This speech titled 2012.01.19.remarks_announcing_the_end_of_presidential_campaign_activities originally had 1125 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__
as i have state numer time on the campaign_trail __PUNCT__ thi campaign ha never been about the candid __PUNCT__
i ran for presid becaus i love_america __PUNCT__ our peopl and our freedom __PUNCT__
but the mission is greater than the man __PUNCT__
as i have travel across thi great_countri __PUNCT__ from new hampshir to california __PUNCT__ from iowa to florida __PUNCT__ and to numer state in between __PUNCT__ i have discov a tremend purpos and resili in our peopl __PUNCT__
thei have never lost hope despit current circumst __PUNCT__
thei haven't stop believ in the promis of america or the american_dream __PUNCT__
american ar down __PUNCT__ but we can never be count out __PUNCT__
we ar too great a peopl __PUNCT__
what is broken in america is not our peopl __PUNCT__ but our polit __PUNCT__
and what we need is a washington that is humbler __PUNCT__ with a feder_govern that is smaller so our peopl can live freer __PUNCT__
i enter thi campaign offer a uniqu perspect __PUNCT__ a governor who ha led a larg state lead the nation in job_creation __PUNCT__ an execut leader who ha implement conserv polici __PUNCT__ a son of tenant farmer born with littl more than a good name __PUNCT__ but who ha experienc the great possibl of freedom __PUNCT__
but i have never believ that the caus of conservat is embodi by ani on individu __PUNCT__
our parti __PUNCT__ and the conserv philosophi __PUNCT__ transcend ani on individu __PUNCT__
it is a movement of idea that ar greater than ani on of us __PUNCT__ and that will live beyond our year __PUNCT__
as a former air_forc pilot __PUNCT__ i know we can't lose track of the ultim object in carri out our mission __PUNCT__ and that object is not onli to defeat presid_obama __PUNCT__ but to replac him with a conserv_leader who will bring about real chang __PUNCT__
our countri is hurt with more than __NUM___million unemploi __PUNCT__ nearli __NUM__ million on food_stamp and a debt of more than __MONEY___trillion and grow __PUNCT__
we need bold __PUNCT__ conserv leadership that will take on the entrench interest and give the american_peopl their countri_back __PUNCT__
i have alwai believ the mission is greater than the man __PUNCT__
as i have contempl the futur of thi campaign __PUNCT__ i have come to the conclus that there is no viabl path to victori for my candidaci in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
therefor __PUNCT__ todai i am suspend my campaign and endors newt_gingrich for presid __PUNCT__
i believ newt is a conserv visionari who can transform our countri __PUNCT__
we have had our differ __PUNCT__ which campaign inevit bring out __PUNCT__
and newt is not perfect __PUNCT__ but who among us is __PUNCT__ the fact is __PUNCT__ there is forgiv for those who seek god and i believ in the power of redempt __PUNCT__ for it is a central tenet of my own christian_faith __PUNCT__
and i have no question newt_gingrich ha the heart of a conserv reform __PUNCT__ the abil to ralli and captiv the conserv_movement and the courag to tell the washington interest to take a hike if it what is best for the countri __PUNCT__
as a texan __PUNCT__ i have never shi awai from a good_fight __PUNCT__ especi when the caus wa right __PUNCT__
but as someon who ha alwai admir a great texa forefath __PUNCT__ sam houston __PUNCT__ i know when it is time for a __PUNCT__ strateg retreat __PUNCT__ so i will leav the trail __PUNCT__ return_home to texa and wind down my __NUM___campaign organ __PUNCT__
and i will do so with pride know i gave myself fulli to a caus worthi of our countri __PUNCT__
and as i head home __PUNCT__ i do so with the love of my life by my side __PUNCT__ a woman who make everi dai a good on when she is by my side __PUNCT__ my wife anita __PUNCT__
thank you anita for all you have done __PUNCT__
i also want to thank my son griffin __PUNCT__ my daughter sydnei __PUNCT__ and my daughter __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ law meredith for stand with us in thi great effort __PUNCT__
with a good wife __PUNCT__ three wonder children __PUNCT__ and a love_god in my life __PUNCT__ thing will be good no matter what the futur hold __PUNCT__
i proud of the polici we put_forward to the american_peopl and believ thei provid the right path forward for our parti and our nation __PUNCT__ overhaul washington and return_power to state and local_govern and to the peopl __PUNCT__ creat energi job and energi_secur __PUNCT__ cut_spend and elimin unnecessari feder_agenc and cut_tax to a flat __PUNCT__ fair __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__
and i will continu to fight for these conserv reform becaus the futur of our countri is at stake and the road we ar travel todai __PUNCT__ presid_obama road __PUNCT__ endang our futur __PUNCT__
i want to thank some wonder individu who have stood by my side in thi state __PUNCT__ katon dawson __PUNCT__ ambassador wilkin __PUNCT__ and a strong and good_man serv you in congress __PUNCT__ mick mulvanei __PUNCT__
i want to thank all my support from across the countri __PUNCT__ in particular governor bobbi jindal __PUNCT__ steve forb and governor sam_brownback __PUNCT__ as well as senat jim inhof __PUNCT__ congresswoman candic miller and congressman sam grave __PUNCT__
and i want to sai a special thank to three distinguish veteran who have join me on the campaign_trail __PUNCT__ medal of honor awarde and navi_seal mike thornton __PUNCT__ navi cross recipi marcu luttrel and purpl_heart recipi __PUNCT__ marin captain dan moran __PUNCT__
i began thi race with a sens of call __PUNCT__
i felt led into thi arena to fight for the futur of thi countri __PUNCT__
i feel no differ todai than i did then __PUNCT__ know a call never guarante a particular destin __PUNCT__ but a journei that test on faith and charact __PUNCT__
so now the journei lead us back to texa __PUNCT__ neither discourag nor disench __PUNCT__ but instead reward for the experi and resolut to remain in the arena and in the servic of a great_nation __PUNCT__
our countri need bold leadership and a real transform __PUNCT__
we must rise to the occas and elect a conserv champion to put our nation back on the right track __PUNCT__
and thi i know __PUNCT__ i am not done fight for the caus of conservat __PUNCT__
in fact i have onli begun to fight __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ god_bless you __PUNCT__ and god_bless_america __PUNCT__