Barack Obama

This speech titled 2012.11.01.843.North Las Vegas.NV originally had 4602 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 160 cue terms and an average lag of 25.8. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 major_leader 36
0.988 0.000199 0.0119
0 0 0
2 harri_reid 1
0.0121 0.000199 0
0.976 0.000199 0.0111
3 confer_call 158
0.46 0.0179 0.201
0.319 0 0.00199
4 local_elect 14
0.0474 0.000199 0.0163
0.724 0.0165 0.196
5 elect_offici 0
0.00438 0 0.000199
0.768 0.0161 0.211
6 east_coast 151
0.759 0 0.00119
0.238 0.000199 0.00159
7 fellow_american 43
0.176 0 0.0635
0.759 0 0.00119
8 __NUM___year 93
0.0456 0 0.837
0.0746 0 0.0424
9 econom_crisi 14
0.000398 0 0.156
0.00537 0 0.838
10 great_depress 3
0 0 0.0185
0.00119 0 0.98
11 __NUM___million 8
0.00119 0 0.0259
0.000199 0 0.973
12 auto_industri 5
0 0 0.0197
0 0 0.98
13 american_manufactur 5
0 0 0.0217
0 0 0.978
14 __NUM___year 10
0.00318 0 0.032
0 0 0.965
15 foreign_oil 5
0.00199 0 0.0191
0.00239 0 0.977
16 __NUM___year 7
0.129 0 0.0261
0.00438 0 0.841
17 bin_laden 43
0.751 0 0.0219
0.109 0 0.118
18 past___NUM___year 17
0.205 0 0.000199
0.789 0 0.00517
19 west_virginia 33
0.159 0 0.000398
0.84 0 0
20 work_harder 40
0.175 0 0.00418
0.821 0 0
21 middl_class 62
0.235 0.000597 0.11
0.651 0 0.00239
22 fair_share 33
0.178 0 0.0231
0.745 0 0.0541
23 unit_state 33
0.131 0 0.104
0.703 0 0.0611
24 middl_class 44
0.0726 0 0.476
0.312 0 0.14
25 financi_crisi 7
0.0157 0 0.0527
0.337 0 0.594
26 good_job 21
0.225 0 0.0318
0.323 0 0.42
27 global_trade 2
0.0115 0.000398 0.00617
0.539 0 0.443
28 hire_peopl 14
0.0523 0.000398 0.0289
0.509 0.000398 0.409
29 american_worker 6
0.0239 0 0.0167
0.532 0.000796 0.427
30 corpor_profit 8
0.0882 0 0.0127
0.535 0.000597 0.363
31 health_care 13
0.168 0.000398 0.0117
0.585 0.000398 0.235
32 global_competit 18
0.178 0 0.00915
0.684 0.000199 0.129
33 unit_state 94
0.439 0 0.0203
0.525 0 0.0153
34 __NUM___dai 32
0.169 0 0.00577
0.815 0 0.0101
35 middl_class 87
0.304 0.00179 0.165
0.521 0 0.00836
36 good_job 35
0.198 0.00139 0.0306
0.677 0.00139 0.0913
37 free_market 9
0.045 0.00119 0.0139
0.825 0.00279 0.112
38 protect_consum 148
0 0 0.939
0 0 0.0615
39 credit_card_compani 3
0 0 0.0113
0 0 0.989
40 tax_code 12
0 0 0.0448
0 0 0.955
41 hard_work 2
0.00915 0 0.00935
0 0 0.981
42 creat_job 4
0.000597 0 0.0171
0.00697 0 0.975
43 health_care 9
0.0107 0 0.0291
0.00597 0 0.954
44 __NUM___year 29
0.00756 0 0.0949
0.00478 0 0.893
45 bill_clinton 13
0 0 0.0587
0.000199 0 0.941
46 interest_thing 40
0.0145 0 0.131
0 0 0.854
47 rais_tax 21
0 0.000199 0.0792
0 0 0.921
48 sound_familiar 11
0 0 0.0332
0 0 0.967
