This speech titled 2007.02.08.speech_the_new_realism_and_the_rebirth_of_american_leadership originally had 3274 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you veri much for that kind introduct __PUNCT__
in recent_year __PUNCT__ america foreign_polici ha been guid more by dogma than by fact __PUNCT__ more by ideolog than by histori __PUNCT__
more by wish think than by realiti __PUNCT__
thi administr lack of realism ha led us to a danger place __PUNCT__
in an era of terror __PUNCT__ thei have squander our militari_power __PUNCT__ undermin our diplomat leverag __PUNCT__ and deplet our treasuri __PUNCT__
thei have embolden our enemi and isol us from our friend __PUNCT__
thei have confus our moral_compass and compromis our nation_secur __PUNCT__
we need to take a differ path __PUNCT__
a path base on realiti __PUNCT__ not unilateralist illus __PUNCT__
a path that understand that the gravest danger that threaten us todai do not threaten onli us __PUNCT__ and that therefor to pursu our nation_interest and meet these challeng we must work with our friend __PUNCT__ our enemi __PUNCT__ and everyon in between __PUNCT__
thi is a path not of hard word __PUNCT__ but of hard_work __PUNCT__
a path of moral strength __PUNCT__ not piou judgment __PUNCT__
a path of strong diplomaci __PUNCT__ back up by a strong militari and strong allianc __PUNCT__
thi is the path of american leadership __PUNCT__
a path that i believ can lead to an axi of reason to confront urgent global problem __PUNCT__
presid_bush doesn't seem to understand that success in foreign_polici requir both a strong militari and smart diplomaci __PUNCT__
becaus while diplomaci without power is weak __PUNCT__ power without diplomaci is blind __PUNCT__
befor i becam governor __PUNCT__ i had been a congressman __PUNCT__ america ambassador to the unit_nation __PUNCT__ and secretari of energi __PUNCT__
over the past___NUM___year __PUNCT__ i also have led mani diplomat mission where i have stood toe __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ toe with some of the world toughest custom __PUNCT__ includ saddam __PUNCT__ castro __PUNCT__ the north_korean __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ most recent __PUNCT__ the sudanes leader bashir __PUNCT__
i have gotten all these tough_gui to do what i want them to do becaus i put my disdain for them asid __PUNCT__ and talk to them __PUNCT__
you need to know your enemi if you want him to cooper __PUNCT__
i know that even bad_gui will listen to you when you hold a big stick in on hand and a carrot in the other __PUNCT__ and you show them a face __PUNCT__ save wai out of the dilemma you have just creat for them __PUNCT__
talk to peopl is no guarante of success __PUNCT__ but refus to talk to them is usual a precursor to failur __PUNCT__
as jfk said __PUNCT__ we should never negoti out of fear __PUNCT__ but we should never fear to negoti __PUNCT__
i also have work_close with some extraordinari leader __PUNCT__ such as bill_clinton __PUNCT__ kofi annan and nelson_mandela __PUNCT__
i know that great leader ar guid by shine ideal __PUNCT__ but that thei ar never blind by ideolog __PUNCT__
thei know that to pursu a vision to make the world a better place __PUNCT__ you first must see the world as it realli is __PUNCT__
to restor american leadership __PUNCT__ we need to reject dogma __PUNCT__ and to embrac a new realism in our foreign_polici __PUNCT__
an enlighten and ethic realism for the __NUM__ st centuri __PUNCT__
a realism that look at the world through cool ey __PUNCT__ but that is also inspir by ardent principl __PUNCT__
the new realism america is a great_nation that know how to defend itself __PUNCT__
we ar also a nation that ha been will to pai in blood as well as in coin for what we believ is the right thing to do and we have a sens that in order to do right by ourselv __PUNCT__ we must be readi to do right by other __PUNCT__
we defend ourselv most effect when we lead other __PUNCT__
and it ha been our willing to seek and find common_ground __PUNCT__ to blend our interest with those of other __PUNCT__ which ha been the kei to our long_histori of effect leadership __PUNCT__
realist like truman and eisenhow understood that defend europ and ourselv from the soviet requir a strong militari __PUNCT__
but thei also understood that we could not lead our alli if thei did not wish to follow __PUNCT__
these and subsequ american_presid knew the import of moral leadership __PUNCT__
our remark militari and our prosper economi gave us the power to lead __PUNCT__
but our commit to human_digniti __PUNCT__ includ our willing to struggl against our own prejudic __PUNCT__ inspir other to follow __PUNCT__
if america is to lead again __PUNCT__ we need to rememb thi histori __PUNCT__ and to rebuild our overextend militari __PUNCT__ increas the size of our armi __PUNCT__ reviv our allianc __PUNCT__ and restor our reput as a nation which respect intern_law __PUNCT__ human right and civil_liberti __PUNCT__
