Barack Obama

This speech titled 2012.10.04.777.Denver.CO originally had 3381 tokens. You can view the original text here.

the presid __PUNCT__

hello __PUNCT__ colorado __PUNCT__ it is good to be back in denver __PUNCT__ can everybodi pleas give lili a big round of applaus for the great introduct __PUNCT__ we got so mani dignitari __PUNCT__ i can't name them all __PUNCT__

but we got your outstand senat in the hous __PUNCT__

your terrif member of congress ar here __PUNCT__

got our campaign cochair __PUNCT__

got __URL__

most importantli __PUNCT__ we got all of you __PUNCT__

even though you had to get the winter coat out a littl quicker than you expect __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__

we love you __PUNCT__ obama __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ i love you back __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ the reason i wa in denver obvious is to see all of you __PUNCT__ and i just __PUNCT__ and it alwai pretti __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ but we also had our first debat last night __PUNCT__

and when i got onto the stage __PUNCT__ i met thi veri spirit fellow who claim to be mitt_romnei __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ but it couldn't have been mitt romnei __PUNCT__ becaus the real mitt romnei ha been run around the countri for the last year promis __MONEY___trillion in tax_cut that favor the wealthi __PUNCT__

the fellow on stage last night said he didn't know anyth about that __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ the real mitt_romnei said we don't need ani more teacher in our classroom __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__

boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

don't boo __PUNCT__ vote __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ but the fellow on stage last night __PUNCT__ he love teacher __PUNCT__ can't get enough of them __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ the mitt romnei we all know invest in compani that were call __PUNCT__ pioneer __PUNCT__ of outsourc_job to other countri __PUNCT__

but the gui on stage last night __PUNCT__ he said that he doesn't even know that there ar such law that encourag outsourc __PUNCT__ he never heard of them __PUNCT__

never heard of them __PUNCT__

never heard of tax_break for compani that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__

he said that if it true __PUNCT__ he must need a new account __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ we know for sure it wa not the real mitt_romnei __PUNCT__ becaus he seem to be do just fine with hi current account __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ so you see __PUNCT__ the man on stage last night __PUNCT__ he doe not want to be held_account for the real mitt_romnei decis and what he been sai for the last year __PUNCT__

and that becaus he know full well that we don't want what he been sell for the last year __PUNCT__

so governor romnei mai danc around hi posit __PUNCT__ but if you want to be presid __PUNCT__ you ow the american_peopl the truth __PUNCT__

so here the truth __PUNCT__ governor romnei cannot pai for hi __MONEY___trillion tax_plan without blow up the deficit or stick it to the middl_class __PUNCT__

that the math __PUNCT__

we can't afford to go down that road again __PUNCT__

we can't afford anoth round of budget __PUNCT__ bust tax_cut for the wealthi __PUNCT__

we can't afford to gut our invest in educ or clean_energi or research and technolog __PUNCT__

we can't afford to roll_back regul on wall_street or on big_oil oil_compani or insur_compani __PUNCT__

we cannot afford to doubl down on the same top __PUNCT__ down econom_polici that got us into thi mess __PUNCT__

that is not a plan to creat_job __PUNCT__

that is not a plan to grow the economi __PUNCT__

that is not chang __PUNCT__ that is a relaps __PUNCT__

we don't want to go back there __PUNCT__

we tri it __PUNCT__ it didn't work __PUNCT__

and we ar not go back __PUNCT__ we ar go forward __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i got a differ view about how we creat job and prosper __PUNCT__

thi countri doesn't succe when we onli see the rich get richer __PUNCT__

we succe when the middl_class get bigger __PUNCT__

we grow our economi not from the top down __PUNCT__ but from the middl out __PUNCT__

we don't believ that anybodi is entitl to success in thi countri __PUNCT__ but we do believ in someth call opportun __PUNCT__

we believ in a countri where hard_work pai off and where respons is reward and everybodi is get a fair shot and everybodi is do their fair_share and everybodi plai by the same rule __PUNCT__

that the countri we believ in __PUNCT__

that what i fight for __PUNCT__

that why i run for a second term for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ and that why i want your vote __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

what i talk about last night wa a new econom patriot __PUNCT__ a patriot that root in the belief that grow our economi begin with a strong __PUNCT__ thrive middl_class __PUNCT__

