This speech titled 2011.10.25.remarks_in_greenville_south_carolina originally had 2690 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__
it is great to be in the stomp ground of a great_conserv senat __PUNCT__ jim demint __PUNCT__
i want to thank iso poli film ceo_john mcclure for open hi busi as we discuss my plan to get america work again __PUNCT__
todai i lai befor the american_peopl my cut __PUNCT__ balanc and grow plan __PUNCT__
it cut_tax and spend __PUNCT__
it balanc the budget by __NUM__ __PUNCT__
and it grow job and the economi __PUNCT__
it neither reshuffl the statu_quo __PUNCT__ nor doe it expand the wai washington can reach into our pocketbook __PUNCT__
it reorder the wai thei do busi in washington by reinvent the tax_code and restor our nation to fiscal health through balanc_budget and entitl_reform __PUNCT__
central to my plan is give everi american the option of throw out the three million word of the current tax_code __PUNCT__ and the cost of compli with that code __PUNCT__ in order to pai a __NUM__ percent flat_tax on their incom __PUNCT__
the size of the current code __PUNCT__ which is more than __NUM__ page __PUNCT__ is repres by thi pallet and it mani ream of paper __PUNCT__
the best represent of my plan is thi post card __PUNCT__ which taxpay will be abl to fill out to file their tax __PUNCT__
each individu taxpay will have a choic __PUNCT__ you can continu to pai_tax __PUNCT__ as well as account and lawyer under the current system __PUNCT__ or __PUNCT__ you can file your tax on a postcard __PUNCT__ with deduct onli for interest on a mortgag __PUNCT__ charit give __PUNCT__ and state and local_tax payment __PUNCT__
under my plan __PUNCT__ you will no longer have to worri about pai_tax on social_secur when you retir __PUNCT__ or your famili_member pai the death_tax when you die __PUNCT__
and you can wave goodby to the capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__ as well as the tax on dividend __PUNCT__
we will increas the standard exempt for individu and depend to __MONEY__ mean famili in the middl on the lower end of the econom scale will have the opportun to get ahead __PUNCT__
tax will be cut across all incom_group in america __PUNCT__
the net benefit will be more monei in american __PUNCT__ pocket __PUNCT__ with greater invest in the privat economi instead of the feder_govern __PUNCT__
on the corpor_tax side __PUNCT__ i am offer equal bold reform __PUNCT__
my plan close corpor loophol __PUNCT__ end the special break for special_interest __PUNCT__ and stop the gravi train of lobbyist and tax lawyer at the washington trough __PUNCT__
in exchang for a corpor_tax free of carv __PUNCT__ out and exclus __PUNCT__ i offer a much lower_rate of __NUM__ percent that repres the averag corpor rate among the develop_nation __PUNCT__ and that will make our corpor more competit on a global_scale __PUNCT__
we will shut down the cottag industri of corpor_tax evas by creat a tax that is broad __PUNCT__ fair and low __PUNCT__
and my plan offer incent for corpor to invest in america again __PUNCT__ with two major reform __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ we will transit to a territori tax_system on corpor incom earn oversea __PUNCT__
thi mean compani pai the appropri corpor_tax in the countri where incom wa earn __PUNCT__ but aren't tax a second time when that incom is move_back into the unit_state __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ for all corpor_profit current languish oversea __PUNCT__ i will offer a on __PUNCT__ time reduc tax_rate of five and a quarter percent for a limit period of time on repatri earn __PUNCT__
the u. __PUNCT__ chamber estim thi on __PUNCT__ time tax reduct would bring more than __MONEY___trillion in capit back to the u. __PUNCT__ creat up to __NUM___million_job __PUNCT__ and increas econom output by __MONEY___billion __PUNCT__
in other word __PUNCT__ it the kind of econom_stimulu presid_obama could have achiev if he wasn't hell __PUNCT__ bent on pass big_govern scheme that have fail american_worker __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ america combin corpor_tax tax_rate of __NUM__ percent is the second highest in the develop_world __PUNCT__
it is time to overhaul our tax_code so compani like iso poli film can invest more in their peopl and their product __PUNCT__
tax_rate have consequ __PUNCT__
the liber myopic ignor the realiti of human_natur __PUNCT__
thei think in rais rate thei will rais_revenu __PUNCT__
but thei don't understand larg employ have choic __PUNCT__ as do wealthi individu __PUNCT__ and that includ move monei off __PUNCT__ shore __PUNCT__
when thei try to take too much __PUNCT__ thei end up hurt the veri peopl thei seek to help __PUNCT__ the work_class __PUNCT__
we need tax_polici that embrac the world as it is __PUNCT__ and not what liber ideologu wish it to be __PUNCT__
the goal of my cut __PUNCT__ balanc and grow plan is to unleash job_creation to address the current econom_crisi __PUNCT__ while gener a stabl sourc of revenu to address our record deficit and put our fiscal hous in order __PUNCT__
my plan should not be view in a vacuum __PUNCT__ but in comparison to the continu of the statu_quo __PUNCT__
