This speech titled 2011.08.13.remarks_announcing_candidacy_for_president_in_charleston_south_carolina originally had 2746 tokens. You can view the original text here.
howdi __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ erick __PUNCT__ erickson __PUNCT__ editor of redstat __PUNCT__
it is great to be at redstat __PUNCT__
and i tell you what __PUNCT__ it even better to be governor of the largest red_state in america __PUNCT__
it sure good to be back in the palmetto state __PUNCT__ in south_carolina __PUNCT__
i enjoi come to place where peopl elect folk like nikki halei __PUNCT__ true_conserv __PUNCT__
and also where thei love the greatest fight forc on the face of the earth __PUNCT__ the unit_state militari __PUNCT__
and i want to take a moment and ask you to just take a silenc __PUNCT__ think about those young navi_seal and the other special_oper who gave it all in the servic of their countri __PUNCT__
just take a moment to sai thank you __PUNCT__ lord __PUNCT__ that we have those kind of selfless __PUNCT__ sacrifici men and women __PUNCT__
their sacrific wa immeasur __PUNCT__ their dedic profound __PUNCT__ and we will never __PUNCT__ ever forget them __PUNCT__
i stand befor you todai as the governor of texa __PUNCT__
but i also stand befor you the son of two tenant farmer __PUNCT__ rai perri __PUNCT__ who came home after __NUM__ bomb mission over europ to work hi littl corner of land out there __PUNCT__ and amelia who made sure my sister milla and i had everyth that we need __PUNCT__ includ hand __PUNCT__ sew my cloth until i went off to colleg __PUNCT__
i am also the product of a place call paint creek __PUNCT__
doesn't have a zip code __PUNCT__
it too small to be call a town along the roll plain of texa __PUNCT__
we grew dryland cotton and wheat __PUNCT__ and when i wasn't farm or attend paint creek rural school __PUNCT__ i wa gener over at troop __NUM__ work on my eagl_scout award __PUNCT__
around the ag of __NUM__ i wa bless __PUNCT__ didn't realiz it __PUNCT__ but i wa bless to meet my futur wife __PUNCT__ anita thigpen __PUNCT__ at a piano recit __PUNCT__
we had our first date eight year later __PUNCT__
and she final agre to marri me __NUM___year after that __PUNCT__
nobodi sai i am not persist __PUNCT__
there is no greater wai to live life than with someon you love __PUNCT__ and my first love is with us todai __PUNCT__ my love wife anita __PUNCT__
we also bless to have two incred children __PUNCT__ griffin and sydnei __PUNCT__ and thei ar also with us todai __PUNCT__ and our wonder daughter __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ law meredith __PUNCT__
i just like to introduc those two __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
what i learn grow up on the farm wa a wai of life that wa center on hard_work __PUNCT__ and on faith and on thrift __PUNCT__
those valu have stuck with me my whole life __PUNCT__
but it wasn't until i graduat from texa a&m univers and join the unit_state air_forc __PUNCT__ fly c __PUNCT__ __NUM__ all around the globe __PUNCT__ that i truli appreci the bless of freedom __PUNCT__
to paraphras abraham_lincoln and ronald_reagan __PUNCT__ i realiz that the unit_state of america realli is the last great hope of mankind __PUNCT__
what i saw wa system of govern that elev ruler at the expens of the peopl __PUNCT__
socialist_system cloak mayb in good_intent but were deliv miseri and stagnat __PUNCT__
and i learn that not everyon valu life like we do in america __PUNCT__ or the right that ar endow to everi human be by a love_god __PUNCT__
you see __PUNCT__ as american we not defin by class __PUNCT__ and we will never be told our place __PUNCT__
what make our nation except is that anyon __PUNCT__ from ani background __PUNCT__ can climb the highest of height __PUNCT__
as american __PUNCT__ we don't see the role of govern as guarante outcom __PUNCT__ but allow free_men and women to flourish base on their own vision __PUNCT__ their hard_work and their person_respons __PUNCT__
