUNCT__ and __NUM__ percent of small_busi do __PUNCT__ then you won't see your incom_tax go up by a singl dime next year __PUNCT__ not on dime __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ if you fortun enough to be in the other __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ like i am __PUNCT__ you still get a tax_break on your first __MONEY__
but for the amount that you make over that __PUNCT__ we ask you to contribut a littl bit more so we can pai down our deficit without gut educ __PUNCT__ without get rid of transport project __PUNCT__ without gut all the thing that help make_america grow __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ govern __PUNCT__ i make sure govern still doe it part to reduc our debt and our deficit __PUNCT__
we cut out alreadi a trillion_dollar __PUNCT__ worth of spend we don't need __PUNCT__
and we can do more __PUNCT__
i want to make govern effici __PUNCT__
we got to make sure that your tax_dollar ar be well spent __PUNCT__
but we can't bring down our deficit and our debt just by ask us to get rid of the thing that help open up opportun to american __PUNCT__
so instead __PUNCT__ we ask folk like me to go back to the rate we paid under bill_clinton __PUNCT__ which __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ wa a time when we creat___NUM__ __NUM___million new job __PUNCT__ went from deficit to surplu __PUNCT__ and we creat a whole lot of millionair to boot __PUNCT__
see __PUNCT__ waterloo __PUNCT__ thi come down to your basic philosophi __PUNCT__
but also __PUNCT__ when you look at the evid of our econom_histori __PUNCT__ when teacher and nurs and firefight and receptionist and construct_worker __PUNCT__ when you got a littl more monei in your pocket __PUNCT__ what do you do __PUNCT__ you spend it becaus time ar tight __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__ so if you got a littl extra_monei __PUNCT__ now mayb you final trade in that __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old car you been drive __PUNCT__
mayb you bui a comput for your kid who is about to go to colleg __PUNCT__
so suddenli busi have more custom __PUNCT__ which mean thei make more profit __PUNCT__ which mean thei hire more worker __PUNCT__ who then spend more monei __PUNCT__ and suddenli the economi get better for everybodi __PUNCT__ includ folk at the top __PUNCT__
i don't believ in top __PUNCT__ down econom __PUNCT__
i believ in middl_class out econom __PUNCT__
i believ in bottom __PUNCT__ up econom __PUNCT__
i believ in make sure everybodi ha got a fair shot __PUNCT__
that why i run for a second term as presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
but you know what __PUNCT__ that not the onli differ between me and mr __PUNCT__ romnei __PUNCT__
when the auto_industri wa on the brink of collaps __PUNCT__ do you rememb that __PUNCT__ more than a million_job at stake __PUNCT__ governor romnei said __PUNCT__ let let detroit go bankrupt __PUNCT__
i said __PUNCT__ let bet on american_worker __PUNCT__
and manag and worker got togeth in a great __PUNCT__ icon american_industri __PUNCT__
and you know what __PUNCT__ three year later __PUNCT__ the american auto_industri is roar back __PUNCT__
i want to see high __PUNCT__ tech advanc manufactur come back all across america in other industri __PUNCT__
i don't want those job in china or germani __PUNCT__
i want them here in iowa __PUNCT__
governor romnei sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ i understand the economi becaus i been in the privat_sector __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ a lot of that experi wa invest in compani __PUNCT__ includ those that were call __PUNCT__ pioneer __PUNCT__ in the busi of outsourc __PUNCT__
he want to keep give tax_break to compani that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__
i want to end those tax_break onc and for all and start reward compani that ar invest right here in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ hire american_worker __PUNCT__ make american product __PUNCT__
that the choic in thi elect __PUNCT__
that not the onli differ __PUNCT__
right now __PUNCT__ we see homegrown energi __PUNCT__ new sourc of energi __PUNCT__ creat_job right here in iowa __PUNCT__
so what doe governor romnei want to do __PUNCT__ he want to end the tax_credit for wind_energi produc __PUNCT__
he said these new sourc of energi ar __PUNCT__ imaginari __PUNCT__
congressman ryan __PUNCT__ hi run_mate __PUNCT__ call them a __PUNCT__ fad __PUNCT__