it provid employ and investor certainti __PUNCT__ which is critic to get capit back into the economi __PUNCT__
the presid plan provid temporari tax_relief __PUNCT__ which doe noth to encourag long __PUNCT__ term_invest becaus it doesn't provid the privat_sector certainti __PUNCT__
the wai to stimul the economi is not through temporari tax_relief or govern_spend __PUNCT__ it is to stimul privat spend through perman tax_relief __PUNCT__
the flat_tax will unleash growth __PUNCT__
but growth is not enough __PUNCT__
we must put a stop to the entitl cultur that risk the financi solvenc of thi countri for futur_gener __PUNCT__
the red_flag ar alarm __PUNCT__
our children ar born into __MONEY__ of feder_debt __PUNCT__
our credit wa downgrad for the first time thi past___DATE__ __PUNCT__ in part becaus of a lack of serious about deficit_reduct __PUNCT__
accord to the white_hous offic of manag and budget __PUNCT__ by year end our debt will exce the size of america_economi for the first time in __NUM___year __PUNCT__
we ar on the road to ruin pave by state serfdom __PUNCT__
free our children from financi disast requir the courag to reform entitl __PUNCT__
my plan establish firm principl to preserv medicar and social_secur for todai beneficiari __PUNCT__ while save it for tomorrow __PUNCT__
i am put_forward five principl to save social_secur for the long __PUNCT__ term __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ we will protect exist benefit for current retire __PUNCT__ and work with congress on the exact ag where those near retir ar grandfath out of chang to the program __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ we will end the current pillag of the social secur trust_fund by washington_politician __PUNCT__
here is the hard truth __PUNCT__ the trust_fund is full of iou __PUNCT__ without a singl dime of monei_left over from what worker have paid in __PUNCT__
the politician have borrow against it for year __PUNCT__
and in order to redeem the iou in the fund __PUNCT__ thei will have to either rais_tax or cut_spend on other program to replenish it __PUNCT__
here is the other hard truth __PUNCT__ if we don't act __PUNCT__ in __NUM___year benefit will be slash __NUM__ percent overnight __PUNCT__
protect social_secur_benefit begin with protect the solvenc of the fund __PUNCT__ and stop all current borrow from the fund __PUNCT__ just as we have done with the highwai trust_fund __PUNCT__
the third principl of reform is to allow young_worker to invest a portion of their payrol_tax into privat_account if thei so choos __PUNCT__
i am not naпv __PUNCT__
i know thi idea will be attack __PUNCT__
but a coupl of fact ar worth state __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ the return on invest in social_secur is so small it is like an interest bear save_account __PUNCT__
over the long __PUNCT__ term __PUNCT__ the market gener a much higher yield __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ opposit to thi simpl measur is base on a simpl supposit __PUNCT__ that the peopl ar not smart enough to look out for themselv __PUNCT__
the liber think the american_peopl cannot be trust to safeguard even a portion of their own retir dollar __PUNCT__
it is time to end the nanni_state and empow our peopl to exercis greater_control over their monei __PUNCT__
the fourth principl is to return to pre __PUNCT__ __NUM___law and allow state and local_govern to newli opt out of social_secur and instead allow their employe to pai sole into state or local run retir program __PUNCT__
thi ha been done around the countri __PUNCT__ with better result __PUNCT__
we ought to allow it again __PUNCT__
lastli __PUNCT__ we ought to work to rais the retir_ag for younger worker __PUNCT__ on a gradual basi __PUNCT__ to reflect the longer life __PUNCT__ span of todai american __PUNCT__
i will work with congress to determin the right formula __PUNCT__ begin at the right ag __PUNCT__
but thi is common_sens __PUNCT__ and it can help save social_secur for futur_gener __PUNCT__
we will also reform medicar to save it for futur gener of american __PUNCT__
we will do thi by work with congress on sever option __PUNCT__ includ give patient greater flexibl in choos the plan that best fit their uniqu need through bundl premium support payment to the individu __PUNCT__ or as a credit against purchas of health_insur __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ we should look at gradual rais the ag of medicar elig __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ we should consid adjust medicar benefit to be paid on a slide scale base on the incom of the recipi __PUNCT__
and lastli __PUNCT__ we must tackl the __MONEY___billion in annual wast and fraud to save thi valuabl program as american_live longer __PUNCT__
my plan also restructur medicaid __PUNCT__ return control over the program and the dollar need to administ it to state __PUNCT__
on __PUNCT__ size __PUNCT__ fit __PUNCT__ all health_care doesn't work for peopl on privat_plan in the form of obamacar __PUNCT__ and it doesn't work with public_plan __PUNCT__ such as medicaid __PUNCT__
washington ha broken it __PUNCT__ and shown no will to fix it __PUNCT__
we must give state leader the flexibl to fix medicaid and control it cost __PUNCT__
these reform ar essenti to balanc the budget __PUNCT__