and as american __PUNCT__ we realiz there is no taxpay_monei that wasn't first earn by the sweat and toil of on of our citizen __PUNCT__
that why we reject thi presid unbridl fixat on take more monei out of the wallet and pocketbook of american_famili and employ and give it to a central_govern __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ spread the wealth __PUNCT__ punish success while set america on cours to greater depend on govern __PUNCT__
washington insati desir to spend our children inherit on fail __PUNCT__ stimulu __PUNCT__ plan and other misguid econom_theori have given us record debt and left us with far too mani unemploi __PUNCT__
but of cours __PUNCT__ now we told we ar in recoveri __PUNCT__
yeah __PUNCT__
but thi sure doesn't feel like a recoveri to more than nine percent of american out there who ar unemploi __PUNCT__ or the sixteen percent of african_american and __NUM__ percent of hispan in the same_posit __PUNCT__ or the million more who can onli find part __PUNCT__ time_work __PUNCT__ or those who have stop even look for a job __PUNCT__
on in six work __PUNCT__ elig american cannot find a full __PUNCT__ time_job __PUNCT__
that is not a recoveri __PUNCT__
that is an econom disast __PUNCT__
if you think about it __PUNCT__ for those american who do have full __PUNCT__ time job __PUNCT__ thei aren't experienc econom_recoveri with the rise fuel cost and the food_price that ar go up __PUNCT__
recoveri is a meaningless word if the bank ha foreclos on your home __PUNCT__ if you ar under water on your mortgag __PUNCT__ or if you ar up to the max on your credit_card debt __PUNCT__
those american know that thi presid and hi big __PUNCT__ spend __PUNCT__ big __PUNCT__ govern_polici have prolong our nation miseri __PUNCT__ not allevi it __PUNCT__
and what do we sai to our children __PUNCT__ y'all figur it out __PUNCT__ don't worri __PUNCT__ washington creat___NUM__ debt and entitl commiss in __NUM___year __PUNCT__ but the fact of the matter is thei just didn't have the courag to make the decis to allow you to have the futur that you actual deserv __PUNCT__ that washington wouldn't even make modest entitl_program reform in thi last debat __PUNCT__ and the presid even refus to lai out a plan __PUNCT__ for fear of the next elect __PUNCT__ how can the wealthiest nation in the histori of civil fail so miser to pai it bill __PUNCT__ how doe that happen __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ let us tell you someth __PUNCT__ you can't win the futur by sell america off to foreign creditor __PUNCT__
we cannot afford four more year of thi rudderless leadership __PUNCT__
last week __PUNCT__ that leadership fail __PUNCT__ and the tax and spend and borrow agenda of thi presid led to the first ever downgrad of the credit_rate of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
in realiti though __PUNCT__ thi is just the most recent downgrad __PUNCT__
the fact is for nearli three year presid_obama ha been downgrad american_job __PUNCT__
he been downgrad our stand in the world __PUNCT__
he been downgrad our financi stabil __PUNCT__
he been downgrad our confid __PUNCT__ and downgrad the hope for a better futur for our children __PUNCT__
that a fact __PUNCT__
hi polici ar not onli a threat to thi economi __PUNCT__ so ar hi appointe __PUNCT__ a threat __PUNCT__
you see he stack the nation labor_relat board with anti __PUNCT__ busi croni who want to dictat to a privat_compani __PUNCT__ boe __PUNCT__ where thei can build a plant __PUNCT__
no presid __PUNCT__ no presid should kill job in south_carolina __PUNCT__ or ani other state for that matter __PUNCT__ simpli becaus thei choos to go to a right __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ work state __PUNCT__
you see __PUNCT__ when the obama_administr is not stifl econom_growth with over __PUNCT__ regul __PUNCT__ thei ar achiev the same through their reckless spend __PUNCT__
