This speech titled 2007.10.18.speech_facing_down_the_threats_of_the_21st_century originally had 3677 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you for that kind introduct __PUNCT__
it alwai good to be back here in the heartland __PUNCT__
i want to speak with you about urgent threat that america and the commun of nation_face __PUNCT__
global challeng that pose seriou danger to the futur welfar of the human_race __PUNCT__
for decad __PUNCT__ we believ that the onli apocalypt threat to human_civil wa the possibl of nuclear_war __PUNCT__
now we know better __PUNCT__
we know that poverti and overpopul affect us all __PUNCT__
refuge crise __PUNCT__
pandem diseas __PUNCT__
climat chang __PUNCT__
environment_degrad __PUNCT__
resourc deplet __PUNCT__
ethnic and polit instabl __PUNCT__
these ar not just the problem of individu nation __PUNCT__
thei ar the problem of an interdepend world __PUNCT__
these threat ar insidi __PUNCT__
thei mai take decad to develop __PUNCT__
and thei respect no border __PUNCT__
problem that span time and contin can onli be solv through coordin and cooper global effort __PUNCT__
from the desert of mesopotamia to the jungl of central_america __PUNCT__ civil of the past __PUNCT__ great and small __PUNCT__ have been overcom despit the invinc of their armi __PUNCT__
famin ha wipe out entir peopl __PUNCT__
diseas ha crippl whole nation __PUNCT__
overpopul ha sunk full contin __PUNCT__
in the past __PUNCT__ resourc shortag destroi civil __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ thei could destroi civil itself __PUNCT__
we ar the most power_nation in the histori of the world __PUNCT__
yet __PUNCT__ we ar not immun from such threat __PUNCT__
it will take vigil and bold_action now __PUNCT__ to preserv our safeti for the futur __PUNCT__
if we wait ten or twenti or fifti_year to address these problem __PUNCT__ it will alreadi be too late __PUNCT__
environment_degrad take mani form __PUNCT__ but the most urgent is global_climat chang __PUNCT__
there is an overwhelm scientif consensu that the planet is get hotter __PUNCT__
thi is a fact __PUNCT__ not a forecast __PUNCT__
the ic cap and glacier ar melt __PUNCT__
sea_level ar rise __PUNCT__
__NUM___million human be live less than fifteen feet abov sea_level __PUNCT__
unless we act now __PUNCT__ home __PUNCT__ villag __PUNCT__ citi __PUNCT__ and entir nation will be submerg __PUNCT__
those not displac by rise water mai go hungri as our unrestrain addict to fossil_fuel threaten both region and global_food shortag __PUNCT__
alreadi sever drought ha cut the world maiz crop by as much as __NUM__ __PUNCT__ and wheat suppli will soon be at their lowest_level in __NUM___year __PUNCT__
in a world where hundr of million go to bed hungri __PUNCT__ major loss in stapl crop foretel a time when we wake up to billion starv __PUNCT__
in america __PUNCT__ in a nation that ha long fed the __URL__ rise temperatur threaten to decim our farmland __PUNCT__
here in iowa __PUNCT__ the foundat for an entir wai of life could melt awai __PUNCT__
meanwhil __PUNCT__ the destruct of forest continu at an alarm rate __PUNCT__
forest absorb carbon from the atmospher __PUNCT__ slow the pollut that caus global_warm __PUNCT__
thei ar critic to the air we breath and the soil that sustain us __PUNCT__
but unsustain develop pollut that air and erod that soil __PUNCT__
slash and burn threaten the mesh of life itself __PUNCT__
everi speci is entangl with the live of other __PUNCT__
as we slash awai individu string __PUNCT__ it is increasingli like that the entir web will collaps __PUNCT__
our unsustain habit extend across the land and into the ocean __PUNCT__ from sea to dy sea __PUNCT__
if we continu on the present cours of exploit __PUNCT__ world fisheri will be virtual deplet by the middl of the centuri __PUNCT__
mani onc __PUNCT__ product fisheri have alreadi been destroi __PUNCT__
onli __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of world fish_stock ar in good condit __PUNCT__
more than on billion_peopl depend on fish as their main_sourc of protein __PUNCT__
we ar wipe out not onli food for hundr of million of peopl __PUNCT__ but also threaten the aw __PUNCT__ inspir divers of ocean life __PUNCT__
our ocean ar a preciou __PUNCT__ but not an infinit resourc __PUNCT__
