This speech titled 2012.09.01.686.Urbandale.IA originally had 2497 tokens. You can view the original text here.
the presid __PUNCT__
hello __PUNCT__ iowa __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ it is good to be back in iowa __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
we love you __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
i love you back __PUNCT__
that why i back __PUNCT__
oh __PUNCT__ thi is a great crowd __PUNCT__
it good to see my outstand friend __PUNCT__ tom harkin in the hous __PUNCT__ leonard boswel __PUNCT__ tom miller __PUNCT__
and can everybodi pleas give luca a big round of applaus __PUNCT__ not just for the introduct __PUNCT__ but for hi servic to our countri __PUNCT__ and it is great to see all of you __PUNCT__
we got a spectacular dai __PUNCT__
colleg footbal is in the air __PUNCT__
we will try to get you home in time to see the hawkey and the cyclon __PUNCT__
i know we got kickoff later __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ and although you gui got to see the nation and chri cornel perform befor i got here __PUNCT__ i just want you to know that i could not appreci them perform __PUNCT__ i could not appreci more them perform for us __PUNCT__
so pleas give them a big round of applaus as well __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ iowa __PUNCT__ thi is our first stop on the road to our convent in charlott __PUNCT__ north_carolina __PUNCT__
but there wa a reason for me to begin the journei right here in iowa __PUNCT__ where it first began more than __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__
becaus it wa you __PUNCT__ iowa __PUNCT__ who kept us go when the pundit were write us off __PUNCT__
it wa in your live_room and backyard and vfw hall and diner where our movement for chang began __PUNCT__
and it will be you __PUNCT__ iowa __PUNCT__ who choos the path we take from here __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ last week __PUNCT__ the other parti gave you their pitch at the convent down in florida __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
don't boo __PUNCT__ vote __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ it wa someth to behold __PUNCT__
despit all the challeng that we face in thi new centuri __PUNCT__ what thei offer over those __NUM___dai wa more often than not an agenda that wa better suit for the last centuri __PUNCT__
it wa a rerun __PUNCT__
we seen it befor __PUNCT__
you might as well have watch it on a black __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ white tv __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ if you didn't dvr it __PUNCT__ let me recap it for you __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ everyth is bad __PUNCT__ it obama fault __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ and governor romnei is the onli on who know the secret to creat_job and grow the economi __PUNCT__
that wa the pitch __PUNCT__
there wa a lot of talk about hard truth and bold choic __PUNCT__ but nobodi ever actual bother to tell you what thei were __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ and when governor romnei had hi chanc to let you in on hi secret __PUNCT__ he did not offer a singl new idea __PUNCT__ just retread of the same old polici that have been stick it to the middl_class for year __PUNCT__
thei talk a lot about me __PUNCT__
thei talk a lot about him __PUNCT__
but thei didn't sai much about you __PUNCT__
and thei spent even less time talk about what thei plan to do __PUNCT__ not just becaus thei know you won't like it __PUNCT__ but becaus you live through it and you can't afford to repeat it __PUNCT__
see __PUNCT__ it turn out that we don't think make the middl class pai for anoth budget __PUNCT__ bust __MONEY__ tax_cut for folk make___MONEY__ __MONEY___million a year or more will magic translat into job and prosper for everybodi els __PUNCT__
we don't think famili will be better off if we undo financi_reform that ar there to prevent anoth financi_crisi or rule that ar there to protect our air and our water __PUNCT__ protect to make sure your health_care is there for you when you get sick __PUNCT__
we realli don't think the best wai to strengthen medicar is to give senior a voucher that live them __PUNCT__ leav them to pai ani addit cost out of their own pocket __PUNCT__
iowa __PUNCT__ thei have tri to sell us these tire __PUNCT__ trickl __PUNCT__ down __PUNCT__ you __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ your __PUNCT__ own polici befor __PUNCT__
thei did not work __PUNCT__
thei never work __PUNCT__
thei won't creat_job __PUNCT__
thei won't cut our deficit __PUNCT__
thei will not strengthen our middl_class __PUNCT__
thei ar not a plan to move our countri forward __PUNCT__
we believ in someth better __PUNCT__