debt is not onli a threat to our economi __PUNCT__ but also to our secur __PUNCT__
america stand in the world is in peril __PUNCT__ not onli becaus of disastr econom_polici __PUNCT__ but from the incoher muddl that thei call foreign_polici __PUNCT__
our presid ha insult our friend and he encourag our enemi __PUNCT__ thumb hi nose at tradit alli like israel __PUNCT__
he seek to dictat new border for the middl_east and the oldest democraci there __PUNCT__ israel __PUNCT__ while he is an abject failur in hi constitut duti to protect our border in the unit_state __PUNCT__
hi foreign_polici seem to be base on alien our tradit alli __PUNCT__ while base our domest_agenda on import those fail western_european social valu __PUNCT__
we don't need a presid who apolog for america __PUNCT__
we need a presid who protect and project those valu __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ it pretti simpl __PUNCT__ we go to stand with those who stand with us __PUNCT__ and we will vigor defend our interest __PUNCT__
and those who threaten our interest __PUNCT__ harm our citizen __PUNCT__ we will simpli not be scold you __PUNCT__ we will defeat you __PUNCT__
our nation cannot and it must not endur four more year of aimless foreign_polici __PUNCT__
we cannot and must not endur four more year of rise unemploy __PUNCT__ rise tax __PUNCT__ rise debt __PUNCT__ rise energi depend on nation that intend us harm __PUNCT__
it is time to get america work again __PUNCT__
to get citizen __PUNCT__ to get our citizen work in good_job and get the govern to work for the peopl again __PUNCT__
page on of ani econom_plan to get america work is to give a pink slip to the current resid in the white_hous __PUNCT__
listen __PUNCT__ we just got to get back to the basic truth of econom_success __PUNCT__
as governor __PUNCT__ i had to deal with the consequ of thi nation recess __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ and again thi year __PUNCT__ my state face billion of dollar in budget shortfal __PUNCT__
but we work_hard __PUNCT__ we made tough decis __PUNCT__ we balanc our budget __PUNCT__
not by rais_tax __PUNCT__ but by set prioriti and cut_govern govern_spend __PUNCT__
it can and it must be done in washington __PUNCT__ dc __PUNCT__
dr __PUNCT__ schwertner __PUNCT__ state_repres __PUNCT__ r __PUNCT__ williamson counti __PUNCT__ tx __PUNCT__ we have led texa base on some just realli pretti simpl guid_principl __PUNCT__
on is don't spend all of the monei __PUNCT__
two is keep the tax low and under control __PUNCT__
three is you have your regulatori climat fair and predict __PUNCT__
four is reform the legal_system so frivol lawsuit don't paralyz employ that ar try to creat_job __PUNCT__
over the year __PUNCT__ we have follow thi recip to produc the strongest economi in the nation __PUNCT__
sinc __DATE__ of __NUM__ texa is respons for more than __NUM__ percent of all of the new job creat in america __PUNCT__
now think about that __PUNCT__
we home to less than __NUM__ percent of the popul in america __PUNCT__ but forti percent of all the new job were creat in that state __PUNCT__
i cut_tax __PUNCT__
i have deliv histor properti_tax reduct __PUNCT__
i wa the first governor sinc world_war_ii to cut gener revenu spend in our state_budget __PUNCT__
we pass lawsuit reform __PUNCT__ includ just thi last session a __PUNCT__ loser pai __PUNCT__ law to stop the frivol lawsuit that were happen __PUNCT__
and i know i talk a lot about texa here in the last littl bit __PUNCT__
i a texan and proud of it __PUNCT__
but first __PUNCT__ and foremost __PUNCT__ i an incred proud american __PUNCT__
and i know someth __PUNCT__ america is not broken __PUNCT__
washington __PUNCT__ d.c __PUNCT__ is broken __PUNCT__ we need balanc_budget __PUNCT__
we need lower_tax __PUNCT__
we need less regul __PUNCT__
and we need civil justic reform __PUNCT__ those same four principl __PUNCT__
