This speech titled 2012.01.21.remarks_in_columbia_following_the_south_carolina_primary originally had 2739 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
sound like you have a lot of enthusiasm __PUNCT__
i love it __PUNCT__
there no doubt in my mind the momentum ha been continu and will continu __PUNCT__
and thank you veri much __PUNCT__
you know a lot ha been done here in the last week or so and also there been now three elect __PUNCT__ and a total of __NUM___deleg been chosen so far __PUNCT__
less than __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ like __NUM__ 1/2 percent __PUNCT__ thi is the begin of a long __PUNCT__ hard slide __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and we will __PUNCT__ we will continu to do thi __PUNCT__
there is no doubt about it __PUNCT__
the messag of liberti is be receiv more peopl everi singl_dai __PUNCT__ thank to your effort __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ the wonder thing about the messag of liberti is if what we seek is peac and prosper __PUNCT__ that is how you get peac and prosper __PUNCT__ by understand and defend and promot the caus of liberti __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ there no doubt our number have been grow __PUNCT__ whether it thi primari __PUNCT__ but i have been in thi busi of promot thi caus in the elector process for a long_time __PUNCT__
at the begin __PUNCT__ i thought it wa just go to be promot of a caus __PUNCT__
then it dawn on me __PUNCT__ if you win_elect and win deleg __PUNCT__ that the wai you promot a caus __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so we will certainli be promot thi in the most frugal wai __PUNCT__
we will be go to the caucu station __PUNCT__ state and we will be promot the whole idea of get more deleg __PUNCT__ becaus that the name of the game __PUNCT__
and we will pursu it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ twenti or __NUM___year_ago i start and i didn't think it __PUNCT__ that it would be well receiv __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__ get elect __NUM___time meant the peopl who knew me best vote for the caus of liberti and thi caus ha continu to grow __PUNCT__
even compar to four year_ago __PUNCT__ it look like tonight we will get four to five time more vote than we did four year ago __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so there everi reason to be encourag __PUNCT__ there everi reason that we understand so clearli that the caus is so necessari __PUNCT__
thi is what i notic about four year ago __PUNCT__
after the last elect __PUNCT__ our effort were get __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ thei were get more and more attent __PUNCT__
and everybodi ask me __PUNCT__ the media fleet ask me __PUNCT__ what is differ __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ the evid had becom clear that the effort by govern is fail __PUNCT__ and we can't depend on the govern to take care of us from cradl to grave __PUNCT__ we can't depend on the govern __PUNCT__ on it effort to promot and believ that we can polic the world and go into nation_build becaus we all gone broke __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ we talk a lot about the economi and how we got into the mess and what we should do about it __PUNCT__
other have talk about it in glib term and not be specif but i see our problem as a spend problem govern is too big __PUNCT__
we do more thing __PUNCT__ all the thing we not suppos to do and we forget about do the thing we suppos to be do __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so as a modest attempt to get back to reason budget __PUNCT__ we want to have a __MONEY___trillion cut in spend in on year __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ there not __PUNCT__ there is on other littl item that i talk about __PUNCT__ not for thi campaign __PUNCT__ not for the last campaign __PUNCT__ but for the last __NUM___year __PUNCT__
as a matter of fact __PUNCT__ it motiv me in mani wai to run for congress __PUNCT__
and then it ha to do with how do we get awai with pai for these bill and endless spend occur and govern keep grow __PUNCT__
it cannot occur if you have a sound monetari_system __PUNCT__
that why i have emphas the import of have a sound dollar and why we need to rein in the feder_reserv_system __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ on of the argument that thei __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ pose against us for talk about the gold_standard is thei said it too complex and it riski busi __PUNCT__
but what is __PUNCT__ what can be more ridicul than sai __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ monei come out of a print_press and it should be done in secret __PUNCT__ creat trillion of dollar and pass them out to the special_interest and we suppos to accept that as a good monetari_system __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ it isn't all that complex __PUNCT__
as a matter of fact __PUNCT__ if we obei the law we would have sound_monei __PUNCT__
the constitut still sai that onli gold and silver should be legal_tender __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ but if on understand thi __PUNCT__ you can understand why govern_grow becaus politician don't have to be respons __PUNCT__