my plan balanc the budget as fast as ani seriou plan offer __PUNCT__ in the year___NUM__ with reform to entitl __PUNCT__ with greater econom_growth __PUNCT__ and with cut to discretionari_spend __PUNCT__
i do not take the tack of the current presid __PUNCT__ with arbitrari cut to defens_spend __PUNCT__
the question we must ask is not what we can afford to spend on our nation_defens __PUNCT__ but what doe it cost to keep america_secur __PUNCT__
at the same_time __PUNCT__ we will reform the wai we spend_monei in washington so we can balanc the budget in eight year __PUNCT__
but to truli protect taxpay __PUNCT__ we need the extra protect of a balanc_budget_amend to the unit_state state_constitut __PUNCT__
i will reduc spend in the depart of educ __PUNCT__ the depart of energi __PUNCT__ the epa __PUNCT__ and a whole host of other agenc __PUNCT__ return greater_control to the state __PUNCT__
my plan reduc non __PUNCT__ defens discretionari_spend by __MONEY___billion in year on __PUNCT__ and build on those save in the year to come __PUNCT__
i will also institut sever principl reform to the budgetari process __PUNCT__ which ar contain in my cut __PUNCT__ balanc and grow plan on my websit __PUNCT__
it is not the length of a __PUNCT__ war and peac __PUNCT__ novel __PUNCT__ and is easi to understand __PUNCT__ yet bold in it approach __PUNCT__
includ in my budget reform ar elimin of baselin budget that assum previou expenditur ar sacrosanct __PUNCT__ an end to non __PUNCT__ emerg spend in emerg bill __PUNCT__ and a perman stop to __PUNCT__ bridg to nowher __PUNCT__ project through the elimin of earmark __PUNCT__
i will coupl these budgetari reform with an overhaul of the regulatori process __PUNCT__
when feder_agenc like the nlrb ar dictat to compani where thei can creat_job and where thei cannot __PUNCT__ thei have over __PUNCT__ step their bound and undermin our free_market market_system __PUNCT__
on my first dai in offic __PUNCT__ i will freez all pend feder_regul and immedi begin a review of all new regul sinc __DATE__ of __NUM__ __PUNCT__
todai the feder regist contain __NUM__ page __PUNCT__
the index alon is eleven hundr_page page_long __PUNCT__
and somehow __PUNCT__ despit not have ani of these new regul for our first __NUM___year __PUNCT__ america not onli surviv __PUNCT__ we thrive __PUNCT__
the feder nanni_state heavi __PUNCT__ hand regul ar keep our economi in the ditch __PUNCT__
it is time to review and scrap regul that harm job and growth __PUNCT__
lastli __PUNCT__ on of the greatest impedi to invest in america ar the dodd __PUNCT__ frank bank_regul __PUNCT__ and i will lead the charg to elimin them __PUNCT__
dodd __PUNCT__ frank is kill small bank __PUNCT__ and freez access to credit just when small_busi need it most __PUNCT__
it enshrin bailout and the notion of __PUNCT__ too big to fail __PUNCT__ in feder_law __PUNCT__ benefit wall_street while kill main_street __PUNCT__
it wrong __PUNCT__
it unfair __PUNCT__
it must go __PUNCT__
my plan doe not trim around the edg __PUNCT__
and it doe not bow down to the establish interest __PUNCT__
but it is the kind of bold reform need to jolt thi economi out of it doldrum __PUNCT__ and renew american prosper __PUNCT__
those who oppos it will wrap themselv in the cloak of the statu_quo __PUNCT__
america is under a crush burden of debt __PUNCT__ and the presid simpli offer larger deficit and the polit of class_divis __PUNCT__
other simpli offer microwav plan with warm __PUNCT__ over reform base on current ingredi __PUNCT__
american __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ aren't search for a reshuffl of the statu_quo __PUNCT__ which simpli empow the entrench interest __PUNCT__
thi is a chang elect __PUNCT__ and i offer a plan that chang the wai washington doe busi __PUNCT__
the great issu_face thi nation is whether we have the courag to confront spend and the vision to get our economi_grow again __PUNCT__
we need a tax_code that unleash growth instead of prevent it __PUNCT__ that promot fair __PUNCT__ not class_warfar __PUNCT__ that spark invest in america instead of oversea interest __PUNCT__
it is time to creat_incent for american_compani to invest in american_worker __PUNCT__
it is time to end the corpor loophol __PUNCT__ end the special tax_break for special_interest __PUNCT__ end the gravi train for lobbyist and tax lawyer __PUNCT__
it is time to pass a tax that is flat and fair __PUNCT__ that free our employ and our peopl to invest __PUNCT__ grow and prosper __PUNCT__
we will set our employ and our peopl free by slash the cost of govern __PUNCT__ cut_tax for middl_class class_famili __PUNCT__ balanc our budget and grow our economi __PUNCT__
the futur of america is too import to be left to the washington_politician __PUNCT__
to get america work again __PUNCT__ we must cut_tax and spend __PUNCT__ balanc the feder_budget __PUNCT__ and grow our economi and job __PUNCT__
my plan unleash american ingenu for a new american_centuri __PUNCT__
restor the hope and dream of our peopl __PUNCT__
renew our great promis __PUNCT__
and entrust the fate of thi nation into the hand of our peopl __PUNCT__ set them free __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ god_bless you __PUNCT__ and god_bless_america __PUNCT__