that mean we export more job and we outsourc __PUNCT__ export more product and we outsourc fewer job __PUNCT__

over the last __NUM___year __PUNCT__ we came togeth to reinvent a dy auto_industri that back on top of the world __PUNCT__

we creat more than half a million new manufactur_job __PUNCT__

and so now you got a choic __PUNCT__

we can keep give tax_break to corpor that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__ or we can start reward compani that ar open new plant and train new worker __PUNCT__ and creat new job right here in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

that what we look for __PUNCT__

we can help big factori and small_busi doubl their export and creat a million new manufactur_job over the next __NUM___year __PUNCT__

you can make that happen __PUNCT__

i want to control more of our own energi __PUNCT__

after __NUM__ year of inact __PUNCT__ we rais fuel standard so that by the middl of the next decad __PUNCT__ your car and truck will be go twice as far on a gallon of ga __PUNCT__

we doubl the amount of renew_energi we gener from sourc like wind and solar __PUNCT__

and thousand of american have job todai build wind_turbin and long __PUNCT__ last batteri __PUNCT__

the unit_state of america_todai is less depend on foreign_oil than ani time in nearli two decad __PUNCT__

so now you got a choic between a plan that revers thi progress or on that build on it __PUNCT__

last night my oppon sai he refus to close the loophol that give big_oil oil_compani __MONEY___billion in taxpay_subsidi everi year __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ we got a better plan __PUNCT__ where we keep invest in wind and solar and clean_coal __PUNCT__ and the good_job that come with them __PUNCT__ where farmer and scientist har new biofuel to power our car and our truck __PUNCT__ where construct_worker ar retrofit home and factori so thei wast less energi __PUNCT__ and we can develop a hundr __PUNCT__ year suppli of natur_ga that creat hundr of thousand of job __PUNCT__ and by the wai __PUNCT__ we can cut our oil import in half by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

that will be good for our economi __PUNCT__

that will be good for our environ __PUNCT__

that will be good for colorado __PUNCT__

that will be good for america __PUNCT__

that what we fight for __PUNCT__

that why i am run for a second term as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

i want to give more american the chanc to learn the skill thei need to compet __PUNCT__

i talk last night about how educ wa the gatewai of opportun for me and michel __PUNCT__ for so mani of you __PUNCT__

it the gatewai for a middl_class class_life __PUNCT__

and todai __PUNCT__ million of student ar pai less for colleg becaus we took on a system that wa wast billion of taxpay_dollar on banker and lender __PUNCT__

and so now you got a choic __PUNCT__ we can gut educ to pai for more tax_break for the wealthi __PUNCT__ or we can decid that in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ no child should have her dream defer becaus of an overcrowd classroom __PUNCT__

no famili should have to set asid a colleg accept letter becaus thei don't have the monei __PUNCT__

no compani should have to look for worker in china becaus thei couldn't find ani with the right skill here in the unit state __PUNCT__

so we go to recruit __NUM__ new math and scienc_teacher __PUNCT__ and we go to improv earli_childhood childhood_educ __PUNCT__ and we go to creat___NUM__ __NUM___million more slot in commun_colleg so that worker can get train for the job that ar out there right now __PUNCT__

and we ar go to continu to do everyth we need to do to cut the growth of tuition cost becaus everi young_person in america should have the opportun to go to colleg without be load up with hundr __PUNCT__ with ten of thousand of dollar __PUNCT__ worth of debt __PUNCT__

that part of what it mean for us to be abl to build an economi that last __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ i got a balanc plan that independ expert sai will cut the deficit by __MONEY___trillion through a mix of spend_cut and higher_tax on wealthiest american __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i alreadi work with republican in congress to cut a trillion_dollar in spend __PUNCT__ and i will to do more __PUNCT__

i want to reform the tax_code so that it simpl and it fair __PUNCT__ but also so incom over __MONEY__ we go back to the same_rate we had when bill_clinton wa presid __PUNCT__ we creat___NUM__ __NUM___million new job __PUNCT__ the biggest surplu in histori __PUNCT__ a lot of millionair to boot __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ last night __PUNCT__ governor romnei rule out rais a dime of tax on anybodi ever __PUNCT__ no matter how much monei thei make __PUNCT__

