This speech titled 2007.03.14.energy_speech_to_bear_stearns originally had 3657 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you for that kind introduct __PUNCT__
some mai wonder why a governor from a state that activ_promot renew and altern_energi would come to speak to a confer dedic to oil and ga __PUNCT__
but the same reason why i talk to you todai __PUNCT__ is the same_principl i alwai held __PUNCT__
it ok to talk __PUNCT__
sometim talk yield littl __PUNCT__ an agreement to disagre __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ sometim direct talk work __PUNCT__
direct talk mean look across a polit or philosoph divid to find common_ground and to build a better solut __PUNCT__
as a democrat_governor in a red __PUNCT__ state it someth i familiar with __PUNCT__
i think some democrat mai not recogn that it busi that creat_job and build an economi __PUNCT__
but not thi democrat __PUNCT__ i a pro __PUNCT__ busi __PUNCT__ tax __PUNCT__ cut governor and i would remain the same as presid __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ i like to talk to you about the threat to america energi_secur __PUNCT__ and our gener challeng to build a new economi base on clean_energi __PUNCT__
thi is my vision __PUNCT__ some part you mai agre with __PUNCT__ some part you won't __PUNCT__ but afterward we can talk it through __PUNCT__
energi is central to us foreign_polici __PUNCT__
it easi to sai the us is addict to oil __PUNCT__
understand the stranglehold of that addict __PUNCT__ and construct work to end our __PUNCT__ habit __PUNCT__ is hard __PUNCT__
oil is a strateg commod often control by repress govern __PUNCT__
product level __PUNCT__ and price __PUNCT__ ar strongli influenc by a global cartel __PUNCT__
oil depend is america achil __PUNCT__ heel __PUNCT__ and it allow our foreign polici to go weak in the knee __PUNCT__
our oil addict limit our power to deter iran_nuclear nuclear_program __PUNCT__ to challeng russia when it behav badli __PUNCT__ to respond effect to anti __PUNCT__ american rhetor from venezuela presid __PUNCT__ to push for reform in nigeria __PUNCT__ or to build a coalit to stop the genocid in the sudan __PUNCT__
and our option in iraq ar constrain by the fear that iraq vast oil_reserv could fall under the influenc of iran __PUNCT__
and while america last two war in the middl_east weren't onli about oil __PUNCT__ our depend on oil is too often the unspoken subtext that compel us to act and caus other to view our foreign_polici with suspicion __PUNCT__
as everyon in thi room know __PUNCT__ grow energi demand in asia __PUNCT__ coupl with alreadi high consumpt level in the develop_world __PUNCT__ ha launch a race for control of the world ever __PUNCT__ scarcer energi_resourc __PUNCT__
also __PUNCT__ there ar few new __PUNCT__ larg discoveri of oil in the world __PUNCT__
develop of pristin area like anwr or otero mesa in my home_state __PUNCT__ will yield rel littl oil __PUNCT__ not nearli enough to alter the inevit realiti of higher_price due to increas_demand and finit suppli __PUNCT__
thi scenario is alreadi evid __PUNCT__
the averag_famili will spend___MONEY__ on fuel in __NUM__ __PUNCT__ almost doubl what thei spent onli six year_ago __PUNCT__
almost __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the world_oil oil_reserv ar concentr in the middl_east or in opec nation __PUNCT__
the cartel abil to control oil_price leav consum __PUNCT__ investor and polici_maker perpetu off __PUNCT__ balanc __PUNCT__ oil_price volatil with high and low so diverg that thei either stunt the world_economi __PUNCT__ or kill invest in and develop of altern fuel __PUNCT__
but while signific __PUNCT__ thi is not my greatest concern __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ as we fight the war on terror __PUNCT__ i most fear a more immedi and fundament strateg realiti of our oil addict __PUNCT__ a signific portion of the __MONEY___billion petrodollar we export each year is most certainli funnel to fund our jihadist enemi __PUNCT__
as such __PUNCT__ i think it time we acknowledg thi simpl_truth __PUNCT__ our abil to drain the swamp of terror depend in part on our polit will to chang how we produc __PUNCT__ distribut and consum energi __PUNCT__
but fund our enemi with export oil revenu is not my onli concern __PUNCT__
the other result of our oil and energi addict __PUNCT__ climat chang __PUNCT__ also ha global __PUNCT__ strateg implic __PUNCT__
