Bill Richardson

This speech titled 2007.06.27.speech_engaging_iran__no_preconditions_no_illusions originally had 3853 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you for that kind introduct __PUNCT__ and your warm welcom __PUNCT__

it wonder be in thi amaz memori to the nation_guard __PUNCT__

i alwai stood with our arm_forc __PUNCT__ and i feel the grandeur and solemn of thi hall match the solemn of the challeng we face __PUNCT__

i am especi pleas to be here todai becaus of cnp longstand work on the issu of nuclear secur __PUNCT__

as secretari of energi and as a presidenti envoi to north_korea __PUNCT__ i know there ar few issu that deserv more attent from congress than keep the world most danger weapon out of the hand of the most danger peopl __PUNCT__

with the import back of the macarthur foundat __PUNCT__ cnp ha brought the right kind of bi __PUNCT__ partisan attent to thi issu __PUNCT__ and i thank you __PUNCT__

two month_ago __PUNCT__ i return from a trip to north_korea that repres a bipartisan effort to achiev two major goal __PUNCT__ to bring_home the remain of american servicemen miss sinc the korean_war __PUNCT__ and to facilit intern effort to persuad the north_korean govern to roll_back it nuclear_weapon weapon_program __PUNCT__

let me emphas two kei word here __PUNCT__ bipartisan and intern __PUNCT__

in thi bipartisan effort involv two senior_offici of the current administr __PUNCT__ anthoni principi and victor cha __PUNCT__ our deleg wa success on both count __PUNCT__

we brought_home the remain of six us servicemen who di defend freedom dure the korean_war __PUNCT__

the sacrific thei made can be now be fulli honor by their famili __PUNCT__ friend __PUNCT__ and countri __PUNCT__

in north_korea __PUNCT__ we also advanc the six __PUNCT__ parti process by which north korea will dismantl it nuclear_weapon weapon_program and becom more integr into the intern_commun __PUNCT__

thi process is far from complet __PUNCT__ and could still be derail __PUNCT__

but our discuss with north_korea demonstr how skill diplomaci __PUNCT__ ground in bipartisan cooper and intern allianc __PUNCT__ can strengthen our nation_secur __PUNCT__

i mention all thi becaus i believ these same compon ar what ar need to deal successfulli with iran __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ let me sai that i am under no illus that achiev similar goal with iran will be easi __PUNCT__

but i am convinc that a concert diplomat effort __PUNCT__ back up by tough sanction __PUNCT__ undertaken with our intern partner and ground in bipartisan cooper at home __PUNCT__ stand an excel chanc of persuad iran to forego nuclear_weapon and to adopt more respons polici __PUNCT__

i also believ that we must talk to the iranian with no precondit __PUNCT__

for too long __PUNCT__ the bush_administr lectur the iranian leadership on what it had to do befor we would talk directli with them __PUNCT__

thi polici wa counterproduct __PUNCT__ and i am pleas that secretari rice is now start to break thi ic __PUNCT__

refus to engag iran diplomat prevent us from make headwai on issu vital to our nation_secur __PUNCT__ includ not onli nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ but also iraq __PUNCT__ energi_secur __PUNCT__ and middl_east peac __PUNCT__

let me be clear __PUNCT__ talk without precondit doe not mean back off on inch over fundament object __PUNCT__ such as insur that iran never acquir nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

but prevent iran from go nuclear will requir strong diplomaci back up credibl power and clariti of purpos __PUNCT__

it also will take realism __PUNCT__ we must rememb that no nation ha ever been forc to renounc nuke __PUNCT__ but mani have been persuad to do so with a combin of carrot and stick __PUNCT__

we need to approach iran with both fierc determin and with open ey __PUNCT__

the kei is to make them see that thei will be better off and more secur without nuke than with them __PUNCT__

if we unit the world behind the right carrot and stick __PUNCT__ and provid the iranian with face __PUNCT__ save wai to step_back from the nuclear brink __PUNCT__ we will prevail __PUNCT__

as we know from the cold_war __PUNCT__ deterr is abov all a matter of clariti and credibl __PUNCT__

we need to be absolut clear that a nuclear_iran is unaccept __PUNCT__ and we need to be absolut credibl when we sai what we will do about it if the iranian continu to disregard the will of the intern_commun __PUNCT__

the clear messag must be thi __PUNCT__ develop nuke and you will face devast global sanction __PUNCT__