he rule out close the loophol that give oil_compani __MONEY___billion in corpor_welfar __PUNCT__

he refus to even acknowledg the loophol that give tax_break to corpor that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__

and when he wa ask what he actual do to cut the deficit and reduc spend __PUNCT__ he said he elimin fund for public televis __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

that wa hi answer __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ thank good somebodi is final get tough on big bird __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ it about time __PUNCT__

we didn't know that big bird wa drive the feder_deficit __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ but that what we heard last night __PUNCT__

how about that __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__

and elmo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

elmo too __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ the fact is __PUNCT__ governor romnei math just doesn't add up __PUNCT__

and i had to spend a lot of time last night try to pin it down __PUNCT__

the onli on wai to pai for __MONEY___trillion in new tax_cut and __MONEY___trillion in new defens_spend that the militari sai it doesn't need is by ask the middl_class to pai more __PUNCT__

you __PUNCT__ and i refus to do that __PUNCT__

i refus to ask middl class_famili to give up their deduct for own a home or rais their kid just to pai for anoth millionair tax_cut __PUNCT__

i refus to ask student to pai for __PUNCT__ more for colleg or kick children out of head_start program or elimin health_insur for million of american who ar poor or elderli or disabl just to pai for more tax_cut that we cannot afford __PUNCT__

and i will never turn medicar into a voucher __PUNCT__

governor romnei doubl down on that propos last night __PUNCT__ and he is wrong __PUNCT__

no american should have to spend their golden year at the merci of insur_compani __PUNCT__

thei should retir with the care and the digniti that thei have earn __PUNCT__

so ye __PUNCT__ we reform and strengthen medicar for the long_haul __PUNCT__ but we do it by reduc the cost of health_care __PUNCT__ not by ask senior to pai thousand of dollar more __PUNCT__

and we will keep the promis of social_secur by take the respons step to strengthen it __PUNCT__ not by turn it over to wall_street __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ go forward we go to have a chanc to talk a littl bit about what go on oversea __PUNCT__ becaus our prosper at home is link to what happen abroad __PUNCT__

four year_ago __PUNCT__ i promis to end the war in iraq __PUNCT__ and i did __PUNCT__

i said we wind down the war in afghanistan in a respons wai __PUNCT__ and we ar __PUNCT__

while a new tower is rise abov the new york skylin __PUNCT__ al qaida is on the path to defeat __PUNCT__ and usama bin_laden is dead __PUNCT__

but we still face seriou threat around the world __PUNCT__

we saw that just a few week_ago __PUNCT__

and that why __PUNCT__ so long as i command in chief __PUNCT__ we will sustain the strongest militari the world ha ever known __PUNCT__

and when our troop take off their uniform __PUNCT__ we will serv them as well as thei serv us __PUNCT__ becaus nobodi should have to fight for a job when thei come home __PUNCT__ or a roof over their head when thei have fought for their countri __PUNCT__

thei have earn our respect and our honor __PUNCT__

that a commit i make __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ it will be interest to see what the gui who wa plai mitt_romnei yesterdai __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ will sai about foreign_polici when we meet next __PUNCT__ becaus he said it wa __PUNCT__ tragic __PUNCT__ to end the war in iraq __PUNCT__

he won't tell us how he end the war in afghanistan __PUNCT__

and i us the monei we no longer spend on war to pai down our debt and to put more peopl back to work rebuild our road and our bridg and our school and our runwai and broadband line __PUNCT__ becaus after a decad of war __PUNCT__ it time to do some nation __PUNCT__ build here at home and put some folk to work here at home __PUNCT__

so thi is the choic we now face __PUNCT__

thi is what the elect come down to __PUNCT__

over and over __PUNCT__ we been told by our oppon that sinc govern can't do everyth __PUNCT__ it should do almost noth __PUNCT__

if you can't afford health_insur __PUNCT__ hope you don't get sick __PUNCT__

if a compani is releas toxic pollut into the air that your children breath __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that the price of progress __PUNCT__ can't afford to regul __PUNCT__

if you can't afford to start a busi or go to colleg __PUNCT__ just borrow_monei from your parent __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ as i describ last night __PUNCT__ that not who we ar __PUNCT__

