Bill Richardson

This speech titled 2007.05.27.interview_with_tim_russert_on_nbc_news_meet_the_press originally had 7011 tokens. You can view the original text here.

russert __PUNCT__ governor richardson __PUNCT__ welcom back to meet the press __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ nice to be with you __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ as you well know __PUNCT__ the democrat_leadership in congress had been try to have a withdraw date for all troop from iraq ti to the bill which provid fund for the troop __PUNCT__

thei then agre to take awai that withdraw languag and pass the monei without it present in the bill __PUNCT__

should the democrat leadership have done that __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

i believ the democrat in congress miss a great opportun __PUNCT__

what is not work __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ becaus the american_peopl want us to get out of iraq __PUNCT__ and we must becaus it hurt our nation_interest __PUNCT__

what the democrat have been do in my judgment is focus on the wrong initi __PUNCT__ and that is more fund cut __PUNCT__ more timet __PUNCT__

what i would propos is a deauthor resolut __PUNCT__ under the war_power act __PUNCT__ articl i __PUNCT__ that basic allow the congress to determin whether we at war at not __PUNCT__

and what ha happen now is __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__ is that the first resolut that wa vote on sever year_ago is not oper anymor __PUNCT__

sadaam hussein is out __PUNCT__ there ar no weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__ the american_peopl ar total against thi war __PUNCT__

i believ a deauthor resolut would pass __PUNCT__

under articl i __PUNCT__ the presid wouldn't veto it __PUNCT__

but i do believ that the congress miss __PUNCT__ miss a __PUNCT__ miss an opportun __PUNCT__

we must get out of iraq __PUNCT__

the american peopl __PUNCT__ everywher i go __PUNCT__ not just in the earli primari state __PUNCT__ want an exit_strategi __PUNCT__

thei want to see a polici where our troop ar safe __PUNCT__

thei want us to regain our intern statur __PUNCT__

and the kei is a withdraw from iraq __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you would have vote against a bill that did not have a fix withdraw date __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ on your web_site you sai thi __PUNCT__ troop out in __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ we should get our troop out of iraq thi year __PUNCT__

no residu forc left behind __PUNCT__

we must remov all of our troop __PUNCT__

there should be no residu u. __PUNCT__ forc left in iraq __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i want to compar that to what you said in your book __PUNCT__ between world __PUNCT__ which just came out about __NUM___month month_ago __PUNCT__

you write thi __PUNCT__ at thi point __PUNCT__

we must see thi mission through __PUNCT__

we mustn't stai in iraq past the point where the new govern ask us to leav __PUNCT__ but neither can we unilater pull out befor the iraqi have achiev control over their own intern_secur __PUNCT__

we ow them the opportun to make their democraci work __PUNCT__

we must not undermin their effort now __PUNCT__

that exactli what you do __PUNCT__ undermin their effort __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ i know thi region well __PUNCT__

i wa u.n __PUNCT__ ambassador __PUNCT__

eighti percent of my time wa spent on the iraq issu __PUNCT__

i face down saddam_hussein __PUNCT__ brought_back two american hostag __PUNCT__

i know the region well __PUNCT__

i know the leader there __PUNCT__

i regret not have push more diplomat earli on with presid_bush __PUNCT__

i do regret that __PUNCT__

but look where we ar now __PUNCT__

there a civil_war __PUNCT__ there sectarian conflict __PUNCT__

right now i believ we must withdraw all our troop by the end of thi calendar year with no residu forc becaus our troop todai ar a target __PUNCT__

we ar view __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ but then __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ to be sure __PUNCT__ that total contrari to what you wrote in your book __PUNCT__

so you now __PUNCT__ in effect __PUNCT__ sai what you wrote in the book is no longer oper __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ like everybodi els __PUNCT__ when we went into iraq __PUNCT__ i want to support the troop __PUNCT__

but after incompet __PUNCT__ deceit by thi administr __PUNCT__ the fact that there no weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__ the link to al __PUNCT__ qaeda wa enorm suspect __PUNCT__ what we now have is __NUM__ percent of the iraqi_peopl peopl_feel it ok to shoot an american_soldier __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent sunni __PUNCT__ shia want us out of iraq __PUNCT__

we __PUNCT__ there is no basi for us to be there __PUNCT__

what we need to do is disengag our troop but set up a diplomat effort __PUNCT__ three __PUNCT__ prong __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ a reconcili of all the three religi and ethnic_group in iraq __PUNCT__ the sunni __PUNCT__ the shia and the kurd __PUNCT__ for a divis of power __PUNCT__ coalit govern __PUNCT__ divid up oil revenu __PUNCT__ a date and type separ of three entiti __PUNCT__ an all __PUNCT__ muslim peacekeep forc that i believ could provid secur for iraq __PUNCT__ along with the iraqi __PUNCT__ and then a donor confer to deal with reconstruct __PUNCT__