49 bill_clinton 56
0 0 0.185
0 0 0.815
50 creat___NUM__ 6
0.000597 0 0.0211
0 0 0.978
51 __NUM___million 0
0.00119 0 0.00338
0.000597 0 0.995
52 __NUM___year 37
0.00139 0 0.121
0 0 0.878
53 bill_clinton 2
0 0 0.0135
0 0 0.986
54 left_offic 1
0 0 0.00697
0 0 0.993
55 tax_cut 10
0 0 0.0362
0 0 0.964
56 tax_break 10
0 0 0.0346
0 0 0.965
57 job_oversea 3
0 0 0.0127
0 0 0.987
58 insur_compani 1
0 0 0.00697
0 0 0.993
59 oil_compani 2
0 0 0.00935
0 0 0.991
60 wall_street 2
0.000398 0 0.0125
0 0 0.987
61 job_growth 46
0 0 0.155
0 0 0.845
62 econom_crisi 8
0.000597 0 0.0316
0 0 0.968
63 __NUM___year 52
0.0342 0 0.164
0.000597 0 0.801
64 straight_face 5
0.00617 0.000796 0.0231
0.0306 0 0.939
65 biggest_bank 48
0 0 0.204
0 0 0.796
66 health_insur 6
0 0 0.0219
0 0 0.978
67 __MONEY___trillion 4
0 0 0.0177
0 0 0.982
68 tax_cut 1
0 0 0.00697
0 0 0.993
69 answer_question 9
0 0 0.0342
0 0 0.966
70 tea_parti 45
0.00398 0.000199 0.147
0 0 0.849
71 __NUM___year 39
0.311 0 0.086
0.00279 0 0.6
72 singl_dai 68
0.722 0 0.0167
0.219 0 0.0418
73 good_job 79
0.351 0.000199 0.0133
0.628 0 0.00736
74 economi_grow 29
0.141 0 0.00418
0.85 0 0.00498
75 young_peopl 3
0.0277 0 0
0.969 0 0.00378
76 borrow_monei 18
0.0836 0 0.00279
0.912 0 0.00179
77 tax_credit 27
0.117 0.00159 0.0229
0.856 0 0.00279
78 tax_cut 7
0.0295 0.00199 0.163
0.779 0.00139 0.0247
79 scienc_teacher 23
0.277 0 0
0.723 0 0
80 wage_job 9
0.0472 0 0
0.953 0 0
81 commun_colleg 17
0.0746 0 0
0.925 0 0
82 __NUM___million_american 4
0.0223 0.000597 0.000199
0.977 0 0
83 make_america 45
0.188 0 0.156
0.656 0 0.000398
84 american_worker 22
0.00458 0 0.814
0.0322 0 0.149
85 auto_industri 7
0.000398 0 0.0541
0.00418 0 0.941
86 wind_turbin 47
0.00139 0 0.106
0 0 0.892
87 solar_panel 3
0.000398 0 0.000199
0.00139 0 0.998
88 __NUM___year_ago 12
0.145 0 0.0882
0.00179 0 0.765
89 clean_energi 40
0.00776 0 0.203
0.0245 0 0.765
90 tax_code 16
0 0.000199 0.339
0 0 0.66
91 creat_job 5
0 0 0.0595
0 0 0.94
92 job_oversea 0
0 0 0.00299
0 0 0.997
93 creat_job 8
0.000199 0 0.0191
0 0 0.981
94 unit_state 5
0.000995 0 0.00975
0.000199 0 0.989
95 tax_code 7
0 0 0.0121
0 0 0.988
96 oil_compani 3
0 0 0.00378
0 0 0.996
97 compani_profit 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
98 make_monei 4
0.000199 0 0.00119
0 0 0.999
99 trillion_dollar 231
0 0.000199 0.999
0 0 0.000597
100 spend_cut 4
0 0 0.0181
0 0 0.982
101 tax_rate 40
0 0.000597 0.14
0 0 0.86
102 bill_clinton 7
0 0 0.0287
0 0 0.971
103 tax_cut 26
0.0277 0.000199 0.09
0 0 0.882
104 health_care_reform 13
0.285 0 0.0269
0.0267 0 0.661
105 insur_compani 4
0.0517 0 0.00995
0.312 0 0.626
106 jump_back 2
0.0187 0 0.00935
0.363 0 0.609