that not what thi countri is about __PUNCT__

here in america __PUNCT__ we believ we all in thi togeth __PUNCT__

we understand america is not about what can be done for us __PUNCT__ it about what can be done by us togeth __PUNCT__ as on nation __PUNCT__ and as on peopl __PUNCT__

you understand that __PUNCT__

you understand that __PUNCT__ denver __PUNCT__

you ar the reason that there a teacher in pueblo who __PUNCT__ with her husband __PUNCT__ can bui her first phone with __PUNCT__ first home with the help of new tax_credit that we help pass __PUNCT__

we couldn't have done it without you __PUNCT__

you made that happen __PUNCT__

you the reason that a woman outsid durango can get the treatment she need to beat cancer now that there ar afford plan to cover preexist condit __PUNCT__

you did that __PUNCT__

you made that happen __PUNCT__

you the reason that thousand of student at cu boulder and colorado state and univers of denver have more help pai for colleg thi year __PUNCT__

that happen becaus of you __PUNCT__

you the reason a young immigr who grew up here and went to school here and pledg_allegi to our flag will no longer be deport from the onli countri she ever call home __PUNCT__

you the reason why an outstand soldier won't be kick out of the militari becaus of who he love __PUNCT__

you the reason why thousand of famili have been abl to sai to the love on who serv us so brave __PUNCT__ welcom home __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ welcom home __PUNCT__

welcom home __PUNCT__

if you turn awai now __PUNCT__ if you bui into the cynic that somehow the chang we fought for isn't possibl __PUNCT__ then of cours __PUNCT__ chang won't happen __PUNCT__

if you give up on the idea that your voic can make a differ __PUNCT__ then other folk fill the void __PUNCT__ lobbyist and special_interest and the peopl who ar write the __MONEY___million check __PUNCT__

and all the spin will end up domin the airwav __PUNCT__ and that how thing go __PUNCT__ and ordinari folk get left out __PUNCT__

all the folk who ar try to make it harder for you to vote __PUNCT__ the folk in washington who think somehow that thei should control the health_care choic that women should be make for themselv __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

onli you can make chang happen __PUNCT__

onli you have the power to move us forward __PUNCT__

from the dai we began thi campaign __PUNCT__ i alwai said real chang take time __PUNCT__

it take more than on term __PUNCT__

it take more even than on presid or on parti __PUNCT__

you certainli can't do it if you got a presid who write off half the nation befor he even take offic __PUNCT__

in __NUM__ percent of the countri didn't vote for me __PUNCT__

but on the night of the elect __PUNCT__ i said to all those american __PUNCT__ i mai not have won your vote __PUNCT__ but i hear your voic __PUNCT__ i need your help __PUNCT__ and i will be your presid too __PUNCT__

and so i want to sai to denver __PUNCT__ i want to sai to the entir great state of colorado __PUNCT__ i don't know how mani of you will be with me around __PUNCT__ with me thi time around __PUNCT__ but i be with you no matter what __PUNCT__

becaus i not fight to creat democrat job or republican job __PUNCT__ i fight to creat american_job __PUNCT__

i not fight to improv school in red_state or blue_state __PUNCT__ i fight to improv school in the unit_state __PUNCT__

the valu we care about don't just belong to worker or busi or the rich or the poor or the __NUM__ percent or the __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ thei ar american valu __PUNCT__ thei belong to all of us __PUNCT__

and if we reclaim them now __PUNCT__ if we ralli around a new sens of econom patriot __PUNCT__ a sens of how we build an economi from the middl out and give ladder of opportun for everybodi who is will to work_hard __PUNCT__ we will strengthen the middl_class __PUNCT__ we keep move_forward __PUNCT__

i still believ that our polit is not as divid as it seem sometim __PUNCT__

i still believ in you __PUNCT__

i ask you to keep on believ in me __PUNCT__

i ask for your vote __PUNCT__

and if you will to stand with me and work with me __PUNCT__ we go to win denver again __PUNCT__

we win colorado again __PUNCT__

we finish what we start __PUNCT__

we will remind the world just why it is the unit_state of america is the greatest nation on earth __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ everybodi __PUNCT__

god_bless you __PUNCT__ and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

hei __PUNCT__