desist from develop nuke and you will receiv meaning reward __PUNCT__ includ robust secur guarante and guarante suppli of nuclear_fuel from abroad __PUNCT__

thi sort of engag __PUNCT__ with a stick in on hand and a carrot in the other __PUNCT__ is how we got libya to renounc nuke __PUNCT__ and thi is how we must approach iran __PUNCT__

central of the iran problem there ar at least six major reason why iran is strateg signific __PUNCT__

these ar __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ it nuclear ambit __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ it import to stabil in iraq __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ it support for extrem arab faction __PUNCT__ such as hezbollah and hama __PUNCT__ who themselv ar obstacl to stabil in lebanon and to the palestinian __PUNCT__ isra peac_process __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ it statu as a major oil and ga produc __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ it import to the flow of oil through the strait of hormuz __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ it role as leader of the world islam shia popul __PUNCT__

i will address these issu in a moment __PUNCT__ as i outlin how i believ a vigor bipartisan and intern diplomat effort should seek to engag iran __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ ani discuss of us polici must deal with what i call the __PUNCT__ weight of histori __PUNCT__ that ha shackl us __PUNCT__ iranian relat for decad __PUNCT__

the __NUM__ iranian revolut __PUNCT__ and the ordeal of the american hostag who spent __NUM___dai in captiv __PUNCT__ ha poison relat between the us and iran for nearli __NUM___year __PUNCT__

and mani iranian still chafe becaus of us support for the __NUM___coup which toppl their elect_govern __PUNCT__

inflammatori rhetor like __PUNCT__ the great satan __PUNCT__ and the __PUNCT__ axi of evil __PUNCT__ for decad ha imped most ration dialogu __PUNCT__

i would be the last to make excus for extremist in iran polit_establish __PUNCT__

their hostil toward israel __PUNCT__ their denial of the holocaust __PUNCT__ and their document support for intern_terror __PUNCT__ must alwai be condemn __PUNCT__

and we must have no illus about presid ahmadinejad __PUNCT__ a danger man with truli reprehens view __PUNCT__

but i also believ that peac come to those who have the courag to learn from their own error __PUNCT__

we should recogn that us support for the shah repress regim __PUNCT__ and then for saddam_hussein dure the iran __PUNCT__ iraq_war of the 1980 __PUNCT__ and the us govern silenc when saddam us chemic_weapon against iran __PUNCT__ were wrong __PUNCT__

these and other mistak on our part __PUNCT__ like the mani mistak iranian have made __PUNCT__ have left wound that ar still deepli felt in both societi __PUNCT__

both we and the iranian need to acknowledg thi difficult share histori __PUNCT__ and work to get beyond it __PUNCT__

the road to peac is hard __PUNCT__ it is difficult to forgiv past injustic and outrag __PUNCT__

but for the good of america __PUNCT__ and for the good of iran __PUNCT__ and for the sake of peac __PUNCT__ both nation must focu not on the past __PUNCT__ but on the futur __PUNCT__

what doe iran want __PUNCT__ iran is a countri that is three time larger than franc __PUNCT__ with a popul of __NUM___million __PUNCT__

it land ar rich in the histori and cultur of a persian_empir that stretch back __NUM___year __PUNCT__

it peopl ar understand proud of their heritag and their contribut to art __PUNCT__ scienc __PUNCT__ and learn __PUNCT__

despit our preoccup with the radic view of mani of it ruler __PUNCT__ it is also true that iran ha some element of a modern democraci __PUNCT__

despit the iron grip of it religi establish __PUNCT__ iranian hold mani differ view on such fundament polit concept as the role of religion in societi __PUNCT__ and the need for democrat freedom __PUNCT__

what all iranian share __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ is a deepli felt nation_pride and a desir that their countri be respect and recogn for it histori and it accomplish __PUNCT__

in my deal with north_korea __PUNCT__ and with other hard __PUNCT__ line govern around the world __PUNCT__ i have learn that a basic level of respect for __PUNCT__ and understand of __PUNCT__ your adversari is crucial for agreement to be reach __PUNCT__

name __PUNCT__ call and refus to talk to peopl get you nowher __PUNCT__

inde __PUNCT__ thei usual backfir on you by strengthen your adversari most obstructionist and hard __PUNCT__ line element __PUNCT__

i have quot john f __PUNCT__ kennedi mani time befor __PUNCT__ and hi word ar just as true regard iran __PUNCT__ we should never negoti out of fear __PUNCT__ but we should never fear to negoti __PUNCT__