our troop have done a magnific job __PUNCT__ but now thei have becom target __PUNCT__

now it up to the iraqi to take over __PUNCT__

and you know __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ the iraqi ar not necessarili todai helpless __PUNCT__

thei have __NUM__ secur_forc __PUNCT__ thei have __MONEY___billion in oil_reserv __PUNCT__ thei had three elect __PUNCT__ so thei have __PUNCT__ thei have a constitut __PUNCT__ thei have democrat_institut __PUNCT__

it is time for them to take over __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but there onli __NUM___iraqi troop that can stand alon and oper independ of u. __PUNCT__ forc __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__ but there __NUM__ other secur_forc that __PUNCT__ that ar __PUNCT__ thi wa __PUNCT__ thi came out of the depart of defens __PUNCT__ mai the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ that there over __NUM__ secur forc that ar be train __PUNCT__

on of the problem __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ is the maliki govern is not step up to the plate in two kei area __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ nation reconcili between the sunni and the shia __PUNCT__ and then secondli __PUNCT__ in term of train their own troop __PUNCT__ thei slow __PUNCT__ there bureaucraci __PUNCT__

perhap thei don't have the polit will __PUNCT__

i believ that our obsess with iraq __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ ha cost us enorm __PUNCT__

not just prestig around the world __PUNCT__ but also in focus on the major threat of thi countri __PUNCT__ which ar intern_terror __PUNCT__ nuclear terror __PUNCT__ build an intern coalit __PUNCT__ nuclear prolifer __PUNCT__ a loos nuclear_weapon in the hand of rogu nation __PUNCT__ global_climat chang __PUNCT__

so mani other prioriti __PUNCT__

darfur __PUNCT__ issu relat to poverti __PUNCT__ aid __PUNCT__ refuge __PUNCT__ the statu of women around the world __PUNCT__ sexual slaveri __PUNCT__ rape __PUNCT__

there so mani other prioriti that we not focus on becaus we have an obsess with iraq __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ governor __PUNCT__ your propos of an immedi troop_withdraw thi year is not be support by anyon of consequ __PUNCT__

can you name on militari expert who sai that the wai to go __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i have a militari advis __PUNCT__ veri distinguish gener __PUNCT__ robert gard __PUNCT__ former head of the nation_defens univers __PUNCT__ decor soldier __PUNCT__

i have mani other advis that believ that thi is the __PUNCT__ philip coyl __PUNCT__ assist_secretari of weapon and evalu __PUNCT__ who wa on the brac commiss __PUNCT__

tim __PUNCT__ a lot of expert __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ and thei sai withdraw troop thi year __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ thei support my plan __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ no residu forc __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ thei __PUNCT__ thei support my plan __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ a lot of these expert that __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ that ar all over the beltwai ar the on that got us into thi mess __PUNCT__

i know the region __PUNCT__ i been to iraq __PUNCT__

i __PUNCT__ i know the leader in the region __PUNCT__

i believ what is need is a region approach that also deal with the isra __PUNCT__ palestinian issu __PUNCT__ that also deal with talk to iran and syria as part of a solut __PUNCT__ of veri tough negoti with those two countri __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ the new york_time todai __PUNCT__ front_page lead stori __PUNCT__ talk to __NUM___iraqi politician __PUNCT__ citizen __PUNCT__ consult other expert in the field __PUNCT__ and not a on believ that an immedi withdraw is viabl __PUNCT__

gener anthoni zinni __PUNCT__ former head of u. __PUNCT__ central command __PUNCT__ who oppos the war __PUNCT__ said it go to take five to seven year for that area to stabil __PUNCT__

do you realli believ that an immedi withdraw of all u. __PUNCT__ troop would not lead to complet chao in iraq and the region __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ there is chao now __PUNCT__

there civil_war __PUNCT__ there sectarian conflict __PUNCT__

look at the __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ and it wouldn't wors __PUNCT__ it wouldn't worsen __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ look at the __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ if u. __PUNCT__ troop left __PUNCT__ would it worsen __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

becaus our troop ar the target __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ you cannot start reconcili __PUNCT__ you cannot start unifi the region and protect our interest until everyon believ that the american_militari militari_presenc is __PUNCT__ is go to go __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i for secur our embassi __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__ with __PUNCT__ with marin personnel __PUNCT__

but i do believ __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ that what is critic_import now is a diplomat effort __PUNCT__ a region effort __PUNCT__

it call talk to your enemi __PUNCT__

like yitzhak rabin said __PUNCT__ you don't make_peac with your friend __PUNCT__ you make peac with your enemi __PUNCT__

it mean talk to iran __PUNCT__ it mean talk to syria __PUNCT__ get an all __PUNCT__ muslim peacekeep forc __PUNCT__ turkei __PUNCT__ jordan __PUNCT__ saudi_arabia __PUNCT__ to be part of an all __PUNCT__ muslim effort that secur iraq __PUNCT__