dure a speech a few month_ago __PUNCT__ governor romnei even explain hi energi_polici __PUNCT__
thi is what he said __PUNCT__
he said __PUNCT__ you can't drive a car with a windmil on it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ that what he said about wind_power __PUNCT__ you can't drive a car with a windmil on it __PUNCT__
i mean __PUNCT__ mayb he tri it __PUNCT__ he put other thing on the roof __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ but if he realli want to learn someth about wind_energi __PUNCT__ he should come to iowa __PUNCT__
then he know that __NUM__ iowa job depend on the wind industri __PUNCT__ more than ani other state in america __PUNCT__
these job aren't a fad __PUNCT__ thei our futur __PUNCT__
he know that the part for make these high __PUNCT__ tech wind_turbin __PUNCT__ thei now made in iowa __PUNCT__
thei made in america __PUNCT__
that not imaginari __PUNCT__
i been to the place in newton __PUNCT__ iowa __PUNCT__ where some of thi stuff is be made __PUNCT__
i understand he mai not have figur out how to drive a car with a windmil on it __PUNCT__ but if he came to iowa __PUNCT__ he know that __NUM__ percent of iowa electr now come from wind_energi __PUNCT__
america ha doubl the amount of electr we get from wind over the last __NUM___year __PUNCT__ enough power for nearli __NUM___million home __PUNCT__ clean __PUNCT__ renew_energi __PUNCT__
that someth you leav behind for the next gener __PUNCT__
that is worth fight for __PUNCT__
there ar __NUM__ american_job at stake in thi wind_energi tax_credit __PUNCT__
we should support it __PUNCT__ i support it __PUNCT__
and instead of give __MONEY___billion in taxpay_subsidi to oil_compani that ar make plenti of monei everi time you go to the pump __PUNCT__ we should be invest in homegrown energi that never been more promis __PUNCT__
that the choic in thi elect __PUNCT__
that why i run for a second term __PUNCT__
i not done yet __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ i promis to end the war in iraq __PUNCT__
i end it __PUNCT__
governor romnei said the wai i end it wa __PUNCT__ tragic __PUNCT__
i said i go after al qaida and bin_laden __PUNCT__
i went after them __PUNCT__
we now begin a transit out of afghanistan __PUNCT__
and so all of thi is possibl onli becaus of the extraordinari servic of our men and women in uniform __PUNCT__
and that why i made sure to make histor invest in the va __PUNCT__
becaus somebodi who ha fought for us shouldn't have to fight for a job when thei come home __PUNCT__
but if we seriou about them come home to a strong economi __PUNCT__ then we got to do some build here at home __PUNCT__ some nation __PUNCT__ build __PUNCT__ take half of the monei that we been spend over a decad of war __PUNCT__
and let start do some rebuild here in america __PUNCT__
let put american back to work rebuild road and bridg and port and airport __PUNCT__ lai broadband line in rural_commun __PUNCT__
let creat a veteran job corp so return hero can get job as firefight and cop in commun that need them __PUNCT__
there a lot of work to be done right here in america __PUNCT__ and i run to rebuild america __PUNCT__
that a choic in thi elect __PUNCT__
and i run to make sure america onc again ha the best educ_system in the world and the best train system for worker in the world __PUNCT__
i want to help our school hire and reward the best teacher __PUNCT__ especi in math and scienc __PUNCT__
i want to give __NUM___million more american the chanc to go to commun_colleg to train for the job that busi ar hire for right now __PUNCT__
i want to get colleg and univers to bring down the cost of tuition so that everi young_person can get the kind of educ that thei need to succe in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
i want to help homeown refin their home __PUNCT__ save __NUM__ buck at these histor low_rate __PUNCT__
governor romnei think we should just let the hous_market bottom out __PUNCT__
that a differ in thi elect __PUNCT__
i believ that you should have some health_care secur __PUNCT__
that why i pass obamacar __PUNCT__
and i like obamacar __PUNCT__
i like the phrase obamacar becaus you know what __PUNCT__ i do care __PUNCT__
i care about the __PUNCT__ i care about all those folk with preexist condit who now ar go to be abl to get coverag __PUNCT__
i care about folk who alreadi have insur __PUNCT__ make sure insur_compani don't jerk them around right when thei need that insur the most __PUNCT__