as we seek to deal with iran __PUNCT__ we need to recogn that countri nation_pride and it own percept of threat to it secur __PUNCT__

we also must understand that the follow ar iran main polici_goal __PUNCT__ thei want their legitim right to civilian nuclear_technolog as a member of the nuclear non __PUNCT__ prolifer_treati to be respect __PUNCT__ thei want stabil on their border __PUNCT__ most notabl with iraq and afghanistan __PUNCT__ and thei don't want the civil_war in iraq to spin out of control __PUNCT__ with million of iraqi refuge spill into iran and other neighbor_countri __PUNCT__ thei want to be free of extern secur threat __PUNCT__ either from within the region __PUNCT__ israel __PUNCT__ or outsid the region __PUNCT__ the unit_state __PUNCT__ thei want to be abl to develop region energi and econom partnership __PUNCT__ thei want integr into the global_economi __PUNCT__ includ membership in the world_trade_organ and an end to trade and financi embargo __PUNCT__ clearli __PUNCT__ iran own behavior ha been counter __PUNCT__ product to these end __PUNCT__ and iran must vastli improv it polici befor it mai expect other nation to accept it as a legitim major player on the global stage __PUNCT__

abov all __PUNCT__ iran must start respect un resolut and stop support intern terrorist __PUNCT__

and presid ahmadinejad need to stop threaten israel and deni the holocaust __PUNCT__

we have mani differ with the iranian __PUNCT__ but we and our alli also have common_interest with them __PUNCT__

it behoov us all to seek and find that common_ground __PUNCT__ so that we can encourag the iranian to come out of the cold __PUNCT__ and to build more construct relationship not just with us __PUNCT__ but also with the intern_commun __PUNCT__

as my friend __PUNCT__ the great isra gener and statesman yitzak rabin __PUNCT__ us to sai __PUNCT__ you make_peac with your enemi __PUNCT__ not your friend __PUNCT__

the iranian __PUNCT__ choic ultim ar their __PUNCT__ but our choic ar our __PUNCT__

if our diplomaci is solid and smart __PUNCT__ we can help them make better choic than thei have in the past __PUNCT__

what do we want from iran __PUNCT__ iran must not acquir nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ virtual the entir intern_commun agre about thi __PUNCT__

the p5+1 countri __PUNCT__ the five perman member of the unit_nation nation_secur secur_council __PUNCT__ the us __PUNCT__ uk __PUNCT__ russia __PUNCT__ china and franc __PUNCT__ plu germani __PUNCT__ have been negoti with iran __PUNCT__ and in __DATE__ offer the iranian a packag of incent to give up their nuclear enrich effort __PUNCT__

the p5+1 packag repres an excel start_point for negoti which __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__ can result in a diplomat solut that keep iran from develop nuclear_weapon and also achiev progress on a rang of region and intern_econom and secur_issu __PUNCT__

the __DATE__ packag includ the follow import element __PUNCT__ acknowledg of iran right to peac nuclear_energi __PUNCT__ the creation of a five __PUNCT__ year fuel bank/buff stock of nuclear_fuel for iran __PUNCT__ an intern fuel __PUNCT__ cycl center in russia involv iran __PUNCT__ an energi partnership among iran __PUNCT__ the european_union __PUNCT__ and other trade and invest incent __PUNCT__ a region secur forum involv iran __PUNCT__ other region state __PUNCT__ the us __PUNCT__ russia and china __PUNCT__ a willing on the part of the unit_state to talk directli with iran __PUNCT__

on thi last point __PUNCT__ our countri ha other interest that we must discuss directli with iran __PUNCT__ includ __PUNCT__ iran help in forg stabl govern in iraq and afghanistan __PUNCT__ the end of threat and inflammatori rhetor against israel __PUNCT__ concret and verifi step to end militari support for hezbollah __PUNCT__ hama __PUNCT__ and other violent group __PUNCT__

the achiev of these goal would constitut a fundament chang in iran role in the world __PUNCT__

fortun __PUNCT__ there is reason for optim that iran might well choos to chart such a new cours if present with the right incent __PUNCT__

first of all __PUNCT__ the iranian economi is in troubl __PUNCT__ and high_unemploy and widespread discont ar a threat to the regim polit_futur __PUNCT__

despit be on of the world_largest oil produc __PUNCT__ iran ha onli on refineri __PUNCT__ and import more than __MONEY___billion a year of refin oil_product __PUNCT__