and then the iraqi have to step up and do it __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ if iraq complet destabil __PUNCT__ if you withdraw __PUNCT__ withdrew troop __PUNCT__ would you be will to consid send_troop back in to stabil it __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ what i would do __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ is i would have troop where thei want __PUNCT__ in kuwait __PUNCT__

we have base there __PUNCT__ in bahrain __PUNCT__

i would have a conting in case of an intern terrorist_attack __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ al __PUNCT__ qaeda is our enemi __PUNCT__

our involv in iraq ha led us to fail to focu on the true threat __PUNCT__ al __PUNCT__ qaeda in afghanistan __PUNCT__ in the region __PUNCT__

nuclear prolifer __PUNCT__ a loos piec of plutonium or uranium that is transport into some of our __PUNCT__ some of our citi __PUNCT__

the fact that we don't have a viabl homeland_secur polici in thi countri to protect our port __PUNCT__ our aircraft __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but again __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ if the situat in iraq deterior and further destabil __PUNCT__ all __PUNCT__ out civil_war spill over into surround countri __PUNCT__ would you consid send_troop back in to stabil __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ you __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ a presid would never preclud a militari option __PUNCT__

but i would be readi to provid the iraqi with air power __PUNCT__ special_forc protect __PUNCT__

there would be troop in the region that __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ that would be avail for ani contig __PUNCT__

but the problem now __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ is our presenc ha caus what i believ is a civil_war __PUNCT__ a sectarian conflict __PUNCT__

and the best polici right now that protect our interest is for us to disengag __PUNCT__

and i would do it by the end of thi calendar year __PUNCT__

let the militari decid that __PUNCT__

but if you leav residu troop __PUNCT__ and that is the differ between my posit and all the other candid __PUNCT__ that our residu troop __PUNCT__ what is it __PUNCT__ __NUM__ out of the __NUM__ that ar there __PUNCT__ that is a signific portion __PUNCT__

the iraqi should be in charg of secur and protect our embassi and our personnel that stai there __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ so you regret support the war initi __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ i do __PUNCT__

it wa a mistak __PUNCT__

but i wa push intens __PUNCT__ at the time __PUNCT__ for more diplomat engag __PUNCT__ to go to the unit_nation __PUNCT__ to bring intern support for our goal __PUNCT__ to go to nato __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ to get strong secur_council resolut __PUNCT__

i didn't push hard enough __PUNCT__

i didn't push hard enough __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i didn't have the intellig everybodi els had __PUNCT__

incompet __PUNCT__ deceit __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but you said you knew more about the region than anybodi els __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ so it wa a mistak __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ it wa a mistak __PUNCT__

it wa a mistak __PUNCT__

i __PUNCT__ i openli state that __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me ask you about a controversi that ha arisen from some speech you been give on the stump __PUNCT__ particularli in new hampshir __PUNCT__ regard a mother from new mexico __PUNCT__

here the headlin from the associ press __PUNCT__ mother of fallen marin sai richardson misrepres convers with her __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ on the campaign_trail __PUNCT__ presidenti hope bill richardson tell a move stori about a new mexico marin kill in iraq and hi mom __PUNCT__

but is it true __PUNCT__ three year_ago __PUNCT__ richardson attend a memori_servic for lanc corpor aaron austin __PUNCT__ __NUM__ who di in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

as he campaign for the democrat_nomin __PUNCT__ the new mexico governor often recount an emot convers with austin mother __PUNCT__ sai she thank him for the feder death benefit she had receiv and even show him the govern check __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ in speech in new hampshir __PUNCT__ richardson ha gotten austin name wrong at least onc __PUNCT__ ag wrong at least twice __PUNCT__

he also ha call austin the first new mexico soldier_kill in iraq __PUNCT__ instead of the third __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ but that not what bother the marin mother __PUNCT__ de'on miller __PUNCT__ of lovington __PUNCT__ new mexico __PUNCT__ who sai the convers about monei never took place __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ i don't know a person rich or poor that would be told that __PUNCT__ her __PUNCT__ onli live child ha been kill __PUNCT__ and you go to strike up a monei convers __PUNCT__ bill richardson need to stop push thi lie __PUNCT__

aaron name had better not be us again in ani wai __PUNCT__

not mine either __PUNCT__

a full written apolog is due me for thi __PUNCT__

will you apolog to her __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ she __PUNCT__ we have differ recollect __PUNCT__

that famili is heroic __PUNCT__ that young_man is heroic __PUNCT__

but let me tell you what that __PUNCT__ my attend that ceremoni caus __PUNCT__

it inspir me to go to the new mexico legislatur and propos a __MONEY__ death benefit __PUNCT__ life insur __PUNCT__ for everi nation guardsman in new mexico __PUNCT__

it now __MONEY__

it pass __PUNCT__

i made it happen __PUNCT__

and then __NUM__ other state __PUNCT__ i went to the nation_governor associ __PUNCT__ and we push thi __PUNCT__ __NUM__ other state have made thi happen __PUNCT__

