Barack Obama

This speech titled 2012.10.23.822.Delray Beach.FL originally had 2997 tokens. You can view the original text here.

the presid __PUNCT__

hello __PUNCT__ florida __PUNCT__ ar you fire up __PUNCT__ ar you readi to go __PUNCT__ i am fire up right now __PUNCT__ it is good to be in florida __PUNCT__

give it up for congressman ted deutch __PUNCT__ who here __PUNCT__

your mayor __PUNCT__ nelson mcduffi __PUNCT__ is here __PUNCT__

state_senat maria sach __PUNCT__

a great candid for congress __PUNCT__ loi frankel __PUNCT__

and my friend and your former governor __PUNCT__ charli crist __PUNCT__ is here __PUNCT__

and i want everybodi to give a huge round of applaus to scott for that introduct __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

you gui realli ar fire up __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ i wa mention scott __PUNCT__

everi time i need a pick __PUNCT__ me __PUNCT__ up i try to see scott __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ in addit to some outstand pizza __PUNCT__

and scott and charli crist __PUNCT__ thei remind us that the valu we fight for __PUNCT__ thei not democrat valu __PUNCT__ thei not republican valu __PUNCT__ thei ar american valu __PUNCT__

and that what thi elect is all about __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ __NUM___week from todai __PUNCT__ american in all __NUM___state will step into the vote_booth __PUNCT__

but here in florida __PUNCT__ you get to start vote on saturdai __PUNCT__

and as scott just told you __PUNCT__ if you need to know where to vote __PUNCT__ you go to __URL__

but i need you to vote __PUNCT__ becaus you got a veri big choic to make __PUNCT__

it not just a choic between two candid or two parti __PUNCT__

it is a choic between two veri differ vision for thi countri that we love __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ last night we had our third and last debat __PUNCT__

and i hope that dure the debat i made those differ veri clear __PUNCT__

becaus the greatest respons i have as presid is to keep the american_peopl safe __PUNCT__

that why i end the war in iraq __PUNCT__ so we could go after the terrorist who actual attack us on 9/11 __PUNCT__

that why we decim al qaida core leadership and brought usama bin_laden the justic he deserv __PUNCT__

that why we end the war in afghanistan __PUNCT__ becaus after a decad of war __PUNCT__ it time to do some nation __PUNCT__ build here at home __PUNCT__

in a world of new threat and profound challeng __PUNCT__ america need leadership that is strong and is steadi __PUNCT__

governor romnei foreign_polici ha been wrong and reckless __PUNCT__

last night he wa all over the map __PUNCT__

did you notic that __PUNCT__ dure the debat __PUNCT__ he said he didn't want more troop in iraq __PUNCT__ but he wa caught on video sai it wa unthink not to leav __NUM___troop in iraq __PUNCT__ troop that would still be there todai __PUNCT__

last night he claim to support my plan to end the war in afghanistan __PUNCT__

i glad he support it __PUNCT__

but he oppos a timelin that would actual bring our troop_home __PUNCT__

earli in thi campaign he said he do the opposit of whatev i did in israel __PUNCT__ but last night i remind him that cooper with israel ha never been stronger __PUNCT__

last night he said he alwai support take out usama bin_laden __PUNCT__ but in __NUM__ he said it wasn't worth move heaven and earth to catch on man __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ we come up with a name for thi condit __PUNCT__

it call romnesia __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

romnesia __PUNCT__ romnesia __PUNCT__ romnesia __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

we had a sever outbreak last night __PUNCT__

it wa at least stage __PUNCT__ three romnesia __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ and i just want to go over with you some of the symptom __PUNCT__ delrai __PUNCT__ becaus i want to make sure nobodi in the surround area catch it __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ if you sai that you love american car dure a debat __PUNCT__ but you wrote an articl_titl __PUNCT__ let detroit go bankrupt __PUNCT__ you might have romnesia __PUNCT__