it import half it gasolin and food __PUNCT__

doubl __PUNCT__ digit inflat __PUNCT__ high_unemploy __PUNCT__ low infrastructur invest __PUNCT__ and burdensom govern_subsidi of __MONEY___billion a year shackl econom_growth __PUNCT__ and the result hardship put the kind of polit_pressur on the regim that produc perestroika in the soviet_union twenti_year year_ago __PUNCT__

the intern_commun can leverag these realiti to induc tehran to reform as well __PUNCT__ and to recogn that iran futur li with it integr into the global_economi and the commun of peac __PUNCT__ love nation __PUNCT__

both china and russia have consider econom leverag over iran __PUNCT__ and the threat of disinvest could put great pressur on the regim __PUNCT__

it is essenti that our diplomaci with these other great_power be strong and skill __PUNCT__

howev __PUNCT__ no construct dialogu with iran is possibl until we break the viciou_cycl of suspicion and hostil __PUNCT__ incendiari rhetor __PUNCT__

if we want iran to improv it behavior __PUNCT__ we would do well to stop threaten to attack them __PUNCT__

and we should not fund iranian émigré group in the delusion expect that thei will somehow be abl to toppl the regim __PUNCT__

the bush_administr foolishli tri thi approach with iraq __PUNCT__ and we know what it got us __PUNCT__

there is no reason to expect better result with iran __PUNCT__

we need to stop threaten the iranian and talk about regim chang __PUNCT__

instead __PUNCT__ we need to start appli meaning pressur __PUNCT__ while work with them to chang their behavior __PUNCT__

we also must dialogu with moder and pragmat element in both the iranian polit_class and in the broader societi __PUNCT__ includ busi peopl and student who have support moder politician in the past __PUNCT__ and mai do so again in the futur __PUNCT__

how do we get there __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ how do we proce __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__ us govern repres have met recent with iranian offici to discuss iraq __PUNCT__ and there have also been us __PUNCT__ iranian meet to talk about afghanistan and our share interest in prevent a return to power by the taliban __PUNCT__

these ar all step in the right direct __PUNCT__ but the us need to go further and propos broad __PUNCT__ bilater __PUNCT__ uncondit negoti with iran __PUNCT__ with all subject open for discuss __PUNCT__

support for such talk ha come from mani figur in the us foreign_polici polici_establish __PUNCT__ includ henri_kissing and zbigniew brzezinski __PUNCT__

we need to end the taboo on open __PUNCT__ end talk __PUNCT__ so that we can begin seriou __PUNCT__ continu __PUNCT__ and senior __PUNCT__ level negoti on the full_rang of nuclear __PUNCT__ middl_east secur __PUNCT__ and econom_issu __PUNCT__

onli in the context of intensifi dialogu can we start to commun better with iran __PUNCT__ and to find wai to reconcil our differ __PUNCT__

our messag to iran must alwai have two compon __PUNCT__ we must respect their legitim right to peac nuclear_energi __PUNCT__ and we must let them know that gestur toward peac and reconcili will be reciproc with meaning econom_benefit and secur guarante __PUNCT__ we must stand absolut firm with our intern partner in let the iranian know that we will never allow them to acquir nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ and that thei will pai a high_price if thei continu to support intern terrorist __PUNCT__

in short the messag to the iranian must be clear __PUNCT__ work with the intern_commun and you will be safe and prosper __PUNCT__

continu to defi the intern commun and you will suffer and econom __PUNCT__ and polit __PUNCT__ damag intern sanction __PUNCT__

us __PUNCT__ iran bilater talk will occur within the broader context of on __PUNCT__ go discuss with iran be conduct by the intern atom energi agenc __PUNCT__ the european_union __PUNCT__ and russia and china __PUNCT__

each of these partner can bring special point of leverag to bear on differ matter __PUNCT__

the iaea natur ha the lead on nuclear issu __PUNCT__ while the european union can be help on trade and financ issu and help to integr iran into the global_economi __PUNCT__

russia and china have been move toward greater energi cooper with iran __PUNCT__

and there ar other actor who have import stake in help to facilit more moder behavior on the part of iran __PUNCT__

on is the gulf cooper council __PUNCT__ whose member have recent express greater interest in civilian nuclear_power __PUNCT__ as a direct consequ of iran push for masteri of the nuclear_fuel cycl __PUNCT__