and the feder death benefit ha gone up __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i fulli respect that famili __PUNCT__

we have differ recollect __PUNCT__

but that where i learn __PUNCT__ at that ceremoni __PUNCT__ that the death benefit for our soldier wa __MONEY__

and look __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ i am not go to __PUNCT__ there is nobodi that ha done more for veteran __PUNCT__ ani governor __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__ than i have __PUNCT__

no state_incom incom_tax for enlist peopl __PUNCT__

i wa just in north_korea two month_ago __PUNCT__ and i brought_back __PUNCT__ i been work on thi for year __PUNCT__ the remain of six american from the korean_war __PUNCT__

all kind of initi __PUNCT__ such as thi life insur_polici that ha been __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but if it troubl her __PUNCT__ out of respect for mr __PUNCT__ miller and her son aaron austin __PUNCT__ will you stop us hi name and her name __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ i will __PUNCT__

i will do that __PUNCT__

but we just have differ recollect __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ but that famili is honor __PUNCT__

i attend that servic __PUNCT__

i wa realli move __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ i call as mani of the mother of new mexico soldier that been kill __PUNCT__

but no on will ever question my commit to help our veteran __PUNCT__

i wa in north_korea __PUNCT__

i rescu __PUNCT__ i help rescu __PUNCT__ help push_forward the releas of __PUNCT__ mani year_ago __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ of an american helicopt pilot __PUNCT__

so i believ veri strongli that we have to stand up for our veteran when thei come back __PUNCT__ come back ptsd __PUNCT__ thei not get the help that thei deserv __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but if mr __PUNCT__ miller feel us __PUNCT__ you would apolog for it __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ that where i learn about thi death benefit __PUNCT__

there wa an individu there that saw a piec of paper be given to me __PUNCT__

i __PUNCT__ i don't want to get into thi __PUNCT__

i want thi to __PUNCT__ i respect that woman __PUNCT__

i will not mention it again __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ and you sorri __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i sorri for the wai she feel __PUNCT__ but i believ i act honor __PUNCT__

look at the result __PUNCT__

the result wa __MONEY__ life insur for new mexico nation guardsmen that serv and then __NUM___state that cover all their veteran __PUNCT__

thei follow new mexico lead __PUNCT__

thei follow my lead __PUNCT__

the feder death benefit __PUNCT__ which wa shame __PUNCT__ __MONEY__ is now significantli higher __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me turn to immigr __PUNCT__

last week thi is what all the newspap said __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ the senat compromis immigr_bill is forc the presidenti_candid to confront a divis issu __PUNCT__

new mexico governor bill richardson prais the bill __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ thi legisl make a good start __PUNCT__ toward __PUNCT__ re __PUNCT__ secur our southern_border __PUNCT__

a few dai later thi headlin appear __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ hispan presidenti hope confront immigr debat __PUNCT__

on wednesdai richardson said that after readi the immigr_bill in detail __PUNCT__ he decid to oppos it __PUNCT__ sai the measur place too great a burden on immigr __PUNCT__ tear apart famili that want to settl in the u. __PUNCT__ creat a perman tier of second __PUNCT__ class immigr_worker and financ a border_fenc __PUNCT__

thi is fundament flaw in it current form and i would oppos it __PUNCT__

we need bipartisanship __PUNCT__ we also need legisl that compassion __PUNCT__

i not sure thi is it __PUNCT__

how can you be for it and __NUM___hour later against it __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ thi is what happen __PUNCT__

i wa announc for presid __PUNCT__ and the dai befor __PUNCT__ i saw a summari of a bill that had been propos in the senat __PUNCT__

and the summari __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__ contain essenti element of a comprehens_immigr immigr_reform reform_bill __PUNCT__

on __PUNCT__ that there be tougher border_secur __PUNCT__ doubl of border_patrol_agent __PUNCT__

that good __PUNCT__

and two __PUNCT__ a legal program for the __NUM___million that ar here __PUNCT__

three __PUNCT__ it also contain penalti for employ that knowingli hire_illeg illeg_worker __PUNCT__

i thought that wa all good __PUNCT__

the bill is then present __PUNCT__ and i read it the next dai __PUNCT__ and it contain some problem __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i prais the congress and the presid for __PUNCT__ in a bipartisan wai __PUNCT__ put someth forward that is a good start __PUNCT__

but the problem __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ i deal with thi issu everi dai __PUNCT__

i a border governor __PUNCT__

two year_ago __PUNCT__ i declar a border emerg in new mexico becaus the flow of peopl and drug were harm new mexico __PUNCT__

so i have strong qualif on thi issu __PUNCT__

i been deal it __PUNCT__ with it for year __PUNCT__

the problem with the immigr_bill __PUNCT__ the wai i read it now __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ is on __PUNCT__ it separ famili __PUNCT__