scientist us the term __PUNCT__ disrupt impact __PUNCT__ to describ what climat chang could mean to the nation and region of the world __PUNCT__
i think it time we stop us thi steril euphem and instead acknowledg what thi realli mean __PUNCT__ sever weather __PUNCT__ flood and drought and the alter of agricultur_product __PUNCT__ rise sea_level __PUNCT__ new diseas pattern __PUNCT__ widespread econom disloc and destruct and a host of other problem that threaten the commun of nation __PUNCT__
as the governor of new mexico __PUNCT__ a grow and prosper __PUNCT__ desert state __PUNCT__ i must pai_attent to thi threat and what it mean for our scarc water_resourc __PUNCT__
in the west __PUNCT__ it not just the liber colleg kid who ask what we ar do about global_warm __PUNCT__ it the conserv farmer and rancher whose wai of live is at risk __PUNCT__
and like the rest of america __PUNCT__ we can't afford to gambl that the vast_major of the scientif_commun is somehow wrong on global_warm __PUNCT__ especi as our countri remain the largest produc of greenhous_gase and is on track to doubl it emiss in the next __NUM___year __PUNCT__
the surer bet __PUNCT__ is to do what right to slow __PUNCT__ stop __PUNCT__ and revers global_warm __PUNCT__
believ it or not __PUNCT__ there is common_ground between democrat and a number of republican on energi_polici __PUNCT__ like conserv __PUNCT__ promot renew fuel __PUNCT__ and address global_warm __PUNCT__
but while the bush_administr ha begun to recogn the global_warm threat __PUNCT__ there is a gap between rhetor and polici __PUNCT__
in the same_year presid_bush admit __PUNCT__ america is addict to oil __PUNCT__ he ha miss deadlin to releas new effici regul __PUNCT__ resist higher ga mileag standard __PUNCT__ and chose instead to subsid ga __PUNCT__ guzzl hummer and suv __PUNCT__
presid bush also said __PUNCT__ we need to reduc our relianc on foreign energi_sourc __PUNCT__
but he is pursu a polici cours that will make the u. __PUNCT__ as depend on those same_countri for natur_ga that current hold the world hostag to their oil_reserv __PUNCT__
the __NUM__ energi_bill streamlin the develop of a global lng market __PUNCT__
we should not lose_sight of the follow howev __PUNCT__ forti __PUNCT__ five percent of the world prove ga reserv ar in just two countri __PUNCT__ russia and iran __PUNCT__
consid the geopolit implic of that relationship __PUNCT__
further __PUNCT__ almost two third of the world prove ga reserv ar in either opec nation or russia __PUNCT__
again __PUNCT__ the proxim of these ga suppli center to the consum region of europ and asia __PUNCT__ put us lng consum at a distinct price and suppli line disadvantag __PUNCT__
if all the lng re __PUNCT__ gasif termin approv by thi administr sinc __NUM__ were built and oper at full capac __PUNCT__ we would be import almost sixti percent of our natur_ga __PUNCT__ in addit to an even higher percentag of our oil __PUNCT__
it true that in the near to mid __PUNCT__ term __PUNCT__ we need addit suppli of clean burn natur ga __PUNCT__ it can help mitig greenhous_ga_emiss in the near __PUNCT__ to mid __PUNCT__ term __PUNCT__
also __PUNCT__ __NUM___million_american heat their home with natur_ga __PUNCT__ afford suppli of ga mean lower heat bill for our famili and busi __PUNCT__
but we need to be mind of the geopolit realiti of the lng marketplac __PUNCT__
also __PUNCT__ natur ga end us effici and environment __PUNCT__ sensit product of technic recover domest reserv will substanti reduc the need for lng import __PUNCT__
strict build effici measur alon __PUNCT__ us current avail technolog __PUNCT__ would decreas ga consumpt and dramat lower carbon_emiss over the next sever decad __PUNCT__
as a former secretari of energi and as the governor of an oil and ga produc state __PUNCT__ i come to know some of the need of your industri __PUNCT__
energi_compani and investor base decis __PUNCT__ not on polit term of two __PUNCT__ four or eight year __PUNCT__ but in gener_term of __NUM___year or more __PUNCT__
i don't believ your industri fear chang __PUNCT__
but to make the billion and trillion_dollar energi infrastructur and resourc develop invest __PUNCT__ you don't need a conflict vision of next year __PUNCT__ you need leadership and consist vision of the next fifti_year __PUNCT__
i believ it time for america to get off of it knee and stand up for a new energi futur __PUNCT__
we should lead the world in reduc greenhous gass and in prepar for the post __PUNCT__ oil economi of the futur __PUNCT__