neither ar fresh_water water_suppli __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ on out of everi five human be on the planet doe not have access to safe drink_water __PUNCT__
studi conclud that drought caus by climat chang could leav up to on and a half billion_peopl without enough water to surviv __PUNCT__
chang in the global distribut of fresh_water will caus long __PUNCT__ term drought in some of the world most fertil food __PUNCT__ produc region __PUNCT__
india and china could be devast __PUNCT__
in some poverti __PUNCT__ stricken part of the world __PUNCT__ like somalia __PUNCT__ govern have been replac by warlord gang __PUNCT__
stabil ha given wai to chao and even famin __PUNCT__
the west african_nation of ghana wa long on of the region most promis economi __PUNCT__
the water that onc roar through the nation volta dam ha been reduc to a trickl __PUNCT__
drought is crippl that nation_economi __PUNCT__
in the face of these cascad global threat __PUNCT__ congress and the presid have been larg paralyz __PUNCT__
rather than ralli the nation and the world to face up to the danger of climat chang __PUNCT__ the bush_administr administr_claim for year __PUNCT__ against the overwhelm scientif consensu __PUNCT__ that the __PUNCT__ scienc wa unproven __PUNCT__
dick_chenei wrote our energi_polici with oil_compani __PUNCT__ behind close_door __PUNCT__
the congress ha gone along for the ride __PUNCT__
the power of lobbyist __PUNCT__ rather than the power of scienc __PUNCT__ ha determin our environment_polici __PUNCT__
washington is broken __PUNCT__
time ha run out __PUNCT__
it is now urgent that congress stand up to thi presid now __PUNCT__ and that the next presid provid energet leadership to address these crise __PUNCT__
we must be determin __PUNCT__ courag __PUNCT__ far __PUNCT__ sight and bold __PUNCT__
at stake __PUNCT__ is our nation_surviv and our surviv as a speci __PUNCT__
al_gore tireless and inspir work to ralli the world to confront these grave danger ha now been award the nobel_peac peac_prize and i congratul him __PUNCT__
earlier thi year __PUNCT__ a report issu by eleven retir u. __PUNCT__ gener and admir confirm hi warn and describ the climat_crisi a __PUNCT__ seriou threat to america nation_secur __PUNCT__
our nation safeti is more than enough reason to act __PUNCT__
but it is not the onli reason that we must __PUNCT__
at stake __PUNCT__ is the health and welfar of the human_race __PUNCT__
the world is look to america for leadership __PUNCT__
we cannot fail __PUNCT__
american ar a gener peopl __PUNCT__ and a courag peopl __PUNCT__
we rescu europ from fascism __PUNCT__ and gener from despair __PUNCT__
our farm have been the breadbasket to the world __PUNCT__ and our scientist have save million of live through such discoveri as antibiot and the polio vaccin __PUNCT__
and we ar the nation that lit the fire of human_freedom __PUNCT__
but the bush_administr ha fail to live up to our unmatch record of human achiev __PUNCT__
mani of the fight that america us to lead ar now be lost __PUNCT__
consid the health of humankind __PUNCT__
over the past___NUM___year we seen the emerg of more than thirti new incur and infecti_diseas __PUNCT__ such as aid and ebola __PUNCT__
at the same_time __PUNCT__ older pathogen __PUNCT__ malaria __PUNCT__ cholera __PUNCT__ tuberculosi and mani other __PUNCT__ have becom more resist to treatment __PUNCT__
thei ar spread with a vengeanc __PUNCT__
malaria alon take a human_life everi thirti second __PUNCT__ most of them children __PUNCT__
and diseas disproportion strike those with the least resourc to fight_back __PUNCT__
more than a billion_peopl surviv on less than a dollar a dai __PUNCT__ and nearli half of the world __NUM___billion children_live in poverti __PUNCT__
but we cannot comprehend the crush burden of global_poverti through statist alon __PUNCT__
even in america __PUNCT__ i have walk in commun with no access to clean_water __PUNCT__
we have all seen shamefulli inadequ hous __PUNCT__ and we know that even in our own countri there ar children that go to bed hungri everi night __PUNCT__
in my travel abroad __PUNCT__ i have seen human desper __PUNCT__ first hand __PUNCT__
in the sudan __PUNCT__ i have been to camp fill with famili who have lost everi worldli possess __PUNCT__
i wa on the ground in turkei dure a terribl earthquak __PUNCT__ where i saw impoverish mother on their knee __PUNCT__ dig through rubbl for their lost children __PUNCT__
