This speech titled 2012.02.11.remarks_following_the_maine_caucuses originally had 2016 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ paul __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__
just rememb __PUNCT__ the revolut is onli begin __PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ we have a wai to go __PUNCT__ i do want to recogn the staff and all of you __PUNCT__ all the volunt and all the work been done ha been fantast __PUNCT__
thank you veri much __PUNCT__
it encourag me becaus it an import_issu __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ but you know __PUNCT__ i have on slightli discourag announc __PUNCT__
i wish all the caucus had met todai __PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ becaus i wa disappoint __PUNCT__
there wa on caucu that i think we would have done veri __PUNCT__ veri well __PUNCT__
but we won __PUNCT__ we lost by __PUNCT__ i guess __PUNCT__ almost __NUM___vote __PUNCT__ __NUM__ vote __PUNCT__
it almost like we could call it a tie __PUNCT__
but anywai __PUNCT__ the vote will be count __PUNCT__
all the caucus will meet __PUNCT__
but i do want to make a predict __PUNCT__
if i were a bet man __PUNCT__ and i do not have __MONEY__ to bet __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ if i were a bet man __PUNCT__ i would bet that we will control the main caucu when we go to tampa __PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ it would have been great to win outright the straw vote __PUNCT__ but it even be greater to win the deleg vote __PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ and that go to happen __PUNCT__
the momentum is go to continu __PUNCT__
we not go awai __PUNCT__
we go to be in all these place where we go to pick up __PUNCT__ continu to pick up the deleg __PUNCT__ for on good reason __PUNCT__
we have the messag that america need at thi particular time __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ and the wonder thing is the messag is not complex __PUNCT__
everybodi understand it __PUNCT__
and the messag is liberti __PUNCT__
that is the messag __PUNCT__
that mean we want our freedom __PUNCT__
we want each and everi individu to have their freedom __PUNCT__ not becaus thei belong to a group __PUNCT__ not becaus thei belong to on state or anoth __PUNCT__
it becaus we ar individu __PUNCT__ that we ar born with our freedom and we have a natur right to our liberti __PUNCT__
it a god __PUNCT__ given right __PUNCT__
and it follow that if you have a right to your life __PUNCT__ you have a right to your liberti to run your life as you choos in both a social and an econom mean __PUNCT__ if that is the case __PUNCT__ the goal that we have is to for all of us to be abl to keep the fruit of our labor __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ thi is not a brand __PUNCT__ new concept __PUNCT__
it an american concept __PUNCT__
we tri it __PUNCT__
it wa work veri well __PUNCT__
and unfortun __PUNCT__ mani __PUNCT__ mani decad_ago __PUNCT__ we start slip awai and took it for grant __PUNCT__
we turn into a societi that thought onli that you redistribut_wealth both by forc and coercion and lobbi __PUNCT__ and we forgot about what brought about prosper and product __PUNCT__
and it onli free_peopl that can do that __PUNCT__ the understand of properti right __PUNCT__ the understand of contract right __PUNCT__
and on import_issu __PUNCT__
for prosper to thrive __PUNCT__ you have to have an honest monetari_system __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ crowd __PUNCT__ end the fed __PUNCT__ end the fed __PUNCT__ end the fed __PUNCT__ paul __PUNCT__ and if we don't do it __PUNCT__ thei do it to themselv becaus it non __PUNCT__ viabl and thei cannot persist becaus the funni monei system __PUNCT__ the fiat system __PUNCT__ the paper_monei system make no sens whatsoev __PUNCT__ and it come to an end __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ it alwai bother me that we who believ in liberti never did a veri good_job in sell it __PUNCT__ especi when we were free and when we were prosper and consum our wealth __PUNCT__
but we shouldn't ever lose thi becaus it is now that we have to grab the moral high_ground __PUNCT__
for too long __PUNCT__ those who want to take your wealth and give it to somebodi els or get involv in ani of your social_life __PUNCT__ and tell you how to live __PUNCT__ and also to get involv in other countri that we shouldn't be involv __PUNCT__ that come to an end __PUNCT__
the countri is bankrupt __PUNCT__ and the most import_thing the american_peopl do right now is admit the truth __PUNCT__
we cannot deni the truth __PUNCT__ and the truth is that we can't continu thi wai __PUNCT__
we have to either go in a desper wrong_direct __PUNCT__ as we have been __PUNCT__ or we have to stop the nonsens __PUNCT__ look to our tradit __PUNCT__ and not go backward and act as we did __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ but pick up on that becaus freedom wa never perfect __PUNCT__
freedom ha been develop over mani __PUNCT__ mani centuri __PUNCT__
it sad to me when i see some of the fundament that have been recogn at the time of the magna_carta in __NUM__ __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ __NUM__ that all of a sudden __PUNCT__ we in thi countri now undermin some of those basic_principl __PUNCT__ so we have a desper struggl now to reassert ourselv and sai liberti is what we want __PUNCT__
we know what it all about __PUNCT__
we had it __PUNCT__ and we gotten careless and it drift awai __PUNCT__
so now the countri is wake up __PUNCT__
the countri is wake up for financi reason __PUNCT__
everybodi know we bankrupt __PUNCT__
i mean __PUNCT__ the social_program can't be financ __PUNCT__
the world is involv in thi __PUNCT__
it a dollar fiat standard that engulf the world __PUNCT__