gradual __PUNCT__ but deliber __PUNCT__ we can wean ourselv of our oil addict __PUNCT__
thi is not a task govern can do alon __PUNCT__
govern_role __PUNCT__ inde it oblig __PUNCT__ is to provid a clear vision __PUNCT__ strateg invest in technolog_develop __PUNCT__ incent to move_forward __PUNCT__ and most importantli __PUNCT__ legal and regulatori certainti __PUNCT__
you ar respons for manag incred risk and high __PUNCT__ dollar portfolio __PUNCT__ you have everi right to know the feder __PUNCT__ rule of the road __PUNCT__ as you make kei invest in our energi futur __PUNCT__
govern invest in new technolog can serv as a sparkplug for energi __PUNCT__ invent __PUNCT__ but it is the role of the invest commun to transform those invent to marketplac __PUNCT__ innov __PUNCT__ and the role of the busi_commun to move innov from the busi_plan stage to true technolog diffus __PUNCT__
onli when govern and industri work togeth as partner can we successfulli link togeth all these piec of the energi innov chain __PUNCT__ push the nation beyond the tire divis of __PUNCT__ good_job or the environ __PUNCT__ and move to __PUNCT__ even better job and a clean environ __PUNCT__
but for ani solut to work __PUNCT__ it must be both market __PUNCT__ and realiti __PUNCT__ base __PUNCT__
we should set bold standard __PUNCT__ but us incent to bring along consum and the privat_sector __PUNCT__
and we should us tax_credit to eas the path for lower incom_group and small_busi __PUNCT__
i have never fear us tax __PUNCT__ cut and tax __PUNCT__ credit to unleash the power of the privat_sector __PUNCT__
in new mexico __PUNCT__ we cut over __MONEY___billion in tax __PUNCT__ invest into high __PUNCT__ tech job creat compani __PUNCT__ and creat tax_credit for compani that provid high __PUNCT__ wage_job __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ __NUM__ more new mexican ar work __PUNCT__ and incom ar on the rise __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ we becam the first state to join the chicago climat exchang and sign an agreement with california __PUNCT__ arizona __PUNCT__ oregon and washington to set greenhous_ga reduct goal and us a market __PUNCT__ base system to achiev them __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ we requir util to start produc energi from renew_resourc __PUNCT__ to gener __NUM__ percent of their electr from renew_sourc by __NUM__ and __NUM__ __PUNCT__ by __NUM__ __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ we us tax_credit for solar __PUNCT__ wind and biomass to attract some of the most innov renew_energi busi in the world __PUNCT__ to new mexico __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ and we ar creat the countri first renew energi transmiss author __PUNCT__ so we can bui and sell renew energi to interest state __PUNCT__
new mexico economi is bolster by it oil and ga product __PUNCT__
we consist invest product revenu into better our school __PUNCT__ improv our infrastructur __PUNCT__ diversifi our economi __PUNCT__ and lai out a seri of incent to wean us from our addict to oil __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ we open on of the largest bio __PUNCT__ diesel plant in the countri __PUNCT__ we increas the product of ethanol by a factor of six __PUNCT__ and we about to set new standard for bio __PUNCT__ fuel content in gasolin __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ we elimin tax on hybrid car __PUNCT__ and ar now the new home of tesla __PUNCT__ america first larg __PUNCT__ scale product site for electr_car __PUNCT__
new mexico is becom the clean_energi state __PUNCT__
there no reason why the unit_state cannot becom the clean_energi nation __PUNCT__
i like to lai out a part of my vision for regain america energi_secur __PUNCT__ a combin program of busi innov and govern invest compar in scale to the manhattan project to split the atom __PUNCT__ or the apollo project to put a man on the moon __PUNCT__
our goal should be bold __PUNCT__ to reduc oil import by __NUM__ __PUNCT__ and replac on quarter of liquid fuel with bio __PUNCT__ fuel by __NUM__ and reduc greenhous_ga_emiss by __NUM__ __PUNCT__ by __NUM__ __PUNCT__
__NUM__ __PUNCT__
conserv and effici program opportun for effici abound __PUNCT__ from the fuel consum in the vehicl we drive to the energi us to power our home __PUNCT__ applianc __PUNCT__ factori __PUNCT__ and offic_build __PUNCT__
we know that our economi is about half as energi __PUNCT__ effici as japan or western_europ __PUNCT__
