This speech titled 2007.11.27.speech_a_new_direction_for_american_agriculture originally had 2513 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank so much for join me here todai __PUNCT__
it good to be back in iowa __PUNCT__ in the heartland of america __PUNCT__
nearli sixti_year year_ago a great son of the heartland __PUNCT__ harri_truman __PUNCT__ said that __PUNCT__ everi segment of our popul __PUNCT__ and everi individu __PUNCT__ ha a right to expect from our govern a fair_deal __PUNCT__
as i travel around iowa __PUNCT__ it is clear that america famili farmer have not forgotten those word __PUNCT__
thei have not forgotten that everi american deserv a fair deal __PUNCT__
a fair deal on the food we eat __PUNCT__
a fair deal on the new energi that will keep our environ clean __PUNCT__
a fair deal on maintain our land and water __PUNCT__
unfortun under thi presid __PUNCT__ our govern ha not held up it end of the deal __PUNCT__
fair ha been corrupt by campaign_financ __PUNCT__
presid_bush sign awai the famili_farm to big agribusi __PUNCT__
we can do better __PUNCT__
thi presid sai he will protect our homeland __PUNCT__
but he doesn't seem to understand that our land and water ar threaten by pollut __PUNCT__
he doesn't understand that the food we consum in thi countri is not alwai safe __PUNCT__
we must do better __PUNCT__
the presid ha promis to do someth about the rise_price of oil __PUNCT__ but hi onli solut ha been to give more monei to the oil_compani __PUNCT__
he ignor the promis of wind __PUNCT__ solar __PUNCT__ ethanol and bio __PUNCT__ fuel __PUNCT__ energi that produc not in iran __PUNCT__ but right here in iowa __PUNCT__
for our children __PUNCT__ i know that we will do better __PUNCT__
for fifti_year __PUNCT__ america heartland ha fed the world __PUNCT__
becaus of you __PUNCT__ gener of foreign citizen have known america not onli becaus we can fire missil __PUNCT__
but also becaus we can feed children __PUNCT__
our farmer have made the case for american great through the soft_power of susten __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ in a new centuri __PUNCT__ we face new challeng __PUNCT__
our addict to foreign_oil is hurt our economi and our stand in the world __PUNCT__
we must break it __PUNCT__
global_warm threaten the land that feed us __PUNCT__
the foundat for a whole wai of life could soon melt awai __PUNCT__
we must revers it __PUNCT__
i know that iowa farmer stand readi to meet thi energi challeng __PUNCT__
with corn and soybean __PUNCT__ ethanol __PUNCT__ biodiesel __PUNCT__ wind and bio __PUNCT__ mass __PUNCT__ you stand readi to lead the energi revolut we so desper need __PUNCT__
i also know that we cannot ask you to do it alon __PUNCT__
the next presid must be a partner __PUNCT__
we need a new direct for american agricultur __PUNCT__
on that seiz the opportun present by renew fuel possibl __PUNCT__ that make conserv a real prioriti __PUNCT__ and level the plai_field for famili farmer and independ produc __PUNCT__
i will begin by listen to the word of presid truman __PUNCT__
it time we put fair back into our farm polici __PUNCT__
we go to make sure that free_market and fair competit ar the rule __PUNCT__ not the except __PUNCT__
i go to prohibit excess vertic and horizont integr __PUNCT__
modern __PUNCT__ dai monopoli ar just as unaccept as standard_oil wa at the turn of the centuri __PUNCT__
we need real enforc of our anti __PUNCT__ trust law __PUNCT__
i go to sign the packer ban __PUNCT__
i go to close the loophol in the packer and stockyard act __PUNCT__
and we have to ensur accur and complet same __PUNCT__ dai report of all livestock sale __PUNCT__
i go to put a hard cap of __NUM___dollar on direct subsidi payment to farmer __PUNCT__ and close the loophol __PUNCT__
as a nation __PUNCT__ we should maxim support for famili_farm __PUNCT__
and we need to make the most of our resourc __PUNCT__
the famili farm ha been the back bone of american agricultur for centuri __PUNCT__ and we need to make sure that famili farm remain the back bone of american agricultur __PUNCT__
anoth import_part of make the most of what we have __PUNCT__ is invest in conserv __PUNCT__
histor __PUNCT__ america farmer have not onli been grower of food __PUNCT__ thei have been steward of our land and water __PUNCT__
it is absolut essenti that we maintain that tradit of respons __PUNCT__
i will fulli fund and expand the conserv reserv program __PUNCT__ the conserv secur program __PUNCT__ and the environment qualiti incent program __PUNCT__
we need to reduc soil_eros and keep our water clean for futur_gener __PUNCT__
and if we ar seriou about the futur __PUNCT__ then we have to get seriou about clean_energi __PUNCT__
we need an energi revolut in thi countri __PUNCT__ and iowa can lead it __PUNCT__