you think we in thi togeth by ourselv __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
just look at europ __PUNCT__ the mess thei have __PUNCT__
thei riot over in greec becaus thei sai thei have to cut a littl bit __PUNCT__
so what the plan __PUNCT__ bernank over there plan to bail them out with our dollar __PUNCT__ boo __PUNCT__ the debt __PUNCT__ when it get thi big __PUNCT__ should it be liquid __PUNCT__ it shouldn't be dump on the peopl __PUNCT__ and that is what we have been do for these last three or four year __PUNCT__ and it need to stop __PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ but we need to ask __PUNCT__ realli __PUNCT__ a veri basic_question __PUNCT__
what should the role of govern be __PUNCT__ that the question the founder of the countri and those who led the revolut ask __PUNCT__ what should the role of govern __PUNCT__ thei didn't like the role the king had __PUNCT__
the fortun part about our revolut wa on of the veri __PUNCT__ veri rare time that a revolut __PUNCT__ an overthrow of a govern __PUNCT__ actual deliv more freedom to the peopl than thei had befor the revolut __PUNCT__
look at the revolut go on around the world_todai that we veri much involv in __PUNCT__ unfortun __PUNCT__
thei end up even with less __PUNCT__
as bad as their govern were __PUNCT__ just think of what happen todai __PUNCT__
so we had more liberti __PUNCT__ not less liberti __PUNCT__ and we need to build on that and understand how import it is __PUNCT__
but the role of govern should be no more complic than guarante you the right to your life and the right to your liberti __PUNCT__
what doe that mean __PUNCT__ it mean the govern should be out of the economi __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ thei sai there no regul __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ you have the regul of properti right __PUNCT__
you have the regul of market __PUNCT__ the regul of contract __PUNCT__ the regul of sound_monei __PUNCT__ the regul of bankruptci __PUNCT__ the regul of don't bail out anybodi that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ that come to the govern for bail __PUNCT__ out __PUNCT__ those ar regul that ar truli free_market __PUNCT__ orient __PUNCT__
but it also mean that the govern ought to be out of our social live and the wai we run our live __PUNCT__
for too long we taken liberti and chop it into two piec __PUNCT__
oh __PUNCT__ social liberti and person_liberti and religi_liberti __PUNCT__ some peopl defend that __PUNCT__
and other have econom_liberti __PUNCT__
it on and the same becaus it individu_liberti __PUNCT__
and we have the right to our life and the right to our __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ but if our goal is peac and prosper __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ we have to have the properti right __PUNCT__
we have to have the sound_monei __PUNCT__
we have to have limit_govern and restraint __PUNCT__
but we also have to have a differ foreign_polici __PUNCT__
we have a foreign polici that is deepli flaw __PUNCT__
it is the foreign polici that alwai bring great_nation down __PUNCT__ and nation that overextend themselv __PUNCT__
even in our histori __PUNCT__ our recent_histori __PUNCT__ what brought the soviet down __PUNCT__ when the soviet came __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i wa draft in the __PUNCT__ 60 __PUNCT__
thei had __NUM__ nuclear missil __PUNCT__
and we didn't have to fight them __PUNCT__ thank good __PUNCT__ but thei collaps becaus of their deepli flaw econom_polici and their foreign_polici of overextend themselv __PUNCT__
and we do the veri same_thing __PUNCT__ peopl would like us to think __PUNCT__ so often in the debat __PUNCT__ thei sai __PUNCT__ tonight __PUNCT__ we go to talk about foreign_polici __PUNCT__
the other night __PUNCT__ we go to be talk about econom_polici __PUNCT__
how can you talk about econom polici without deal with all the spend oversea __PUNCT__ that is why we need our troop to come home __PUNCT__ cheer and applaus __PUNCT__ we need a polici which is constitut __PUNCT__
the founder gave us good guidelin __PUNCT__
thei said shouldn't go to war unless you declar it __PUNCT__
we have a respons for a strong_nation nation_defens __PUNCT__ but todai our presid don't come to the congress and to the peopl and sai __PUNCT__ declar the war __PUNCT__ or not declar the war __PUNCT__
thei just go to war __PUNCT__
sometim thei consult __PUNCT__
sometim thei don't even consult with the congress __PUNCT__
but thei alwai overli will to consult with nato and take their march order from the u.n __PUNCT__ that wrong __PUNCT__ boo __PUNCT__ so therefor __PUNCT__ a foreign_polici of non __PUNCT__ intervent __PUNCT__ mind our own busi __PUNCT__ stai out of polic the world and stai out of nation_build __PUNCT__ that is the road to peac and prosper __PUNCT__
that is what we have to go for __PUNCT__
under the circumst that we live todai __PUNCT__ where we allow our govern to grow so big __PUNCT__ govern cannot grow unless thei undermin person_liberti __PUNCT__
everi time govern write anoth rule or regul __PUNCT__ no matter how it come about __PUNCT__ it undermin our person liberti __PUNCT__
but it doe it in an even more sinist wai becaus when peopl get frighten either about foreign_polici polici_issu or thei get frighten about econom_issu __PUNCT__ thei think __PUNCT__ i frighten __PUNCT__ the govern is suppos to take care of me and i entitl to it __PUNCT__ so i have a right to thi __PUNCT__
and thei so will to give up their freedom __PUNCT__ and we were warn so clearli that you can't be safer by give up your liberti __PUNCT__ we never should have to give up our liberti in order to pretend that we might be a littl safer __PUNCT__ crowd __PUNCT__ ron_paul __PUNCT__ ron paul __PUNCT__ ron paul __PUNCT__ ron paul __PUNCT__ remark continu but no addit transcript wa avail __PUNCT__