i spent_time in darfur which todai is the best __PUNCT__ known exampl of environment pressur cascad into instabl and violenc __PUNCT__
a prolong drought decim the region graze land and nomad herder move south in search of water and food __PUNCT__
thei encroach upon farm land that belong to other tribe __PUNCT__ ignit the conflict that now ha turn into a genocid __PUNCT__
we urgent need to find the courag and the will to address such crise __PUNCT__
not onli becaus we ar a decent and compassion peopl __PUNCT__ but also becaus of thi inescap realiti __PUNCT__ america will never be safe in a world riddl by poverti __PUNCT__ desper __PUNCT__ hatr and violenc __PUNCT__
a hungri world will also hunger for scapegoat __PUNCT__
a thirsti world will thirst for reveng __PUNCT__
a world in crisi will be a world of anger and violenc and terror __PUNCT__
and unless and until we have the wisdom and the skill to secur all the nuclear_weapon and fissil_materi in the world __PUNCT__ that terror could result in unthink death and destruct __PUNCT__
the global commun need leadership that will take the bold step necessari to address wide __PUNCT__ scale poverti __PUNCT__ environment_degrad __PUNCT__ and societ unrest __PUNCT__
i have travel the world again and again __PUNCT__ on mani intern deleg and person mission __PUNCT__
and it ha been me __PUNCT__ the american __PUNCT__ from which the most ha been ask __PUNCT__
and so it should be __PUNCT__
the world expect much from america __PUNCT__
and we must expect even more from ourselv __PUNCT__
i believ that the unit_state alon can rise to the challeng of lead a worldwid effort to avert these global threat __PUNCT__
todai i lai out a new path __PUNCT__ and i ask american to join me __PUNCT__
we will craft a new foreign_polici adapt to a world of complex challeng __PUNCT__
challeng which will requir thought and global solut __PUNCT__
no nation can defend it own interest without blend them with the interest of other __PUNCT__ and seek common solut to common problem __PUNCT__
thi __PUNCT__ new realism __PUNCT__ will at onc requir us to anchor our diplomaci with time __PUNCT__ test __PUNCT__ realiti __PUNCT__ base principl __PUNCT__ and it will unleash our potenti to achiev dramat chang __PUNCT__
the first moment step will be to partner with develop_nation __PUNCT__ the un __PUNCT__ non __PUNCT__ profit organ __PUNCT__ and privat_sector compani __PUNCT__ to creat a marshal_plan for the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
we need a massiv __PUNCT__ multilater effort to assist the develop_world in elimin_poverti __PUNCT__ protect the environ __PUNCT__ combat pandem __PUNCT__ conserv water_suppli __PUNCT__ and stimul econom_opportun __PUNCT__
thi __NUM___centuri marshal_plan will be compos of sever initi to face down global threat __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ i will make the u. __PUNCT__ the world_leader in the fight against global_poverti __PUNCT__
we must have the resolv to honor our un millennium goal commit __PUNCT__
and we must have the audac to demand that other meet their __PUNCT__
a commiss on the implement of sustain_develop goal __PUNCT__ compos of world_leader and promin expert __PUNCT__ should be creat to help all countri realiz their millennium commit __PUNCT__
when i am presid __PUNCT__ the unit_state will again lead on debt_relief __PUNCT__ and shift aid from loan to grant __PUNCT__
we will focu on primari health_care and afford vaccin __PUNCT__
i also believ that the world_bank is the not the place for polit __PUNCT__
it onli ideolog must be the relief of suffer __PUNCT__ with a singl __PUNCT__ mind focu on poverti_reduct __PUNCT__
the imf must recogn that social safeti_net ar no barrier __PUNCT__ inde thei ar essenti __PUNCT__ to promot econom_growth around the world __PUNCT__
the unit_state must increas it financi contribut to these intern protect and develop initi __PUNCT__
we must ask other wealthi nation to do the same __PUNCT__
stimul small __PUNCT__ scale busi in poor_countri is essenti __PUNCT__
and we know what work __PUNCT__
clearli __PUNCT__ we should focu more resourc on micro __PUNCT__ lend __PUNCT__
the nobel_prize winner muhammad yunu __PUNCT__ ha shown us the wai __PUNCT__
a __NUM___dollar loan can sometim do more good than a million_dollar when you make sure it get to the right place __PUNCT__