we believ in an america that sai our econom strength ha never come from the top down __PUNCT__
it come from the bottom up __PUNCT__
it come from the middl out __PUNCT__
it come from student and worker and small __PUNCT__ busi_owner and a grow __PUNCT__ thrive middl_class __PUNCT__
that what we believ __PUNCT__
we believ in an america that doesn't let how much monei you got determin whether or not you can afford good_health health_care or get a higher_educ __PUNCT__
we believ in an america that lead not just by the forc of our militari __PUNCT__ but also with the strength of our ideal and the power of our exampl __PUNCT__
we believ in an america where no matter who you ar __PUNCT__ no matter what you look like __PUNCT__ no matter where you come from __PUNCT__ no matter who you love __PUNCT__ you can pursu your own happi and you can make it if you try __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
that what the last __NUM___year have been about __PUNCT__ iowa __PUNCT__
and that what thi campaign is about __PUNCT__
and that why i run for a second term as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ thi thursdai night __PUNCT__ i will offer you what i believ is a better path forward __PUNCT__ a path that grow thi economi __PUNCT__ creat more good_job __PUNCT__ strengthen the middl_class __PUNCT__
and the good new is you get to choos which path we take __PUNCT__
we can take their path __PUNCT__ or we can take the path that i go to present __PUNCT__
we can choos whether we give massiv new tax_cut to folk who alreadi made it or whether we keep the tax cut for everi american who still try to make it __PUNCT__
i have cut_tax by a total of about __MONEY__ for the typic famili __PUNCT__
and i now run to make sure that tax aren't rais a dime on your famili first __MONEY__ of incom __PUNCT__
that the path forward __PUNCT__
but you go to have to choos it __PUNCT__
it will be up to you __PUNCT__
you can choos whether we cede new job and new industri to countri like china and india or germani or whether we fight for those job in state like iowa __PUNCT__
my oppon experi __PUNCT__ he like to talk about it __PUNCT__ ha been invest in compani that often were call __PUNCT__ pioneer __PUNCT__ in the busi of outsourc_job __PUNCT__
and when hi advic wa to __PUNCT__ let detroit go bankrupt __PUNCT__ i said a million_job were at stake __PUNCT__ an icon american_industri is at stake __PUNCT__ i go to bet on american_worker and american_manufactur __PUNCT__
and todai __PUNCT__ the american auto_industri ha come roar back __PUNCT__
that the choic __PUNCT__
unlik my oppon __PUNCT__ i want to stop give tax_break to compani that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__
i want to start reward compani that creat_job right here in urbandal and de_moin __PUNCT__ right here in iowa __PUNCT__ right here in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
that what we fight for __PUNCT__
you can decid whether __PUNCT__ borrow_monei from your parent __PUNCT__ is an accept answer for a young_person hope to go to colleg or start a busi __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
or you can sai __PUNCT__ let make sure america onc again lead the world in educ our kid and train our worker __PUNCT__
let help more young_peopl go to colleg readi to learn __PUNCT__
let hire more great teacher __PUNCT__ especi in math and scienc __PUNCT__
let help more american go to commun_colleg to get the skill for the job thei need right now __PUNCT__
governor romnei want to end the colleg tax_credit we creat that save famili up to __MONEY__ over __NUM___year in tuition __PUNCT__
i want to extend it __PUNCT__
in america __PUNCT__ higher_educ can't be a luxuri __PUNCT__
it is an econom necess and someth everybodi should be abl to afford __PUNCT__
that what we fight for __PUNCT__
iowa __PUNCT__ you can choos an energi plan written by and for the big_oil oil_compani __PUNCT__ or you can choos an all __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ the abov energi strategi for america __PUNCT__
at a time when homegrown energi is creat new job right here in iowa __PUNCT__ when farmer ar help to creat new biofuel __PUNCT__ when onc __PUNCT__ shutter factori ar churn out new wind_turbin __PUNCT__ my oppon want to end tax_credit for wind_energi produc __PUNCT__
he said new sourc of energi like these ar __PUNCT__ imaginari __PUNCT__
hi run_mate call them a __PUNCT__ fad __PUNCT__
nearli __NUM___job in thi state depend on the wind industri __PUNCT__
these job aren't a fad __PUNCT__ thei ar the futur __PUNCT__
and i think it time to stop give __MONEY___billion in taxpay_subsidi each year to big_oil oil_compani that ar make_monei everi time you go to the pump __PUNCT__
let give some of that monei to homegrown energi_sourc like wind that have never been more promis __PUNCT__
