Ron Paul

This speech titled 2012.01.31.remarks_in_henderson_nevada_following_the_florida_primary originally had 1352 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ thank you veri much __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

crowd __PUNCT__ ron_paul __PUNCT__ ron paul __PUNCT__ ron paul __PUNCT__ ron paul __PUNCT__ ron paul __PUNCT__ ron paul __PUNCT__ ron paul __PUNCT__

paul __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

thank you veri much __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ if enthusiasm win_elect __PUNCT__ we win hand down __PUNCT__

thi is great __PUNCT__

thi is veri nice __PUNCT__

thank you veri much for come out __PUNCT__

just a littl while ago __PUNCT__ i call governor romnei and congratul him __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ we had a friendli convers __PUNCT__

i honestli congratul him __PUNCT__

he ran a good campaign __PUNCT__ but also said i would see him soon in the caucu state __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ we been have a fantast trip and not too long_ago __PUNCT__ a few dai_ago __PUNCT__ we were up in main __PUNCT__ fantast recept up in main __PUNCT__

todai we had three visit in colorado and thei were fantast __PUNCT__

we visit with and we probabl had attend well over __NUM___todai in colorado __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ it look like we have a few hundr here tonight to sai the least __PUNCT__ a thousand_peopl __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ a few month_ago __PUNCT__ there were nine __PUNCT__ we down to four __PUNCT__

but tonight __PUNCT__ we in third place when it come to deleg and that is what realli count __PUNCT__

we onli gotten start __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ and we will spend our time in the caucu state becaus if you have an irat minor __PUNCT__ you do veri well in the caucu state __PUNCT__

there is someth els that the caucu state lend themselv to __PUNCT__ becaus if you have an energ group of peopl that ar work in a campaign and actual believ in someth __PUNCT__ it better to work in the caucu state __PUNCT__

thi is what ha been so fantast with the campaign __PUNCT__

i been do a littl bit of campaign for liberti for a long_time __PUNCT__

let me tell you someth big is happen in thi countri and it all veri favor __PUNCT__

the mess up in washington thei have creat a mess that ha given a lousi foreign_polici __PUNCT__

thei have given a lousi budget and lousi recess __PUNCT__ but wonder thing that is happen in the grassroot __PUNCT__

peopl ar begin to realiz that the problem is too much govern __PUNCT__

we need more person_liberti __PUNCT__ thi is where we win the heart and mind of peopl __PUNCT__

the number ar grow __PUNCT__

i tell you what __PUNCT__

there ar mani brush fire of freedom be lit across thi countri todai __PUNCT__

we don't even know where thei ar there ar so mani __PUNCT__

it be translat to great enthusiasm and chang __PUNCT__ the chang that we need __PUNCT__

we don't need to have more govern __PUNCT__

we need to get rid of some of the process of govern __PUNCT__

for instanc __PUNCT__ don't you think it about time we have a new monetari_polici __PUNCT__

and all we have to do is read the constitut __PUNCT__ thei tell us exactli what we suppos to have __PUNCT__

what about a foreign_polici __PUNCT__ we need a foreign polici __PUNCT__ but do we have to inconveni it __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ all we have to do is read the constitut we need a strong_nation nation_defens __PUNCT__

we don't need to be the policemen of the world __PUNCT__

veri simpli we should not engag ani war that ar not declar properli and support by the peopl __PUNCT__

i gotten some advic on the internet everi onc in a while __PUNCT__

and the advic is __PUNCT__ ron __PUNCT__ if you would just chang your foreign_polici __PUNCT__ you would get a few support __PUNCT__

if thei onli knew that the support for the freedom_movement come with a sound_econom and a sound foreign_polici that make_sens __PUNCT__

veri simpli __PUNCT__ it mean bring our troop_home and stop all these undeclar __PUNCT__ unwinn war __PUNCT__

what would it do for our economi __PUNCT__ i would like to see troop spend their monei at home __PUNCT__

in the last __NUM___year __PUNCT__ fight these unwinn and undeclar_war we have spent over __MONEY___trillion __PUNCT__

more in the debt for thi so at a cost of life and limb __PUNCT__ but there is an econom cost __PUNCT__ as well and the american_peopl ar tire of it __PUNCT__

thei ar readi becaus thei know thi countri is bankrupt __PUNCT__

all great_nation go down becaus thei overextend themselv oversea __PUNCT__

it time for us to wake up __PUNCT__ don't wait for an econom_crisi to hit when we have to come limp home __PUNCT__

we ought to rise up __PUNCT__ spend our monei wise and defend thi countri and don't present fend to tell other peopl how to live __PUNCT__

the greatest danger when we accept the notion that the govern is suppos todai take care of us and we suppos to policemen of the world all is done at expens of person_liberti __PUNCT__

the purpos of the govern is the protect of individu_liberti for each and everi on of us __PUNCT__

we need to revers thi trend on the attack on our civil_liberti __PUNCT__

we need to repeal the patriot_act __PUNCT__

we need to repeal the provis that the presid ha the author to assassin american_citizen without trial __PUNCT__

we need repeal the provis that sai the presid can us the militari to arrest and deni them a trial __PUNCT__

veri simpli __PUNCT__ send onli peopl to washington __PUNCT__ send onli peopl to the white_hous that know and understand and read the constitut and enforc the constitut __PUNCT__

then there would be __PUNCT__ then you would have the full understand how you would have a peac thrive nation if you enforc the concept of liberti __PUNCT__ enforc the liberti for each and everi on of us equal __PUNCT__

thi bring_peopl togeth becaus peopl will us their liberti in differ manner __PUNCT__ but we don't have to fight over how thei us their liberti as long as thei assum respons for themselv and consequ of all their action __PUNCT__

it also veri simpli suggest the fact if we have a right to life and liberti we should have a right to keep the fruit of our labor as well __PUNCT__

so we don't have to reinvent someth __PUNCT__ we can improv on our past but we had a great constitut and a great middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__ biggest middl __PUNCT__ class ever __PUNCT__

we undermin it with excess taxat and a monetari_system that is flaw and foreign_polici is flaw __PUNCT__

so all we have to do is return to our root and in a short_time __PUNCT__ we could have our peac and prosper and our relianc on ourselv for our person_liberti __PUNCT__

not onli ha thi been a great dai for campaign for liberti and thi process __PUNCT__ but it been a great week for the campaign __PUNCT__

believ me it been a great past four year becaus five or six or seven year_ago __PUNCT__ thei realli didn't know exactli what wa happen __PUNCT__

but with the crisi that that hit __PUNCT__ both the econom_crisi we had four year_ago __PUNCT__ the realiz of the signific of our feder_reserv_system as well as flaw foreign_polici __PUNCT__ the peopl know about it __PUNCT__

thei ar awaken to thi __PUNCT__

thei ar listen to thi messag __PUNCT__

it up to us to do someth about it __PUNCT__

the messag is loud and clear the enthusiasm is here __PUNCT__ but it ha to be translat to proper polit_action __PUNCT__

attend the caucus send a power messag to thi countri that we want our freedom back __PUNCT__

we don't want more govern __PUNCT__ thank you veri much __PUNCT__