there variou reason why thei spend_monei __PUNCT__ but if thei __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ to on degre thei can tax us but there a limit to how much __PUNCT__ becaus there will be a tax rebellion __PUNCT__
and thei can borrow and thei can get awai with that as long as the credit is good but eventu interest_rate go up __PUNCT__
that why thei invent in __NUM__ thi financi_system system_base on fiat_monei and print_monei __PUNCT__ becaus you can delai the pain and penalti __PUNCT__
and i us to sai __PUNCT__ so often __PUNCT__ over the year __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ we run up these debt and we pass them on to the next gener __PUNCT__ we shouldn't do it __PUNCT__
but you know what __PUNCT__ what differ todai __PUNCT__ we ar the next gener and we suffer the consequ __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and thi is __PUNCT__ and thi is the reason that we cannot resolv the problem of the unfinanc entitl_system __PUNCT__ social_secur and all __PUNCT__ becaus if you just print_monei __PUNCT__ the valu of monei goe down __PUNCT__ and the peopl standard go down __PUNCT__
alreadi the peopl on fix incom __PUNCT__ their standard of live is go down __PUNCT__
the middl_class is shrink __PUNCT__
unemploy __PUNCT__ if you look at those honestli __PUNCT__ is closer to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ and the peopl ar veri __PUNCT__ veri concern about thi __PUNCT__
the answer come with a veri uncompl solut __PUNCT__
we got into thi mess by too mani peopl in washington either didn't care or didn't understand the constitut __PUNCT__
we need to restor the constitut __PUNCT__ and we must restor liberti __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ in order __PUNCT__ in order to do that __PUNCT__ we should spend all our resourc here at home __PUNCT__
that a good place to spend the monei __PUNCT__
thi is also the reason i have emphas so strongli about the wast and the amount of monei we spend oversea and the foreign_aid __PUNCT__
at the same_time our peopl ar suffer here at home __PUNCT__
so if we want to spend the monei __PUNCT__ we should work_hard to return the monei from oversea spend to the peopl here in thi countri __PUNCT__ and thei should spend the monei __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ but in order to do thi __PUNCT__ we all know that it is not so simpl __PUNCT__
you don't wave a wand __PUNCT__
you have to chang the peopl attitud and that is what happen __PUNCT__
the peopl attitud ar chang and thei realiz that we can't afford thi ani longer __PUNCT__
even the peopl who ar on the receiv end know thei get into troubl becaus the produc have been push out of our countri __PUNCT__
so thi is becom the opportun for us to restor the valu that had made america_great __PUNCT__
and it base on individu_liberti __PUNCT__ it base on the concept that we ar free_peopl with free spirit __PUNCT__ we should have control of our live and we should have a control of our destini __PUNCT__ but we also should have control of our monei as well __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ but thi will not be done __PUNCT__ govern doe reflect the prevail attitud of the peopl __PUNCT__
where we ar gain now is the prevail attitud of the peopl is chang __PUNCT__ and that is veri good becaus it __PUNCT__ s come our wai and sai govern is the problem __PUNCT__ it is not the solut __PUNCT__
we got into thi mess by too much spend and too much debt and too much print_monei and too much regul __PUNCT__
how do thei think thei go to get out of thi mess by spend more monei __PUNCT__ print more monei __PUNCT__ borrow more monei and regul more __PUNCT__ it imposs __PUNCT__
that why we have to revers the cours __PUNCT__
foreign_polici __PUNCT__ we need a foreign polici __PUNCT__ not so strang __PUNCT__ but on that the founder gave us __PUNCT__ on the constitut design __PUNCT__ on that is design to oper in our self __PUNCT__ interest and for our nation_secur __PUNCT__
that what kind we have __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ i think a simpl littl thing to avoid go into these war that never seem to end __PUNCT__ that thei never seem to stop and we never know why we there and what the purpos is __PUNCT__
founder gave us the answer __PUNCT__
don't go to war unless the war is declar __PUNCT__
go to war __PUNCT__ win it and go home __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so that a good place to start __PUNCT__
bring the troop_home and have them spend their monei here __PUNCT__ not oversea __PUNCT__
entitl_system __PUNCT__ it doesn't work __PUNCT__
it all well intend __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ everybodi is go to get a hous __PUNCT__ and everybodi go to get free health_care __PUNCT__ everybodi go to get a free_educ __PUNCT__
and look at what we have __PUNCT__
all it doe is when you pump more monei into ani area __PUNCT__ you get higher_price __PUNCT__
so the more the govern pump monei into educ or medicin __PUNCT__ the cost go up __PUNCT__ but you don't get higher qualiti or better distribut __PUNCT__
unfortun __PUNCT__ our countri ha been veri lackadais __PUNCT__ and thi is what we reviv __PUNCT__ and that is we lackadais about our understand and our trust in freedom __PUNCT__