if you talk about how much you love teacher dure a debat __PUNCT__ but said just a few week_ago that we shouldn't hire ani more becaus thei won't grow the economi __PUNCT__ what do you have __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__

romnesia __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

i bet you got some romnesia __PUNCT__

if you sai you love medicar __PUNCT__ and by the wai __PUNCT__ there a theme here __PUNCT__ he keep on love stuff and then want to end it or cut it or not help it __PUNCT__

but if you sai that you love medicar __PUNCT__ but your plan turn it into a voucher that end the guarante benefit of medicar __PUNCT__ you definit have romnesia __PUNCT__

so i mean __PUNCT__ we break down the symptom here __PUNCT__

if you come down with a case of romnesia __PUNCT__ if you can't seem to rememb the polici on your web_site or the promis that you been make over the __NUM___year that you been run for presid __PUNCT__ if you can't even rememb what you said last week __PUNCT__ don't worri __PUNCT__ obamacar cover preexist condit __PUNCT__

we can fix you up __PUNCT__

we can cure thi diseas __PUNCT__

there a cure __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ listen __PUNCT__ let me just sai thi __PUNCT__

in all serious __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ we accustom to see politician chang their posit from __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__

we ar not accustom to see politician chang their posit from __NUM___dai dai_ago __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ and we joke about romnesia __PUNCT__ but you know what __PUNCT__ thi is actual someth import __PUNCT__ thi is about trust __PUNCT__

there no more seriou issu in a presidenti_campaign than trust __PUNCT__

the person who lead thi countri __PUNCT__ you got to have some confid that he or she mean what he or she sai __PUNCT__ that if thei tell you thei go to do someth or that thi is what thei believ __PUNCT__ that thei go to actual try to do it __PUNCT__

it doesn't mean that everi candid is go to get everyth done all at onc perfectli __PUNCT__ but you want somebodi to be abl to look you in the ey and sai __PUNCT__ here what i believ __PUNCT__

here what i stand for __PUNCT__

here what i fight for __PUNCT__

here what i care about __PUNCT__

here who i go to be look out for in the debat in washington __PUNCT__

but part of the reason i think thi is hard for governor romnei to do is hi job plan doesn't realli creat_job __PUNCT__

hi deficit plan doesn't reduc the deficit __PUNCT__ it add to it __PUNCT__

hi foreign_polici is from the 1980 __PUNCT__

hi social_polici is from the 1950 __PUNCT__

hi econom_polici ar from the 1920 __PUNCT__

so everyth he do right now is to hide hi real posit and try to win thi elect __PUNCT__

he want to just spend all hi time and focu on tell peopl what he think is wrong with america __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ if you notic __PUNCT__ in hi debat __PUNCT__ in hi speech __PUNCT__ he is realli excel at list all the thing that ar wrong __PUNCT__

he can just go over it verbatim __PUNCT__ just boom __PUNCT__ boom __PUNCT__ boom __PUNCT__ powerpoint present __PUNCT__

but you know what __PUNCT__ that not leadership that you can trust __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ florida __PUNCT__ you know me __PUNCT__

you can trust that i sai what i mean __PUNCT__ and i mean what i sai __PUNCT__

and ye __PUNCT__ we been through tough_time __PUNCT__

but you never seen me quit __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

and there no quit in america __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

so for over the last __NUM___year __PUNCT__ we been make_real progress __PUNCT__ fight our wai back from these polici that fail america __PUNCT__

our busi have now ad more than __NUM___million new job over the past 2½ year __PUNCT__

unemploy ha fallen to it lowest_level sinc i took offic __PUNCT__

home valu ar rise __PUNCT__

the stock_market ha nearli doubl __PUNCT__

our assembl_line ar get back to work __PUNCT__

and our hero ar come home __PUNCT__

i promis to cut_tax for middl_class class_famili __PUNCT__ and i did __PUNCT__ by __MONEY__

i promis to cut_tax for small_busi busi_owner like scott __PUNCT__ and we have __NUM___time __PUNCT__