it give __PUNCT__ it give too much credenc to job skill rather than famili __PUNCT__

the essenc of all our immigr_law have been to preserv famili __PUNCT__ and thi separ famili __PUNCT__

secondli __PUNCT__ a guest_worker_program __PUNCT__

the guest_worker_program __PUNCT__ first post __PUNCT__ should be to protect_american american_worker to have the __PUNCT__ the top job __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ to have the job and not the guest_worker __PUNCT__

there ar no labor protect for those guest worker __PUNCT__

and then third __PUNCT__ what i also saw in the bill that wa not report in the summari is that it good to have more border guard __PUNCT__ and we have to doubl them __PUNCT__ and there been a problem becaus the feder_govern ha not train enough to make that happen __PUNCT__

but the fenc __PUNCT__ the fenc __PUNCT__ the wall between mexico and the unit_state __PUNCT__ there more fund for it __PUNCT__

thi wall is wrong __PUNCT__

thi wall is a terribl symbol between two countri that ar friend __PUNCT__

and you go to have a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ foot wall __PUNCT__ and what go to happen is there go to be __NUM__ __PUNCT__ foot ladder go over that wall construct __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ the wall hasn't work __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ it hasn't work __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ anywher along the border __PUNCT__ the fenc hasn't work __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ it hasn't work __PUNCT__

what ha work is more border_patrol __PUNCT__

what ha work is some nation guardsmen __PUNCT__

what ha work is some technolog __PUNCT__

it made the program better __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ we got to talk to mexico __PUNCT__ our friend __PUNCT__ get them to do more __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ get them to stop give max __PUNCT__ map to illeg_worker on the most porou area to court __PUNCT__

and we also need to rais the legal_immigr limit __PUNCT__ the backlog of worker that we need __PUNCT__ european __PUNCT__ other that __PUNCT__ indian __PUNCT__ h1b visa for job competit skill __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ i go to ask you in a second about a comment made by brian sanderoff who analyz public_opinion in __PUNCT__ in new mexico __PUNCT__

but listen to you __PUNCT__ you declar a border emerg __PUNCT__ and yet you against the fenc __PUNCT__

you were for illeg_immigr obtain driver_licens __PUNCT__ and you were for legisl that would permit illeg_immigr __PUNCT__ children to get colleg scholarship __PUNCT__

it seem as __PUNCT__ as if you on both side of the issu __PUNCT__

thi is what brian sanderoff said __PUNCT__ that bill __PUNCT__

he hard to pigeonhol as be definit anti __PUNCT__ immigr or pro __PUNCT__ immigr __PUNCT__

he go to take a middl stanc where he seem to have posit on both side of the fenc __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ i a governor __PUNCT__

i have to deal with thi issu everi dai __PUNCT__

driver_licens __PUNCT__ law_enforc said to me we got concern about leav the scene of a crime __PUNCT__

if you want to find a wai to keep illeg_immigr __PUNCT__ you know where thei ar __PUNCT__ you give them a driver_licens __PUNCT__

it help with __PUNCT__ thei all get insur __PUNCT__ it help with traffic safeti __PUNCT__

i believ educ is the kei __PUNCT__

yeah __PUNCT__ i wa for kid of illeg_immigr __PUNCT__ if thei fulfil the same academ requir as new mexico kid __PUNCT__ to be elig for a scholarship __PUNCT__

tim __PUNCT__ i believ we have to bring the __NUM___million undocu_worker out of the shadow __PUNCT__ set up a standard where thei speak_english __PUNCT__ if thei pass background_check __PUNCT__ pai_back tax __PUNCT__ obei the law __PUNCT__ embrac american valu __PUNCT__ give them a chanc __PUNCT__ a path to citizenship __PUNCT__ not amnesti __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ that is amnesti __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ it isn't amnesti __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ would you send them back __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ thei have to go back __PUNCT__ under the law __PUNCT__ to reappli __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ the whole __PUNCT__ all the famili __PUNCT__ entir famili __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ just the head of household __PUNCT__ under thi bill __PUNCT__

under thi __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you would __PUNCT__ would you support that __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ if it the head of household __PUNCT__ and there a visa requir that thei can come back __PUNCT__ i think that __PUNCT__ that all right __PUNCT__

look __PUNCT__ thi bill that congress ha made with the presid __PUNCT__ a good start __PUNCT__

i acknowledg that __PUNCT__

it ha the basic element __PUNCT__

but the kei problem with the bill now is it separ famili __PUNCT__

there ar children of illeg_immigr that ar american_citizen becaus thei born here __PUNCT__

that the constitut __PUNCT__

what we need is a practic solut that involv foreign_polici __PUNCT__ sai to mexico also __PUNCT__ hei __PUNCT__ you gui have to __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ work to give your folk job __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but bottom_line __PUNCT__ you would want peopl who came here illeg to be abl to stai here with their legal __PUNCT__ born children __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