we need to focu also on educ in develop_nation __PUNCT__
__NUM___million of the world children __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of them girl __PUNCT__ do not receiv ani school __PUNCT__
in too mani countri __PUNCT__ a virtual apartheid exist __PUNCT__ where women ar frozen out of the workforc and civic_life __PUNCT__
unleash the econom_power of women through educ can be the silver bullet that make everi problem easier to fight __PUNCT__
i commend the effort of the on campaign __PUNCT__ which is increas awar of the effect of aid and extrem_poverti on develop_nation __PUNCT__
the on campaign is ask the unit_state to doubl our develop assist to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of our feder_budget __PUNCT__
i wholeheartedli support thi goal __PUNCT__ and as presid i will work to make it a realiti __PUNCT__
our aid effort must be guid by the principl of good_govern and protect of human right __PUNCT__
as hard as we fight to fulfil the expect that we have for ourselv __PUNCT__
we have the oblig to expect beneficiari nation to live up to these endur valu __PUNCT__
the second part of our global initi __PUNCT__ will be to take immedi __PUNCT__ bold step toward clean_energi __PUNCT__
the foundat for our intern action will be my comprehens energi program __PUNCT__ which the sierra_club and the leagu of conserv voter have call the most aggress of ani candid for the presid __PUNCT__
we should start by institut a nation __PUNCT__ wide __PUNCT__ market __PUNCT__ base cap and trade_system that reduc carbon_emiss in the us by __NUM__ __PUNCT__ by __NUM__ __PUNCT__
we must lead the world in the develop of clean __PUNCT__ altern_energi __PUNCT__ and we must work with other govern and privat_busi to make sure that these technolog ar adopt worldwid __PUNCT__
abov all __PUNCT__ we need to make sure that china and india develop us clean_energi __PUNCT__
in my upcom book __PUNCT__ lead by exampl __PUNCT__ i outlin a specif and comprehens path domest and internation to drastic reduc greenhous_ga_emiss and stop the devast of climat chang __PUNCT__
we need to acceler research into cellulos ethanol and other low __PUNCT__ carbon input bio __PUNCT__ fuel __PUNCT__ and we need to construct distribut network so that retail can offer ethanol and bio __PUNCT__ base fuel alongsid tradit fuel __PUNCT__
as the mandatori nation emiss cap declin __PUNCT__ the market will decid which fossil_fuel us ar no longer effici or should be convert to new technolog __PUNCT__
i am alreadi work on a region cap and trade_system in the west __PUNCT__ along with governor schwarzenegg and other governor __PUNCT__
thi system will limit the amount of greenhous gass __PUNCT__
georg_bush doesn't follow the kyoto_protocol __PUNCT__ but my state is on track to __PUNCT__
along the wai to make new mexico the clean_energi state __PUNCT__ i learn some lesson __PUNCT__
the most import is that american ar readi to act __PUNCT__
all thei need is a presid who is readi to lead __PUNCT__
onc you lead __PUNCT__ you find alli in corner that you never knew exist __PUNCT__
busi __PUNCT__
non __PUNCT__ profit __PUNCT__
activist __PUNCT__
former enemi and futur friend __PUNCT__
we can build the first true global coalit sinc america unit the world to defeat the commun __PUNCT__
the third part of my plan is introduc republican to a basic realiti __PUNCT__
the unit_nation is a necessari and import framework for build the intern_cooper that will be necessari to confront problem like environment_degrad and poverti __PUNCT__
we must reform and invigor it __PUNCT__
as a former un ambassador __PUNCT__ i more than anyon in thi race understand the shortcom of that institut __PUNCT__
i work to solv them __PUNCT__
and i also know the incred power that the legitimaci of intern_cooper can lend to peacekeep __PUNCT__
to humanitarian relief __PUNCT__
to address climat chang __PUNCT__
and to econom_develop __PUNCT__
intern_cooper will not alwai succe __PUNCT__ but cowboi diplomaci will almost alwai fail __PUNCT__
we need to work with other now __PUNCT__ through exist un mechan __PUNCT__ to prepar for the possibl that million of peopl could be displac as a result of global __PUNCT__ warm __PUNCT__ relat flood of delta and costal area __PUNCT__
we also must prepar to shift infrastructur and food_product to new region __PUNCT__