thi is what we need __PUNCT__
we need to restor the __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ that if we want a free and prosper societi __PUNCT__ we have to understand the necess of assum respons for ourselv __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ the on other area that bother me significantli is when we accept the big role __PUNCT__ the role of big_govern in econom or in oversea __PUNCT__ inevit it undermin our person_liberti and it is __PUNCT__ and that is be attack now __PUNCT__ alwai with well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ good_intent __PUNCT__ but in the last __NUM__ or __NUM___year __PUNCT__ we have embark in a __PUNCT__ on a road that is undermin our liberti __PUNCT__
when you think of the harm done and the threat to our privaci with the patriot_act __PUNCT__ that ha liter cancel out the fourth_amend __PUNCT__
we need to revers that and get rid of the patriot_act __PUNCT__ is what i think we should do __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ on place where __PUNCT__ when the peopl spoke out __PUNCT__ we achiev a lot __PUNCT__ and there is a few peopl in thi room i quit sure ar comput savvi and internet savvi __PUNCT__
and when thei threaten with sopa __PUNCT__ onlin gambl __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ an act which wa to take over the internet __PUNCT__ guess what __PUNCT__ you all spoke out and at least temporarili it ha been remov from the docket in washington in both the hous and the senat __PUNCT__
so that is an achiev __PUNCT__
when the peopl_speak out __PUNCT__ can you get their attent in washington __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ but we also need to continu to speak out against what that paragraph thei put in the nation_defens author act __PUNCT__ that provis that now allow our presid to us our militari to arrest american_citizen with no charg and no attornei __PUNCT__
now i got a littl bit of critic from the media and i realli worri a lot about that __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ but i took a dai thi week and went back up to washington __PUNCT__
i want to make sure that i wa on record to vote against increas the nation_debt by __MONEY___trillion __PUNCT__
but also while there __PUNCT__ i drop a piec of legisl in __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ is veri signific and i hope we gain the momentum becaus so mani peopl in the campaign ha been awar of thi __PUNCT__ although it not notic much in the mainstream_media __PUNCT__ and that is i introduc a bill to repeal that provis and remov that power from our presid __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ our caus is the right caus __PUNCT__ becaus it the caus that made america_great __PUNCT__
freedom is the answer to so mani of our problem __PUNCT__
if you think about divers in a countri as our countri is __PUNCT__ freedom bring_peopl togeth __PUNCT__ becaus what we do is we releas the creativ energi of each individu __PUNCT__ to pursu their live as thei choos __PUNCT__ their lifestyl __PUNCT__ their religi valu __PUNCT__ their person valu will be determin by that individu as long as thei don't interfer with other __PUNCT__
thi bring peopl togeth __PUNCT__
econom it should be the same issu __PUNCT__ social_issu and econom_issu __PUNCT__
you should have not onli a right to your life and your own __PUNCT__ your own practic but you should have a right to spend your monei as you choos __PUNCT__
thi is what we have to do __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and we did have the best experi ever __PUNCT__
we were the richest countri ever __PUNCT__
we had the largest middl_class ever __PUNCT__ and now it is chang __PUNCT__
and it been systemat chang over quit a few decad __PUNCT__
so we have to revers that becaus right now the middl class is shrink __PUNCT__ the countri is poorer and the prosper we have is basic base on debt __PUNCT__
we ow so much monei to oversea __PUNCT__
we have now __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ iron and unfortun __PUNCT__ the chines have becom our banker __PUNCT__
i mean __PUNCT__ what is go on with us __PUNCT__ why don't we produc the condit and the environ to invit capit and invest back into thi countri __PUNCT__ that what we need __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ the issu you all know veri well __PUNCT__ the countri is come our wai __PUNCT__ thi campaign ha a long wai to go __PUNCT__
the momentum is grow __PUNCT__
the on thing we can sai about our campaign __PUNCT__ have you ever notic other candid go up and then down __PUNCT__ up and then down __PUNCT__ so far i am veri proud to sai that our effort is steadi growth __PUNCT__
it steadi growth like thi __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and that the wai it go to continu becaus that is what is necessari __PUNCT__
it is __PUNCT__ there is a great need for it and the opportun is there and let me tell you how proud i am of all the support and all the effort made in thi __PUNCT__
and just believ me __PUNCT__ thank you veri much __PUNCT__
keep up the good_work __PUNCT__
we have the messag __PUNCT__ we have the talent __PUNCT__ we have the determin and we will win thi battl for peac and prosper __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__