there is no time to lose __PUNCT__
for we live in peril time __PUNCT__ in which polici shape by fantasi and wish think have alreadi wreak_havoc __PUNCT__ and court further disast __PUNCT__
six trend ar transform our world __PUNCT__
we need to understand them __PUNCT__ and respond to all of them simultan __PUNCT__
on trend __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ is fanat jihad burst from an increasingli unstabl and violent greater middl_east __PUNCT__
thi trend had been grow for year __PUNCT__ but the invas and collaps of iraq have fuel it growth __PUNCT__
a second trend is the grow power and sophist of both non __PUNCT__ state and state __PUNCT__ link crimin and terrorist enterpris capabl of disrupt the global_economi and traffick in weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__
togeth these two trend rais the terribl specter of nuclear terror __PUNCT__
we know that al_qaeda ha tri to get nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__
we know that pakistan a.q __PUNCT__
khan sold nuclear materi to rogu_state __PUNCT__ and we know that there ar former soviet nuclear_weapon which ar poorli __PUNCT__ secur __PUNCT__
the exist of a black_market in nuclear materi is well __PUNCT__ document __PUNCT__
the prolifer of nuclear_weapon to new countri ha increas further the opportun for jihadist to obtain them __PUNCT__
a third trend transform our world is the rapid rise of asian econom and militari_power __PUNCT__ abov all in china and india __PUNCT__
and a fourth trend is the re __PUNCT__ emerg of russia __PUNCT__ as an increasingli assert global and region player __PUNCT__ with a larg nuclear_arsen __PUNCT__ control over energi_resourc __PUNCT__ and tempt by milit nation __PUNCT__
the simultan rise of india __PUNCT__ china __PUNCT__ and russia requir our thought attent and strateg leadership __PUNCT__ so that these power nuclear __PUNCT__ arm nation mai be integr into a stabl global_order __PUNCT__
a fifth trend transform our world is the simultan increas in global_econom interdepend and financi imbal __PUNCT__ unaccompani by the growth of institut capac to manag these realiti __PUNCT__
global ha made our economi more vulner to resourc constraint and financi shock origin beyond our border __PUNCT__
i am particularli concern about the possibl of a global energi_crisi or a collaps of the us dollar __PUNCT__
and the sixth trend we face is that of urgent and worsen health and environment_problem which ar truli global in scope __PUNCT__
global_warm and pandem like aid do not respect nation_border __PUNCT__
and poverti __PUNCT__ ethnic conflict and overpopul also spill over border __PUNCT__ feed what mois naim ha call the __PUNCT__ five war of global __PUNCT__ over drug __PUNCT__ arm traffick __PUNCT__ monei launder __PUNCT__ intellectu_properti and alien smuggl __PUNCT__
these six transform trend present us with problem which ar intern in their origin and which will requir intern solut __PUNCT__
and thei cry out for american leadership __PUNCT__
if the world succe in prevent nuclear terror __PUNCT__ defeat jihad __PUNCT__ integr rise_power into a stabl order __PUNCT__ protect global_financi financi_market stabil __PUNCT__ and fight pandem and global_warm __PUNCT__ america sure will deserv much of the credit __PUNCT__
if the world fail to meet these challeng __PUNCT__ america just as sure will deserv much of the blame __PUNCT__
we must confront these challeng with all our resourc __PUNCT__ from our militari to our economi to our capac to inspir other to follow us __PUNCT__
thi new realist vision for re __PUNCT__ launch american leadership in the __NUM__ st centuri will entail sever step __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ first and foremost __PUNCT__ we must repair our allianc __PUNCT__
thi mean restor respect and appreci for our alli __PUNCT__ and for the democrat valu which unit us __PUNCT__
__NUM__ __PUNCT__ we must renew our commit to intern_law and multilater cooper __PUNCT__
thi mean expand the secur_council to reflect intern realiti __PUNCT__ and it mean ethic reform at the un __PUNCT__ so that thi vital institut can meet the challeng of the __NUM__ st centuri __PUNCT__
it mean more third world debt_relief __PUNCT__ and a world_bank focus on poverti __PUNCT__ reduct __PUNCT__
it mean shift aid from loan to grant for the poorest_countri __PUNCT__
it mean reviv the doha round of trade talk and seek agreement which serious address wage dispar __PUNCT__ worker right __PUNCT__ and the environ __PUNCT__
it mean more resourc for the imf __PUNCT__ so that it can protect the intern economi from financi panic and shock __PUNCT__
and it mean respect the geneva_convent and join the intern_crimin court __PUNCT__