the sierra_club and the leagu of conserv voter have call my energi plan __PUNCT__ the most aggress of all the candid __PUNCT__
rural_america will be central to that plan __PUNCT__
it go to take a man __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ moon effort __PUNCT__ and sacrific from everi american __PUNCT__
it go to take american us energi __PUNCT__ effici applianc and take mass_transit where possibl __PUNCT__
just as importantli __PUNCT__ it go to take faith from everi american that we can do it __PUNCT__
i know that __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__ we can __PUNCT__
i have a ten __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ twelv_year crash program that move us awai from carbon __PUNCT__ base to renew_energi energi_sourc __PUNCT__
we can reduc our greenhous_ga_emiss by thirti_percent by __NUM__ and eighti percent by __NUM__ __PUNCT__ and keep our environ intact __PUNCT__
we can cut our depend on foreign_oil by fifti percent by __NUM__ by switch to electr and bio __PUNCT__ fuel __PUNCT__ and make sure that we never send our kid to die in the middl_east again __PUNCT__
we can build a new energi_economi __PUNCT__ and creat new __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ qualiti job in rural_america __PUNCT__ job that can never be outsourc __PUNCT__
and when there ar new econom_opportun in our rural_commun __PUNCT__ our young_peopl will be abl to remain in their commun __PUNCT__ have career and rais famili __PUNCT__
that what we want __PUNCT__
an excel exampl of the vast potenti for good rural job in the futur is the wind_energi and turbin technolog program at iowa lake commun_colleg __PUNCT__
those program will help meet the grow demand for skill technician who can instal __PUNCT__ maintain __PUNCT__ and servic modern wind_turbin __PUNCT__
we know that the number of wind turbin in the state of iowa is expect to doubl in the next twelv month alon __PUNCT__
when i presid __PUNCT__ i will offer tax_credit for altern_energi energi_product __PUNCT__ especi in ethanol __PUNCT__ bio __PUNCT__ fuel __PUNCT__ wind __PUNCT__ and solar __PUNCT__
i will fund research into promis cellulos ethanol and other bio __PUNCT__ fuel __PUNCT__
and i will incentiv the creation of an altern_energi infrastructur __PUNCT__ like flex __PUNCT__ fuel and plug __PUNCT__ in pump at ga_station __PUNCT__
for the past fifti_year __PUNCT__ iowa ha been the world breadbasket __PUNCT__
in the next fifti __PUNCT__ i believ that iowa can also be the world_power power_gener __PUNCT__
hybrid seed corn is now be develop which promis substanti higher yield __PUNCT__ and which can help us develop the equilibrium between food and fuel market in iowa __PUNCT__
farmer right here in america heartland ar work todai to build a new energi_economi __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will be a partner in lead a new energi revolut __PUNCT__
i know that we can do it becaus i done it befor __PUNCT__
i been the secretari of energi __PUNCT__
as governor __PUNCT__ i made new mexico the clean_energi state __PUNCT__
and we done it while creat___NUM__ new job and revit our rural economi __PUNCT__
i offer tax_credit to compani that paid abov the prevail wage and creat_job in rural_area __PUNCT__
have run a state __PUNCT__ i know that you can't just focu on the problem that the paper write about __PUNCT__
everi commun matter __PUNCT__ whether it big or small __PUNCT__ urban or rural __PUNCT__
and i have work to solv the problem of all my state peopl __PUNCT__ not just those in the big_citi __PUNCT__
i will bring that experi to the white_hous __PUNCT__
i will offer a nation rural job tax_credit to make our rural economi strong __PUNCT__
i also recogn that we cannot move_forward as a nation __PUNCT__ until everi american_commun ha a piec of the twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri __PUNCT__
i will ensur that we have univers broadband access throughout rural_america __PUNCT__
tele __PUNCT__ work hold enorm promis for new job in rural america and welcom econom divers __PUNCT__
i know that we can do all of these thing becaus as i travel the countri it ha becom clear to me that american ar readi to act __PUNCT__
what our countri need now is real leadership __PUNCT__
i spent my entir life bring_peopl togeth to get thing done __PUNCT__
i ow my success in solv_problem to take risk __PUNCT__
earlier in thi campaign __PUNCT__ i took some heat from the smarti __PUNCT__ pant set in washington for sai that iowa should receiv it fair_share of anti __PUNCT__ terror fund __PUNCT__
i knew it wouldn't be an easi posit to take __PUNCT__ but i thought it wa clear that we need to protect our nation food_suppli from terrorist __PUNCT__
i still feel that wai __PUNCT__