we will develop crop that ar more resist to heat and drought __PUNCT__ and distribut these new crop strain to vulner region of the world __PUNCT__
we must develop cost __PUNCT__ effect method for harvest fresh_water and clean up pollut river and stream __PUNCT__
we need aggress reforest program and protect of tropic rainforest __PUNCT__
and we need to develop new intern treati to prevent over __PUNCT__ fish and speci loss __PUNCT__
fourth __PUNCT__ my __NUM___centuri marshal_plan will fight cross __PUNCT__ border crime __PUNCT__
sophist crimin network run black_market trade in arm __PUNCT__ drug __PUNCT__ endang_speci __PUNCT__ counterfeit good __PUNCT__ and human be threaten the secur of us all __PUNCT__
we must end slaveri forev __PUNCT__
financi assist to develop_nation should be ti to swift and solid progress toward the erad of human traffick __PUNCT__
and the unit_state need to show the world that it can be done by end slaveri here in the us __PUNCT__ where an estim___NUM__ __NUM___women and children ar traffick each year __PUNCT__
it is unaccept and i will direct the necessari effort to end it __PUNCT__
the us also must step up our effort in the fight against global diseas __PUNCT__
i have propos unpreced increas in medic research __PUNCT__
on of the great contribut the unit_state ha made __PUNCT__ should make __PUNCT__ and will make again when i am presid __PUNCT__ is to discov new cure to human great afflict __PUNCT__
cancer __PUNCT__ heart_diseas __PUNCT__ malaria __PUNCT__ aid __PUNCT__ tb __PUNCT__ all can and must be defeat __PUNCT__
religion todai too often tear us apart __PUNCT__
but poverti is a case where everi singl religion on the face of the planet should be abl to unit __PUNCT__
i refus to believ that there is a person on thi earth that is not disgust by the fact that a child born in swaziland can onli expect to live half as long as a child born in the unit_state __PUNCT__
if we cannot lead global action base on thi univers agreement __PUNCT__ then we ar not worthi of the great tradit of human_digniti upon which thi nation wa found __PUNCT__
as we gather our strength for thi effort __PUNCT__ we must rememb that preserv your popular is no recip for inspir a nation __PUNCT__ let alon the world __PUNCT__
i ow my success in bring_peopl togeth and solv_problem to take risk __PUNCT__
sometim you have to lai thing on the line to get result __PUNCT__
i recal when on of my constitu wa taken hostag in sudan __PUNCT__
he wa an american journalist from my own state and he wa captur with two aid from the african_nation of chad __PUNCT__
thei were imprison on phoni charg of espionag __PUNCT__ i had no reason to be optimist about their releas __PUNCT__
but the journalist wife ask me to go and try to get him out __PUNCT__
so i went __PUNCT__
the dictat of that countri __PUNCT__ al __PUNCT__ bashir __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ you can have the american __PUNCT__ but the other two from chad __PUNCT__ thei stai __PUNCT__
at thi point i could have left with the american __PUNCT__ but i said __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
i am bring them all out __PUNCT__
it wa not the easi choic but it wa the right choic __PUNCT__
we went back into the negoti and i left with all three men __PUNCT__
there wa no time then for poll or consult __PUNCT__
nor is thi a time for polit_calcul __PUNCT__
we cannot afford leadership that ha not been test __PUNCT__
my colleagu in thi race have my respect __PUNCT__ but it is a simpl_fact that the next intern deal negoti by ani on of them will be their first __PUNCT__
we also cannot afford anoth presid who doesn't understand that stubbor is not strength __PUNCT__
consult with friend __PUNCT__ coordin with alli __PUNCT__ and negoti with enemi __PUNCT__ is not weak __PUNCT__
it is what you need to do to get thing done __PUNCT__
it is the basi for restor america intern leadership __PUNCT__
i ask all american to join me in rebuild our global leadership __PUNCT__
togeth we need __PUNCT__ the compass to commit the necessari resourc __PUNCT__
the courag to stand fast in the face of inevit setback __PUNCT__
and the faith to return to american principl __PUNCT__
equal __PUNCT__
freedom __PUNCT__
human_digniti __PUNCT__
these ar the valu that everi american ha inherit __PUNCT__
let us be worthi of them __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__