the unit_state onc wa __PUNCT__ and again must be __PUNCT__ a human right exampl to which other aspir __PUNCT__
we must be impecc in our own behavior __PUNCT__ and we must reward countri which respect the univers_declar on human right __PUNCT__
and we must negoti __PUNCT__ construct but firmli __PUNCT__ with those who do not __PUNCT__
becaus we care about human right __PUNCT__ we need to start take africa serious __PUNCT__
the two most horrend recent genocid have taken place in rwanda and now darfur __PUNCT__
histori_teach us that if the unit_state doe not take the lead on genocid __PUNCT__ no on els will __PUNCT__
we need to step up to the plate on darfur __PUNCT__ and let the world know that when genocid threaten __PUNCT__ the unit state will lead the world to stop it __PUNCT__
__NUM__ __PUNCT__ the unit state also must be the leader __PUNCT__ not the laggard __PUNCT__ in global effort to reduc greenhous_ga_emiss __PUNCT__
we must join the kyoto_protocol on global_warm __PUNCT__ and then go well beyond it __PUNCT__
we must lead the world with a man __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ moon effort to improv effici and to commerci clean __PUNCT__ altern technolog __PUNCT__
we must cut our fossil_fuel consumpt dramat and rapidli __PUNCT__ and get other __PUNCT__ includ china and india __PUNCT__ to follow us to a sustain energi futur __PUNCT__
__NUM__ __PUNCT__ we need to stop treat diplomat engag with other like a reward for good_behavior __PUNCT__
the bush_administr refus to engag obnoxi regim ha onli encourag and strengthen their most paranoid and hard __PUNCT__ line tendenc __PUNCT__
the futil of thi polici is most tragic obviou in regard to iran and north_korea __PUNCT__ who respond to washington snub and threat with intensif of their nuclear_program __PUNCT__
american leadership mean talk even with regim we don't like __PUNCT__ so that we can show them the real cost and benefit that will result from their choic __PUNCT__
sometim diplomaci demand that you talk tough __PUNCT__
but to do that __PUNCT__ you have to at least be talk __PUNCT__
we also need to engag russia and china more effect __PUNCT__ strateg __PUNCT__ and systemat than we have __PUNCT__ as we encourag them to work with us to build a stabl __PUNCT__ peac world __PUNCT__
__NUM__ __PUNCT__ we need to focu on the real secur threat __PUNCT__ from which iraq ha so danger divert our attent __PUNCT__
thi mean do the hard_work to build strong coalit to fight terrorist and to stop nuclear prolifer __PUNCT__
most urgent __PUNCT__ we need to lock down all of the world fission materi __PUNCT__
quickli __PUNCT__
befor terrorist get their hand on a nuclear_bomb __PUNCT__
to accomplish thi __PUNCT__ we must increas fund for the nunn __PUNCT__ lugar program to secur former soviet nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__
and we must work aggress with our pakistani alli to make sure that __PUNCT__ no matter what happen in the futur __PUNCT__ pakistan nuclear_arsen cannot fall into the hand of jihadist __PUNCT__
we need better human intellig and better intern intellig and law_enforc coordin to prevent nuclear traffick __PUNCT__
and we must do the hard diplomat work to unit the world __PUNCT__ includ russia and china __PUNCT__ to contain the nuclear ambit of iran and north_korea __PUNCT__ as we provid these nation with incent and face __PUNCT__ save wai to renounc nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__
and if we want other countri to take the nuclear non __PUNCT__ prolifer_treati serious __PUNCT__ we need to start take it serious ourselv __PUNCT__
thi mean lead a global effort to reduc the number of nuclear_weapon in the world __PUNCT__ includ our own __PUNCT__
and we need to upgrad and tighten the npt to prevent state from legal develop their nuclear_capabl __PUNCT__ and then opt out of the treati as thei rush to build bomb __PUNCT__
we also must open an ideolog front in the war against jihad __PUNCT__
there is a civil_war within islam between extremist and moder __PUNCT__ and we need to stop help our enemi in that civil war __PUNCT__
we need to start show __PUNCT__ both through our word and through our deed __PUNCT__ that thi is not __PUNCT__ as the jihadist claim __PUNCT__ a clash of civil __PUNCT__
rather __PUNCT__ it is a clash between civil and barbar __PUNCT__
we need to present the arab and muslim_world with a better vision than the apocalypt fantasi of the jihadist __PUNCT__
a vision of peac __PUNCT__ prosper __PUNCT__ toler __PUNCT__ and respect for human_digniti __PUNCT__
for thi to be credibl __PUNCT__ we need to live up to our own ideal __PUNCT__
prison abus __PUNCT__ tortur __PUNCT__ secret_prison __PUNCT__ rendit __PUNCT__ and evas of the geneva_convent must have no place in our polici __PUNCT__
if we want muslim to open to us __PUNCT__ we should start by close guantanamo __PUNCT__