if thei fulfil __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ and becom __PUNCT__ and becom u. __PUNCT__ citizen __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ eventu __PUNCT__ over a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year_period __PUNCT__ follow those benchmark that i mention __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ is that reward break the law __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ thei have to pai a fine for break __PUNCT__ for break the law __PUNCT__

thei have to do that __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but a coupl thousand_dollar isn't __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ well no __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ i think on of the bill ha close to __NUM__ __PUNCT__

i __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ thi is a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ page bill __PUNCT__

i __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ thi is not an excus __PUNCT__ i out on the campaign_trail __PUNCT__ i go on __PUNCT__ everi dai __PUNCT__ a differ state __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ but i do believ that the congress need to fix thi __PUNCT__

until then __PUNCT__ i go to oppos it __PUNCT__ becaus it not right __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me show you a commerci you have seen quit a bit __PUNCT__ but thi is run on your behalf in some kei state across the countri __PUNCT__ an ad paid for by the richardson for presid committe __PUNCT__

let watch __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ videotap __PUNCT__ tv commerci __PUNCT__ unidentifi_man __PUNCT__ to richardson __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__

huh __PUNCT__

ok __PUNCT__ __NUM___year in congress __PUNCT__ u.n __PUNCT__

ambassador __PUNCT__ secretari of energi __PUNCT__ governor of new mexico __PUNCT__ negoti with dictat in iraq __PUNCT__ north_korea __PUNCT__ cuba __PUNCT__ zair __PUNCT__ nigeria __PUNCT__ yugoslavia __PUNCT__ kenya __PUNCT__ got a ceas __PUNCT__ fire in darfur __PUNCT__ nomin for the nobel_peac peac_prize four time __PUNCT__

so what make you think you can be presid __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ i bill richardson __PUNCT__ and i approv thi messag __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ end videotap __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ you run on your resum __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ i run on my record __PUNCT__

and the reason for that ad __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ is look __PUNCT__ i an insurg candid __PUNCT__

you got to do thing differ __PUNCT__

i also posit __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ politician take themselv too serious __PUNCT__

i had __PUNCT__ i had ad that poke fun at myself __PUNCT__ like thi on __PUNCT__

i wa try to make the case that i the best candid to be presid __PUNCT__

i have the record __PUNCT__

i been a u.n __PUNCT__ ambassador __PUNCT__ i have foreign_polici experi __PUNCT__

i have energi experi __PUNCT__ i know how to make us energi_independ __PUNCT__

i been a governor __PUNCT__ i creat___NUM__ __NUM___job __PUNCT__ insur kid under five __PUNCT__

new mexico economi is in good shape __PUNCT__ becaus some of the polici we taken __PUNCT__

our school ar better __PUNCT__

i am try to get over the fact that thi should be an elect not necessarili base on celebr __PUNCT__ not necessarili base on who ha the most monei __PUNCT__ which i don't __PUNCT__

but i am competit __PUNCT__

i have enough to get my messag over __PUNCT__

but that the american_peopl need somebodi that can bring thi countri togeth __PUNCT__

and all my life i done that __PUNCT__ as __PUNCT__ as a diplomat __PUNCT__ as a __PUNCT__ as a diplomat troubleshoot __PUNCT__ bring hostag back __PUNCT__

as a governor __PUNCT__ as a congressman of __NUM___year __PUNCT__

so yeah __PUNCT__ i try to draw_attent not just to my __PUNCT__ to my record __PUNCT__ but the fact that i can bring_peopl togeth __PUNCT__

the countri is bitterli divid __PUNCT__

we need to regain our luster internation __PUNCT__

we need to regain our intern moral_author __PUNCT__ which we have lost after these six year __PUNCT__

i believ i know how to bring america back internation __PUNCT__ be a presid for the middl_class __PUNCT__ improv our school __PUNCT__ univers_health_care __PUNCT__

that wa what i try to get through in that messag __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but let go through the resum a littl bit __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ there governor of new mexico __PUNCT__

as you well know __PUNCT__ thei rank state in a whole varieti of categori from on be the best __PUNCT__ __NUM__ be the worst __PUNCT__

thi is new mexico scorecard __PUNCT__ and you ar the governor __PUNCT__

percent of peopl_live below the poverti_line __PUNCT__ you __NUM__ __PUNCT__

percent of children below __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

median famili_incom __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

peopl without health_insur __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

children without health insur __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

teen high_school dropout __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

death rate due to firearm __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

violent_crime crime_rate __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

you the veri bottom of all those statist of all __NUM___state __PUNCT__ and you the governor for five year __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ let me just sai that we made enorm progress in all of those area __PUNCT__

let me __PUNCT__ let me talk to you about child_poverti __PUNCT__

i follow eight year of a republican_administr that did not invest in health_care __PUNCT__