when i presid __PUNCT__ we go to beef up usda inspect of our domest foodstuff __PUNCT__ and we go to get tough on food_import from foreign_countri __PUNCT__
i go to work to diversifi our stock of food speci __PUNCT__
and i go to make sure that we implement countri of origin label law immedi __PUNCT__
i pledg to the american_peopl that i will do whatev it take to keep our food_suppli safe __PUNCT__
so even though i took some heat __PUNCT__
i know it wa the right thing to do __PUNCT__
and sometim you have to lai thing on the line to get result __PUNCT__
i rememb when on of my constitu wa taken hostag in sudan __PUNCT__
he wa an american journalist from my own state and he wa captur with two aid from the african_nation of chad __PUNCT__
thei were imprison on phoni charg of espionag __PUNCT__
i had no reason to be optimist about their releas __PUNCT__
but the journalist wife ask me to go and try to get him out __PUNCT__
so i went __PUNCT__
the dictat of that countri __PUNCT__ al __PUNCT__ bashir __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ you can have the american __PUNCT__ but the other two from chad __PUNCT__ thei stai __PUNCT__
at thi point i could have left with the american __PUNCT__ but i said __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
i am bring them all out __PUNCT__
it wa not the easi choic but it wa the right choic __PUNCT__
we went back into the negoti and i left with all three men __PUNCT__
there wa no time then for poll or consult __PUNCT__
and now is not the time for polit_calcul __PUNCT__
nor is thi a time for the polit of neg __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ i haven't read all the other candid __PUNCT__ farm plan __PUNCT__
but from what i can tell __PUNCT__ thei must think you gui have too much dirt out here __PUNCT__ becaus thei bring a lot of it to back to the campaign_trail and sling it around at each other __PUNCT__
i sai __PUNCT__ let keep the mud where it belong __PUNCT__
we cannot build america up by tear each other down __PUNCT__
think of our troop in iraq and afghanistan __PUNCT__
thei don't serv as democrat or as republican __PUNCT__ thei serv as american __PUNCT__
we have to do the same here at home __PUNCT__ to build a great_american futur __PUNCT__
at the begin of thi race __PUNCT__ i offer a pledg to campaign posit __PUNCT__
i stand by that pledg __PUNCT__
i refus to attack anyon charact __PUNCT__
that is not we need and i call on my colleagu to stop it __PUNCT__
win an elect is not worth sacrif our principl __PUNCT__
that doe not mean we don't have polici differ __PUNCT__ and that what we should be talk about __PUNCT__
our differ vision for bring_peac to iraq __PUNCT__
on educ __PUNCT__
on energi __PUNCT__
on stop a war with iran __PUNCT__
unfortun __PUNCT__ in washington todai there too much neg __PUNCT__
neg over health_care __PUNCT__
neg over immigr __PUNCT__
but when i travel around iowa __PUNCT__ i see someth differ __PUNCT__
i am remind again that we ar a posit nation __PUNCT__ found on inspir principl __PUNCT__
i see a place where charact is more than the content of your bank_account __PUNCT__
where leadership mean more than a list of thing you plan to do __PUNCT__
where your neighbor word is more import than all the smooth talk in the world __PUNCT__
i see a peopl who reward those who work_hard __PUNCT__ but also recogn that even the hardest worker cannot do it alon __PUNCT__
i see a nation attach to our land __PUNCT__ but root in our valu __PUNCT__
i have a vision of america in ascend __PUNCT__
it a vision that all our peopl __PUNCT__ whether thei ar in blue __PUNCT__ red our purpl state can share __PUNCT__
thi is america __PUNCT__
we land a man on the moon __PUNCT__
we built the internet __PUNCT__
we beat the great_depress __PUNCT__
we defeat the nazi __PUNCT__
we rout the soviet_union in a global battl over the futur of the planet __PUNCT__
so my messag for all those who ar pessimist __PUNCT__ those who ar neg __PUNCT__ those who ar angri is thi __PUNCT__ we can do it __PUNCT__
to those who said i couldn't get those hostag out of sudan __PUNCT__ i said i can __PUNCT__
and i did it __PUNCT__
to those who sai we can't get a fair_deal for our famili farmer __PUNCT__ i sai we can __PUNCT__
to those who sai we can't we can't revit our rural economi __PUNCT__ i sai we can __PUNCT__
to those who sai we can't conserv our land and water __PUNCT__ i sai we can __PUNCT__
to those who sai we can't spark a new energi revolut __PUNCT__ i sai we can __PUNCT__
to those who engag in the polit of person_attack __PUNCT__ i sai we can do better __PUNCT__
if we work togeth __PUNCT__ we can solv our problem __PUNCT__
we can __PUNCT__
and we will __PUNCT__
it an honor to be with you __PUNCT__
thank you so much for have me here todai __PUNCT__