led by saudi_arabia __PUNCT__ the sunni __PUNCT__ domin gcc countri ar apprehens about iranian region ambit and support for radic shia group __PUNCT__

there ar also the other sunni_arab arab_countri in the middl_east __PUNCT__ egypt and jordan especi __PUNCT__ who fear destabil of the region that would natur flow from heighten us __PUNCT__ iran tension and possibl conflict __PUNCT__

a crucial_point i would like to stress here is the need for a more intellig and effect american_polici toward the entir middl_east that we have seen in recent_year __PUNCT__

i have said befor that there is a civil_war within islam between extremist and moder __PUNCT__

we must open an ideolog front in the war against violent_jihad __PUNCT__ which is the singl biggest threat our countri face __PUNCT__

to do that __PUNCT__ we must do everyth we can to isol the extremist and to strengthen moder across the islam_world __PUNCT__

and a good place to begin is with iran __PUNCT__ where pragmatist and moder ar wait in the wing as hard __PUNCT__ line polici fail and as presid amadenejad popular continu to slide __PUNCT__

we need urgent to re __PUNCT__ engag the middl_east peac_process with a high __PUNCT__ level perman envoi task with build the base for a just peac __PUNCT__

continu deadlock in the isra __PUNCT__ palestinian peac process will onli provid aid and comfort to our enemi in the islam_world __PUNCT__

we must us all our stick and carrot to strengthen palestinian moder and to promot a two __PUNCT__ state_solut that guarante israel secur __PUNCT__

in the persian_gulf __PUNCT__ we need to work construct with both sunni_arab and shia iranian on a wide_rang of secur __PUNCT__ econom __PUNCT__ and energi initi that will promot stabil in that crucial_part of the world __PUNCT__

in the levant __PUNCT__ we need to talk directli to syria in order to foster polit stabil in lebanon and to encourag an isra __PUNCT__ syrian agreement on the golan height __PUNCT__

and then there iraq __PUNCT__

the crisi in iraq threaten to destabil the entir region __PUNCT__ and to make mani other middl_east problem unsolv __PUNCT__

i won't dwell here on iraq __PUNCT__ have done so on other occas __PUNCT__

suffic it to sai that the us militari_presenc in that countri is now part of the problem __PUNCT__ not the solut __PUNCT__

the presenc of american_troop in iraq fuel the insurg and strengthen al_qaeda __PUNCT__

i strongli believ that the complet withdraw of all us militari from iraq will have a salutari effect on all of our goal in the region __PUNCT__ includ our effort to build a better relationship with iran __PUNCT__ and to stop iran from develop nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

summari what i have outlin tonight is an ambiti __PUNCT__ but achiev __PUNCT__ diplomat agenda __PUNCT__

negoti directli with iran will be difficult and mai take time to produc result __PUNCT__

much will depend on iranian leader recogn that their current polici __PUNCT__ especi their nuclear polici __PUNCT__ ar counterproduct if iran truli want better secur and econom_growth __PUNCT__

most expert believ that iran is still sever year awai from be capabl of build nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

we should us that time construct to build peac __PUNCT__ rather than rush toward anoth catastroph war __PUNCT__

at the same_time as we initi a new dialogu with iran __PUNCT__ we must redoubl our diplomat effort across the region __PUNCT__ begin with the isra __PUNCT__ palestinian_conflict __PUNCT__

we must engag and support moder arab and muslim everywher in their struggl with islamist extremist __PUNCT__

and we must get our militari out of iraq so that a new diplomat process __PUNCT__ which inevit must includ iran __PUNCT__ can begin __PUNCT__

none of these problem exist in isol from the other __PUNCT__

as we know from the experi of the last sever year __PUNCT__ multipl setback across the middl_east have increas the danger to our secur __PUNCT__

thi is still anoth reason for have a full __PUNCT__ time perman us diplomat envoi in the region __PUNCT__

now is the time for a new realist vision of how american leadership __PUNCT__ in concert effort with our partner __PUNCT__ can turn the situat around __PUNCT__

thi vision cannot be base on regim chang and the misappl of militari_power __PUNCT__

it must be base upon strong diplomaci back up by credibl militari power __PUNCT__ solid allianc and partnership __PUNCT__ and econom engag __PUNCT__

iran hold the kei to mani of the crucial secur variabl of the greater middl_east __PUNCT__

that is why a full __PUNCT__ court press on engag iran __PUNCT__ with no precondit __PUNCT__ and no illus __PUNCT__ is in the american_nation nation_secur interest __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__