what i have done as governor is i insur everi child under five __PUNCT__

secondli __PUNCT__ i gotten rid of junk_food in school __PUNCT__

through my wife barbara effort __PUNCT__ we increas immun rate __PUNCT__

we have expand health_care access to work_famili __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i would be a presid for the middl_class __PUNCT__

i would deal with these poverti issu __PUNCT__

what would i do as presid __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ union __PUNCT__

that is critic_import __PUNCT__

onli __NUM__ percent of our peopl ar union __PUNCT__

i think a union give a famili an opportun for health_care __PUNCT__

i expand the child_care tax_credit __PUNCT__

i would expand the earn_incom incom_tax_credit __PUNCT__

i have cut_tax for the middl_class in new mexico __PUNCT__

i have cut_tax for work mom __PUNCT__

for work_famili i cut_tax __PUNCT__

we have significantli improv in the poverti area __PUNCT__

i could give you similar statist in health_care and educ __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but these rank ar troubl __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we a poor state __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ but the fact is that we have been move_forward __PUNCT__

and i wa re __PUNCT__ elect with __NUM__ percent of the vote __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent republican __PUNCT__

i have been given veri strong rank as a __PUNCT__ as a governor __PUNCT__

governor deal with problem directli __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__

thi is why i believ histor thi nation ha elect_governor __PUNCT__

i balanc_budget five time __PUNCT__

at the same_time that i balanc_budget __PUNCT__ we given tax_cut to everi new mexican __PUNCT__

we increas_spend on educ and health_care to attack some of those problem that you seen __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ we go to take a quick break and come back and talk more about your resum and about your posit on the issu __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ bill richardson is our guest __PUNCT__ meet the candid __NUM__ seri __PUNCT__

he run for the democrat_presidenti presidenti_nomin __PUNCT__

we be right back __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ announc __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ more of meet the candid __NUM___democrat bill richardson __PUNCT__

he run for presid __PUNCT__ and he the governor of new mexico __PUNCT__

after thi station break __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ announc __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ we back with democrat_candid for presid __PUNCT__ governor bill richardson of new mexico __PUNCT__

we talk about hi background __PUNCT__ hi posit __PUNCT__

you were secretari of energi __PUNCT__

thi is the wai the washington post describ your tenur __PUNCT__ on richardson watch at the depart of energi __PUNCT__ there were alleg that nuclear secret from lo_alamo nation laboratori had turn up in china __PUNCT__

richardson wa roundli critic in congress for hi handl of the alleg breach __PUNCT__ for the botch case against taiwan __PUNCT__ born lo alamo scientist wen ho lee __PUNCT__ and for lax secur at the countri nation lab __PUNCT__

it kill hi chanc of becom al_gore run_mate in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

do you agre with that __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ it probabl true __PUNCT__

but i believ i had a good record as secretari of energi __PUNCT__

i got __PUNCT__ for instanc __PUNCT__ energi_effici in applianc __PUNCT__

for exampl __PUNCT__ air condit is __NUM__ percent more energi effici becaus of a __PUNCT__ an initi that i took __PUNCT__

i help with oil_price around the world by travel to opec countri __PUNCT__

i believ also we had signific advanc in our nuclear prolifer initi with russia and loos nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

and lastli __PUNCT__ i veri proud of thi __PUNCT__ what i did __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__

a lot of our nuclear worker __PUNCT__ for year __PUNCT__ had not gotten compens for some of their medic case becaus thei were perform work in some of our nuclear weapon complex __PUNCT__

i push through the congress an initi that i start with some doe offici to compens those nuclear worker __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__ we __PUNCT__ i had a stormi tenur __PUNCT__

we had some issu with the nuclear secret issu and wen ho lee __PUNCT__

but i think on the whole i wa a good energi secretari __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but thi comment that you made in __NUM__ __PUNCT__ i can assur the american_peopl that their nuclear secret ar now safe at the lab __PUNCT__

the __PUNCT__ presid_clinton foreign_intellig advisori_board __PUNCT__ fellow member of your administr __PUNCT__ said you should not have said that __PUNCT__ it just wasn't true __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ that is correct __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__

there were problem __PUNCT__ and there have been ongo problem __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ with nuclear secret at the nation laboratori __PUNCT__

but i took action __PUNCT__

i increas fund for cybersecur __PUNCT__

i order polygraph test for some of the employe __PUNCT__

it wa veri unpopular __PUNCT__

we also appoint a secur czar to deal with the problem __PUNCT__

but the realiti of those nuclear secret __PUNCT__ a week later after thei were misplac __PUNCT__ or sometim later __PUNCT__ thei were found behind a copi machin __PUNCT__

but there ar still seriou ongo problem that need to be address __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ and you should not have said that __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ i should not have said that __PUNCT__

but i believ with the action i took __PUNCT__ i believ with the work of the fbi and the lab __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ i order veri intens action that __PUNCT__ that we had secur significantli some of those secret __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you have put a veri comprehens energi plan on your web_site __PUNCT__

