Ron Paul

This speech titled 2012.02.04.remarks_in_arden_hills_minnesota_following_the_nevada_caucuses originally had 1873 tokens. You can view the original text here.

__PUNCT__ remark join in progress __PUNCT__ __URL__ instead of think cut_govern govern_spend by __MONEY___trillion is a detriment __PUNCT__ it a bless __PUNCT__

it a help __PUNCT__

it would be spent __PUNCT__ the monei would be spent more wise __PUNCT__

and the alloc of credit would be the same_thing __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ the feder_reserv doe everyth to sai that thei will alloc credit to their friend in the bubbl format and to their friend when the bubbl_burst and thei need their bailout __PUNCT__

at the same_time individu __PUNCT__ middl_class class_peopl __PUNCT__ peopl who don't want to specul in the stock_market and thei want to assum respons and save_monei __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ what do thei do __PUNCT__ thei put their monei in a c.d __PUNCT__

and bernank liter laugh at peopl and sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ the fact thei onli get __NUM__ percent or __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ that unfortun __PUNCT__

but we have to take care of those of those who ar go to stimul the economi and give the monei to the banker __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ what we need __PUNCT__ the alloc of credit should come from the marketplac __PUNCT__

and peopl should be encourag to save __PUNCT__ but there no encourag todai __PUNCT__

what do thei do __PUNCT__ thei take monei and sai __PUNCT__ we ar go to take care of the elderli when thei retir and we go to have social_secur_benefit __PUNCT__

at the same_time __PUNCT__ thei were wish for and thei deliber debas the currenc __PUNCT__ which is a moral and econom_issu __PUNCT__

so the peopl receiv_benefit right now __PUNCT__ ar thei keep up with the cost of live __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

thei lose __PUNCT__

but if you ask bernank and crew over there __PUNCT__ thei sai __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ inflat is onli __NUM__ percent or __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

don't worri about it __PUNCT__

but what if your inflat is __NUM__ percent or __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ somebodi steal from you __PUNCT__

it theft __PUNCT__

the founder call it counterfeit __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ but becaus the govern is too big __PUNCT__ we have to ask a coupl of question __PUNCT__

we have to ask __PUNCT__ what should the role of govern be __PUNCT__ should it be to oper an entitl_system __PUNCT__ a lot of peopl in thi countri have come to believ that entitl is equival to have a right __PUNCT__

and we should sort that all out __PUNCT__

you have a right to your life in a natur wai __PUNCT__

you don't get your life or your liberti from the govern __PUNCT__

you get them in a natur wai __PUNCT__

and we should sai that the entitl system is not a moral right __PUNCT__

entitl mean the govern is go to give you someth for free __PUNCT__

oh __PUNCT__ the govern can give you free_educ __PUNCT__ free food __PUNCT__ free hous __PUNCT__ free medic_care __PUNCT__

but where is the govern __PUNCT__ where is the govern get __PUNCT__ thei never produc a thing __PUNCT__

the onli thing govern can do is steal it from product individu and give it to anoth on __PUNCT__

it total destruct __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ where we have a right to our own life and should have the right to the product of our labor __PUNCT__ you don't have a right to your neighbor wealth __PUNCT__

you can't go in and steal from your neighbor just becaus thei have more than you do __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ but you shouldn't have the right to send a politician or a congressman to go into your neighbor hous and take what thei have becaus you want it __PUNCT__

it not right __PUNCT__

it not fair __PUNCT__

and it doesn't work __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ but if we want to give those who want the redistribut of wealth __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ the benefit of the doubt mani of them ar well __PUNCT__ motiv __PUNCT__

thei realli care about the poor and thei don't understand econom __PUNCT__

thei don't understand how govern destroi the product of wealth __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ thei realli want to help peopl __PUNCT__

and take for instanc the hous __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ it nice __PUNCT__ everybodi should have a hous even if thei can't afford it __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ thei devis a system __PUNCT__ print a lot of monei and pass out the monei and have you know affirm_action program __PUNCT__ you forc bank to give loan to peopl who don't qualifi and then give special benefit to organ like fanni_mae and freddi_mac where their execut make hundr of million of dollar __PUNCT__

and then everybodi will get a hous __PUNCT__

and the number of peopl who had hous actual went up __PUNCT__

but also __PUNCT__ there were a lot of peopl_make a lot of monei on thi __PUNCT__ the peopl who were churn the credit __PUNCT__ the peopl in the mortgag_market __PUNCT__ the peopl in the build trade __PUNCT__ the peopl that got into the deriv busi __PUNCT__

and thei were do great and the hous kept go up in price __PUNCT__

it like a perpetu monei machin __PUNCT__

how could it ever go wrong __PUNCT__ the peopl could keep borrow against the rise_price __PUNCT__

except for on thing __PUNCT__ the austrian free_market knew exactli what wa go on __PUNCT__