our countri most urgent need is to revit our economi __PUNCT__ stop the gener theft that is go on with thi record debt __PUNCT__
i come to south_carolina becaus i will not sit_back and accept the path that america is on __PUNCT__
becaus a great_countri requir a better direct __PUNCT__
becaus a renew nation need a new presid __PUNCT__
it is time to get america work again __PUNCT__
and that why __PUNCT__ with the support of my famili __PUNCT__ and an unwav belief in the good of america __PUNCT__ i declar to you todai as a candid for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
it time for america to believ again __PUNCT__
it time to believ that the promis of our futur is far greater than even our best dai behind us __PUNCT__
it time to believ again in the potenti of privat_enterpris __PUNCT__ set_free from the shackl of overbear feder_govern __PUNCT__
and it time to truli restor our stand in the world __PUNCT__ and renew our faith in freedom as the best hope for peac in thi world that beset with strife __PUNCT__
the chang we seek will never eman out of washington __PUNCT__ d.c __PUNCT__
it will come from the windswept prairi of middl_america __PUNCT__ the farm and factori across thi great land __PUNCT__ from the heart and mind of the goodheart american who will accept not a futur that is less than our past __PUNCT__ patriot __PUNCT__ patriot who will not be consign to a fate of less freedom in exchang for more govern __PUNCT__
we do not have to accept our current circumst __PUNCT__
we will chang them __PUNCT__
we ar american __PUNCT__
that what we do __PUNCT__
we roll up our sleev __PUNCT__
we go to work __PUNCT__
we fix thing __PUNCT__
we stand up and proudli proclaim that washington is not our caretak and we reject the state that __PUNCT__ in margaret_thatcher word __PUNCT__ she said a state that take too much from us in order to do too much for us __PUNCT__
we will not stand for that ani longer __PUNCT__
we dismai at the injustic that nearli half of all american don't even pai ani incom_tax __PUNCT__
and you know the liber out there ar sai that we need to pai more __PUNCT__
we ar indign about leader who do not listen and spend_monei faster than thei can print it __PUNCT__
in america __PUNCT__ the peopl ar not subject of govern __PUNCT__
the govern is subject to the peopl __PUNCT__
and it is up to us __PUNCT__ to thi present gener of american __PUNCT__ to take a stand for freedom __PUNCT__ to send a messag to washington that we take our futur back from the grip of central_planner who would control our healthcar __PUNCT__ who would spend our treasur __PUNCT__ who downgrad our futur and micro __PUNCT__ manag our live __PUNCT__
it is time to limit and simplifi the tax in thi countri __PUNCT__
we have to quit spend_monei we don't have __PUNCT__
we need to get our fiscal hous in order and restor our good credit __PUNCT__
and we will repeal thi presid misguid __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ size __PUNCT__ fit __PUNCT__ all govern healthcar_plan immedi __PUNCT__
we creat_job __PUNCT__
we get america work again __PUNCT__
we creat job and we build wealth __PUNCT__ we truli educ and innov in scienc __PUNCT__ and in technolog __PUNCT__ engin and math __PUNCT__
we creat the job and the progress need to get america work again __PUNCT__
and i promis you thi __PUNCT__ i work everi dai to make washington __PUNCT__ d.c __PUNCT__ as inconsequenti in your life as i can __PUNCT__
and at the same_time __PUNCT__ we be free our famili and small_busi and state from the burdensom and costli feder_govern so those group can creat __PUNCT__ innov and succe __PUNCT__
i believ in america __PUNCT__
i believ in her purpos and her promis __PUNCT__
i believ her best dai have not yet been live __PUNCT__
i believ her greatest deed ar reserv for the gener to come __PUNCT__
with the help and the courag of the american_peopl __PUNCT__ we will get our countri work again __PUNCT__
god_bless you and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__