i care about the 6½ million young_peopl who ar now abl to stai on their parent plan and don't have to go without insur __PUNCT__
i care about the senior who now have more discount on their prescript_drug __PUNCT__ and we close the doughnut hole __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ waterloo __PUNCT__ we don't need anoth __NUM___year of argu about health_care __PUNCT__
the suprem_court ha spoken __PUNCT__
we ar implement thi law __PUNCT__
we ar move_forward __PUNCT__
we not move backward __PUNCT__
all these thing __PUNCT__ health_care secur __PUNCT__ american_manufactur __PUNCT__ rebuild america __PUNCT__ put construct_worker back to work __PUNCT__ make sure our kid ar get a great educ and can afford colleg __PUNCT__ all these thing that make up a middl_class class_life __PUNCT__ thei all tie togeth __PUNCT__
it goe back to that central idea of america __PUNCT__ that here in thi countri everybodi get a fair shot __PUNCT__ everybodi doe their fair_share __PUNCT__ everybodi plai by the same set of rule __PUNCT__
it the same promis our parent and grandpar pass on to us __PUNCT__ and now __PUNCT__ our job is to pass it on to our kid __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ over the next __NUM___month __PUNCT__ the other side will spend more monei than we have ever seen __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ you notic their ad gener don't tell you what it is that thei go to do becaus thei know their plan won't sell __PUNCT__
you haven't forgotten __PUNCT__ you didn't get amnesia __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ you didn't forget the last time thei tri what thei sell __PUNCT__
so basic __PUNCT__ the argument that thei go to make over and over again is just the same on __PUNCT__ which is the economi is still not where it need to be and it obama fault __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
and you know what __PUNCT__ listen __PUNCT__ the economi is not where it need to be __PUNCT__
we still got too mani folk out of work and too mani home under water __PUNCT__
and we haven't brought_back all the job that need to be brought back __PUNCT__
but you know what __PUNCT__ what thei offer __PUNCT__ it not a plan to creat_job __PUNCT__
it not a plan to reduc the deficit __PUNCT__
thei don't have a plan to grow the economi __PUNCT__
thei don't have a plan to reviv the middl_class __PUNCT__
the plan i put_forward can do that __PUNCT__
but i need your help __PUNCT__ i need your help __PUNCT__ i need your help __PUNCT__
your friend have to be regist __PUNCT__
your famili ha to be regist __PUNCT__
you can get a voter_registr form onlin __PUNCT__
just go to __URL__
thi is not __URL__ thi is g __PUNCT__ o __PUNCT__ t __PUNCT__ t __PUNCT__ a regist __PUNCT__ __URL__ __PUNCT__
gotta regist becaus we come too far to turn_back now __PUNCT__
we been outspent befor __PUNCT__
i been count out befor __PUNCT__
but here what i know __PUNCT__
when all of you decid to mobil and organ __PUNCT__ and when you focu on those valu that ar best in america __PUNCT__ when you rememb the stori of your famili and your parent __PUNCT__ your grandpar __PUNCT__ the hard_work __PUNCT__ the sacrific __PUNCT__ recogn sometim time ar tough and sometim we get knock down __PUNCT__ but we get back up __PUNCT__ we ar determin __PUNCT__ we ar tougher than ani tough_time __PUNCT__ and most importantli __PUNCT__ that remind that when we do thing togeth __PUNCT__ when we focus on how we build thi countri togeth __PUNCT__ we can't be stop __PUNCT__
that more power than ani monei __PUNCT__
that more power than ani tv commerci __PUNCT__
so we got to keep on go becaus we got too mani school we still need to build __PUNCT__ too mani teacher we still need to hire __PUNCT__ too mani kid we still need to send to colleg __PUNCT__
we got too mani road we still need to build __PUNCT__ too much energi we still got to gener right here at home __PUNCT__ too mani troop we got to bring_home __PUNCT__ too mani door of opportun that we got to open up for everi young_person who will to make the effort __PUNCT__
that what at stake right now __PUNCT__
and if you will to stand with me and work with me and vote for me __PUNCT__ we will win iowa __PUNCT__
we will win in __DATE__ __PUNCT__
and we will finish what we start and remind the world why america is the greatest nation on earth __PUNCT__
god_bless you __PUNCT__ god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__