107 health_care 16
0.366 0.000597 0.0139
0.344 0 0.276
108 big_govern 27
0.576 0 0
0.423 0 0.000995
109 small_govern 5
0.0267 0 0
0.973 0 0
110 middl_class 6
0.114 0 0.0117
0.875 0 0
111 hard_work 7
0.0382 0 0.00159
0.953 0 0.00697
112 futur_gener 75
0.334 0 0.000597
0.665 0 0
113 polit_parti 78
0.328 0 0
0.672 0 0
114 american_peopl 15
0.0651 0 0.00119
0.934 0 0
115 special_interest 20
0.0987 0 0.000398
0.901 0 0
116 statu_quo 47
0.203 0 0.000199
0.796 0 0
117 power_forc 3
0.0171 0 0
0.983 0 0
118 __NUM___year 7
0.0352 0 0.00498
0.96 0 0
119 fought_back 11
0.0541 0 0.00478
0.938 0 0.00318
120 health_care 13
0.0529 0 0.0279
0.912 0 0.00716
121 wall_street 12
0.0541 0 0.0515
0.862 0 0.0326
122 american_peopl 36
0.202 0 0.00338
0.776 0 0.0181
123 put_peopl 27
0.128 0 0.0105
0.855 0 0.00677
124 good_sens 53
0.249 0 0
0.751 0 0
125 american_peopl 3
0.0199 0 0.000199
0.98 0 0
126 lost_sight 15
0.0712 0 0.000199
0.929 0 0
127 singl_dai 24
0.0979 0.000199 0.0295
0.872 0 0.000199
128 middl_class 2
0.0119 0.00856 0.0147
0.935 0.000199 0.0295
129 class_american 0
0.00418 0.00199 0.00179
0.939 0.00876 0.044
130 middl_class 11
0.0259 0.000995 0.5
0.421 0.00736 0.0456
131 cut_tax 20
0 0.0139 0.473
0 0.00597 0.507
132 small_busi 2
0.000199 0.000398 0.00796
0 0.0193 0.972
133 republican_senat 31
0.00378 0 0.123
0.000398 0.000796 0.872
134 student_loan 23
0.0657 0 0.073
0.00338 0 0.858
135 wall_street 14
0.00259 0 0.101
0.0179 0 0.878
136 insur_compani 15
0.00378 0 0.0627
0.00915 0 0.924
137 work_famili 120
0.0356 0.00657 0.362
0.00139 0 0.594
138 financi_aid 20
0.000199 0 0.11
0.00119 0.000199 0.888
139 plan_parenthood 7
0 0 0.0257
0 0 0.974
140 health_care 3
0.00199 0.000199 0.0125
0 0 0.985
141 tax_cut 18
0.000597 0.000199 0.0605
0.000199 0.000199 0.938
142 statu_quo 24
0.0452 0 0.0826
0.000398 0 0.872
143 middl_class 3
0.00199 0 0.0191
0.0378 0 0.941
144 class_famili 0
0.000796 0 0.00259
0.0394 0 0.957
145 campaign_trail 106
0.976 0 0
0.0245 0 0
146 singl_dai 2
0.0139 0 0.000199
0.986 0 0
147 restaur_owner 27
0.121 0 0
0.879 0 0
148 great_american 76
0.282 0 0.0848
0.634 0 0
149 school_suppli 28
0.214 0 0
0.786 0 0.000398
150 young_peopl 22
0.1 0 0
0.9 0 0
151 small_farm 5
0.0257 0 0
0.974 0 0
152 turn_back 102
0.415 0 0
0.585 0 0
153 push_forward 22
0.0898 0 0.000398
0.91 0 0
154 middl_class 36
0.103 0.000995 0.319
0.577 0 0.000597
155 move_forward 38
0.0995 0 0.197
0.438 0 0.265
156 great_depress 6
0.0211 0 0.0653
0.466 0 0.448
157 phone_call 95
0.704 0 0.000199
0.295 0 0
158 unit_state 48
0.213 0 0.00179
0.786 0 0
159 god_bless 8
0.042 0 0
0.958 0 0
160 unit_state 7
0.0378 0 0.00816
0.954 0 0