inde __PUNCT__ improv effici is the singl __PUNCT__ most import wai to cut our oil consumpt and greenhous_ga_emiss __PUNCT__
that why as energi secretari __PUNCT__ i set new standard of energi_effici __PUNCT__ for build and applianc __PUNCT__
those standard repres carbon reduct equival to take on million car off the road __PUNCT__
automobil effici ha actual declin over the last __NUM___year __PUNCT__ thi is unaccept __PUNCT__
we should be reward auto manufactur for build and sell car that us less fuel and establish on uniform corpor averag fuel_economi for all vehicl __PUNCT__
by us lighter but stronger materi to build our car __PUNCT__ by increas engin effici and by increas the us of hybrid and other advanc technolog __PUNCT__ we could get america car fleet to __NUM___mile per gallon in the next __NUM___year __PUNCT__
we can also reduc our energi and net emiss by __NUM__ percent next year __PUNCT__ and then an addit two percent each year thereaft __PUNCT__ by __PUNCT__ strengthen energi_effici build code __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ enact stronger nation applianc effici standard __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ establish nation carbon_sequestr goal __PUNCT__
and govern should lead by exampl __PUNCT__
in new mexico __PUNCT__ not onli did we put_forward new standard for energi_effici build __PUNCT__ but we also issu green_build tax_credit __PUNCT__
we should set a goal of cut the feder_govern energi_bill by __NUM__ percent by __NUM__ and challeng municip __PUNCT__ corpor __PUNCT__ univers __PUNCT__ and hospit to do the same __PUNCT__
and our tax_system should make thi easier for everyon to do the right thing __PUNCT__ that includ __PUNCT__ expand tax_break for energi_effici build and retrofit __PUNCT__ tax_credit for hybrid car and public_transport pass __PUNCT__ not for hummer and suv __PUNCT__ and the creation of a system of tradabl emiss credit to encourag privat_compani to invest in conserv and clean altern_energi energi_technolog __PUNCT__
__NUM__ __PUNCT__
we must expand the us of altern and renew_energi energi_sourc the __NUM___feder energi_bill includ a nationwid renew fuel standard __PUNCT__ rf __PUNCT__ that will doubl the us of ethanol and biodiesel by __NUM__ __PUNCT__
thi is a good start __PUNCT__ but it doe not go far enough to increas_product of renew __PUNCT__ domest fuel __PUNCT__
we need a more aggress nation goal of produc___NUM__ percent of our transport fuel from renew_sourc by __NUM__ and an incent program to make it happen __PUNCT__
more specif __PUNCT__ we should fund cut edg bio __PUNCT__ fuel research and provid incent for it distribut by __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ help ga_station convert at least on pump to handl e __NUM__ or other bio __PUNCT__ fuel __PUNCT__
the feder_govern also should us it vast purchas_power to transform the energi marketplac by __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ purchas more hybrid and flex fuel car for it own us __PUNCT__ provid a huge guarante market for effici vehicl __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ we should significantli ramp up feder invest in research and develop and dramat improv it effect __PUNCT__ start with some kind of fund certainti over time to make the govern more attract and reliabl to it industri research partner __PUNCT__
as a western governor __PUNCT__ i know that energi_compani pai royalti to extract fossil_fuel __PUNCT__
rather than deposit such royalti into gener revenu __PUNCT__ those earn should be invest in cut edg research and develop of altern and renew_energi __PUNCT__
we should also focu less on increment improv of current technolog and more on innov that ar truli __PUNCT__ disrupt __PUNCT__ transform technolog __PUNCT__
technolog that will provid for altern transport fuel includ bio __PUNCT__ fuel from switch grass and other plant matter __PUNCT__ dramat enhanc energi_effici __PUNCT__ carbon free power_gener __PUNCT__ and the afford captur and sequestr of carbon from the product and consumpt of fossil_fuel __PUNCT__
we also need to chang the focu of feder_research from __PUNCT__ fuel __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ consum __PUNCT__ onli with consum in mind can we comprehens address afford __PUNCT__ the environ __PUNCT__ infrastructur replac and transform __PUNCT__ end us effici __PUNCT__ as well as fuel sourc __PUNCT__