i promis we would fix the financi situat that wa broken when i came into offic __PUNCT__ but we got back everi singl dime __PUNCT__ with interest __PUNCT__ that we us to rescu the bank __PUNCT__

we pass a law to end taxpay __PUNCT__ fund wall_street bailout for good __PUNCT__

we repeal __PUNCT__ don't ask __PUNCT__ don't tell __PUNCT__ so that nobodi is ever kick out of the militari becaus of who thei love __PUNCT__

when the heartbeat of american_manufactur wa flatlin __PUNCT__ we said thank __PUNCT__ governor __PUNCT__ i know you got all thi privat_sector experi __PUNCT__ but your advic isn't go to work thi time __PUNCT__

and todai __PUNCT__ the american auto_industri engin ar roar at full throttl again __PUNCT__

i said that i would make sure that nobodi in america goe bankrupt when thei get sick __PUNCT__ and we deliv on that promis __PUNCT__

i said i make colleg more afford for our young_peopl __PUNCT__ and we deliv on that promis __PUNCT__

i do what i sai __PUNCT__

you seen me __PUNCT__

we not yet where we need to be __PUNCT__ but we made real progress __PUNCT__

and now we need to build on that progress __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ florida __PUNCT__ that why i run for a second term as presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

that why i run __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ in thi campaign __PUNCT__ i laid out a plan for job and middl_class secur __PUNCT__

and unlik mitt_romnei __PUNCT__ i actual proud to talk about what in it __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ becaus my plan actual will move america forward __PUNCT__

and by the wai __PUNCT__ the math in my plan add up __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ if we got ani math_teacher out there __PUNCT__ you can go ahead and look in thi plan __PUNCT__ and you see that the number work __PUNCT__

i won't be run the okeydok on you __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ if you want to take a look at it __PUNCT__ you check it out at __URL__

share it with your friend __PUNCT__

share is with your neighbor __PUNCT__

share it with your cowork __PUNCT__

folk who ar still not convinc __PUNCT__ thei can look right here and find out what it is i intend to do in a second term __PUNCT__

there ar still peopl out there who ar try to make up their mind __PUNCT__

some of you here mai still be try to make up your mind __PUNCT__

mayb you just thought __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ some peopl here might have thought it wa a concert go on or someth and wander in by mistak __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ thought scott wa give awai free pizza __PUNCT__

so for those of you who ar still make up your mind __PUNCT__ or your friend or your famili __PUNCT__ i ask folk __PUNCT__ compar my plan to governor romnei __PUNCT__

see which plan is better for you and for america_futur __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ let me just summar it real quick __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ my plan build on our manufactur growth by end tax_break for compani that ar ship job_oversea __PUNCT__

i want to reward small_busi and manufactur who ar creat_job right here in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

second __PUNCT__ my plan will cut our oil import in half by __NUM__ so we control more of our own energi here in america __PUNCT__

and by the wai __PUNCT__ todai we ar less depend on foreign_oil than ani time in __NUM___year __PUNCT__

and on reason is becaus we increas fuel_effici standard on car and truck so that thei will go twice as far on a gallon of ga __PUNCT__

and we need to build on that progress __PUNCT__ not just by produc more oil and ga __PUNCT__ but by invest in clean_energi energi_technolog that creat_job here in florida and all across america __PUNCT__

number three __PUNCT__ audienc member __PUNCT__

we love you __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

i love you back __PUNCT__

but i got thi plan i want to talk about __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ i do __PUNCT__

number three __PUNCT__ my plan will make it a nation mission to educ our kid and train our worker so that thei can compet better than anybodi in the world __PUNCT__

i want to recruit __NUM__ new math and scienc_teacher over the next decad __PUNCT__

i want to train __NUM___million worker at our commun_colleg with the skill that busi ar look for right now __PUNCT__