that the choic in thi elect __PUNCT__
that what we fight for __PUNCT__
it up to you whether we go back to a health_care_system that let insur_compani decid who to cover and when __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__
no __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ or whether we keep move_forward with the new health_care law that alreadi cut_cost and cover more peopl and save_live __PUNCT__
now not the time to refight the battl of the past___NUM___year __PUNCT__
now the time to move_forward __PUNCT__
thi __DATE__ __PUNCT__ you get to decid the futur of thi war in afghanistan __PUNCT__
governor romnei had noth to sai about afghanistan last week __PUNCT__ let alon offer a plan for the __NUM___troop who will have come home from the war by the end of thi month __PUNCT__
he said end the war in iraq wa __PUNCT__ tragic __PUNCT__
i said we end that war __PUNCT__ and we did __PUNCT__
i said we take out bin_laden __PUNCT__ and we did __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
u.s.a __PUNCT__ u.s.a __PUNCT__ u.s.a __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ all of our troop ar out of iraq __PUNCT__
we ar bring them home from afghanistan __PUNCT__
and as long as i command in chief __PUNCT__ we will serv our veteran as well as thei serv us __PUNCT__ veteran like luca __PUNCT__ who got hi educ thank to the post __PUNCT__ 9/11 gi_bill __PUNCT__ becaus nobodi who fight for thi countri should have to fight for a job or an educ or a roof over their head when thei come home __PUNCT__
that what at stake in thi elect __PUNCT__
on issu after issu __PUNCT__ iowa __PUNCT__ governor romnei and congressman ryan will take us backward __PUNCT__
but the stori of america is about move_forward __PUNCT__
and soon you get a chanc to choos a path that will actual lead to a better futur __PUNCT__
but over the next __NUM___month __PUNCT__ the other side will spend more monei than we have ever seen on ad that basic tell you the same_thing thei told you at the convent __PUNCT__ the economi is not do good __PUNCT__ and it obama fault __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ thei know their econom_plan isn't popular __PUNCT__
go figur that rais_tax on middl_class class_famili to pai for new tax_cut for billionair and millionair doesn't go over that well __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__
boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__
so that not what thei go to talk about __PUNCT__
thei count on the fact that you get so discourag by these neg_ad that you decid your vote doesn't matter __PUNCT__
you decid that you can't compet with __MONEY___million check from wealthi donor __PUNCT__
i count on someth differ __PUNCT__
i count on you __PUNCT__
and i need your help __PUNCT__
first and foremost __PUNCT__ i need you to go to __URL__ to make sure that you ar regist to vote __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ thi is __PUNCT__ gotta regist __PUNCT__
it __PUNCT__ i sorri __PUNCT__ ani english teacher who ar in the room __PUNCT__ thi is __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ it not __PUNCT__ got to __PUNCT__ it is __PUNCT__ gotta __PUNCT__ __URL__
and onc you regist __PUNCT__ then you got to go to __URL__ __PUNCT__ that __URL__ __PUNCT__ to find out how to cast your ballot earli __PUNCT__
becaus in iowa __PUNCT__ you don't have to wait until __DATE__ to vote __PUNCT__
you can be among the veri first to vote in thi elect __PUNCT__ start __DATE__ __PUNCT__
that __URL__ and __URL__ becaus we got a lot more work to do __PUNCT__
we __PUNCT__ gotta __PUNCT__ lot more work to do __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ we got more good_job to creat __PUNCT__
we got more homegrown energi to gener __PUNCT__
we got more young_peopl to send to colleg __PUNCT__
we got more good_teacher to hire __PUNCT__
and we got more good school to build __PUNCT__
we got more troop we got to bring_home __PUNCT__
we got more veteran we got to take care of __PUNCT__
we got more door of opportun to open to everi singl american who will to work_hard and work through them __PUNCT__
we come too far to turn_back now __PUNCT__
that why i ask for a second term __PUNCT__ iowa __PUNCT__
and if you will to stand with me and join with me and knock on some door with me and make some phone_call with me __PUNCT__ and if you will to vote for me in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we will win polk counti again __PUNCT__
we will win iowa again __PUNCT__
we will win thi elect __PUNCT__
we will finish what we start __PUNCT__
and we will remind the world just why it is that the unit_state of america is the greatest nation on earth __PUNCT__
god_bless you __PUNCT__ and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__