we also need to pressur egypt __PUNCT__ pakistan __PUNCT__ saudi_arabia and other friend to reform their educ_system __PUNCT__ which five year after __NUM__ ar still incub of anti __PUNCT__ american __PUNCT__
and we must give a louder __PUNCT__ more systemat voic to moder american_muslim __PUNCT__ so that thei can speak the truth about us and be heard __PUNCT__
and we need to re __PUNCT__ engag the middl __PUNCT__ east peac_process __PUNCT__ so that we can depriv the jihadist of their most effect propaganda tool __PUNCT__
we must not waver in our support for israel __PUNCT__ as we us all our stick and carrot to strengthen palestinian moder and to promot a two __PUNCT__ state_solut __PUNCT__
we ar spend___MONEY___billion per week on iraq __PUNCT__ but we ar not do nearli enough to protect our citi __PUNCT__ nuclear_power_plant __PUNCT__ ship and port from terrorist_attack __PUNCT__
we must spend more to recruit __PUNCT__ equip and train more first respond __PUNCT__ and we must drastic improv our public_health facil __PUNCT__ which five year after __NUM__ ar not readi for a biolog attack __PUNCT__
and we need to alloc homeland_secur dollar to where thei ar need __PUNCT__ to the popul center and facil that we know al_qaeda target __PUNCT__
it is unpatriot and irrespons to turn homeland_secur dollar into pork __PUNCT__
__NUM__ __PUNCT__ the unit_state of america also need to start pai_attent to the america __PUNCT__
to our own back yard __PUNCT__
illeg traffick of drug and person across the mexican_border threaten our nation_secur __PUNCT__
we need both better border_secur and comprehens_immigr immigr_reform __PUNCT__ reform that provid for a guest_worker_program with a realist and earn path to legal __PUNCT__
and we must abandon thi notion of build a fenc along the border __PUNCT__
no fenc ever built ha stop histori and thi on wouldn't either __PUNCT__
it just won't work __PUNCT__
let us that monei for real border_enforc __PUNCT__ and i have propos doubl the number of border guard to do just that __PUNCT__
real secur __PUNCT__ real result at the fraction of the financi or polit cost of build a fenc __PUNCT__
and to reduc both illeg_immigr and anti __PUNCT__ american_popul in latin_america __PUNCT__ we must work with reform __PUNCT__ mind govern to allevi poverti and promot equit develop __PUNCT__
we need to strengthen energi cooper in the region __PUNCT__ as we foster democraci and fair_trade __PUNCT__
and foster democraci must includ cuba __PUNCT__
we should revers bush_polici restrict remitt __PUNCT__ and travel to visit love on __PUNCT__
raul castro ha start to make some overtur toward the unit_state __PUNCT__
let challeng him to show hi sincer by releas cuban polit_prison __PUNCT__
__NUM__ __PUNCT__ america need to lead the global fight against poverti __PUNCT__ which is the basi of so much violenc __PUNCT__
we must promot equit trade_agreement __PUNCT__ to creat more job in all countri __PUNCT__
and through our exampl and our diplomaci we must encourag all rich_countri honor their un millennium goal commit __PUNCT__
a commiss on implement of sustain_develop goal __PUNCT__ compos of world_leader and promin expert __PUNCT__ should be creat to recommend wai of meet millennium commit __PUNCT__
america need to lead donor on debt_relief __PUNCT__ shift aid from loan to grant __PUNCT__ and toward greater focu on primari health_care and afford vaccin __PUNCT__
we should pressur pharmaceut_compani to allow expand us of gener drug __PUNCT__ and we should stimul public __PUNCT__ privat_partnership to reduc cost and enhanc access to anti __PUNCT__ malari drug and bed net __PUNCT__
most importantli __PUNCT__ america should spearhead a multilater marshal_plan for the middl_east and north_africa __PUNCT__
for a small_fraction of the cost of the iraq_war __PUNCT__ which ha made us so mani enemi __PUNCT__ we could make mani friend __PUNCT__
a crucial effort in fight_terror must be support for public_educ in the muslim_world __PUNCT__ which is the best wai to mitig the role of madrasa that foment extrem __PUNCT__
develop allevi the injustic and lack of opportun that propon of violenc and terror exploit __PUNCT__
to those who sai we cannot afford an aid program to build pro __PUNCT__ american sentiment in the develop_world __PUNCT__ i sai we cannot afford not to __PUNCT__
the challeng_face america_todai ar great __PUNCT__
we need to learn from the failur of the bush_administr __PUNCT__ open our ey __PUNCT__ and see the world as it is __PUNCT__ so that we can lead other to make it a better __PUNCT__ safer place __PUNCT__
thi is the new realist vision for the new centuri __PUNCT__
i believ we can do it __PUNCT__
america can earn back the respect __PUNCT__ trust __PUNCT__ and admir of the world __PUNCT__
we can and will onc again be the respect leader of nation __PUNCT__
our nation_secur and our futur depend upon it __PUNCT__
thank you veri much __PUNCT__