i want to work with colleg and univers to keep down the growth in tuition cost becaus i want everi young_person to be abl to get the higher_educ that thei will to work for __PUNCT__

number four __PUNCT__ my plan is go to cut the deficit by __MONEY___trillion __PUNCT__

rememb __PUNCT__ i said the number actual add up __PUNCT__

we go to do it in a balanc wai by cut_spend we don't need __PUNCT__ but by also ask the wealthiest american to pai a littl bit more so we can invest in research __PUNCT__ invest in technolog __PUNCT__ those thing that keep new job and busi come to america __PUNCT__

and i will not __PUNCT__ in our pursuit of reduc the deficit __PUNCT__ turn medicar into a voucher becaus no american should spend their golden year at the merci of insur_compani __PUNCT__

that not what medicar is about __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ my plan will us the save from end the war in iraq and afghanistan to put our peopl back to work do some nation __PUNCT__ build here at home __PUNCT__ repair road __PUNCT__ fix bridg __PUNCT__ build school all across america __PUNCT__

and when our veteran come home __PUNCT__ we will serv them as well as thei serv us and make sure that thei ar out there get the job that ar go to help build america __PUNCT__

by the wai __PUNCT__ i just want to point out __PUNCT__ in the same wai that governor romnei didn't mention the afghan_war or our troop in hi convent_speech __PUNCT__ governor romnei didn't even mention our veteran last night __PUNCT__

audienc member __PUNCT__

boo __PUNCT__ the presid __PUNCT__

don't boo __PUNCT__ vote __PUNCT__

he didn't sai a word about it __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ he mai write off half the countri as victim behind close_door __PUNCT__ but the men and women and their famili who have serv thi countri so brave __PUNCT__ thei deserv better from somebodi who appli to be command in chief __PUNCT__

it is my greatest honor serv as their command in chief __PUNCT__ and i will fight for our troop and our veteran everi singl_dai __PUNCT__

so that the plan we need __PUNCT__ florida __PUNCT__

that how you build a strong __PUNCT__ sustain economi that ha good middl_class class_job to offer __PUNCT__

that how you make sure that you got increas take __PUNCT__ home pai __PUNCT__

that how you make sure that busi ar take root all across florida and all across america __PUNCT__

and now it up to you to choos the path we take from here __PUNCT__

start on saturdai __PUNCT__ florida __PUNCT__ you can choos the top __PUNCT__ down polici that got us into thi mess __PUNCT__ or you can choos the polici we us to get us out of thi mess __PUNCT__

you can choos a foreign_polici that reckless and wrong __PUNCT__ or you can choos on that is steadi and strong __PUNCT__

you can choos to turn_back the clock __NUM___year for immigr and gai and women __PUNCT__ or in thi elect __PUNCT__ you can decid we will remain an inclus __PUNCT__ gener countri where no matter who you ar __PUNCT__ or what you look like __PUNCT__ or where you come from __PUNCT__ or who you love __PUNCT__ you can make it if you try __PUNCT__

you got a place in the american_famili __PUNCT__

that what at stake right now __PUNCT__

we can go back __PUNCT__ or we can choos to move_forward __PUNCT__ to focu on the challeng and opportun of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ to work togeth as on nation __PUNCT__ as on peopl __PUNCT__ to make it anoth american_centuri __PUNCT__

that the kind of presid i been __PUNCT__ florida __PUNCT__

that the kind of presid i intend to be __PUNCT__

i ask for your vote __PUNCT__

i ask for your help __PUNCT__

i believ in you __PUNCT__ and i ask you to believ in me __PUNCT__

and if you stand with me and work with me and knock on some door with me and make some phone_call with me __PUNCT__ if you do that __PUNCT__ we will win palm_beach counti again __PUNCT__

we win florida again __PUNCT__

we finish what we start __PUNCT__

we will win thi elect __PUNCT__

and we remind the world why the unit_state of america is the greatest nation on earth __PUNCT__

god_bless you __PUNCT__ and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__