This speech titled 2011.09.20.remarks_at_israelpalestine_press_conference_in_new_york_city originally had 1198 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__
let me begin by thank dr __PUNCT__ solomon frager and aron hirtz for help us organ thi press_confer todai __PUNCT__
i am join todai by a divers_group of jewish leader from here and abroad who share my concern that the unit_nation could take action thi week to legitim the palestinian gambit to establish statehood in violat of the spirit of the __NUM__ oslo accord __PUNCT__
we ar indign that certain middl_eastern leader have discard the principl of direct negoti between the sovereign_nation of israel and the palestinian leadership __PUNCT__ and we ar equal indign that the obama_administr middl_east polici of appeas ha encourag such an omin act of bad_faith __PUNCT__
simpli_put __PUNCT__ we would not be here todai at the precipic of such a danger move if the obama_polici in the middl_east wasn't naïv __PUNCT__ arrog __PUNCT__ misguid and danger __PUNCT__
it must be said __PUNCT__ first __PUNCT__ that israel is our oldest and strongest democrat alli in the middl east and ha been for more than __NUM___year __PUNCT__
the obama_polici of moral_equival __PUNCT__ which give equal stand to the grievanc of isra and palestinian __PUNCT__ includ the orchestr of terror __PUNCT__ is a danger insult __PUNCT__
there is no middl_ground between our alli and those who seek their destruct __PUNCT__
america should not be ambival between the terrorist tactic of hama and the secur tactic of the legitim and free_state of israel __PUNCT__
by propos __PUNCT__ indirect talk __PUNCT__ through the u. __PUNCT__ rather than between palestinian leader and israel __PUNCT__ thi administr encourag the palestinian to shun direct talk __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ it wa wrong for thi administr to suggest the __NUM__ border should be the start_point for isra __PUNCT__ palestinian negoti __PUNCT__
when you consid thi suggest wa made on the ev of the isra prime_minist visit __PUNCT__ we see in thi american administr a willing to isol a close_alli and to do so in a manner that is insult and naïv __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ by inject the issu of __NUM__ border in addit to a construct freez in east_jerusalem and isra_settlement __PUNCT__ the obama_administr ha put israel in a posit of weak and taken awai their flexibl to offer concess as part of the negoti process __PUNCT__
inde __PUNCT__ bolster by the obama administr_polici and apologist at the u.n __PUNCT__ the palestinian ar exploit the instabl in the middl_east hope to achiev their object without concess or direct negoti with israel __PUNCT__
the reason is simpl __PUNCT__ if thei perceiv thei can get what thei want from the u.n __PUNCT__ without make ani concess why should thei negoti with israel __PUNCT__ while the administr is right to final agre to fight the arab resolut at the u.n __PUNCT__ it bear_repeat that we wouldn't be here todai if thei had stuck to some basic_principl concern palestinian statehood __PUNCT__ first __PUNCT__ palestinian leader must publicli affirm israel right to exist __PUNCT__ and to exist as a jewish_state __PUNCT__ second __PUNCT__ presid abba must persuad all faction includ hama to renounc act of terror and releas kidnap isra gilad shalit __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ third __PUNCT__ palestinian statehood must be establish onli through direct negoti between the palestinian leadership and the nation of israel __PUNCT__
by not insist on these principl __PUNCT__ the obama_administr ha appeas the arab street at the expens of our own nation_secur interest __PUNCT__
thei have sow instabl that threaten the prospect of peac __PUNCT__
israel secur is critic to america_secur __PUNCT__
we must not forget it wa israel that took out the nuclear_capabl of iraq in __NUM__ and syria in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
in both instanc __PUNCT__ their action made the free_world safer __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ the greatest_threat to the secur of israel and __PUNCT__ by extens __PUNCT__ a threat to america __PUNCT__ is the iranian_govern develop a nuclear_arsen __PUNCT__
on thing is clear __PUNCT__ we must stop iran from acquir nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__
econom sanction must be tighten and increas and all option must remain on the tabl to stop a brutal_repress regim from acquir a nuclear_capabl __PUNCT__
to date __PUNCT__ we have fumbl our greatest opportun for regim chang __PUNCT__
as averag iranian citizen were march on tehran in the green_revolut in __NUM___america wa wast preciou time on a naïv polici of outreach to both the iranian and syrian govern __PUNCT__
who know what the leadership of iran would look like todai if america had done everyth in it power to provid diplomat and moral support to encourag the grow movement of dissid who sought freedom __PUNCT__
our action in recent_year have destabil the middl_east __PUNCT__
we have been complac in encourag revolt against hostil govern in iran and syria and we have been slow to recogn the risk pose by the new regim in egypt and the increasingli strain relationship between israel and turkei __PUNCT__
it is vital_import for america to preserv allianc with moder muslim regim and muslim_leader who seek to preserv peac and stabil in the region __PUNCT__
but todai __PUNCT__ neither adversari nor alli alik __PUNCT__ know where america stand __PUNCT__
our muddl of a foreign_polici ha creat greater uncertainti in the midst of the __PUNCT__ arab_spring __PUNCT__
and our polici of isol and undermin israel ha onli encourag our adversari in their aggress __PUNCT__
with the end __PUNCT__ run on palestinian statehood immin befor the u.n __PUNCT__ america must act swiftli __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ everi nation within the u.n __PUNCT__ must know america stand with israel and the oslo accord principl of direct negoti without equivoc __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ america must make it clear that a declar of palestinian statehood in violat of the spirit of the oslo accord could jeopard our fund of u.n __PUNCT__ oper __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ the palestinian must know their gambit come with consequ in particular that america will have to reconsid the __MONEY___billion in assist we have provid to the palestinian over the last __NUM___year __PUNCT__
fourth __PUNCT__ we should close the plo offic in washington if the u.n __PUNCT__ grant the stand of a palestinian_state __PUNCT__
and fifth __PUNCT__ we must signal to the world __PUNCT__ includ nation like turkei and egypt whom we have consid alli in recent_year __PUNCT__ that we won't toler aggress against israel __PUNCT__
israel is our friend and alli __PUNCT__
i have travel there sever time __PUNCT__ and met with it leader __PUNCT__
it is not a perfect nation __PUNCT__ but it exist is critic to america_secur in the world __PUNCT__
it is time to chang our polici of appeas toward the palestinian to strengthen our ti to the nation of israel __PUNCT__ and in the process establish a robust american posit in the middl_east character by a new firm and a new resolv __PUNCT__
if america doe not head off the aggress of forc hostil to israel we will onli embolden them __PUNCT__
that would be a tragic_mistak __PUNCT__