i would also specif carv out a new program of feder invest in __PUNCT__ earli __PUNCT__ stage technolog_develop __PUNCT__ to help bridg the gap between __PUNCT__ invent and innov __PUNCT__
too often the feder_govern stop_short becaus it is __PUNCT__ commerci __PUNCT__ avers __PUNCT__ and ventur_capitalist don't pick up the ball becaus thei ar __PUNCT__ risk __PUNCT__ avers __PUNCT__
effect bridg thi __PUNCT__ vallei of death __PUNCT__ is essenti to our energi futur __PUNCT__
in new mexico __PUNCT__ we been work on it in case like advent solar __PUNCT__ where the state_govern ha help move their solar_cell from the research phase at the nation laboratori into to the renew_energi marketplac __PUNCT__
inde __PUNCT__ state_govern ar critic player in thi piec of the technolog_develop chain __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ we should provid a central point of polici focu in the feder_govern __PUNCT__ perhap within the white_hous __PUNCT__ to provid for greater ration of energi_polici __PUNCT__ research and develop __PUNCT__ and invest certainti __PUNCT__
__NUM__ __PUNCT__
lastli __PUNCT__ i believ america should integr our foreign_polici with our energi_polici __PUNCT__
presid_clinton us to send me in to negoti the freedom of american hostag and polit_prison __PUNCT__
he sai __PUNCT__ send richardson __PUNCT__ bad_gui like him __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ i don't know if that true __PUNCT__ but i wa often ask to negoti directli with tough charact like fidel_castro __PUNCT__ north_korean gener __PUNCT__ omar al __PUNCT__ bashir of sudan __PUNCT__ and saddam_hussein __PUNCT__
those face __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ face talk often meant the differ between the wrong imprison of american servicemen and citizen __PUNCT__ and freedom __PUNCT__
i think we need the same_sort of strong and focus diplomaci with friend and foe to adapt our foreign_polici to the global natur of energi __PUNCT__
we should start by strengthen our north_american partnership __PUNCT__
energi is a kei_compon of our relationship with canada and mexico __PUNCT__
togeth __PUNCT__ we should establish a north_american american_energi council __PUNCT__ both to assur that we ar effici develop and transport energi in the north_american american_market and to leverag our combin market_power __PUNCT__
we should then us thi partnership to engag a broader hemispher energi strategi __PUNCT__
presid_bush trip to south_america __PUNCT__ while welcom __PUNCT__ mai be too littl __PUNCT__ too late to provid thi administr with ani meaning energi_polici focu in it remain dai in offic __PUNCT__
thi is unfortun __PUNCT__
reserv of tar_sand and heavi oil in canada and venezuela ar roughli doubl the entir oil_reserv of saudi_arabia __PUNCT__
brazil experi with ethanol market and infrastructur could provid valuabl lesson to our develop industri __PUNCT__
mexico and bolivia have larg __PUNCT__ undevelop reserv of natur_ga __PUNCT__
trinidad tobago __PUNCT__ the largest singl us supplier of liquifi natur ga ha veri limit ga reserv and will ultim be suppli it liquefact infrastructur with natur ga from venezuela __PUNCT__
each of these energi opportun come with own set of problem __PUNCT__ diplomat __PUNCT__ environment __PUNCT__ domest_polit __PUNCT__ to name a few __PUNCT__
steadi __PUNCT__ sustain engag of our neighbor __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ be thei friend or adversari __PUNCT__ is critic to meet the energi and environment need of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ the best part __PUNCT__ the conclus __PUNCT__
last week a former cia_director note that a recent attack on oil infrastructur in saudi_arabia wa carri out by al_qaeda __PUNCT__
had thei been success __PUNCT__ oil would have hit __MONEY__ per barrel and the impact to the us and world_economi would have been devast __PUNCT__
we can't afford not to chang __PUNCT__
and in term of global_warm __PUNCT__ we must ask everyon __PUNCT__ citizen __PUNCT__ govern and busi __PUNCT__ to do their part to dramat reduc their emiss __PUNCT__
thi doesn't just make_sens for our air __PUNCT__ it good busi __PUNCT__
bp estim it ha save___MONEY__ __MONEY___million to __MONEY___billion over the last sever year by address climat chang and methan loss __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ inde we can afford to chang __PUNCT__
chang might even be good for the weather and good for the wallet __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
i be happi to take your question __PUNCT__