thei understood it clearli and sai it will not last __PUNCT__

thi is an artifici bubbl creat by the feder_reserv and the u. __PUNCT__ congress and it would collaps and it did __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ a characterist of systemat debas of a currenc if that all you ar deal with is just a debas of a currenc and devalu the middl_class suffer __PUNCT__ the wealthi benefit becaus there a transfer of wealth __PUNCT__

the peopl in the middl class get to us the monei last when it ha less valu and the price go up and thei pai the inflat tax __PUNCT__

but to the peopl who get the monei first __PUNCT__ the govern __PUNCT__ the politician who get to us it __PUNCT__ big_busi and big_bank and the militari industri_complex __PUNCT__ thei get to us the monei first __PUNCT__ so thei have an advantag __PUNCT__

but what happen when the bubbl collaps __PUNCT__ becaus thei ar so in charg __PUNCT__ becaus the special_interest have so much charg of the monetari_system and the system of our foreign_polici __PUNCT__ thei will yell and scream and thei sai there a depress come __PUNCT__ there a depress come __PUNCT__ and we need bailout __PUNCT__

if you don't do thi __PUNCT__ we have a depress __PUNCT__

and thei were right about on thing __PUNCT__ there would have been a depress for the rich_peopl __PUNCT__

thei would have gone bankrupt __PUNCT__

and instead __PUNCT__ thei got the bailout and we got the bankruptci __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ boo __PUNCT__ so the middl_class bore the burden of assum the debt and the big_bank got bail out __PUNCT__

but it still in process __PUNCT__

thei still want to do thi __PUNCT__

the onli limit factor right now is the fact that there go to be an econom limit to how much __PUNCT__ how mani dollar can be print __PUNCT__

we ar __PUNCT__ we did in the bailout __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ the congress appropri __MONEY___trillion __PUNCT__

that get to be a fair sum of monei __PUNCT__

but the fed wa involv with __MONEY__ trillion or __MONEY__ trillion of churn credit and bail out their friend __PUNCT__ domest and intern __PUNCT__ intern govern and bank __PUNCT__

and thei still in a posit to do thi and thei behind the scene promis europ __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we be there __PUNCT__

the dollar will take care of it __PUNCT__

the dollar is __PUNCT__ and our credit is devalu onc alreadi __PUNCT__

it get readi to devalu again __PUNCT__

and peopl ar start to wake up and sai __PUNCT__ you can't keep print_monei and spend_monei on our own debt and think you can bail out the world __PUNCT__ no more than we can be the policeman of the world __PUNCT__ we can't be the financi caretak of the world either __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ we have to be prepar for what happen and __PUNCT__ fortun __PUNCT__ the peopl in thi countri ar steer __PUNCT__

and thi elect is chang a tone __PUNCT__

it the first time in __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year_histori of the feder_reserv that the feder reserv ha becom an issu in thi campaign __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ but if we reject the notion of the fail polici of the entitl welfar_state which we ar in the midst and peopl ar realiz it fail __PUNCT__

even those on the receiv end ar get pretti worri __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ becaus thei know thi can't continu __PUNCT__

but we also have to ask our question about the foreign_polici __PUNCT__

the constitut is rather clear __PUNCT__

the presid is the command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief and we should have a strong_nation nation_defens __PUNCT__

we should defend our countri __PUNCT__

we should have __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ protect of nation_secur __PUNCT__

and that is a precis function that we should have __PUNCT__

but that is on area where we don't have to worri veri much right now becaus we have the strongest militari in the histori of the world __PUNCT__

there no power in the world even if thei all got togeth __PUNCT__ we ar so power becaus we have more weaponri than everybodi els put togeth __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ we ar not go to be attack __PUNCT__

nobodi is on the verg of invad us __PUNCT__

and yet what ar we do __PUNCT__ we have distort thing by distort our defens __PUNCT__ becaus not onli do we allow our presid to go to war __PUNCT__ we allow our presid to go to war under nato and u.n __PUNCT__ resolut __PUNCT__

that wrong __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ boo __PUNCT__ but what we have to do is decid that how much engag we should have around the world __PUNCT__

i think we should have plenti __PUNCT__

it should be engag with trade and friendship and travel and express of idea __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i alwai find it interest that those who will challeng our view on nonintervent in foreign_polici will sai __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ you gui ar a bunch of isolationist __PUNCT__

actual __PUNCT__ it the opposit of isol __PUNCT__

we don't want to build fenc and border and terrorist and all thi __PUNCT__

thei usual ar the on who want to put on the sanction and the terrorist __PUNCT__

and then thei call us the isolationist __PUNCT__

matter of fact __PUNCT__ i don't know if you have listen to the debat __PUNCT__ i have been veri explicit about who the real isolationist ar __PUNCT__

it the on who ar resist our effort to open up diplomat relationship and trade with cuba __PUNCT__

that what we need to be do __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ remark continu but no addit transcript is avail __PUNCT__