you sai you want to be the energi presid __PUNCT__

on thing that caught my interest wa that nuclear_power should be part of the mix __PUNCT__

you in favor of nuclear power __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ i believ it should be part of the mix __PUNCT__

i not __PUNCT__ i think the futur for american __PUNCT__ energi_independ __PUNCT__ and there i believ we need an apollo program __PUNCT__

and i believ i the greenest governor in thi countri __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ what would you do with the nuclear_wast __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ what i would do __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ is i would __PUNCT__ technolog i think is the answer __PUNCT__

i would not put it in yucca mountain __PUNCT__ becaus when i wa secretari it wa obviou that it had environment_problem __PUNCT__

it had water problem __PUNCT__ there were issu relat to transport that wast to nevada __PUNCT__

i don't believ there anoth solut that ha been advanc __PUNCT__ and that is to store some of the wast at exist site or in region site __PUNCT__

i believ the answer is technolog __PUNCT__

what i would do is get our nation laboratori to come up with a technolog solut to dispos of thi wast __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you also sai that you would have fuel standard for automobil to __NUM___mile per gallon in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

the automobil_industri __PUNCT__ standard __PUNCT__ poor __PUNCT__ ha now weigh in __PUNCT__ sai that you could __PUNCT__ that would increas the cost of a car or truck in thi countri by __MONEY__

the detroit new editori that real possibl you could bankrupt the american automobil industri with that propos __PUNCT__

richardson __PUNCT__ that wrong __PUNCT__

we must do it __PUNCT__

we must becom energi_independ becaus it affect our nation_secur __PUNCT__

it affect __PUNCT__ gasolin_price __PUNCT__ thi morn i saw the averag around the countri __PUNCT__ __MONEY__

we must have fuel standard __PUNCT__ and i believ it realist with a __NUM___mile __PUNCT__ per __PUNCT__ gallon flex __PUNCT__ fuel vehicl __PUNCT__ great technolog that we can develop __PUNCT__

also requir that __PUNCT__ by that same_year __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ that __NUM__ percent of america electr be renew_energi __PUNCT__

we have got to address global_climat chang by __NUM__ a reduct of __NUM__ percent greenhous_ga_emiss __PUNCT__ mandatori cap and trade_system __PUNCT__

look __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ here in washington __PUNCT__ all you hear about is thi is not possibl __PUNCT__ it won't pass the congress __PUNCT__

we must do it __PUNCT__

i would lead an apollo program like john f __PUNCT__ kennedi did __PUNCT__ and i no john f __PUNCT__ kennedi __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ like when he went to the moon in __NUM___year __PUNCT__ i believ we can reduc our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__ which is import oil __PUNCT__ which is __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ that is danger __PUNCT__ countri that ar not friendli to us __PUNCT__ to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ with massiv public and privat_invest in renew technolog __PUNCT__ in solar __PUNCT__ wind __PUNCT__ biomass __PUNCT__ fuel cell __PUNCT__ distribut gener __PUNCT__ renew fuel __PUNCT__ ethanol __PUNCT__ biodiesel __PUNCT__ biofuel __PUNCT__ invest __PUNCT__ tax_incent __PUNCT__ and conserv __PUNCT__

i would ask the american_peopl __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i go to sai a word that mai not be veri popular __PUNCT__ to sacrific a littl bit for the common_good __PUNCT__ to be greener in their wai of life __PUNCT__ light __PUNCT__ applianc __PUNCT__ air condit __PUNCT__ when it come to wash_machin __PUNCT__ drive effici vehicl __PUNCT__

but back to your vehicl issu __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__

we have the technolog to have fuel_effici engin __PUNCT__

we had a program at the depart of energi with the auto_compani __PUNCT__ with toyota __PUNCT__ with the japanes compani __PUNCT__ to develop batteri and fuel cell and effici engin __PUNCT__ so that you can have an suv __PUNCT__ but with a fuel_effici engin that somehow help us __PUNCT__ you know what __PUNCT__ what __PUNCT__ what realli upset me __PUNCT__ i just saw that the bush_administr onc again said to the german we not go to reduc our greenhous_ga_emiss __PUNCT__ just like the rest of the world should __PUNCT__

i would launch a major diplomat initi to sai to china and india and develop_countri that america is go to be a leader in reduc greenhous_ga_emiss __PUNCT__ a cap and trade_system that is mandatori __PUNCT__

we have to do these thing on a mandatori basi __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ governor __PUNCT__ when you left your posit as secretari of energi __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ you did join two board __PUNCT__ valero energi and diamond offshor_drill __PUNCT__

valero energi __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__ thei ar veri much involv in refin __PUNCT__ refin __PUNCT__

the chairman __PUNCT__ then ceo __PUNCT__ bill greehei __PUNCT__ boast that tighter suppli of gasolin __PUNCT__ had provid outstand profit_margin for us __PUNCT__

the outlook for the next year is even better __PUNCT__